package org.limewire.ui.swing.components; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import org.jdesktop.swingx.JXPanel; import org.jdesktop.swingx.painter.Painter; /** * A base container for {@link FancyTab FancyTab} objects. Each tab is * represented by a {@link TabActionMap TabActionMap} that defines the actions * taken when a tab is selected. Concrete subclasses should specify their own * layout managers and implement {@link #layoutTabs() layoutTabs()} to add * visible tabs to the container. * * @see FancyTabList * @see FlexibleTabList */ public abstract class AbstractTabList extends JXPanel { /** Change type indicator used for animating tab layouts. */ public enum ChangeType { NONE, ADDED, REMOVED, SELECTED; } private final List<FancyTab> tabs = new ArrayList<FancyTab>(); private final ButtonGroup tabGroup = new ButtonGroup(); private final FancyTabProperties props = new FancyTabProperties(); /** * Constructs an empty AbstractTabList. */ protected AbstractTabList() { } /** * Sets a new list of tabs using the specified collection of action maps. * Each action map in the collection is assigned to a separate tab. The * method calls <code>layoutTabs()</code> to display the visible tabs. */ public void setTabActionMaps(Iterable<? extends TabActionMap> newActionMaps) { // Remove existing tabs. for (FancyTab tab : tabs) { tab.removeFromGroup(tabGroup); } tabs.clear(); // Add new tabs. for (TabActionMap actions : newActionMaps) { FancyTab tab = createAndPrepareTab(actions); tabs.add(tab); } // Layout tabs in container. layoutTabs(ChangeType.NONE); } /** * Creates a new tab with the specified action map. */ protected FancyTab createAndPrepareTab(TabActionMap actionMap) { // Create tab. final FancyTab tab = new FancyTab(actionMap, tabGroup, props); // Add listener to remove tab. tab.addRemoveActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { removeTab(tab); } }); // Add listener to update layout when tab selected. actionMap.getMainAction().addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(Action.SELECTED_KEY)) { if (evt.getNewValue().equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { layoutTabs(ChangeType.SELECTED); } } } }); return tab; } /** * Updates the layout to display the visible tabs. */ protected abstract void layoutTabs(); /** * Updates the layout to display the visible tabs with the specified * change type. By default, the layout is not animated. Subclasses * may override this method to enable animated transitions. */ protected void layoutTabs(ChangeType changeType) { layoutTabs(); } /** * Adds the specified tab to the list at the specified index. This method * also calls <code>layoutTabs()</code> to update the visible tabs. */ protected void addTab(FancyTab tab, int i) { tabs.add(i, tab); layoutTabs(ChangeType.ADDED); } /** * Removes the specified tab from the container. This does not trigger * any listeners on the tab's removal. This method may call * <code>layoutTabs()</code> to update the visible tabs. */ protected void removeTab(FancyTab tab) { boolean selected = tab.isSelected(); int idx = tabs.indexOf(tab); if (idx < 0) return; tabs.remove(tab); tab.removeFromGroup(tabGroup); // Shift the selection to the tab to the left (or right, if idx==0) if (selected && !tabs.isEmpty()) { // Selecting a tab will trigger a layout. if (idx == 0 && tabs.size() > 0) { tabs.get(0).getTabActionMap().getMainAction().putValue(Action.SELECTED_KEY, true); } else if (idx > 0 && tabs.size() > 0) { tabs.get(idx - 1).getTabActionMap().getMainAction().putValue(Action.SELECTED_KEY, true); } // else empty, no need to layout. } else { layoutTabs(ChangeType.REMOVED); } } /** * Removes the tab associated with the specified action map. This will not * trigger an action from the {@link TabActionMap#getRemoveAction()} action. */ public void removeTabActionMap(TabActionMap actionMap) { for (Iterator<FancyTab> iter = tabs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { FancyTab tab =; if (tab.getTabActionMap().equals(actionMap)) { tab.removeFromGroup(tabGroup); iter.remove(); break; } } layoutTabs(ChangeType.REMOVED); } /** * Returns the currently selected tab. */ public FancyTab getSelectedTab() { for (FancyTab tab : tabs) { if (tab.isSelected()) { return tab; } } return null; } /** * Returns the tab properties that apply to the tab list. */ public FancyTabProperties getTabProperties() { return props; } /** * Returns an unmodifiable list of all tabs. */ public List<FancyTab> getTabs() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(tabs); } /** * Sets the painter to be used when the tab is rolled over. */ public void setHighlightPainter(Painter<?> highlightPainter) { for (FancyTab tab : tabs) { if (tab.isHighlighted()) { tab.setBackgroundPainter(highlightPainter); } } props.setHighlightPainter(highlightPainter); } /** * Sets the painter to be used when the tab is in the normal state. */ public void setNormalPainter(Painter<?> normalPainter) { for (FancyTab tab : tabs) { if (!tab.isHighlighted() && !tab.isSelected()) { tab.setBackgroundPainter(normalPainter); } } props.setNormalPainter(normalPainter); } /** * Sets the painter to be used when the tab is selected. */ public void setSelectionPainter(Painter<?> selectedPainter) { for (FancyTab tab : tabs) { if (tab.isSelected()) { tab.setBackgroundPainter(selectedPainter); } } props.setSelectedPainter(selectedPainter); } /** * Sets the color used to render the tab's text when it is not selected. */ public void setTabTextColor(Color normalColor) { for (FancyTab tab : tabs) { if (!tab.isSelected()) { tab.setButtonForeground(normalColor); } } props.setNormalColor(normalColor); } /** * Sets the color used to render the tab's text when it is selected. */ public void setTabTextSelectedColor(Color selectionColor) { for (FancyTab tab : tabs) { if (tab.isSelected()) { tab.setButtonForeground(selectionColor); } } props.setSelectionColor(selectionColor); } /** * Sets the font used to render the tab's text. */ public void setTextFont(Font font) { for (FancyTab tab : tabs) { tab.setTextFont(font); } props.setTextFont(font); } }