package org.limewire.nio.ssl; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import; import org.limewire.concurrent.AbstractLazySingletonProvider; import org.limewire.concurrent.ExecutorsHelper; import org.limewire.nio.AbstractNBSocket; import org.limewire.nio.ProtocolBandwidthTracker; import; import; import org.limewire.util.BufferUtils; import; /** Contains a collection of SSL-related utilities. */ public class SSLUtils { private SSLUtils() {} private static final Executor TLS_PROCESSOR = ExecutorsHelper.newProcessingQueue("TLSProcessor"); private static final Provider<SSLContext> TLS_CONTEXT = new AbstractLazySingletonProvider<SSLContext>() { @Override protected SSLContext createObject() { try { SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); context.init(null, null, null); // TODO: Set the SSLSessionContext cache size, or timeout? return context; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (KeyManagementException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } }; private static final Provider<SSLContext> SSL_CONTEXT = new AbstractLazySingletonProvider<SSLContext>() { @Override protected SSLContext createObject() { try { SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); context.init(null, null, null); // TODO: Set the SSLSessionContext cache size, or timeout? return context; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (KeyManagementException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } }; /** Returns the TLS cipher suites this generally supports. */ public static String[] getTLSCipherSuites() { return new String[] { "TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" }; } /** Returns the shared Executor for processing tasks from the SSLEngine. */ public static Executor getExecutor() { return TLS_PROCESSOR; } /** Returns the shared SSL context. */ public static SSLContext getSSLContext() { return SSL_CONTEXT.get(); } /** Returns the shared TLS context. */ public static SSLContext getTLSContext() { return TLS_CONTEXT.get(); } /** Returns <code>true</code> is the given socket is already using TLS. */ public static boolean isTLSEnabled(Socket socket) { return socket instanceof TLSNIOSocket; } /** Returns <code>true</code> if you are capable of performing a * {@link #startTLS(Socket, ByteBuffer)} operation on this * <code>socket</code>. */ public static boolean isStartTLSCapable(Socket socket) { return socket instanceof AbstractNBSocket; } /** * Wraps an existing socket in a TLS-enabled socket. * Any data within 'data' will be pushed into the TLS layer. * <p> * This currently only works for creating server-side TLS sockets. * <p> * You must ensure that <code>isStartTLSCapable</code> returns true for the socket, * otherwise an <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> is thrown. */ public static TLSNIOSocket startTLS(Socket socket, ByteBuffer data) throws IOException { if(socket instanceof AbstractNBSocket) { TLSNIOSocket tlsSocket = new TLSNIOSocket(socket); // Tell the channel to read in the buffered data. if(data.hasRemaining()) { SSLReadWriteChannel sslChannel = tlsSocket.getSSLChannel(); InterestReadableByteChannel oldReader = sslChannel.getReadChannel(); sslChannel.setReadChannel(new BufferReader(data));; if(data.hasRemaining()) throw new IllegalStateException("unable to read all prebuffered data in one pass!"); sslChannel.setReadChannel(oldReader); } return tlsSocket; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot wrap non AbstractNBSocket"); } } /** * Returns a tracker for the given socket. * If no SSL exchanges are performed on the socket, the returned * tracker will always report 0 bytes produced and consumed. */ public static ProtocolBandwidthTracker getSSLBandwidthTracker(Socket socket) { if(socket instanceof TLSNIOSocket) { return new SSLChannelTracker(((TLSNIOSocket)socket).getSSLChannel()); } else { return EmptyTracker.instance(); } } /** * Provides an implementation for the {@link ProtocolBandwidthTracker} * interface where each "get" method returns * zero. Using an empty tracker as the default value of a * <code>SSLBandwidthTracker</code> avoids * <code>NullPointerExceptions</code>. */ public static class EmptyTracker implements ProtocolBandwidthTracker { private static final EmptyTracker instance = new EmptyTracker(); public static final EmptyTracker instance() { return instance; } private EmptyTracker() {} public long getReadBytesConsumed() { return 0; } public long getReadBytesProduced() { return 0; } public long getWrittenBytesConsumed() { return 0; } public long getWrittenBytesProduced() { return 0; } } private static class SSLChannelTracker implements ProtocolBandwidthTracker { private final SSLReadWriteChannel channel; SSLChannelTracker(SSLReadWriteChannel channel) { = channel; } public long getReadBytesConsumed() { return channel.getReadBytesConsumed(); } public long getReadBytesProduced() { return channel.getReadBytesProduced(); } public long getWrittenBytesConsumed() { return channel.getWrittenBytesConsumed(); } public long getWrittenBytesProduced() { return channel.getWrittenBytesProduced(); } } }