package com.limegroup.gnutella; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.cybergarage.upnp.Action; import org.cybergarage.upnp.Argument; import org.cybergarage.upnp.ControlPoint; import org.cybergarage.upnp.Device; import org.cybergarage.upnp.DeviceList; import org.cybergarage.upnp.Service; import org.cybergarage.upnp.device.DeviceChangeListener; import org.limewire.concurrent.ThreadExecutor; import org.limewire.core.settings.ConnectionSettings; import org.limewire.inject.EagerSingleton; import; import org.limewire.lifecycle.ServiceRegistry; import org.limewire.lifecycle.ServiceStage; import org.limewire.service.ErrorService; import; /** * Manages the mapping of ports to limewire on UPnP-enabled routers. * * According to the UPnP Standards, Internet Gateway Devices must have a * specific hierarchy. The parts of that hierarchy that we care about are: * * Device: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1 * SubDevice: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:1 * SubDevice: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1 * Service: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1 * * Every port mapping is a tuple of: * - External address ("" is wildcard) * - External port * - Internal address * - Internal port * - Protocol (TCP|UDP) * - Description * * Port mappings can be removed, but that is a blocking network operation which will * slow down the shutdown process of Limewire. It is safe to let port mappings persist * between limewire sessions. In the meantime however, the NAT may assign a different * ip address to the local node. That's why we need to find any previous mappings * the node has created and update them with our new address. In order to uniquely * distinguish which mappings were made by us, we put part of our client GUID in the * description field. * * For the TCP mapping, we use the following description: "Lime/TCP:<cliengGUID>" * For the UDP mapping, we use "Lime/UDP:<clientGUID>" * * NOTES: * * Not all NATs support mappings with different external port and internal ports. Therefore * if we were unable to map our desired port but were able to map another one, we should * pass this information on to Acceptor. * * Some buggy NATs do not distinguish mappings by the Protocol field. Therefore * we first map the UDP port, and then the TCP port since it is more important should the * first mapping get overwritten. * * The cyberlink library uses an internal thread that tries to discover any UPnP devices. * After we discover a router or give up on trying to, we should call stop(). * */ @EagerSingleton public class UPnPManager implements org.limewire.lifecycle.Service { // TODO move to net private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(UPnPManager.class); /** some schemas */ private static final String ROUTER_DEVICE= "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1"; private static final String WAN_DEVICE = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:1"; private static final String WANCON_DEVICE= "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1"; private static final String SERVICE_TYPE = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"; /** prefixes and a suffix for the descriptions of our TCP and UDP mappings */ private static final String TCP_PREFIX = "LimeTCP"; private static final String UDP_PREFIX = "LimeUDP"; private String _guidSuffix; /** * the router we have and the sub-device necessary for port mapping * LOCKING: DEVICE_LOCK */ private volatile Device _router; /** * The port-mapping service we'll use. LOCKING: DEVICE_LOCK */ private volatile Service _service; /** The tcp and udp mappings created this session */ private volatile Mapping _tcp, _udp; /** * Lock that everything uses. */ private final Object DEVICE_LOCK = new Object(); private final AtomicBoolean started = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final ControlPoint controlPoint; private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<UPnPListener> listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<UPnPListener>(); private final UPnPManagerConfiguration configuration; @Inject UPnPManager(UPnPManagerConfiguration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; this.controlPoint = new ControlPoint(); } public void addListener(UPnPListener uPnPListener) { listeners.add(uPnPListener); } private void notifyListeners() { for(UPnPListener listener : listeners) listener.natFound(); } @Inject void register(ServiceRegistry registry) { registry.register(this).in(ServiceStage.VERY_LATE); } @Override public void initialize() { } @Override public String getServiceName() { return "UPnPManager"; } public void start() { if (!ConnectionSettings.DISABLE_UPNP.getValue()) { if (!started.getAndSet(true)) { LOG.debug("Starting UPnP Manager."); controlPoint.addDeviceChangeListener(new DeviceListener()); synchronized (DEVICE_LOCK) { try { controlPoint.start(); } catch (Exception bad) { configuration.setEnabled(false); ErrorService.error(bad); } } } } } public void stop() { controlPoint.stop(); } /** * @return whether we are behind an UPnP-enabled NAT/router */ public boolean isNATPresent() { return _router != null && _service != null; } /** * @return whether we have created mappings this session */ public boolean mappingsExist() { return _tcp != null || _udp != null; } /** * @return the external address the NAT thinks we have. Blocking. * null if we can't find it. */ public InetAddress getNATAddress() throws UnknownHostException { if (!isNATPresent()) return null; Action getIP = getActionFromService(_service, "GetExternalIPAddress"); if(getIP == null) { LOG.debug("Couldn't find GetExternalIPAddress action!"); return null; } if (!getIP.postControlAction()) { LOG.debug("couldn't get our external address"); return null; } Argument ret = getIP.getOutputArgumentList().getArgument("NewExternalIPAddress"); return InetAddress.getByName(ret.getValue()); } /** * Traverses the structure of the router device looking for * the port mapping service. */ private void discoverService() { for (Iterator iter = _router.getDeviceList().iterator();iter.hasNext();) { Device current = (Device); if (!current.getDeviceType().equals(WAN_DEVICE)) continue; DeviceList l = current.getDeviceList(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("found "+current.getDeviceType()+", size: "+l.size() + ", on: " + current.getFriendlyName()); for (int i=0;i<current.getDeviceList().size();i++) { Device current2 = l.getDevice(i); if (!current2.getDeviceType().equals(WANCON_DEVICE)) continue; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("found "+current2.getDeviceType() + ", on: " + current2.getFriendlyName()); _service = current2.getService(SERVICE_TYPE); return; } } } /** * adds a mapping on the router to the specified port * @return the external port that was actually mapped. 0 if failed */ public int mapPort(int port, byte[] address) { if(LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Attempting to map port: " + port); Random gen=null; String localAddress = NetworkUtils.ip2string(address); int localPort = port; // try adding new mappings with the same port Mapping udp = new Mapping("", port, localAddress, localPort, "UDP", UDP_PREFIX + getGUIDSuffix()); // add udp first in case it gets overwritten. // if we can't add, update or find an appropriate port // give up after 20 tries int tries = 20; while (!addMapping(udp)) { if (tries<0) break; tries--; // try a random port if (gen == null) gen = new Random(); port = gen.nextInt(50000)+2000; udp = new Mapping("", port, localAddress, localPort, "UDP", UDP_PREFIX + getGUIDSuffix()); } if (tries < 0) { LOG.debug("couldn't map a port :("); return 0; } // at this stage, the variable port will point to the port the UDP mapping // got mapped to. Since we have to have the same port for UDP and tcp, // we can't afford to change the port here. So if mapping to this port on tcp // fails, we give up and clean up the udp mapping. // Note: Phillipe reported that on some routers adding an UDP mapping will also // create a TCP mapping. So we no longer delete the UDP mapping if the TCP one // fails. Mapping tcp = new Mapping("", port, localAddress, localPort, "TCP", TCP_PREFIX + getGUIDSuffix()); if (!addMapping(tcp)) { LOG.debug(" couldn't map tcp to whatever udp was mapped. leaving udp around..."); tcp = null; } // save a ref to the mappings synchronized(DEVICE_LOCK) { _tcp = tcp; _udp = udp; } // we're good - start a thread to clean up any potentially stale mappings ThreadExecutor.startThread(new StaleCleaner(), "Stale Mapping Cleaner"); return port; } /** * Gets an action from a service, trimming whitespace if necessary. * see: * for an example router that adds whitespace */ private Action getActionFromService(Service service, String actionName) { Action action = service.getAction(actionName); if(action != null) { return action; } if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Couldn't find action: " + actionName + ", from direct lookup"); for(Object actionObj : _service.getActionList()) { if(actionObj instanceof Action) { action = (Action)actionObj; if(action.getName() != null && actionName.equals(action.getName().trim())) { return action; } } } if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Couldn't find action: " + actionName + " after iterating"); return null; } /** * @param m Port mapping to send to the NAT * @return the error code */ private boolean addMapping(Mapping m) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("adding "+m); Action add = getActionFromService(_service, "AddPortMapping"); if(add == null) { return false; } add.setArgumentValue("NewRemoteHost",m._externalAddress); add.setArgumentValue("NewExternalPort",m._externalPort); add.setArgumentValue("NewInternalClient",m._internalAddress); add.setArgumentValue("NewInternalPort",m._internalPort); add.setArgumentValue("NewProtocol",m._protocol); add.setArgumentValue("NewPortMappingDescription",m._description); add.setArgumentValue("NewEnabled","1"); add.setArgumentValue("NewLeaseDuration",0); boolean success = add.postControlAction(); if(LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Post succeeded: " + success); return success; } /** * @param m the mapping to remove from the NAT * @return whether it worked or not */ private boolean removeMapping(Mapping m) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("removing "+m); Action remove = getActionFromService(_service, "DeletePortMapping"); if(remove == null) { LOG.debug("Couldn't find DeletePortMapping action!"); return false; } remove.setArgumentValue("NewRemoteHost",m._externalAddress); remove.setArgumentValue("NewExternalPort",m._externalPort); remove.setArgumentValue("NewProtocol",m._protocol); boolean success = remove.postControlAction(); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Remove succeeded: " + success); return success; } /** * schedules a shutdown hook which will clear the mappings created * this session. */ public void clearMappings() { // TODO Service.stop() synchronized(DEVICE_LOCK) { LOG.debug("start cleaning"); if (_tcp != null) removeMapping(_tcp); if (_udp != null) removeMapping(_udp); LOG.debug("done cleaning"); } } @Override public void finalize() { // TODO Service.stop() stop(); } private String getGUIDSuffix() { synchronized(DEVICE_LOCK) { if (_guidSuffix == null) _guidSuffix = configuration.getClientID(); return _guidSuffix; } } private class DeviceListener implements DeviceChangeListener { /** this method will be called when we discover a UPnP device. */ public void deviceAdded(Device dev) { if (isNATPresent()) return; synchronized(DEVICE_LOCK) { if(LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Device added: " + dev.getFriendlyName()); // did we find a router? if (dev.getDeviceType().equals(ROUTER_DEVICE) && dev.isRootDevice()) _router = dev; if (_router != null) { discoverService(); // did we find the service we need? if (_service == null) { LOG.debug("couldn't find service"); _router=null; } else { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found service, router: " + _router.getFriendlyName() + ", service: " + _service); stop(); } } else { LOG.debug("didn't get router device"); } } if(isNATPresent()) notifyListeners(); } public void deviceRemoved(Device dev) {} } private final static class Mapping { public final String _externalAddress; public final int _externalPort; public final String _internalAddress; public final int _internalPort; public final String _protocol,_description; // network constructor public Mapping(String externalAddress,String externalPort, String internalAddress, String internalPort, String protocol, String description) throws NumberFormatException{ _externalAddress=externalAddress; _externalPort=Integer.parseInt(externalPort); _internalAddress=internalAddress; _internalPort=Integer.parseInt(internalPort); _protocol=protocol; _description=description; } // internal constructor public Mapping(String externalAddress,int externalPort, String internalAddress, int internalPort, String protocol, String description) { if ( !NetworkUtils.isValidPort(externalPort) || !NetworkUtils.isValidPort(internalPort)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); _externalAddress=externalAddress; _externalPort=externalPort; _internalAddress=internalAddress; _internalPort=internalPort; _protocol=protocol; _description=description; } @Override public String toString() { return _externalAddress+":"+_externalPort+"->"+_internalAddress+":"+_internalPort+ "@"+_protocol+" desc: "+_description; } } /** * This thread reads all the existing mappings on the NAT and if it finds * a mapping which appears to be created by us but points to a different * address (i.e. is stale) it removes the mapping. * * It can take several minutes to finish, depending on how many mappings there are. */ private class StaleCleaner implements Runnable { // TODO: remove private String list(List l) { String s = ""; for(Iterator i = l.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Argument next = (Argument); s += next.getName() + "->" + next.getValue() + ", "; } return s; } public void run() { LOG.debug("Looking for stale mappings..."); Set<Mapping> mappings = new HashSet<Mapping>(); Action getGeneric = getActionFromService(_service, "GetGenericPortMappingEntry"); if(getGeneric == null) { LOG.debug("Couldn't find GetGenericPortMappingEntry action!"); return; } // get all the mappings try { for (int i=0;;i++) { getGeneric.setArgumentValue("NewPortMappingIndex",i); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Stale Iteration: " + i + ", generic.input: " + list(getGeneric.getInputArgumentList()) + ", generic.output: " + list(getGeneric.getOutputArgumentList())); if (!getGeneric.postControlAction()) break; mappings.add(new Mapping( getGeneric.getArgumentValue("NewRemoteHost"), getGeneric.getArgumentValue("NewExternalPort"), getGeneric.getArgumentValue("NewInternalClient"), getGeneric.getArgumentValue("NewInternalPort"), getGeneric.getArgumentValue("NewProtocol"), getGeneric.getArgumentValue("NewPortMappingDescription"))); // TODO: erase output arguments. } }catch(NumberFormatException bad) { LOG.error("NFE reading mappings!", bad); //router broke.. can't do anything. return; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Stale cleaner found "+mappings.size()+ " total mappings"); // iterate and clean up for(Mapping current : mappings) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Analyzing: " + current); if(current._description == null || current._internalAddress == null) continue; // does it have our description? if (current._description.equals(TCP_PREFIX+getGUIDSuffix()) || current._description.equals(UDP_PREFIX+getGUIDSuffix())) { // is it not the same as the mappings we created this session? synchronized(DEVICE_LOCK) { if (_udp != null && current._externalPort == _udp._externalPort && current._internalAddress.equals(_udp._internalAddress) && current._internalPort == _udp._internalPort) continue; } // remove it. if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("mapping "+current+" appears to be stale"); removeMapping(current); } } } } }