package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.Paint; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.Timer; import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout; import org.jdesktop.application.Resource; import org.jdesktop.swingx.JXPanel; import org.jdesktop.swingx.painter.RectanglePainter; import org.limewire.bittorrent.Torrent; import org.limewire.core.api.FilePropertyKey; import; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.core.api.library.PropertiableFile; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.FontUtils; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.GuiUtils; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.I18n; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.PainterUtils; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.ResizeUtils; public class FileInfoPiecesPanel implements FileInfoPanel { private static final int NUM_COLUMNS = 10; private static final int MAX_NUM_ROWS = 10; private static final int MAX_CELL_HEIGHT = 16; private static final int MAX_CELL_WIDTH = 80; private static final PieceIntensity ACTIVE_INTENSITY = new PieceIntensity(PieceState.ACTIVE); private static final PieceIntensity UNAVAILABLE_INTENSITY = new PieceIntensity(PieceState.UNAVAILABLE); private final NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); /** * The shorter the cooler, the shorter the more performance intensive. */ private static final int REFRESH_DELAY = 200; @Resource private Color foreground; @Resource private Font smallFont; @Resource private Color legendBackground = PainterUtils.TRANSPARENT; @Resource private Color downloadedForeground; @Resource private Color availableForeground; @Resource private Color activeForeground; @Resource private Color unavailableForeground; private final Color partialForegroundInitial; private final Color partialForegroundFinal; private final DownloadItem download; private Torrent torrent = null; private final JPanel component; private PiecesGrid grid; private Timer refresher; private DownloadPiecesInfo piecesInfo; private int numPieces = -1; private int coalesceFactor; private boolean finishedSuccessfully = false; private int cachedColumns; private int cachedRows; private final JLabel statusLabel; private JLabel numPiecesLabel; private JLabel piecesPerCellLabel; private JLabel piecesSizeLabel; private JLabel ratioLabel; private JLabel uploadedLabel; private JLabel downloadedLabel; private JLabel piecesCompletedLabel; private JLabel failedDownloadLabel; public FileInfoPiecesPanel(final DownloadItem download) { = download; GuiUtils.assignResources(this); partialForegroundInitial = createShade(availableForeground, downloadedForeground, .1); partialForegroundFinal = createShade(downloadedForeground, availableForeground, .1); component = new JPanel(new MigLayout("insets 6 0 0 0")); component.setOpaque(false); numPiecesLabel = createLabel("?"); piecesPerCellLabel = createLabel("?"); piecesCompletedLabel = createLabel("?"); piecesSizeLabel = createLabel("?"); downloadedLabel = createLabel("?"); failedDownloadLabel = createLabel("?"); grid = new PiecesGrid(); statusLabel = new JLabel("Preparing View...")); grid.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); grid.add(statusLabel); ResizeUtils.forceSize(grid, new Dimension(MAX_CELL_WIDTH*NUM_COLUMNS, MAX_CELL_HEIGHT*MAX_NUM_ROWS)); final JPanel infoPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("insets 0, gap 0, fill")); infoPanel.setOpaque(false); JPanel legendPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("insets 8, gap 3")); legendPanel.setBackground(legendBackground); legendPanel.add(createLegendBox(activeForeground)); legendPanel.add(createLabel("Active")), "gapright 5"); legendPanel.add(createLegendBox(availableForeground)); legendPanel.add(createLabel("Available")), "wrap"); legendPanel.add(createLegendBox(downloadedForeground)); legendPanel.add(createLabel("Done")), "gapright 5"); legendPanel.add(createLegendBox(unavailableForeground)); legendPanel.add(createLabel("Unavailable")), "wrap"); legendPanel.add(createLegendBox(new GradientPaint(0, 0, partialForegroundInitial, 0, 1, partialForegroundFinal))); legendPanel.add(createLabel("Partially Done")), "wrap"); JPanel bottomLegend = new JPanel(new MigLayout("insets 0, gap 6, fillx")); bottomLegend.setOpaque(false); bottomLegend.add(createLabel("Pieces per Cell:"))); bottomLegend.add(piecesPerCellLabel); legendPanel.add(bottomLegend, "gaptop 5, span, alignx 50%"); JPanel rightPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("fillx, gap 0, insets 0")); rightPanel.setOpaque(false); rightPanel.add(legendPanel); infoPanel.add(rightPanel, "dock east"); infoPanel.add(createBoldLabel("Number of Pieces:")), "split 2"); infoPanel.add(numPiecesLabel, "wrap"); infoPanel.add(createBoldLabel("Pieces Completed:")), "split 2"); infoPanel.add(piecesCompletedLabel, "wrap"); infoPanel.add(createBoldLabel("Piece Size:")), "split 2"); infoPanel.add(piecesSizeLabel, "wrap"); infoPanel.add(createBoldLabel("Downloaded:")), "split 2"); infoPanel.add(downloadedLabel, "wrap"); infoPanel.add(createBoldLabel("Failed Download:")), "split 2"); infoPanel.add(failedDownloadLabel, "wrap"); if (download.getDownloadItemType() == DownloadItemType.BITTORRENT) { torrent = (Torrent) download.getProperty(FilePropertyKey.TORRENT); uploadedLabel = createLabel(""); ratioLabel = createLabel(""); infoPanel.add(createBoldLabel("Uploaded:")), "split 2"); infoPanel.add(uploadedLabel, "wrap"); infoPanel.add(createBoldLabel("Ratio:")), "split 2"); infoPanel.add(ratioLabel, "wrap"); } component.add(grid, "wrap"); component.add(infoPanel, "growx"); refresher = new Timer(REFRESH_DELAY, new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (isFinished()) { refresher.stop(); if (download.getState() == DownloadState.CANCELLED) { grid.setAlpha(.5f); statusLabel.setText("Download Cancelled!")); statusLabel.setVisible(true); grid.repaint(); } else { finishedSuccessfully = true; if (numPieces > 0) { for ( int i=0 ; i<grid.getCellCount() ; i++ ) { grid.setCellFillPaint(i, downloadedForeground); } } else { statusLabel.setText("Download Already Finished!")); } } } else { if (calculatePieceData() > 0) { updateTable(); } } grid.repaint(); // Hack to get the legends margin to line up with the table edge despite // resizing due to rounding. NOTE: there will be a lag of one refresh cycle. if (grid.isMarginUpdated()) { int margin = grid.getInnerMargin(); if (margin != 0) { infoPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, margin, 0, margin)); } } updateDownloadDetails(); } private boolean isFinished() { DownloadState state = download.getState(); // TODO: use DownloadState.isFinished() ? doesn't match properly right now though. return state == DownloadState.DONE || state == DownloadState.FINISHING || state == DownloadState.CANCELLED || state == DownloadState.DANGEROUS || state == DownloadState.SCAN_FAILED || state == DownloadState.THREAT_FOUND; } }); refresher.setInitialDelay(0); refresher.start(); } private int calculatePieceData() { piecesInfo = download.getPiecesInfo(); if (piecesInfo == null) { return -1; } int newNum = piecesInfo.getNumPieces(); if(newNum != numPieces && newNum != 0) { // Hide any previous status messages statusLabel.setVisible(false); // If the number of pieces has changed, resize the grid. numPieces = newNum; setupGrid(); } return newNum; } private void setupGrid() { int requiredRows = (int)Math.ceil((double)numPieces / NUM_COLUMNS); int numRows = requiredRows; coalesceFactor = 1; if (requiredRows > MAX_NUM_ROWS) { coalesceFactor = (int)Math.ceil((double)numPieces / (MAX_NUM_ROWS*NUM_COLUMNS)); numRows = (int)Math.ceil((double)numPieces / (coalesceFactor*NUM_COLUMNS)); piecesPerCellLabel.setText(""+coalesceFactor); } grid.resizeGrid(numRows, NUM_COLUMNS); grid.setAlignmentX(Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); grid.setAlignmentY(Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); ResizeUtils.forceSize(grid, new Dimension(MAX_CELL_WIDTH*NUM_COLUMNS, MAX_CELL_HEIGHT*numRows)); } private static Component createLegendBox(Paint foreground) { JXPanel panel = new JXPanel(); RectanglePainter<JXPanel> painter = new RectanglePainter<JXPanel>(); painter.setPaintStretched(true); painter.setFillPaint(foreground); painter.setBorderPaint(Color.BLACK); painter.setAntialiasing(true); painter.setCacheable(true); panel.setBackgroundPainter(painter); return panel; } private JLabel createLabel(String text) { JLabel label = new JLabel(text); label.setOpaque(false); label.setForeground(foreground); label.setFont(smallFont); return label; } private JLabel createBoldLabel(String text) { JLabel label = createLabel(text); FontUtils.bold(label); return label; } private void updateDownloadDetails() { long currentSize = download.getCurrentSize(); long verifiedSize = download.getAmountVerified(); String downloadString = GuiUtils.formatUnitFromBytes(currentSize); // Don't show verification unless the numbers deviate more than one byte if (currentSize - verifiedSize > 1000) { downloadString += " " +"({0} verified)", GuiUtils.formatUnitFromBytes(verifiedSize)); } downloadedLabel.setText(downloadString); if (numPieces > 0) { numPiecesLabel.setText("" + numPieces); } if (piecesInfo != null) { int completed = piecesInfo.getNumPiecesCompleted(); String completedText; if (finishedSuccessfully) { completedText = "" + numPieces; } else if (completed < 0) { completedText = "?"; } else { completedText = "" + completed; } piecesCompletedLabel.setText(completedText); piecesSizeLabel.setText(GuiUtils.formatUnitFromBytes(piecesInfo.getPieceSize())); } failedDownloadLabel.setText(GuiUtils.formatUnitFromBytes(download.getAmountLost())); if (torrent != null) { uploadedLabel.setText(GuiUtils.formatUnitFromBytes(torrent.getTotalUploaded())); ratioLabel.setText(formatter.format(torrent.getSeedRatio())); } } private void updateTable() { // Correction if per chance the number of cells or rows is changed. if (cachedRows != grid.getRows() || cachedColumns != grid.getColumns()) { cachedRows = grid.getRows(); cachedColumns = grid.getColumns(); int cellsAvailable = grid.getCellCount(); coalesceFactor = (int)Math.ceil((double)numPieces / cellsAvailable); piecesPerCellLabel.setText(""+coalesceFactor); } int gridSlot = 0; for ( int i=0 ; i<numPieces ; i+=coalesceFactor ) { Paint pieceForeground = Color.BLACK; int numPiecesLeft = numPieces-coalesceFactor*gridSlot; int piecesToCoalesce = coalesceFactor; if (numPiecesLeft < coalesceFactor) { piecesToCoalesce = numPiecesLeft; } PieceIntensity cumulativePieceIntensity = coalescePieceStates(piecesInfo, i, piecesToCoalesce); PieceState cumulativeState = cumulativePieceIntensity.getState(); switch (cumulativeState) { case ACTIVE : pieceForeground = activeForeground; break; case PARTIAL : pieceForeground = createShade(partialForegroundInitial, partialForegroundFinal, cumulativePieceIntensity.getIntensity()); break; case AVAILABLE : pieceForeground = availableForeground; break; case DOWNLOADED : pieceForeground = downloadedForeground; break; case UNAVAILABLE : pieceForeground = unavailableForeground; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(cumulativeState.toString()); } grid.setCellFillPaint(gridSlot++, pieceForeground); } } @Override public JComponent getComponent() { return component; } @Override public boolean hasChanged() { return false; } @Override public void save() { } @Override public void updatePropertiableFile(PropertiableFile file) { } @Override public void dispose() { refresher.stop(); } private static PieceIntensity coalescePieceStates(DownloadPiecesInfo piecesInfo, int startIndex, int piecesToCoalesce) { // +1 for partial, +2 for done, 0 for available int completedScore = 0; PieceState workingState = null; for ( int i=startIndex ; i < startIndex+piecesToCoalesce ; i++ ) { PieceState state = piecesInfo.getPieceState(i); if (state == PieceState.ACTIVE) { return ACTIVE_INTENSITY; } if (state == PieceState.UNAVAILABLE) { return UNAVAILABLE_INTENSITY; } switch (state) { case PARTIAL : completedScore+=1; break; case DOWNLOADED : completedScore+=2; break; } if (workingState != null && workingState != state) { workingState = PieceState.PARTIAL; } else { workingState = state; } } if (workingState == PieceState.PARTIAL) { int completedScoreMax = piecesToCoalesce*2; return new PieceIntensity(workingState, (double)completedScore/completedScoreMax); } else { return new PieceIntensity(workingState); } } private static class PieceIntensity { private final PieceState state; private final double intensity; public PieceIntensity(PieceState state) { this.state = state; this.intensity = 1; } public PieceIntensity(PieceState state, double intensity) { this.state = state; this.intensity = intensity; } public PieceState getState() { return state; } public double getIntensity() { return intensity; } } private static Color createShade(Color initialShade, Color finalShade, double intensity) { int redDelta = finalShade.getRed() - initialShade.getRed(); int greenDelta = finalShade.getGreen() - initialShade.getGreen(); int blueDelta = finalShade.getBlue() - initialShade.getBlue(); redDelta *= intensity; greenDelta *= intensity; blueDelta *= intensity; return new Color(initialShade.getRed() + redDelta, initialShade.getGreen() + greenDelta, initialShade.getBlue() + blueDelta); } }