package; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout; import org.jdesktop.application.Resource; import org.limewire.core.api.FilePropertyKey; import org.limewire.core.api.library.FriendAutoCompleterFactory; import; import org.limewire.ui.swing.action.AbstractAction; import org.limewire.ui.swing.components.BasicAutoCompleter; import org.limewire.ui.swing.components.CollectionBackedComboBoxModel; import org.limewire.ui.swing.components.DropDownListAutoCompleteControl; import org.limewire.ui.swing.components.FilteredDocument; import org.limewire.ui.swing.components.TextFieldClipboardControl; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.FilePropertyKeyUtils; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.GuiUtils; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.I18n; /** An abstract panel for creating advanced searches. */ abstract class AdvancedPanel extends JPanel { private final Map<FilePropertyKey, JComponent> componentMap = new EnumMap<FilePropertyKey, JComponent>(FilePropertyKey.class); private final SearchCategory category; private final FriendAutoCompleterFactory friendAutoCompleterFactory; private final Action enterKeyAction; private Component firstComponent; /** * Resource package since this class is abstract. */ private static class Resources { @Resource(key="AdvancedPanel.font") public Font font; public Resources() { GuiUtils.assignResources(this); } } private final Resources resources = new Resources(); /** * Constructs an AdvancedPanel that will search the given category. */ public AdvancedPanel(SearchCategory category, FriendAutoCompleterFactory friendAutoCompleterFactory, Action enterKeyAction) { super(new MigLayout("fillx", "[]related[grow]", "")); this.category = category; this.friendAutoCompleterFactory = friendAutoCompleterFactory; this.enterKeyAction = enterKeyAction; GuiUtils.assignResources(this); } /** * Adds a new JTextField that will search using the given FilePropertyKey using * the default for the description text. */ protected void addField(FilePropertyKey key) { addField(, category)), key); } /** * Adds a new JTextField that will search using the given FilePropertyKey. */ private void addField(String description, FilePropertyKey key) { JLabel label = new JLabel(description); label.setFont(resources.font); add(label); JTextField textField = new JTextField(); TextFieldClipboardControl.install(textField); FilteredDocument.configure(textField, key); addEnterAction(textField); textField.setFont(resources.font); final DropDownListAutoCompleteControl autoCompleteControl = DropDownListAutoCompleteControl.install(textField, new BasicAutoCompleter(friendAutoCompleterFactory.getDictionary(category, key))); autoCompleteControl.setAutoComplete(true); add(textField, "growx, wrap"); componentMap.put(key, textField); setFirstComponent(textField); } private void addEnterAction(JComponent component) { component.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0), "pressed"); component.getActionMap().put("pressed", new AbstractAction("pressed") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(enterKeyAction != null) { enterKeyAction.actionPerformed(e); } } }); } /** * Adds a new JTextField that will search using the given FilePropertyKey using * the default for the description text. * The contents of the combo are all the possible values. */ protected void addField(FilePropertyKey key, List<String> possibleValues) { addField(, category)), key, possibleValues); } /** * Adds a new JComboBox that will search using the given FilePropertyKey. * The contents of the combo are all the possible values. */ private void addField(String name, FilePropertyKey key, List<String> possibleValues) { JLabel label = new JLabel(name); label.setFont(resources.font); add(label); JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox(new CollectionBackedComboBoxModel(possibleValues)); addEnterAction(comboBox); comboBox.setFont(resources.font); add(comboBox, "growx, wrap"); componentMap.put(key, comboBox); setFirstComponent(comboBox); } /** * Gets a map between the key for each field with user data and that data. * * <p> Describes the requested advanced search request. */ public Map<FilePropertyKey, String> getSearchData() { Map<FilePropertyKey, String> searchData = new EnumMap<FilePropertyKey, String>(FilePropertyKey.class); for(Map.Entry<FilePropertyKey, JComponent> entry : componentMap.entrySet()) { String value = getData(entry.getValue()); if(value != null && !value.trim().equals("")) { searchData.put(entry.getKey(), value); } } if(searchData.size() > 0) { return searchData; } else { return null; } } /** * @return the {@link SearchCategory} that this panel represents. */ public SearchCategory getSearchCategory() { return category; } private String getData(JComponent component) { if(component instanceof JTextField) { return ((JTextField)component).getText(); } else if(component instanceof JComboBox) { return ((JComboBox)component).getSelectedItem().toString(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("invalid component: " + component); } } /** * Sets the first focusable component only if it is not already set. */ private void setFirstComponent(Component component) { if (firstComponent == null && component.isFocusable()) { firstComponent = component; } } /** * Requests focus on the first component in the panel. */ public boolean requestFocusFirstComponent() { if (firstComponent != null) { return firstComponent.requestFocusInWindow(); } else { return false; } } }