package com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor; import java.util.Set; import org.limewire.collection.IntervalSet; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.PushEndpoint; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RemoteFileDesc; import com.limegroup.gnutella.downloader.RemoteFileDescFactory; /** * a response to an HeadPing. It is a trimmed down version of the standard HEAD response, * since we are trying to keep the sizes of the udp packets small. * * This message can also be used for punching firewalls if the ping requests so. * Feature like this can be used to allow firewalled nodes to participate more * in download meshes. * * Since headpings will be sent by clients who have started to download a file whose download * mesh contains this host, it needs to contain information that will help those clients whether * this host is a good bet to start an http download from. Therefore, the following information should * be included in the response: * * - available ranges of the file * - queue status * - some altlocs (if space permits) * * the queue status can be an integer representing how many people are waiting in the queue. If * nobody is waiting in the queue and we have slots available, the integer can be negative. So if * we have 3 people on the queue we'd send the integer 3. If we have nobody on the queue and * two upload slots available we would send -2. A value of 0 means all upload slots are taken but * the queue is empty. This information can be used by the downloaders to better judge chances of * successful start of the download. * * NEW GGEP FORMAT: * A GGEP block containing: * F: features (optional) * supported features: * 0x1 = TLS_CAPABLE * C: response code (required) * V: vendor id (required if not 404) * Q: queue status (required if not 404) * R: ranges (optional, shouldn't be if complete file) * P: push locations (optional) * A: direct locations (optional) * T: indexes of which direct locations support TLS * * OLD BINARY FORMAT: * 1 byte - features byte * 2 byte - response code * 4 bytes - vendor id * 1 byte - queue status * n*8 bytes - n intervals (if requested && file partial && fits in packet) * the rest - altlocs (if requested) */ public interface HeadPong extends VendorMessage { public static final int BINARY_VERSION = 1; public static final int GGEP_VERSION = 2; public static final int VERSION = 2; /** GGEP fields in the ggep format of the pong. */ static final String FEATURES = "F"; static final String CODE = "C"; static final String VENDOR = "V"; static final String QUEUE = "Q"; static final String RANGES = "R"; static final String RANGES5 = "R5"; static final String PUSH_LOCS = "P"; static final String LOCS = "A"; static final String TLS_LOCS = "T"; /** Features within the GGEP Features block. */ static final byte TLS_CAPABLE = 0x1; /** * instead of using the HTTP codes, use bit values. The first three * possible values are mutually exclusive though. DOWNLOADING is * possible only if PARTIAL_FILE is set as well. */ static final byte FILE_NOT_FOUND= (byte)0x0; static final byte COMPLETE_FILE= (byte)0x1; static final byte PARTIAL_FILE = (byte)0x2; static final byte FIREWALLED = (byte)0x4; static final byte DOWNLOADING = (byte)0x8; static final byte CODES_MASK=(byte)0xF; /** all our slots are full. */ static final byte BUSY=(byte)0x7F; /** * * @return whether the alternate location still has the file */ public boolean hasFile(); /** * * @return whether the alternate location has the complete file */ public boolean hasCompleteFile(); /** * * @return the available ranges the alternate location has */ public IntervalSet getRanges(); /** * @return set of <tt>Endpoint</tt> * containing any alternate locations this alternate location returned or * and empty set if not available */ public Set<IpPort> getAltLocs(); /** * @return set of <tt>PushEndpoint</tt> * containing any firewalled locations this alternate location returned or * an empty set if not available. */ public Set<PushEndpoint> getPushLocs(); /** Whether or not this pong supports TLS. */ public boolean isTLSCapable(); /** * @return all altlocs carried in the pong as * set of <tt>RemoteFileDesc</tt> */ public Set<RemoteFileDesc> getAllLocsRFD(RemoteFileDesc original, RemoteFileDescFactory remoteFileDescFactory); /** * * @return the remote vendor as string */ public String getVendor(); /** * * @return whether the remote is firewalled and will need a push */ public boolean isFirewalled(); public int getQueueStatus(); public boolean isBusy(); public boolean isDownloading(); /** * @return true if this pong came from a host that doesn't support routing */ public boolean isRoutingBroken(); // TODO: hack to let PingRankerTest compile public byte[] getPayload(); }