package; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.Rectangle; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.Scrollable; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader; import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout; import org.jdesktop.application.Resource; import org.jdesktop.jxlayer.JXLayer; import org.jdesktop.swingx.JXPanel; import org.jdesktop.swingx.painter.RectanglePainter; import; import; import org.limewire.setting.evt.SettingEvent; import org.limewire.setting.evt.SettingListener; import org.limewire.ui.swing.components.Disposable; import org.limewire.ui.swing.components.HeaderBar; import org.limewire.ui.swing.components.decorators.HeaderBarDecorator; import org.limewire.ui.swing.filter.AdvancedFilterPanel; import org.limewire.ui.swing.filter.AdvancedFilterPanelFactory; import org.limewire.ui.swing.filter.AdvancedFilterPanel.CategoryListener; import org.limewire.ui.swing.friends.refresh.AllFriendsRefreshManager; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.ui.swing.settings.SwingUiSettings; import org.limewire.ui.swing.table.TableCellHeaderRenderer; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.CategoryIconManager; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.GuiUtils; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.I18n; import ca.odell.glazedlists.event.ListEvent; import ca.odell.glazedlists.event.ListEventListener; import; import; /** * This is the top-level container for the search results display. * SearchResultsPanel contains several UI components, including the category * tab items, sort and filter panel, sponsored results panel, and search * results tables. */ public class SearchResultsPanel extends JXPanel implements Disposable { /** * The type of overlay which should be placed over the search results. * NONE indicates that no overlay should be shown. * AWAITING_CONNECTIONS indicates that an overlay with a busy icon and a "LimeWire is connecting..." message should be shown. * NO_FRIENDS_ON_LIMEWIRE indicates that friends' files cannot be shown b/c no friends are logged on */ public enum OverlayType { NONE, AWAITING_CONNECTIONS, NO_FRIENDS_ON_LIMEWIRE } /** Decorator used to set the appearance of the header bar. */ private final HeaderBarDecorator headerBarDecorator; /** Icon manager for categories. */ private final CategoryIconManager categoryIconManager; /** Label that displays the search title. */ private final JLabel searchTitleLabel = new JLabel(); /** Panel containing filter components. */ private final AdvancedFilterPanel<VisualSearchResult> filterPanel; /** * This is the subpanel that displays the actual search results. */ private final ResultsContainer resultsContainer; /** * This is the subpanel that appears in the upper-right corner * of each search results tab. */ private final SortAndFilterPanel sortAndFilterPanel; /** The scroll pane embedding the search results & sponsored results. */ private JScrollPane scrollPane; /** The ScrollablePanel that the scroll pane is embedding. */ private ScrollablePanel scrollablePanel; /** The panel for showing messages and a pointer to the classic search results view button. */ private final SearchResultsMessagePanel messagePanel; /** This is the white gap which appears between the message panel and the search results */ private Component messagePanelsGap; /** Listener for changes in the view type. */ private final SettingListener viewTypeListener; /** Listener for updates to the result count. */ private final ListEventListener<VisualSearchResult> resultCountListener; /** Search results data model. */ private final SearchResultsModel searchResultsModel; @Resource private Color tabHighlightTopGradientColor; @Resource private Color tabHighlightBottomGradientColor; private boolean lifeCycleComplete = true; private boolean fullyConnected = true; private boolean receivedSponsoredResults = false; private boolean receivedSearchResults = false; private BrowseStatus browseStatus = null; /** Shows status of failed browses and refresh button. */ private BrowseStatusPanel browseStatusPanel; /** Title when browsing friends; null for search results. */ private String browseTitle; private final BrowseFailedMessagePanel browseFailedPanel; /** This class has a JXLayer as its sole component. The JXLayer has the search results components as its main panel and sometimes places overlays over these components. */ private final JXLayer jxlayer; /** This is the active OverlayType for the JXLayer */ private OverlayType overlayType = OverlayType.NONE; private SettingListener messagePanelGapHider; /** * Constructs a SearchResultsPanel with the specified components. */ @Inject public SearchResultsPanel( @Assisted SearchResultsModel searchResultsModel, ResultsContainerFactory containerFactory, SortAndFilterPanelFactory sortAndFilterFactory, AdvancedFilterPanelFactory<VisualSearchResult> filterPanelFactory, HeaderBarDecorator headerBarDecorator, CategoryIconManager categoryIconManager, BrowseFailedMessagePanelFactory browseFailedMessagePanelFactory, AllFriendsRefreshManager allFriendsRefreshManager) { super(new BorderLayout()); GuiUtils.assignResources(this); this.searchResultsModel = searchResultsModel; this.headerBarDecorator = headerBarDecorator; this.categoryIconManager = categoryIconManager; this.browseFailedPanel = browseFailedMessagePanelFactory.create(searchResultsModel); // Create sort and filter components. sortAndFilterPanel = sortAndFilterFactory.create(searchResultsModel); filterPanel = filterPanelFactory.create(searchResultsModel, searchResultsModel.getSearchType()); scrollPane = new JScrollPane(); scrollPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); scrollablePanel = new ScrollablePanel(); configureEnclosingScrollPane(); // Create results container with tables. resultsContainer = containerFactory.create(searchResultsModel); viewTypeListener = new SettingListener() { int oldSearchViewTypeId = SwingUiSettings.SEARCH_VIEW_TYPE_ID.getValue(); @Override public void settingChanged(SettingEvent evt) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { int newSearchViewTypeId = SwingUiSettings.SEARCH_VIEW_TYPE_ID.getValue(); if(newSearchViewTypeId != oldSearchViewTypeId) { SearchViewType newSearchViewType = SearchViewType.forId(newSearchViewTypeId); resultsContainer.setViewType(newSearchViewType); syncScrollPieces(); oldSearchViewTypeId = newSearchViewTypeId; } } }); } }; SwingUiSettings.SEARCH_VIEW_TYPE_ID.addSettingListener(viewTypeListener); // Initialize header label. updateTitle(); // Install listener to update header label. resultCountListener = new ListEventListener<VisualSearchResult>() { @Override public void listChanged(ListEvent<VisualSearchResult> listChanges) { // these updates are coming in on the AWT thread. so, it's safe to make GUI updates here. updateTitle(); receivedSearchResults = (SearchResultsPanel.this.searchResultsModel.getUnfilteredList().size() > 0); updateMessages(); } }; searchResultsModel.getUnfilteredList().addListEventListener(resultCountListener); searchResultsModel.getFilteredList().addListEventListener(resultCountListener); // Configure sort panel and results container. sortAndFilterPanel.setSearchCategory(searchResultsModel.getSearchCategory()); resultsContainer.showCategory(searchResultsModel.getSearchCategory()); syncScrollPieces(); // Configure advanced filters. filterPanel.setSearchCategory(searchResultsModel.getSearchCategory()); filterPanel.addCategoryListener(new CategoryListener() { @Override public void categorySelected(SearchCategory displayCategory) { sortAndFilterPanel.setSearchCategory(displayCategory); resultsContainer.showCategory(displayCategory); syncScrollPieces(); updateTitle(); } }); browseStatusPanel = new BrowseStatusPanel(searchResultsModel, allFriendsRefreshManager); messagePanel = new SearchResultsMessagePanel(); // if the user closes the hint showing where the classic search view is by clicking on the hint's close button, // we need to hear about that in this class so that we can make the gap separating the message box from // the search results disappear if (messagePanel.isShowClassicSearchResultsHint()) { messagePanelGapHider = new SettingListener() { @Override public void settingChanged(SettingEvent evt) { if (!SwingUiSettings.SHOW_CLASSIC_REMINDER.getValue()) { messagePanelsGap.setVisible(false); } } }; SwingUiSettings.SHOW_CLASSIC_REMINDER.addSettingListener(messagePanelGapHider); } jxlayer = new JXLayer<JComponent>(createSearchResultsPanel()); jxlayer.getGlassPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(jxlayer, BorderLayout.CENTER); } /** * This method controls whether an overlay should be shown and if so, which type of overlay. * * @param overlayType -- the overlay type. See the type definition for more info. */ void setOverlayType(OverlayType overlayType) { // this method can be called multiple times for the same overlay type. // so, let's check to make sure that the overlay actually needs to change // before installing or uninstalling an overlay panel. if (this.overlayType != overlayType) { this.overlayType = overlayType; switch (overlayType) { case AWAITING_CONNECTIONS: installOverlay(new AwaitingConnectionsPanel(headerBarDecorator)); break; case NO_FRIENDS_ON_LIMEWIRE: installOverlay(browseFailedPanel); break; case NONE: uninstallOverlay(); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("invalid type: " + overlayType); } } } private void installOverlay(JComponent component) { jxlayer.getGlassPane().setVisible(false); jxlayer.getGlassPane().removeAll(); jxlayer.getGlassPane().add(component); jxlayer.getGlassPane().setVisible(true); } private void uninstallOverlay() { jxlayer.getGlassPane().setVisible(false); jxlayer.getGlassPane().removeAll(); } /** * Disposes of resources used by the container. This method is called when * the search is closed. */ @Override public void dispose() { SwingUiSettings.SEARCH_VIEW_TYPE_ID.removeSettingListener(viewTypeListener); if (messagePanelGapHider != null) SwingUiSettings.SHOW_CLASSIC_REMINDER.removeSettingListener(messagePanelGapHider); searchResultsModel.getFilteredList().removeListEventListener(resultCountListener); searchResultsModel.getUnfilteredList().removeListEventListener(resultCountListener); sortAndFilterPanel.dispose(); filterPanel.dispose(); messagePanel.dispose(); browseFailedPanel.dispose(); searchResultsModel.dispose(); browseStatusPanel.dispose(); } /** * @return the SearchResultsModel of the SearchResultsPanel. */ public SearchResultsModel getModel(){ return searchResultsModel; } /** * Fills in the top right corner if a scrollbar appears with an empty table * header. */ protected void configureEnclosingScrollPane() { JTableHeader th = new JTableHeader(); th.setDefaultRenderer(new TableCellHeaderRenderer()); // Put a dummy header in the upper-right corner. final Component renderer = th.getDefaultRenderer().getTableCellRendererComponent(null, "", false, false, -1, -1); JPanel cornerComponent = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); cornerComponent.add(renderer, BorderLayout.CENTER); scrollPane.setCorner(JScrollPane.UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER, cornerComponent); } /** * Sets the browse title in the container. When not null, the browse title * is displayed at the top of the panel. When null, the container displays * the search title from the data model. */ public void setBrowseTitle(String title) { browseTitle = title; updateTitle(); } /** * Updates the title icon and text in the container. For search results, * the title includes the category name, search title, and result counts. */ private void updateTitle() { // Get result counts. int total = searchResultsModel.getUnfilteredList().size(); int actual = searchResultsModel.getFilteredList().size(); if (browseTitle != null) { // Set browse title. searchTitleLabel.setText((actual == total) ? // {0}: browse title, {1}: total count"Browse {0} ({1})", browseTitle, total) : // {0}: browse title, {1}: actual count, {2}: total count"Browse {0} - Showing {1} of {2}", browseTitle, actual, total)); } else { // Get search category and title. SearchCategory displayCategory = searchResultsModel.getSelectedCategory(); String title = searchResultsModel.getSearchTitle(); // Set title icon based on category. Icon icon = (displayCategory == SearchCategory.ALL) ? null : categoryIconManager.getIcon(displayCategory.getCategory()); searchTitleLabel.setIcon(icon); // Set title text. switch (displayCategory) { case ALL: searchTitleLabel.setText((actual == total) ? // {0}: search title, {1}: total count"All results for {0} ({1})", title, total) : // {0}: search title, {1}: actual count, {2}: total count"All results for {0} - Showing {1} of {2}", title, actual, total)); break; case AUDIO: searchTitleLabel.setText((actual == total) ? // {0}: search title, {1}: total count"Audio results for {0} ({1})", title, total) : // {0}: search title, {1}: actual count, {2}: total count"Audio results for {0} - Showing {1} of {2}", title, actual, total)); break; case VIDEO: searchTitleLabel.setText((actual == total) ? // {0}: search title, {1}: total count"Video results for {0} ({1})", title, total) : // {0}: search title, {1}: actual count, {2}: total count"Video results for {0} - Showing {1} of {2}", title, actual, total)); break; case IMAGE: searchTitleLabel.setText((actual == total) ? // {0}: search title, {1}: total count"Image results for {0} ({1})", title, total) : // {0}: search title, {1}: actual count, {2}: total count"Image results for {0} - Showing {1} of {2}", title, actual, total)); break; case DOCUMENT: searchTitleLabel.setText((actual == total) ? // {0}: search title, {1}: total count"Document results for {0} ({1})", title, total) : // {0}: search title, {1}: actual count, {2}: total count"Document results for {0} - Showing {1} of {2}", title, actual, total)); break; case PROGRAM: searchTitleLabel.setText((actual == total) ? // {0}: search title, {1}: total count"Program results for {0} ({1})", title, total) : // {0}: search title, {1}: actual count, {2}: total count"Program results for {0} - Showing {1} of {2}", title, actual, total)); break; case OTHER: searchTitleLabel.setText((actual == total) ? // {0}: search title, {1}: total count"Other results for {0} ({1})", title, total) : // {0}: search title, {1}: actual count, {2}: total count"Other results for {0} - Showing {1} of {2}", title, actual, total)); break; case TORRENT: searchTitleLabel.setText((actual == total) ? // {0}: search title, {1}: total count"Torrent results for {0} ({1})", title, total) : // {0}: search title, {1}: actual count, {2}: total count"Torrent results for {0} - Showing {1} of {2}", title, actual, total)); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid search category " + displayCategory); } } } /** * Updates the column header component in the scroll pane. This depends on * the current results view and whether the sponsored results are visible. */ private void syncColumnHeader() { Component resultHeader = resultsContainer.getScrollPaneHeader(); scrollPane.setColumnHeaderView(resultHeader); scrollPane.validate(); // Resize and repaint table header. This eliminates visual issues due // to a change in the table format, which can result in an incorrect // header height or header flickering when a category is selected. if (resultHeader instanceof JTableHeader) { ((JTableHeader) resultHeader).resizeAndRepaint(); } } /** * Initializes the components and adds them to the container. Called by * the constructor. */ private JPanel createSearchResultsPanel() { JPanel searchResultsComponentsPanel = new JPanel( new MigLayout("hidemode 2, insets 0 0 0 0, gap 0!, novisualpadding", "[][grow]", // col constraints "[][][][grow]") ); // row constraints searchResultsComponentsPanel.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(searchResultsComponentsPanel.getPreferredSize().width, 33)); RectanglePainter tabHighlight = new RectanglePainter(); tabHighlight.setFillPaint(new GradientPaint(20.0f, 0.0f, tabHighlightTopGradientColor, 20.0f, 33.0f, tabHighlightBottomGradientColor)); tabHighlight.setInsets(new Insets(0,0,1,0)); tabHighlight.setBorderPaint(null); HeaderBar header = new HeaderBar(searchTitleLabel); header.setLayout(new MigLayout("insets 0, gap 0!, novisualpadding, alignx 100%, aligny 50%")); header.add(browseStatusPanel, "alignx 0%, growx, pushx"); headerBarDecorator.decorateBasic(header); sortAndFilterPanel.layoutComponents(header); searchResultsComponentsPanel.add(header, "spanx 2, growx, growy, wrap"); searchResultsComponentsPanel.add(filterPanel, "grow, spany 3"); searchResultsComponentsPanel.add(messagePanel, "spanx 1, growx, wrap"); messagePanelsGap = Box.createVerticalStrut(6); searchResultsComponentsPanel.add(messagePanelsGap, "hidemode 3, spanx 1, growx, wrap"); searchResultsComponentsPanel.add(scrollPane , "hidemode 3, grow, spany"); scrollablePanel.setScrollableTracksViewportHeight(false); scrollablePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); scrollablePanel.add(resultsContainer, BorderLayout.CENTER); scrollPane.setViewportView(scrollablePanel); syncScrollPieces(); return searchResultsComponentsPanel; } /** * Updates the view components in the scroll pane. */ private void syncScrollPieces() { scrollablePanel.setScrollable(resultsContainer.getScrollable()); syncColumnHeader(); } /** * Panel used as the viewport view in the scroll pane. This contains the * results table and sponsored results panel in a single, scrollable area. */ private class ScrollablePanel extends JXPanel { private Scrollable scrollable; public void setScrollable(Scrollable scrollable) { this.scrollable = scrollable; } @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { if(scrollable == null) { return super.getPreferredSize(); } else { int width = super.getPreferredSize().width; int height = ((JComponent)scrollable).getPreferredSize().height; // the list view has some weird rendering sometimes (double space after last result) // so don't fill full screen on list view if(! (scrollable instanceof ListViewTable)) { int headerHeight = 0; //the table headers aren't being set on the scrollpane, so if its visible check its // height and subtract it from the viewport size JTableHeader header = ((JTable)scrollable).getTableHeader(); if(header != null && header.isShowing()) { headerHeight = header.getHeight(); } // if the height of table is less than the scrollPane height, set preferred height // to same size as scrollPane if(height < scrollPane.getSize().height - headerHeight) { height = scrollPane.getSize().height - headerHeight; } } return new Dimension(width, height); } } @Override public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() { return getPreferredSize(); } @Override public int getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation, int direction) { if(scrollable == null) { return super.getScrollableUnitIncrement(visibleRect, orientation, direction); } else { return scrollable.getScrollableUnitIncrement(visibleRect, orientation, direction); } } @Override public int getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation, int direction) { if(scrollable == null) { return super.getScrollableBlockIncrement(visibleRect, orientation, direction); } else { return scrollable.getScrollableBlockIncrement(visibleRect, orientation, direction); } } } /** * Sets an indicator to determine whether the application has finished * loading, and updates the user message. */ public void setLifeCycleComplete(boolean lifeCycleComplete) { this.lifeCycleComplete = lifeCycleComplete; updateMessages(); } /** * Sets an indicator to determine whether the application is fully * connected to the P2P Network, and updates the user message. */ public void setFullyConnected(boolean fullyConnected) { this.fullyConnected = fullyConnected; updateMessages(); } public void setBrowseStatus(BrowseStatus browseStatus){ this.browseStatus = browseStatus; updateMessages(); } /** * Updates the user message based on the current state of the application. */ private void updateMessages() { browseStatusPanel.setBrowseStatus(browseStatus); // let's check whether we need to show the user any messages if (!fullyConnected && (receivedSearchResults || receivedSponsoredResults)) { messagePanel.setMessageType(MessageType.CONNECTING_TO_ULTRAPEERS); messagePanelsGap.setVisible(true); } else if (fullyConnected && receivedSearchResults && messagePanel.isShowClassicSearchResultsHint()) { messagePanel.setMessageType(MessageType.CLASSIC_SEARCH_RESULTS_HINT); messagePanelsGap.setVisible(true); } else { messagePanel.setMessageType(MessageType.NONE); messagePanelsGap.setVisible(false); } // let's check whether we need to put an overlay over the search results panel if ( (!lifeCycleComplete || !fullyConnected ) && (!receivedSearchResults && !receivedSponsoredResults) ) { setOverlayType(OverlayType.AWAITING_CONNECTIONS); } else if (browseStatus != null && !browseStatus.getState().isOK()) { browseFailedPanel.update(browseStatus.getState(), browseStatus.getBrowseSearch(), browseStatus.getFailedFriends()); setOverlayType(OverlayType.NO_FRIENDS_ON_LIMEWIRE); } else { setOverlayType(OverlayType.NONE); } } }