package org.limewire.rudp; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException; import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.limewire.listener.EventBroadcaster; import org.limewire.nio.AbstractNBSocket; import org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.rudp.messages.DataMessage; import org.limewire.rudp.messages.SynMessage; import org.limewire.rudp.messages.SynMessage.Role; import org.limewire.util.BufferUtils; /** * Interface between reading channels & UDP's data. * Analogous to SocketChannel combined w/ a SocketInterestReadAdapter & SocketInterestWriteAdapter. * <p> * This class _is_ the SocketChannel for UDP, except because we wrote it, * we can make it implement InterestReadChannel & InterestWriteChannel, so * we don't need the additional InterestAdapter. */ public class UDPSocketChannel extends AbstractNBSocketChannel implements InterestReadableByteChannel, InterestWritableByteChannel, ChunkReleaser { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(UDPSocketChannel.class); /** The processor this channel is writing to / reading from. */ private final UDPConnectionProcessor processor; /** The <tt>RUDPContext</tt> containing the TransportListener to notify for pending events. */ private final RUDPContext context; /** The Socket object this UDPSocketChannel is used for. */ private final AbstractNBSocket socket; /** The DataWindow containing incoming read data. */ private final DataWindow readData; /** The WriteObserver that last requested interest from us. */ private volatile WriteObserver writer; /** The list of buffered chunks that need to be written out. */ private final ArrayList<ByteBuffer> chunks; /** The current chunk we're writing to. */ private ByteBuffer activeChunk; /** Whether or not we've handled one write yet. */ private boolean writeHandled = false; /** A lock to hold while manipulating chunks or activeChunk. */ private final Object writeLock = new Object(); /** Whether or not we've propagated the shutdown to other writers. */ private boolean shutdown = false; private final Role role; protected UDPSocketChannel(SelectorProvider provider, RUDPContext context, Role role, EventBroadcaster<UDPSocketChannelConnectionEvent> connectionStateEventBroadcaster) { super(provider); this.context = context; this.role = role; this.processor = new UDPConnectionProcessor(this, context, role, connectionStateEventBroadcaster); this.readData = processor.getReadWindow(); this.chunks = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(5); this.socket = new UDPConnection(context, this); allocateNewChunk(); try { configureBlocking(false); } catch(IOException iox) { throw new RuntimeException(iox); } } // for testing. UDPSocketChannel(UDPConnectionProcessor processor, Role role) { super(null); this.role = role; this.context = new DefaultRUDPContext(); this.processor = processor; this.readData = processor.getReadWindow(); this.chunks = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(5); this.socket = new UDPConnection(context, this); allocateNewChunk(); try { configureBlocking(false); } catch(IOException iox) { throw new RuntimeException(iox); } } public boolean isForMe(InetSocketAddress address, SynMessage message) { if(!getRemoteSocketAddress().equals(address)) { return false; } if (!role.canConnectTo(message.getRole())) { return false; } byte theirConnectionId = processor.getTheirConnectionID(); if (theirConnectionId != UDPMultiplexor.UNASSIGNED_SLOT && theirConnectionId != message.getSenderConnectionID()) { return false; } return true; } UDPConnectionProcessor getProcessor() { return processor; } /** * Sets read interest on or off in the processor. */ public void interestRead(boolean status) { NIODispatcher.instance().interestRead(this, status); } /// ********** reading *************** /** * Reads all possible data from the DataWindow into the ByteBuffer, * sending a keep alive if more space became available. */ long last = 0; @Override public int read(ByteBuffer to) throws IOException { // It is possible that the channel is open but the processor // is closed. In that case, this will return -1. // Once this closes, it throws CCE. if(!isOpen()) throw new ClosedChannelException(); synchronized (processor) { // Now that we've transferred all we can to the buffer, clear up // the space & send a keep-alive if necessary // Record how much space was previously available in the receive window int priorSpace = readData.getWindowSpace(); int read = 0; DataRecord currentRecord = readData.getReadableBlock(); while (currentRecord != null) { read += transfer(currentRecord, to); if (!to.hasRemaining()) break; // If to still has room left, we must have written // all we could from the record, so we assign a new one. // Fetch a block from the receiving window. currentRecord = readData.getReadableBlock(); } // Remove all records we just read from the receiving window int cleared = readData.clearEarlyReadBlocks(); // If the receive window opened up then send a special // KeepAliveMessage so that the window state can be // communicated. if ((cleared > 0 && priorSpace == 0) /*|| (priorSpace <= UDPConnectionProcessor.SMALL_SEND_WINDOW && readData.getWindowSpace() > UDPConnectionProcessor.SMALL_SEND_WINDOW)*/) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Sending aritifial keep alive: cleared=" + cleared + ", priorSpace="+ priorSpace + ", read=" + read + ", windowSpace=" + readData.getWindowSpace() + ", windowStart=" + readData.getWindowStart()); processor.sendKeepAlive(); } if(read == 0 && processor.isClosed()) return -1; else return read; } } /** * Transfers the chunks in the DataRecord's msg to the ByteBuffer. Sets the record as being successfully read after * all data is read from it. */ private int transfer(DataRecord record, ByteBuffer to) { DataMessage msg = record.msg; int read = 0; ByteBuffer chunk = msg.getData1Chunk(); if(chunk.hasRemaining()) read += BufferUtils.transfer(chunk, to, false); if(chunk.hasRemaining()) return read; chunk = msg.getData2Chunk(); read += BufferUtils.transfer(chunk, to, false); if(!chunk.hasRemaining()) = true; return read; } /// ********** writing *************** /** * Writes all data in src into a list of internal chunks. * This will notify the processor if we have no pending chunks prior * to writing, so that it will know to retrieve some data. * Chunks will be created until the processor tells us we're at the limit, * at which point this will forcibly will return the amount of data that * could be written so far. * If all data is emptied from src, this will return that amount of data. */ @Override public int write(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException { // We cannot write if either the channel or the processor is closed. if(!isOpen() || processor.isClosed()) throw new ClosedChannelException(); synchronized(writeLock) { // If there was no data before this, then ensure a writer is awake if ( getNumberOfPendingChunks() == 0 ) { processor.wakeupWriteEvent(!writeHandled); } writeHandled = true; int wrote = 0; while (true) { if(src.hasRemaining()) { if (activeChunk.hasRemaining()) { wrote += BufferUtils.transfer(src, activeChunk, false); } else if (chunks.size() < processor.getChunkLimit()) { // If there is room for more chunks, allocate a new chunk chunks.add(activeChunk); allocateNewChunk(); } else { return wrote; } } else { return wrote; } } } } /** * Allocates a chunk for writing to. */ private void allocateNewChunk() { activeChunk = NIODispatcher.instance().getBufferCache().getHeap(UDPConnectionProcessor.DATA_CHUNK_SIZE); } /** * Releases a chunk. */ public void releaseChunk(ByteBuffer chunk) { NIODispatcher.instance().getBufferCache().release(chunk); } /** * Gets the first chunk of data that should be written to the wire. * Returns null if no data. */ ByteBuffer getNextChunk() { synchronized(writeLock) { ByteBuffer rChunk; if ( chunks.size() > 0 ) { // Return the oldest chunk rChunk = chunks.remove(0); rChunk.flip(); } else if (activeChunk.position() > 0) { rChunk = activeChunk; rChunk.flip(); allocateNewChunk(); } else { // If no data currently, return null rChunk = null; } return rChunk; } } /** * Return how many pending chunks are waiting on being written to the wire. */ int getNumberOfPendingChunks() { synchronized(writeLock) { // Add the number of list blocks int count = chunks.size(); // Add one for the current block if data available. if (activeChunk.position() > 0) count++; return count; } } Object writeLock() { return writeLock; } /// ********** SelectableChannel methods. *************** /** Closes the processor. */ @Override protected void implCloseSelectableChannel() throws IOException { processor.close(); } /// ********** InterestWriteChannel methods. *************** /** * Shuts down this channel & processor, notifying the last interested party * that we're now shutdown. */ public void shutdown() { synchronized(this) { if(shutdown) return; shutdown = true; } Shutdownable chain = writer; if(chain != null) chain.shutdown(); writer = null; } /** Sets interest on or off on the channel & stores the interested party for future writing. */ public void interestWrite(WriteObserver observer, boolean status) { if(isOpen()) { writer = observer; NIODispatcher.instance().interestWrite(this, status); } } /** Sends a write up the chain to the last interest party. */ public boolean handleWrite() throws IOException { WriteObserver chain = writer; if(chain != null) return chain.handleWrite(); else return false; } /** Unused. */ public void handleIOException(IOException iox) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public InetSocketAddress getRemoteSocketAddress() { return processor.getSocketAddress(); } @Override public boolean connect(SocketAddress remote) throws IOException { processor.connect((InetSocketAddress)remote); return false; } @Override public boolean finishConnect() throws IOException { return processor.prepareOpenConnection(); } @Override public boolean isConnected() { return processor.isConnected(); } @Override public boolean isConnectionPending() { return processor.isConnecting(); } @Override public AbstractNBSocket socket() { return socket; } @Override public long read(ByteBuffer[] dsts, int offset, int length) throws IOException { throw new IOException("unsupported"); } @Override public long write(ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length) throws IOException { throw new IOException("unsupported"); } @Override protected void implConfigureBlocking(boolean block) throws IOException { // does nothing. } void eventPending() { context.getTransportListener().eventPending(); } public boolean hasBufferedOutput() { return getNumberOfPendingChunks() > 0; } @Override public String toString() { InetSocketAddress addr = getRemoteSocketAddress(); if(addr == null) { return "[disconnected]"; } else { return addr.toString(); } } }