package org.limewire.collection; import org.limewire.collection.PatriciaTrie.KeyAnalyzer; /** * Analyzes <code>CharSequence</code> keys with case sensitivity. With * <code>CharSequenceKeyAnalyzer</code> you can * compare, check prefix, and determine the index of a bit. * <p> * A typical use case for a <code>CharSequenceKeyAnalyzer</code> is with a * {@link PatriciaTrie}. * <pre> PatriciaTrie<String, String> trie = new PatriciaTrie<String, String>(new CharSequenceKeyAnalyzer()); trie.put("Lime", "Lime"); trie.put("LimeWire", "LimeWire"); trie.put("LimeRadio", "LimeRadio"); trie.put("Lax", "Lax"); trie.put("Lake", "Lake"); trie.put("Lovely", "Lovely"); System.out.println("Lo")); System.out.println("Lime")); System.out.println(trie.getPrefixedBy("La").toString()); Output: Lovely Lime {Lake=Lake, Lax=Lax} * </pre> */ public class CharSequenceKeyAnalyzer implements KeyAnalyzer<CharSequence> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7032449491269434877L; private static final int[] BITS = createIntBitMask(16); public static int[] createIntBitMask(int bitCount) { int[] bits = new int[bitCount]; for(int i = 0; i < bitCount; i++) { bits[i] = 1 << (bitCount - i - 1); } return bits; } public int length(CharSequence key) { return (key != null ? key.length() * 16 : 0); } public int bitIndex(CharSequence key, int keyOff, int keyLength, CharSequence found, int foundOff, int foundKeyLength) { boolean allNull = true; if(keyOff % 16 != 0 || foundOff % 16 != 0 || keyLength % 16 != 0 || foundKeyLength % 16 != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("offsets & lengths must be at character boundaries"); int off1 = keyOff / 16; int off2 = foundOff / 16; int len1 = keyLength / 16 + off1; int len2 = foundKeyLength / 16 + off2; int length = Math.max(len1, len2); // Look at each character, and if they're different // then figure out which bit makes the difference // and return it. char k = 0, f = 0; for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int kOff = i + off1; int fOff = i + off2; if(kOff >= len1) k = 0; else k = key.charAt(kOff); if(found == null || fOff >= len2) f = 0; else f = found.charAt(fOff); if(k != f) { int x = k ^ f; return i * 16 + (Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(x) - 16); } if(k != 0) allNull = false; } if (allNull) { return KeyAnalyzer.NULL_BIT_KEY; } return KeyAnalyzer.EQUAL_BIT_KEY; } public boolean isBitSet(CharSequence key, int keyLength, int bitIndex) { if (key == null || bitIndex >= keyLength) { return false; } int index = bitIndex / BITS.length; int bit = bitIndex - index * BITS.length; return (key.charAt(index) & BITS[bit]) != 0; } public int compare(CharSequence o1, CharSequence o2) { return o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString()); } public int bitsPerElement() { return 16; } public boolean isPrefix(CharSequence prefix, int offset, int length, CharSequence key) { if(offset % 16 != 0 || length % 16 != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot determine prefix outside of character boundaries"); String s1 = prefix.subSequence(offset / 16, length / 16).toString(); String s2 = key.toString(); return s2.startsWith(s1); } }