package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIUtils; import org.limewire.collection.Tuple; import org.limewire.logging.Log; import org.limewire.logging.LogFactory; import org.limewire.util.FileUtils; import org.limewire.util.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Implements {@link TorrentUriPrioritizer} by performing the following steps * on a list of uris: * <ul> * <li>Remove duplicate uris</li> * <li>Remove uris that are known to not be torrent uris</li> * <li>Calculate a likelihood score for a uri being a torrent uri</li> * <li>Sort list by this score</li> * <li>Cap list to the top n elements in it</li> * </ul> */ public class TorrentUriPrioritizerImpl implements TorrentUriPrioritizer { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TorrentUriPrioritizerImpl.class); private final static Pattern numbers = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+"); private final static int MAX_URIS = 20; private final String referrerHost; /** * List of predicates contributing to the likelihood score of a uri * being a torrent uri. They are ordered by weight. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private final List<Predicate<URI>> predicates = ImmutableList.of( new IsTorrentUriPredicate(), new IsMagnetUriPredicate(), new UriSimilarToOtherTorrentUriPredicate(), new UriEndsWithTorrentPredicate(), new UriContainsQueryPredicate(), new UriOnSameHostAsReferrerPredicate()); /** * Tokenized and lowercased query tokens. */ private final String[] queryTokens; private final TorrentUriStore torrentUriStore; @Inject public TorrentUriPrioritizerImpl(@Assisted URI referrer, @Assisted String query, TorrentUriStore torrentUriStore) { this.torrentUriStore = torrentUriStore; this.queryTokens = toLowerCase(query.split("\\s")); String host = org.limewire.util.URIUtils.getCanonicalHost(referrer); this.referrerHost = host != null ? host : ""; } @Override public List<URI> prioritize(List<URI> candidates) { // remove duplicates candidates = uniquify(candidates); // remove known non torrent uris int size = candidates.size(); candidates = filter(candidates, new NotTorrentUriPredicate()); LOG.debugf("removed non torrents: {0}, new size {1}", size - candidates.size(), candidates.size()); // compute scores List<Tuple<URI, Integer>> scoredUris = transform(candidates, new TorrentUriLikelihoodFunction()); // sort by how likely a candidate Collections.sort(scoredUris, new ScoreComparator()); // only look at the top n uris scoredUris = scoredUris.subList(0, Math.min(scoredUris.size(), MAX_URIS)); // transform back return transform(scoredUris, new UriExtractor()); } /** * Applies <code>function</code> to elements of <code>list</code> and * returns a new {@link ArrayList} with results. */ static <S, T> List<T> transform(List<S> list, Function<S, T> function) { List<T> transformed = new ArrayList<T>(list.size()); for (S element : list) { transformed.add(function.apply(element)); } return transformed; } /** * Filters elements of <code>list</code> using <code>predicate</code> * keeping elements that the predicated applies to and returns a new * {@link ArrayList} with those elements. */ <T> List<T> filter(List<T> list, Predicate<T> predicate) { List<T> filtered = new ArrayList<T>(list.size()); for (T element : list) { if (predicate.apply(element)) { filtered.add(element); } } return filtered; } /** * Uniquifies list by converting it to a hash set and then back to an * {@link ArrayList}. */ private List<URI> uniquify(List<URI> candidates) { return new ArrayList<URI>(new HashSet<URI>(candidates)); } @Override public void setIsTorrent(URI uri, boolean isTorrent) { torrentUriStore.setIsTorrentUri(uri, isTorrent); if (isTorrent) { String host = org.limewire.util.URIUtils.getCanonicalHost(uri); String path = uri.getPath(); if (host == null || path == null) { LOG.debugf("host or path null {0}, {1}", host, path); return; } List<String> tokens = tokenize(path); String canonicalPath = "/" + StringUtils.explode(tokens, "/"); uri = URIUtils.resolve(uri, canonicalPath); LOG.debugf("canonicalized uri: {0}", uri); torrentUriStore.addCanonicalTorrentUri(host, uri); } } Set<URI> getTorrentUrisForDomain(URI uri) { String host = org.limewire.util.URIUtils.getCanonicalHost(uri); if (host != null) { return torrentUriStore.getTorrentUrisForHost(host); } return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * @return true if <code>uri</code> is structurally similar to any of the * uris in <code>torrentUris</code> */ boolean isStructurallySimilar(URI uri, Iterable<URI> torrentUris) { for (URI torrentUri : torrentUris) { if (isStructurallySimilar(uri, torrentUri)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Tokenizes a uri path, normalizing it and replacing the query and numerical * elements in the path with placeholders. */ List<String> tokenize(String path) { String[] tokens = path.split("[/?#]"); List<String> canonicalized = new ArrayList<String>(tokens.length); for (String token : tokens) { if (containsQuery(token)) { canonicalized.add("*query*"); } else if (numbers.matcher(token).matches()) { canonicalized.add("*numbers*"); } else if (!token.isEmpty()) { canonicalized.add(token); } } return canonicalized; } /** * @return true if the two uris are structurally similar, for that their * paths are {@link #tokenize(String) tokenized} and then compared */ boolean isStructurallySimilar(URI uri, URI torrentUri) { String path = uri.getPath(); String torrentPath = torrentUri.getPath(); if (path == null || torrentPath == null) { return false; } int score = 0; List<String> pathTokens = tokenize(path); List<String> torrentPathTokens = tokenize(torrentPath); if (pathTokens.size() == torrentPathTokens.size()) { score += 1; } for (Tuple<String, String> tuple : zip(pathTokens, torrentPathTokens)) { if (tuple.getFirst().equalsIgnoreCase(tuple.getSecond())) { score += 1; } else { score -= 1; } } return score > 3; } /** * @return true if <code>value</code> contains all query tokens */ boolean containsQuery(String value) { value = value.toLowerCase(); for (String token : queryTokens) { if (!value.contains(token)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @return the likelihood score of a uri being a torrent uri */ private int computeScore(URI uri) { int score = 0; for (Predicate<URI> predicate : predicates) { if (predicate.apply(uri)) { score += 1; } score <<= 1; } return score; } private static String[] toLowerCase(String...tokens) { List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(tokens.length); for (String token : tokens) { results.add(token.toLowerCase()); } return results.toArray(new String[results.size()]); } private class IsTorrentUriPredicate implements Predicate<URI> { @Override public boolean apply(URI uri) { return torrentUriStore.isTorrentUri(uri); } } private class IsMagnetUriPredicate implements Predicate<URI> { @Override public boolean apply(URI uri) { return "magnet".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme()); } } private class UriSimilarToOtherTorrentUriPredicate implements Predicate<URI> { @Override public boolean apply(URI uri) { Set<URI> torrentUris = getTorrentUrisForDomain(uri); if (torrentUris.isEmpty()) { return false; } return isStructurallySimilar(uri, torrentUris); } } private class UriContainsQueryPredicate implements Predicate<URI> { @Override public boolean apply(URI uri) { return containsQuery(uri.toString()); } } private class UriEndsWithTorrentPredicate implements Predicate<URI> { @Override public boolean apply(URI uri) { String path = uri.getPath(); if (path != null) { return FileUtils.getFileExtension(uri.getPath()).equalsIgnoreCase("torrent"); } return false; } } private class UriOnSameHostAsReferrerPredicate implements Predicate<URI> { @Override public boolean apply(URI uri) { return referrerHost.equals(org.limewire.util.URIUtils.getCanonicalHost(uri)); } } private class NotTorrentUriPredicate implements Predicate<URI> { @Override public boolean apply(URI uri) { return !torrentUriStore.isNotTorrentUri(uri); } } private class TorrentUriLikelihoodFunction implements Function<URI, Tuple<URI, Integer>> { @Override public Tuple<URI, Integer> apply(URI uri) { return new Tuple<URI, Integer>(uri, computeScore(uri)); } } private class ScoreComparator implements Comparator<Tuple<URI, Integer>> { @Override public int compare(Tuple<URI, Integer> o1, Tuple<URI, Integer> o2) { return o2.getSecond().compareTo(o1.getSecond()); } } private class UriExtractor implements Function<Tuple<URI, Integer>, URI> { @Override public URI apply(Tuple<URI, Integer> tuple) { return tuple.getFirst(); } } /** * @return an iterable of tuples from <code>iterableS</code> and <code>iterableT</code> */ static <S, T> Iterable<Tuple<S, T>> zip(final Iterable<S> iterableS, final Iterable<T> iterableT) { return new Iterable<Tuple<S,T>>() { @Override public Iterator<Tuple<S, T>> iterator() { return new ZipIterator<S, T>(iterableS.iterator(), iterableT.iterator()); } }; } private static class ZipIterator<S, T> implements Iterator<Tuple<S, T>> { private final Iterator<S> iteratorS; private final Iterator<T> iteratorT; public ZipIterator(Iterator<S> iteratorS, Iterator<T> iteratorT) { this.iteratorS = iteratorS; this.iteratorT = iteratorT; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return iteratorS.hasNext() && iteratorT.hasNext(); } @Override public Tuple<S, T> next() { return new Tuple<S, T>(,; } @Override public void remove() { iteratorS.remove(); iteratorT.remove(); } } }