package org.limewire.core.impl.library; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy; import org.limewire.collection.glazedlists.AbstractListEventListener; import org.limewire.core.api.browse.Browse; import org.limewire.core.api.browse.BrowseFactory; import org.limewire.core.api.browse.BrowseListener; import org.limewire.core.api.library.FriendLibrary; import org.limewire.core.api.library.PresenceLibrary; import org.limewire.core.api.library.RemoteLibraryManager; import org.limewire.core.api.library.RemoteLibraryState; import; import org.limewire.core.impl.friend.FriendRemoteFileDescDeserializer; import; import org.limewire.friend.api.FriendPresence; import org.limewire.friend.api.LibraryChangedEvent; import org.limewire.friend.api.feature.AddressFeature; import org.limewire.inject.EagerSingleton; import; import org.limewire.listener.EventListener; import org.limewire.listener.ListenerSupport; import org.limewire.logging.Log; import org.limewire.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import ca.odell.glazedlists.EventList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.event.ListEvent; import ca.odell.glazedlists.event.ListEventListener; import; @EagerSingleton class PresenceLibraryBrowser implements EventListener<LibraryChangedEvent> { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PresenceLibraryBrowser.class); private final BrowseFactory browseFactory; private final RemoteLibraryManager remoteLibraryManager; private final SocketsManager socketsManager; /** * Keeps track of libraries that could not be browsed yet, because the local peer didn't have * enough connection capabilities. */ final Set<PresenceLibrary> librariesToBrowse = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<PresenceLibrary>()); /** * Is incremented when a new connectivity change event is received, should * only be modified holding the lock to {@link #librariesToBrowse}. * * When address resolution fails, the revision that was used when resolution is started * can be compared to the latest revision to see if the client's connectivity * has changed in the meantime and resolution should be retried. * * Still volatile, so it can be read without a lock. */ @GuardedBy("librariesToBrowse") private volatile int latestConnectivityEventRevision = 0; @Inject public PresenceLibraryBrowser(BrowseFactory browseFactory, RemoteLibraryManager remoteLibraryManager, SocketsManager socketsManager, FriendRemoteFileDescDeserializer remoteFileDescDeserializer) { this.browseFactory = browseFactory; this.remoteLibraryManager = remoteLibraryManager; this.socketsManager = socketsManager; } @Inject void register(ListenerSupport<LibraryChangedEvent> listenerSupport) { listenerSupport.addListener(this); } @Inject void registerToSocksManager() { socketsManager.addListener(new ConnectivityChangeListener()); } @Inject void registerToRemoteLibraryManager() { remoteLibraryManager.getFriendLibraryList().addListEventListener(new ListEventListener<FriendLibrary>() { @Override public void listChanged(ListEvent<FriendLibrary> listChanges) { while( { if(listChanges.getType() == ListEvent.INSERT) { final FriendLibrary friendLibrary = listChanges.getSourceList().get(listChanges.getIndex()); new AbstractListEventListener<PresenceLibrary>() { @Override protected void itemAdded(PresenceLibrary presenceLibrary, int idx, EventList<PresenceLibrary> source) { tryToResolveAndBrowse(presenceLibrary, latestConnectivityEventRevision); } @Override protected void itemRemoved(PresenceLibrary item, int idx, EventList<PresenceLibrary> source) { // TODO: This should cancel the browse, if it was in action. librariesToBrowse.remove(item); } @Override protected void itemUpdated(PresenceLibrary item, PresenceLibrary prior, int idx, EventList<PresenceLibrary> source) { } }.install(friendLibrary.getPresenceLibraryList()); } } } }); } @Override public void handleEvent(LibraryChangedEvent event) { // The idea behind this is that we want to provide incremental updates to // a PresenceLibrary, without requiring the entire library disappear // and reappear. We need to know if adding the presence library succeeded, // but also need to trigger a browse if it didn't (because it already existed). FriendPresence friend = event.getData(); PresenceLibrary existingLibrary = remoteLibraryManager.getPresenceLibrary(friend); if(!remoteLibraryManager.addPresenceLibrary(friend) && existingLibrary != null) { LOG.debugf("Library changed event for {0}, but existing library -- rebrowsing into existing library", friend); // the library already existed for this presence -- // we need to trigger our own browse. // There's a small chance the existingLibrary is an older version of // a PresenceLibrary (not the current one) -- if that does happen, // the worst this will do is cause a second browse to happen. tryToResolveAndBrowse(existingLibrary, latestConnectivityEventRevision); } } void browse(final PresenceLibrary presenceLibrary) { // TODO: Is this needed again? We should already be in loading presenceLibrary.setState(RemoteLibraryState.LOADING); final FriendPresence friendPresence = presenceLibrary.getPresence(); AddressFeature addressFeature = ((AddressFeature)friendPresence.getFeature(AddressFeature.ID)); if(addressFeature == null) { // happens during sign-off return; } LOG.debugf("browsing {0} ...", friendPresence.getPresenceId()); final Browse browse = browseFactory.createBrowse(friendPresence); // TODO: We need to capture the Browse and call stop on it when the library is removed, // otherwise the browse can be lingering in the background. browse.start(new BrowseListener() { // Build an in-transit list and replace at the end, but only if there's // no existing list, or if we have enough memory to duplicate the list. private final List<SearchResult> transitList; // (anonymous constructor) { int size = presenceLibrary.size(); if(size == 0) { transitList = null; } else if (remoteLibraryManager.getAllFriendsLibrary().size() > 5000) { // can run low on memory, so clear old list & add as new ones come. presenceLibrary.clear(); transitList = null; } else { transitList = new ArrayList<SearchResult>(size); } } public void handleBrowseResult(SearchResult searchResult) { LOG.debugf("browse result: {0}, {1}", searchResult.getUrn(), searchResult.getSize()); RemoteFileDescAdapter remoteFileDescAdapter = (RemoteFileDescAdapter)searchResult; // need to upgrade the RFD to be use the friendpresence. remoteFileDescAdapter = new RemoteFileDescAdapter(remoteFileDescAdapter, friendPresence); if(transitList != null) { transitList.add(remoteFileDescAdapter); } else { presenceLibrary.addNewResult(remoteFileDescAdapter); } } @Override public void browseFinished(boolean success) { if(transitList != null) { LOG.debugf("Finished browse of {0}, setting resulting files into existing list", friendPresence); presenceLibrary.setNewResults(transitList); } else { LOG.debugf("Finished browse of {0}, no in-transit list.", friendPresence); } if(success) { presenceLibrary.setState(RemoteLibraryState.LOADED); } else { presenceLibrary.setState(RemoteLibraryState.FAILED_TO_LOAD); LOG.debugf("browse failed: {0}", presenceLibrary); } } }); } /** * Tries to resolve the address of <code>presenceLibrary<code> and browse it * after successful resolution and/or if it can connect to the address. Otherwise, * it handle the failure by calling {@link #handleFailedResolution(PresenceLibrary, int)}. * * @param presenceLibrary the presence library whose address should be resolved * and browsed * @param startConnectivityRevision the revisions of {@link #latestConnectivityEventRevision} * when this method is called */ void tryToResolveAndBrowse(final PresenceLibrary presenceLibrary, final int startConnectivityRevision) { presenceLibrary.setState(RemoteLibraryState.LOADING); final FriendPresence friendPresence = presenceLibrary.getPresence(); AddressFeature addressFeature = (AddressFeature)friendPresence.getFeature(AddressFeature.ID); if (addressFeature == null) { LOG.debug("no address feature"); handleFailedResolution(presenceLibrary, startConnectivityRevision); return; } Address address = addressFeature.getFeature(); if (socketsManager.canResolve(address)) { socketsManager.resolve(address, new AddressResolutionObserver() { @Override public void resolved(Address address) { if (socketsManager.canConnect(address)) { LOG.debugf("resolved {0} for {1} and can connect", address, friendPresence); browse(presenceLibrary); } else { LOG.debugf("resolved {0} for {1} and cannot connect", address, friendPresence); handleFailedResolution(presenceLibrary, startConnectivityRevision); } } @Override public void handleIOException(IOException iox) { LOG.debug("resolve error", iox); handleFailedResolution(presenceLibrary, startConnectivityRevision); } @Override public void shutdown() { } }); } else if (socketsManager.canConnect(address)) { browse(presenceLibrary); } else { handleFailedResolution(presenceLibrary, startConnectivityRevision); } } /** * Called when resolution failed. * * If {@link #latestConnectivityEventRevision} is greater then <code>startRevision</code>, * a new attempt at resolving the presence address is started, otherwise <code>presenceLibrary</code> * is queued up in libraries to browse. * * @param presenceLibrary the library that could not be browsed * @param startRevision the revision under which the address resolution attempt * was started */ private void handleFailedResolution(PresenceLibrary presenceLibrary, int startRevision) { LOG.debugf("failed resolution for:{0} revision:{1}", presenceLibrary.getPresence().getPresenceId(), startRevision); presenceLibrary.setState(RemoteLibraryState.FAILED_TO_LOAD); boolean retry; synchronized (librariesToBrowse) { retry = latestConnectivityEventRevision > startRevision; if (!retry) { LOG.debugf("readding and not trying after fail {0}", presenceLibrary); boolean wasAdded = librariesToBrowse.add(presenceLibrary); assert(wasAdded); } else { // copy value under lock startRevision = latestConnectivityEventRevision; LOG.debugf("retrying with new revision {0}", startRevision); } LOG.debugf("libraries to browser after fail: {0}, size {1}", librariesToBrowse, librariesToBrowse.size()); } if (retry) { tryToResolveAndBrowse(presenceLibrary, startRevision); } } /** * Is notified of better connection capabilities and iterates over the list of unbrowsable * presence libraries to see if they can be browsed now. */ private class ConnectivityChangeListener implements EventListener<ConnectivityChangeEvent> { /** * Increments the {@link PresenceLibraryBrowser#latestConnectivityEventRevision} * copies and empties {@link PresenceLibraryBrowser#librariesToBrowse} and * tries calls {@link PresenceLibraryBrowser#tryToResolveAndBrowse(PresenceLibrary, int)} * for each with the new revision. */ @Override public void handleEvent(ConnectivityChangeEvent event) { LOG.debug("connectivity change"); List<PresenceLibrary> copy; int currentRevision; synchronized (librariesToBrowse) { currentRevision = ++latestConnectivityEventRevision; copy = new ArrayList<PresenceLibrary>(librariesToBrowse); librariesToBrowse.clear(); } // outside of synchronized to avoid dead lock LOG.debugf("revision: {0}, libraries to browse again: {1}", currentRevision, copy); for (PresenceLibrary library : copy) { tryToResolveAndBrowse(library, currentRevision); } } } }