package org.limewire.rudp; /** * Tracks state for the purpose of modifying incoming * sequence numbers so they can be physically communicated with two bytes * but can in fact represent eight bytes. **/ public class SequenceNumberExtender { /** Every time sequenceNumbers exceed 0xffff then another increment of this value must be added on to them once they roll over in the two byte representation */ private static final long BASE_INCREMENT = 0x10000; /** When sequenceNumbers reach this value in the two byte representation, it is safe to increment the lowBase for use when sequenceNumbers are low after rolling over 0xffff */ private static final long LOW_BASE_SWITCH_POINT = 0xffff/2; /** When sequenceNumbers reach this value in the two byte representation, it is safe to set the highBase to the lowBase and to start adding the highBase to the two byte sequence numbers rather than the low base */ private static final long HIGH_BASE_SWITCH_POINT = 0xffff/4; /** The upper bound on sequence numbers where the HIGH_BASE_SWITCH_POINT test * is still valid. This must be used instead of LOW_BASE_SWITCH_POINT when * determining if a switch should be pending, or values in the area of the switch * being resent would trigger another switch to occur. */ private static final long BASE_MIDPOINT = HIGH_BASE_SWITCH_POINT + ((LOW_BASE_SWITCH_POINT - HIGH_BASE_SWITCH_POINT)/2); /** When sequenceNumbers are low, this value is added to them to allow sequenceNumbers to be communicated with two bytes but represented as 8 bytes */ private long lowBase = 0; /** When sequenceNumbers are higher, this value is added to them to allow sequenceNumbers to be communicated with two bytes but represented as 8 bytes */ private long highBase = 0; /** This flag contains the state of which transition is to occur next. When true, the next transition will be from using the lowBase to the highBase */ private boolean highSwitchPending = true; /** This flag contains the state of which transition is to occur next. When true, the incrementing of the lowBase is pending */ private boolean lowSwitchPending = false; public SequenceNumberExtender() { } /** * For testing only */ SequenceNumberExtender(long base) { base = base & 0xffffffffffff0000l; lowBase = base; highBase = base; } public long extendSequenceNumber(long sequenceNumber) { long extendedSeqNo; if ( sequenceNumber >= HIGH_BASE_SWITCH_POINT && sequenceNumber < BASE_MIDPOINT && highSwitchPending ) { highBase = lowBase; highSwitchPending = false; lowSwitchPending = true; } if ( sequenceNumber > LOW_BASE_SWITCH_POINT && lowSwitchPending ) { lowBase += BASE_INCREMENT; highSwitchPending = true; lowSwitchPending = false; } if ( sequenceNumber < HIGH_BASE_SWITCH_POINT ) { extendedSeqNo = sequenceNumber + lowBase; } else { extendedSeqNo = sequenceNumber + highBase; } return extendedSeqNo; } }