package; import static; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.limewire.collection.glazedlists.GlazedListsFactory; import org.limewire.core.api.URN; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.listener.EventListener; import org.limewire.logging.Log; import org.limewire.logging.LogFactory; import org.limewire.ui.swing.components.DisposalListener; import org.limewire.ui.swing.filter.FilterDebugger; import; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.DownloadExceptionHandler; import ca.odell.glazedlists.BasicEventList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.EventList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.FilterList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.SortedList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.TransactionList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.AbstractMatcherEditor; import ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.Matcher; import ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.MatcherEditor; import ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.MatcherEditor.Event; import ca.odell.glazedlists.util.concurrent.Lock; import ca.odell.glazedlists.util.concurrent.ReadWriteLock; import; /** * The default implementation of SearchResultsModel containing the results of * a search. This assembles search results into grouped, filtered, and sorted * lists, provides access to details about the search request, and handles * requests to download a search result. */ class BasicSearchResultsModel implements SearchResultsModel, VisualSearchResultStatusListener { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BasicSearchResultsModel.class); private int downloadsStarted = 0; /** Filter debugger associated with this model. */ private final FilterDebugger<VisualSearchResult> filterDebugger; /** Descriptor containing search details. */ private final SearchInfo searchInfo; /** Search request object. */ private final Search search; /** Search manager. */ private final SearchManager searchManager; /** Search result list. */ private final SearchResultList searchResultList; /** Core download manager. */ private final DownloadListManager downloadListManager; /** Download exception handler. */ private final Provider<DownloadExceptionHandler> downloadExceptionHandler; /** Factory to create visual search results. */ private final VisualSearchResultFactory vsrFactory; /** List of visual search results grouped and sorted by URN. */ private final EventList<VisualSearchResult> groupedUrnResults; /** A TransactionList for upstream changes. */ private final TransactionList<VisualSearchResult> transactionList; /** Filtered list of grouped search results. */ private final FilterList<VisualSearchResult> filteredResultList; /** Listener to handle search request events. */ private SearchListener searchListener; /** Listener to handle search result list events. */ private EventListener<Collection<GroupedSearchResult>> searchListListener; /** Current list of sorted and filtered results. */ private SortedList<VisualSearchResult> sortedResultList; /** Current list of visible, sorted and filtered results. */ private FilterList<VisualSearchResult> visibleResultList; /** Current selected search category. */ private SearchCategory selectedCategory; /** Current sort option. */ private SortOption sortOption; /** Current matcher editor for filtered search results. */ private MatcherEditor<VisualSearchResult> filterEditor; /** Listener for filter editor. */ private MatcherEditor.Listener<VisualSearchResult> filterEditorListener; /** Matcher editor for visible search results. */ private final VisibleMatcherEditor visibleEditor = new VisibleMatcherEditor(); private List<DisposalListener> disposalListeners = new ArrayList<DisposalListener>(); /** A list of listeners for changes. */ private final List<VisualSearchResultStatusListener> changeListeners; /** A queue used to collect search results and apply them in bulk. */ private final ListQueuer listQueuer = new ListQueuer(); /** Comparator that searches through the list of results & finds them based on URN. */ private final UrnResultFinder resultFinder = new UrnResultFinder(); //TODO Using this to fix a case where events are coming in for items no longer in the list after a clear. //We should remove this after the release and fix the root cause, that DownloadListeners for visual search results //are not being removed from the downloaders after search tabs are removed or refreshed. private boolean cleared = false; /** * Constructs a BasicSearchResultsModel with the specified search details, * search request object, and services. */ public BasicSearchResultsModel(SearchInfo searchInfo, Search search, VisualSearchResultFactory vsrFactory, DownloadListManager downloadListManager, Provider<DownloadExceptionHandler> downloadExceptionHandler, SearchManager searchManager) { this.searchInfo = searchInfo; = search; this.vsrFactory = vsrFactory; this.searchManager = searchManager; this.downloadListManager = downloadListManager; this.downloadExceptionHandler = downloadExceptionHandler; changeListeners = new ArrayList<VisualSearchResultStatusListener>(3); // Create filter debugger. filterDebugger = new FilterDebugger<VisualSearchResult>(); // Create core list of grouped results. searchResultList = searchManager.addSearch(search, searchInfo); // Create local list of grouped visual results. This list is always // updated on the EDT, so we optimize performance by using a dummy lock. groupedUrnResults = new BasicEventList<VisualSearchResult>(new ReadWriteLock() { private final Lock noopLock = new Lock() { @Override public void lock() {} @Override public boolean tryLock() { return true; } @Override public void unlock() {} }; @Override public Lock readLock() { return noopLock; } @Override public Lock writeLock() { return noopLock; } }); // Create transaction list. transactionList = GlazedListsFactory.transactionList(groupedUrnResults); // Create filtered list. filteredResultList = GlazedListsFactory.filterList(transactionList); // Initialize display category and sorted list. setSelectedCategory(searchInfo.getSearchCategory()); } /** * Installs the specified search listener and starts the search. The * search listener should handle search results by calling the * <code>addSearchResult(SearchResult)</code> method. */ @Override public void start(SearchListener searchListener) { if (searchListener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Search listener cannot be null"); } // Install search listener. this.searchListener = searchListener; search.addSearchListener(searchListener); // Install listener to handle new grouped results. The event is // usually fired by a background thread. searchListListener = new EventListener<Collection<GroupedSearchResult>>() { @Override public void handleEvent(Collection<GroupedSearchResult> results) { // Add results to queue for processing. The queue is used to // improve performance for Browse Host requests, which can // generate thousands of results one at a time. listQueuer.addAll(results); } }; searchResultList.addListener(searchListListener); // Start search. search.start(); } /** * Adds the specified list of grouped results to the list of visual * results. */ void addResultsInternal(final List<GroupedSearchResult> resultList) { // Process next group of results. We use a transaction list so that // large result sets generate a single list change event. This // improves the performance for Browse Host/Friend requests, which can // generate thousands of results. transactionList.beginEvent(true); try { for (GroupedSearchResult gsr : resultList) { URN urn = gsr.getUrn(); int idx = Collections.binarySearch(groupedUrnResults, urn, resultFinder); if (idx < 0) { // URN not found so add visual result at insertion point. // This keeps the list in sorted order. idx = -(idx + 1); VisualSearchResult vsr = vsrFactory.create(gsr, this); groupedUrnResults.add(idx, vsr); // Notify listeners to update result states. for (VisualSearchResultStatusListener listener : changeListeners) { listener.resultCreated(vsr); } } else { // URN found so replace result to generate change event. VisualSearchResult vsr = groupedUrnResults.get(idx); groupedUrnResults.set(idx, vsr); // Notify listeners to update similar results. for (VisualSearchResultStatusListener listener : changeListeners) { listener.resultChanged(vsr, NEW_SOURCES, null, null); } } } } finally { transactionList.commitEvent(); } // Reapply sort in case similarity parents have changed. if (sortedResultList != null) { sortedResultList.setComparator(sortedResultList.getComparator()); } } /** * Stops the search and removes the current search listener. */ @Override public void dispose() { // Stop search. search.stop(); // Remove search listeners. if (searchListener != null) { search.removeSearchListener(searchListener); searchListener = null; } if (searchListListener != null) { searchResultList.removeListener(searchListListener); searchListListener = null; } // Remove search from core management. searchManager.removeSearch(search); groupedUrnResults.dispose(); notifyDisposalListeners(); } @Override public SearchCategory getFilterCategory() { return searchInfo.getSearchCategory(); } @Override public FilterDebugger<VisualSearchResult> getFilterDebugger() { return filterDebugger; } @Override public EventList<VisualSearchResult> getUnfilteredList() { return transactionList; } @Override public EventList<VisualSearchResult> getFilteredList() { return filteredResultList; } @Override public SearchCategory getSearchCategory() { return searchInfo.getSearchCategory(); } @Override public String getSearchQuery() { return searchInfo.getSearchQuery(); } @Override public String getSearchTitle() { return searchInfo.getTitle(); } @Override public int getResultCount() { return searchResultList.getResultCount(); } @Override public SearchType getSearchType() { return searchInfo.getSearchType(); } /** * Returns a list of filtered results. */ @Override public EventList<VisualSearchResult> getFilteredSearchResults() { return filteredResultList; } /** * Returns a list of sorted and filtered results for the selected search * category and sort option. Only visible results are included in the list. */ @Override public EventList<VisualSearchResult> getSortedSearchResults() { return visibleResultList; } /** * Returns the selected search category. */ @Override public SearchCategory getSelectedCategory() { return selectedCategory; } /** * Selects the specified search category. If the selected category is * changed, this method updates the sorted list. */ @Override public void setSelectedCategory(SearchCategory selectedCategory) { if (this.selectedCategory != selectedCategory) { this.selectedCategory = selectedCategory; updateSortedList(); } } /** * Updates sorted list of visible results. This method is called when the * selected category is changed. */ private void updateSortedList() { // Create visible and sorted lists if necessary. if (visibleResultList == null) { sortedResultList = GlazedListsFactory.sortedList(filteredResultList, sortOption != null ? SortFactory.getSortComparator(sortOption) : null); visibleResultList = GlazedListsFactory.filterList(sortedResultList, visibleEditor); } } /** * Sets the sort option. This method updates the sorted list by changing * the sort comparator. */ @Override public void setSortOption(SortOption sortOption) { this.sortOption = sortOption; sortedResultList.setComparator((sortOption != null) ? SortFactory.getSortComparator(sortOption) : null); } @Override public void setFilterEditor(MatcherEditor<VisualSearchResult> editor) { // Remove listener from existing filter editor. if ((filterEditor != null) && (filterEditorListener != null)) { filterEditor.removeMatcherEditorListener(filterEditorListener); } // Create listener to handle changes to the filter. if (filterEditorListener == null) { filterEditorListener = new MatcherEditor.Listener<VisualSearchResult>() { @Override public void changedMatcher(Event<VisualSearchResult> matcherEvent) { // Post Runnable on event queue to update filtered list for // visible items. This allows us to display child results // whose parents become hidden due to filtering. SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { visibleEditor.update(); } }); } }; } // Set filter editor and add listener. filterEditor = editor; filterEditor.addMatcherEditorListener(filterEditorListener); // Apply filter editor. filteredResultList.setMatcherEditor(filterEditor); } public void addResultListener(VisualSearchResultStatusListener vsrChangeListener) { changeListeners.add(vsrChangeListener); } @Override public void resultCreated(VisualSearchResult vsr) { } @Override public void resultsCleared() { } @Override public void resultChanged(VisualSearchResult vsr, String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { // Scan through the list & find the item. URN urn = vsr.getUrn(); int idx = Collections.binarySearch(groupedUrnResults, urn, resultFinder); //TODO clean up, see comment about cleared variable, and why it should be removed. assert cleared || idx >= 0; if (idx >=0) { VisualSearchResult existing = groupedUrnResults.get(idx); VisualSearchResult replaced = groupedUrnResults.set(idx, existing); assert cleared || replaced == vsr; if(replaced == vsr) { for(VisualSearchResultStatusListener listener : changeListeners) { listener.resultChanged(vsr, propertyName, oldValue, newValue); } } } } /** * Removes all results from the model */ @Override public void clear() { listQueuer.clear(); } /** * Initiates a download of the specified visual search result. */ @Override public void download(VisualSearchResult vsr) { download(vsr, null); } /** * Initiates a download of the specified visual search result to the * specified save file. */ @Override public void download(final VisualSearchResult vsr, File saveFile) { try { downloadsStarted++; // Add download to manager. If save file is specified, then set // overwrite to true because the user has already confirmed it. DownloadItem di = (saveFile == null) ? downloadListManager.addDownload(search, vsr.getCoreSearchResults()) : downloadListManager.addDownload(search, vsr.getCoreSearchResults(), saveFile, true); // Add listener, and initialize download state. di.addPropertyChangeListener(new DownloadItemPropertyListener(vsr)); BasicDownloadState state = BasicDownloadState.fromState(di.getState()); if(state != null) { vsr.setDownloadState(state); } } catch (final DownloadException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == DownloadException.ErrorCode.FILE_ALREADY_DOWNLOADING) { DownloadItem downloadItem = downloadListManager.getDownloadItem(vsr.getUrn()); if (downloadItem != null) { downloadItem.addPropertyChangeListener(new DownloadItemPropertyListener(vsr)); BasicDownloadState state = BasicDownloadState.fromState(downloadItem.getState()); if(state != null) { vsr.setDownloadState(state); } if (saveFile != null) { try { // Update save file in DownloadItem. downloadItem.setSaveFile(saveFile, true); } catch (DownloadException ex) { LOG.infof(ex, "Unable to relocate downloading file {0}", ex.getMessage()); } } } } else { downloadExceptionHandler.get().handleDownloadException(new DownloadAction() { @Override public void download(File saveFile, boolean overwrite) throws DownloadException { DownloadItem di = downloadListManager.addDownload(search, vsr.getCoreSearchResults(), saveFile, overwrite); di.addPropertyChangeListener(new DownloadItemPropertyListener(vsr)); BasicDownloadState state = BasicDownloadState.fromState(di.getState()); if(state != null) { vsr.setDownloadState(state); } } @Override public void downloadCanceled(DownloadException ignored) { //nothing to do } }, e, true); } } } /** * Returns true if the specified search result is allowed by the current * filter editor. This means the result is a member of the filtered list. */ private boolean isFilterMatch(VisualSearchResult vsr) { if (filterEditor != null) { return filterEditor.getMatcher().matches(vsr); } return true; } /** * A matcher editor used to filter visible search results. */ private class VisibleMatcherEditor extends AbstractMatcherEditor<VisualSearchResult> { public VisibleMatcherEditor() { currentMatcher = new Matcher<VisualSearchResult>() { @Override public boolean matches(VisualSearchResult item) { // Determine whether item has parent, and parent is hidden // due to filtering. If so, we treat the item as visible. VisualSearchResult parent = item.getSimilarityParent(); boolean parentHidden = (parent != null) && !isFilterMatch(parent); return item.isVisible() || parentHidden; } }; } /** * Updates the list by firing a matcher change event to registered * listeners. */ public void update() { fireChangedMatcher(new MatcherEditor.Event<VisualSearchResult>( this, Event.CHANGED, currentMatcher)); } } @Override public void addDisposalListener(DisposalListener listener) { disposalListeners.add(listener); } @Override public void removeDisposalListener(DisposalListener listener) { disposalListeners.remove(listener); } private void notifyDisposalListeners(){ for (DisposalListener listener : disposalListeners){ listener.objectDisposed(this); } } /** * A queue used to collect search results and apply them in bulk. * ListQueuer is used to protect the performance of UI event processing * when thousands of individual results arrive in rapid succession. When * a result is received, it is added to the queue and scheduled for later * processing on the event queue. If another result is received before * the event is handled, then it is added to the queue so it can be * processed together with other pending results. */ private class ListQueuer implements Runnable { private final Object LOCK = new Object(); /** Queue of pending results; should always be accessed under LOCK. */ private final List<GroupedSearchResult> queue = new ArrayList<GroupedSearchResult>(); private final List<GroupedSearchResult> transferQ = new ArrayList<GroupedSearchResult>(); private boolean scheduled = false; /** * Adds the specified collection of results to the queue, and schedules * an event to add them to the result list. */ void addAll(Collection<? extends GroupedSearchResult> results) { synchronized(LOCK) { queue.addAll(results); schedule(); } } /** * Clears the queue and posts an event to clear all search results. */ void clear() { synchronized(LOCK) { queue.clear(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { cleared = true; // Clear result list. searchResultList.clear(); groupedUrnResults.clear(); // Notify change listeners that results are cleared. for (VisualSearchResultStatusListener listener : changeListeners) { listener.resultsCleared(); } } }); } } /** * Posts event to process queued results. This method should only be * called while holding the lock. */ private void schedule() { if (!scheduled) { scheduled = true; // Purposely use SwingUtilities, and not SwingUtils, so that // that we force an event on the end of the event queue. SwingUtilities.invokeLater(this); } } @Override public void run() { // Move result into transferQ inside the lock. transferQ.clear(); synchronized(LOCK) { transferQ.addAll(queue); queue.clear(); } // Add to search results outside the lock so we don't hold the // lock while events are being triggered. addResultsInternal(transferQ); transferQ.clear(); synchronized(LOCK) { scheduled = false; // If the queue isn't empty, we need to reschedule ourselves // because results got added to the queue without scheduling // itself since we had scheduled=true. if (!queue.isEmpty()) { schedule(); } } } } /** * Comparator to search for VisualSearchResult objects by URN. This is * only used to perform a binary search by URN, never to perform the sort, * so the compare() method does not need to be symmetric. */ private static class UrnResultFinder implements Comparator<Object> { @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return ((VisualSearchResult)o1).getUrn().compareTo(((URN)o2)); } } }