package com.limegroup.gnutella.tigertree.dime; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.dime.DIMEGenerator; import com.limegroup.gnutella.dime.DIMERecord; import com.limegroup.gnutella.tigertree.ThexWriter; import com.limegroup.gnutella.tigertree.HashTree; import com.limegroup.gnutella.tigertree.HashTreeNodeManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.tigertree.HashTreeUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.tigertree.HashTreeWriteHandler; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.UUID; /** * @author Gregorio Roper * * Class handling all the reading and writing of HashTrees to the network */ class TigerDimeWriteHandler implements HashTreeWriteHandler { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TigerDimeWriteHandler.class); private static final String OUTPUT_TYPE = "application/dime"; private static final String XML_TYPE = "text/xml"; private static final byte[] TREE_TYPE_BYTES = getBytes(TigerDimeUtils.SERIALIZED_TREE_TYPE); private static final byte[] XML_TYPE_BYTES = getBytes(XML_TYPE); private static final String XML_TREE_DESC_START = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<!DOCTYPE hashtree " + TigerDimeUtils.SYSTEM_STRING + " \"" + TigerDimeUtils.DTD_SYSTEM_ID + "\">" + "<hashtree>"; private static final String XML_TREE_DESC_END = "</hashtree>"; /** * Returns the bytes of a string in UTF-8 format, or in the default * format if UTF-8 failed for whatever reason. */ private static byte[] getBytes(String string) { try { return string.getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { LOG.debug(string, uee); return string.getBytes(); } } ///////////////////////// WRITING /////////////////////// /** * The generator containing the DIME message to send. */ private final DIMEGenerator GENERATOR; /** * Constructs a new handler for sending * @param tree * the <tt>HashTree</tt> to construct this message from */ public TigerDimeWriteHandler(HashTree tree, HashTreeNodeManager hashTreeNodeManager) { LOG.trace("creating HashTreeHandler for sending"); UUID uri = UUID.nextUUID(); GENERATOR = new DIMEGenerator(); GENERATOR.add(new XMLRecord(tree, uri)); GENERATOR.add(new TreeRecord(tree, uri, hashTreeNodeManager)); } /** * method for writing a HashTree to an OutputStream * * @param os * the <tt>OutputStream</tt> to write to. * @throws IOException * if there was a problem writing to os. */ public void write(OutputStream os) throws IOException { GENERATOR.write(os); } /** * Determines the length of the written data. */ public int getOutputLength() { return GENERATOR.getLength(); } /** * Determines the mime type of the output. */ public String getOutputType() { return OUTPUT_TYPE; } public ThexWriter createAsyncWriter() { return new AsyncTigerTreeWriter(GENERATOR.createAsyncWriter()); } /** * A simple XML DIMERecord. */ private static class XMLRecord extends DIMERecord { XMLRecord(HashTree tree, UUID uri) { super(DIMERecord.TYPE_MEDIA_TYPE, null, null, XML_TYPE_BYTES, getXML(tree, uri)); } /** * Constructs the XML bytes. */ private static byte[] getXML(HashTree tree, UUID uri) { String xml = XML_TREE_DESC_START + "<file size='" + tree.getFileSize() + "' segmentsize='" + HashTreeUtils.BLOCK_SIZE + "'/>" + "<digest algorithm='" + TigerDimeUtils.DIGEST + "' outputsize='" + TigerDimeUtils.HASH_SIZE + "'/>" + "<serializedtree depth='" + tree.getDepth() + "' type='" + TigerDimeUtils.SERIALIZED_TREE_TYPE + "' uri='uuid:" + uri + "'/>" + XML_TREE_DESC_END; return getBytes(xml); } } /** * Private DIMERecord for a Tree. */ private static class TreeRecord extends DIMERecord { /** * The tree of this record. */ private final HashTree tigerTree; /** * The length of the tree. */ private final int length; /** The manager to retrieve nodes from. */ private final HashTreeNodeManager hashTreeNodeManager; TreeRecord(HashTree tree, UUID uri, HashTreeNodeManager hashTreeNodeManager) { super(DIMERecord.TYPE_ABSOLUTE_URI, null, getBytes("uuid:" + uri), TREE_TYPE_BYTES, null); tigerTree = tree; length = tigerTree.getNodeCount() * TigerDimeUtils.HASH_SIZE; this.hashTreeNodeManager = hashTreeNodeManager; } /** * Writes the tree's data to the specified output stream. */ @Override public void writeData(OutputStream out) throws IOException { for(List<byte[]> list : hashTreeNodeManager.getAllNodes(tigerTree)) { for(byte[] b : list) out.write(b); } writePadding(getDataLength(), out); } /** * Determines the length of the data. */ @Override public int getDataLength() { return length; } } }