package org.limewire.collection.glazedlists; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import ca.odell.glazedlists.CollectionList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.EventList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.FilterList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.FreezableList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.FunctionList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.GroupingList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.ObservableElementList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.PopularityList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.RangeList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.SortedList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.ThresholdList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.TransactionList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.UniqueList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.CollectionList.Model; import ca.odell.glazedlists.FunctionList.Function; import ca.odell.glazedlists.ObservableElementList.Connector; import ca.odell.glazedlists.ThresholdList.Evaluator; import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.ReadOnlyList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.SubEventList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.ThreadSafeList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.swing.SwingThreadProxyEventList; import; import ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.Matcher; import ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.MatcherEditor; import ca.odell.glazedlists.util.concurrent.Lock; /** * A factory for creating all kinds of GlazedLists. * This is necessary when creating any list with a source, * in a multi-threaded environment. */ public class GlazedListsFactory { /** Returns a snapshot copy of the list. */ public static <E> List<E> copyList(EventList<? extends E> source) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new ArrayList<E>(source); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static CachingList cachingList(EventList source, int maxSize) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new CachingList(source, maxSize); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <S, E> CollectionList<S, E> collectionList(EventList<S> source, Model<S, E> model) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new CollectionList<S, E>(source, model); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> FilterList<E> filterList(EventList<E> source) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new FilterList<E>(source); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> FilterList<E> filterList(EventList<E> source, Matcher<? super E> matcher) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new FilterList<E>(source, matcher); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> FilterList<E> filterList(EventList<E> source, MatcherEditor<? super E> matcherEditor) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new FilterList<E>(source, matcherEditor); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> FreezableList<E> freezableList(EventList<E> source) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new FreezableList<E>(source); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E, S> FunctionList<S, E> functionList(EventList<S> source, Function<S,E> forward) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new FunctionList<S, E>(source, forward); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E, S> FunctionList<S, E> functionList(EventList<S> source, Function<S,E> forward, Function<E,S> reverse) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new FunctionList<S, E>(source, forward, reverse); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E, S> SimpleFunctionList<S, E> simpleFunctionList(EventList<S> source, Function<S,E> forward) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new SimpleFunctionList<S, E>(source, forward); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> GroupingList<E> groupingList(EventList<E> source) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new GroupingList<E>(source); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> GroupingList<E> groupingList(EventList<E> source, Comparator<E> comparator) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new GroupingList<E>(source, comparator); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> ObservableElementList<E> observableElementList(EventList<E> source, Connector<E> elementConnector) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new ObservableElementList<E>(source, elementConnector); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> PopularityList<E> popularityList(EventList<E> source, Comparator<E> uniqueComparator) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new PopularityList<E>(source, uniqueComparator); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> PopularityList<E> popularityList(EventList<E> source) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new PopularityList<E>(source); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> RangeList<E> rangeList(EventList<E> source) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new RangeList<E>(source); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> ThresholdList<E> thresholdList(EventList<E> source, String propertyName) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new ThresholdList<E>(source, propertyName); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> ThresholdList<E> thresholdList(EventList<E> source, Evaluator<E> evaluator) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new ThresholdList<E>(source, evaluator); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> ReadOnlyList<E> readOnlyList(EventList<E> source) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new ReadOnlyList<E>(source); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> SortedList<E> sortedList(EventList<E> source) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new SortedList<E>(source); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> SortedList<E> sortedList(EventList<E> source, Comparator<? super E> comparator) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new SortedList<E>(source, comparator); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> SubEventList<E> subEventList(EventList<E> source, int startIndex, int endIndex, boolean automaticallyRemove) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new SubEventList<E>(source, startIndex, endIndex, automaticallyRemove); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> SwingThreadProxyEventList<E> swingThreadProxyEventList(EventList<E> source) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new SwingThreadProxyEventList<E>(source); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> ThreadSafeList<E> threadSafeList(EventList<E> source) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new ThreadSafeList<E>(source); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> UniqueList<E> uniqueList(EventList<E> source) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new UniqueList<E>(source); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> UniqueList<E> uniqueList(EventList<E> source, Comparator<E> comparator) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new UniqueList<E>(source, comparator); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static <E> TransactionList<E> transactionList(EventList<E> source) { Lock lock = source.getReadWriteLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new TransactionList<E>(source); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } }