package; import java.util.Map; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class CleanStringCache { private final Matcher matcher; private final String replacement; private final Map<String, String> cache; public CleanStringCache(Pattern pattern, String replacement) { this.matcher = pattern.matcher(""); this.replacement = replacement; this.cache = new WeakHashMap<String, String>(); } public String getCleanString(String name) { String cleanedString = cache.get(name); if(cleanedString == null) { cleanedString = cleanString(name); cache.put(name, cleanedString); } return cleanedString; } /** * Removes all symbols and spaces in the string. * Also removes any leaf elements on the name, for example: file1.txt * file1(1).txt, file1(2).txt. */ public String cleanString(String string) { matcher.reset(string); string = matcher.replaceAll(replacement); return string; } public boolean matches(String string1, String string2) { return getCleanString(string1).equalsIgnoreCase(getCleanString(string2)); } }