package com.limegroup.gnutella.messages; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import org.limewire.collection.BitNumbers; import org.limewire.core.settings.ApplicationSettings; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.service.ErrorService; import org.limewire.util.ByteUtils; import org.limewire.util.StringUtils; import; import; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Endpoint; import com.limegroup.gnutella.HostCatcher; import com.limegroup.gnutella.NetworkManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Statistics; import com.limegroup.gnutella.dht.DHTManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.dht.DHTManager.DHTMode; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message.Network; @Singleton public class PingReplyFactoryImpl implements PingReplyFactory { private final NetworkManager networkManager; private final Provider<Statistics> statistics; private final Provider<ConnectionManager> connectionManager; private final Provider<HostCatcher> hostCatcher; private final Provider<DHTManager> dhtManager; private final LocalPongInfo localPongInfo; private final MACCalculatorRepositoryManager macCalculatorRepositoryManager; private final NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils; // TODO: All these objects should be folded into LocalPongInfo @Inject public PingReplyFactoryImpl(NetworkManager networkManager, Provider<Statistics> statistics, Provider<ConnectionManager> connectionManager, Provider<HostCatcher> hostCatcher, Provider<DHTManager> dhtManager, LocalPongInfo localPongInfo, MACCalculatorRepositoryManager MACCalculatorRepositoryManager, NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils) { this.networkManager = networkManager; this.statistics = statistics; this.connectionManager = connectionManager; this.hostCatcher = hostCatcher; this.dhtManager = dhtManager; this.localPongInfo = localPongInfo; this.macCalculatorRepositoryManager = MACCalculatorRepositoryManager; this.networkInstanceUtils = networkInstanceUtils; } public PingReply create(byte[] guid, byte ttl, Collection<? extends IpPort> gnutHosts, Collection<? extends IpPort> dhtHosts) { return create( guid, ttl, networkManager.getPort(), networkManager.getAddress(), localPongInfo.getNumSharedFiles(), localPongInfo.getSharedFileSize() / 1024, localPongInfo.isSupernode(), statistics.get().calculateDailyUptime(), networkManager.isGUESSCapable(), ApplicationSettings.LANGUAGE.get().equals("") ? ApplicationSettings.DEFAULT_LOCALE .get() : ApplicationSettings.LANGUAGE.get(), connectionManager.get().getNumLimeWireLocalePrefSlots(), gnutHosts, dhtHosts); } public PingReply create(byte[] guid, byte ttl) { return create(guid, ttl, IpPort.EMPTY_LIST, IpPort.EMPTY_LIST); } public PingReply create(byte[] guid, byte ttl, IpPort addr) { return create(guid, ttl, addr, IpPort.EMPTY_LIST, IpPort.EMPTY_LIST); } @Override public PingReply create(byte[] guid, byte ttl, int localPort, byte[] localIp, IpPort addr) { return create(guid, ttl, localPort, localIp, addr, IpPort.EMPTY_LIST, IpPort.EMPTY_LIST); } @Override public PingReply create(byte[] guid, byte ttl, IpPort returnAddr, Collection<? extends IpPort> gnutHosts, Collection<? extends IpPort> dhtHosts) { return create(guid, ttl, networkManager.getPort(), networkManager.getAddress(), returnAddr, gnutHosts, dhtHosts); } public PingReply create(byte[] guid, byte ttl, int localPort, byte[] localIP, IpPort returnAddr, Collection<? extends IpPort> gnutHosts, Collection<? extends IpPort> dhtHosts) { GGEP ggep = newGGEP(statistics.get().calculateDailyUptime(), localPongInfo.isSupernode(), networkManager.isGUESSCapable()); String locale = ApplicationSettings.LANGUAGE.get().equals("") ? ApplicationSettings.DEFAULT_LOCALE .get() : ApplicationSettings.LANGUAGE.get(); addLocale(ggep, locale, connectionManager .get().getNumLimeWireLocalePrefSlots()); addAddress(ggep, returnAddr); addPackedHosts(ggep, gnutHosts, dhtHosts); return create(guid, ttl, localPort, localIP, localPongInfo.getNumSharedFiles(), localPongInfo .getSharedFileSize() / 1024, localPongInfo.isSupernode(), ggep); } public PingReply createQueryKeyReply(byte[] guid, byte ttl, AddressSecurityToken key) { return create(guid, ttl, networkManager.getPort(), networkManager .getAddress(), localPongInfo.getNumSharedFiles(), localPongInfo .getSharedFileSize() / 1024, localPongInfo.isSupernode(), qkGGEP(key)); } public PingReply createQueryKeyReply(byte[] guid, byte ttl, int port, byte[] ip, long sharedFiles, long sharedSize, boolean ultrapeer, AddressSecurityToken key) { return create(guid, ttl, port, ip, sharedFiles, sharedSize, ultrapeer, qkGGEP(key)); } public PingReply create(byte[] guid, byte ttl, int port, byte[] address) { return create(guid, ttl, port, address, 0, 0, false, -1, false); } public PingReply createExternal(byte[] guid, byte ttl, int port, byte[] address, boolean ultrapeer) { return create(guid, ttl, port, address, 0, 0, ultrapeer, -1, false); } public PingReply createExternal(byte[] guid, byte ttl, int port, byte[] address, int uptime, boolean ultrapeer) { return create(guid, ttl, port, address, 0, 0, ultrapeer, uptime, false); } public PingReply createGUESSReply(byte[] guid, byte ttl, Endpoint ep) throws UnknownHostException { return create(guid, ttl, ep.getPort(), ep.getHostBytes(), 0, 0, true, -1, true); } public PingReply createGUESSReply(byte[] guid, byte ttl, int port, byte[] address) { return create(guid, ttl, port, address, 0, 0, true, -1, true); } public PingReply create(byte[] guid, byte ttl, int port, byte[] ip, long files, long kbytes) { return create(guid, ttl, port, ip, files, kbytes, false, -1, false); } public PingReply create(byte[] guid, byte ttl, int port, byte[] ip, long files, long kbytes, boolean isUltrapeer, int dailyUptime, boolean isGUESSCapable) { return create(guid, ttl, port, ip, files, kbytes, isUltrapeer, newGGEP( dailyUptime, isUltrapeer, isGUESSCapable)); } public PingReply create(byte[] guid, byte ttl, int port, byte[] ip, long files, long kbytes, boolean isUltrapeer, int dailyUptime, boolean isGuessCapable, String locale, int slots) { return create(guid, ttl, port, ip, files, kbytes, isUltrapeer, dailyUptime, isGuessCapable, locale, slots, IpPort.EMPTY_LIST, IpPort.EMPTY_LIST); } public PingReply create(byte[] guid, byte ttl, int port, byte[] ip, long files, long kbytes, boolean isUltrapeer, int dailyUptime, boolean isGuessCapable, String locale, int slots, Collection<? extends IpPort> gnutHosts, Collection<? extends IpPort> dhtHosts) { GGEP ggep = newGGEP(dailyUptime, isUltrapeer, isGuessCapable); addLocale(ggep, locale, slots); addPackedHosts(ggep, gnutHosts, dhtHosts); return create(guid, ttl, port, ip, files, kbytes, isUltrapeer, ggep); } public PingReply create(byte[] guid, byte ttl, int port, byte[] ipBytes, long files, long kbytes, boolean isUltrapeer, GGEP ggep) { if (!NetworkUtils.isValidPort(port)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid port: " + port); if (!NetworkUtils.isValidAddress(ipBytes)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid address: " + NetworkUtils.ip2string(ipBytes)); InetAddress ip = null; try { ip = InetAddress.getByName(NetworkUtils.ip2string(ipBytes)); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } byte[] extensions = null; if (ggep != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { ggep.write(baos); } catch (IOException e) { // this should not happen ErrorService.error(e); } extensions = baos.toByteArray(); } int length = PingReply.STANDARD_PAYLOAD_SIZE + (extensions == null ? 0 : extensions.length); byte[] payload = new byte[length]; //It's ok if casting port, files, or kbytes turns negative. ByteUtils.short2leb((short) port, payload, 0); //payload stores IP in BIG-ENDIAN payload[2] = ipBytes[0]; payload[3] = ipBytes[1]; payload[4] = ipBytes[2]; payload[5] = ipBytes[3]; ByteUtils.int2leb((int) files, payload, 6); ByteUtils.int2leb((int) (isUltrapeer ? mark(kbytes) : kbytes), payload, 10); //Encode GGEP block if included. if (extensions != null) { System.arraycopy(extensions, 0, payload, PingReply.STANDARD_PAYLOAD_SIZE, extensions.length); } try { return new PingReplyImpl(guid, ttl, (byte) 0, payload, ggep, ip, Network.UNKNOWN, macCalculatorRepositoryManager, networkInstanceUtils); } catch (BadPacketException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } public PingReply createFromNetwork(byte[] guid, byte ttl, byte hops, byte[] payload) throws BadPacketException { return createFromNetwork(guid, ttl, hops, payload, Network.UNKNOWN); } public PingReply createFromNetwork(byte[] guid, byte ttl, byte hops, byte[] payload, Network network) throws BadPacketException { if (guid == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null guid"); } if (payload == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null payload"); } if (payload.length < PingReply.STANDARD_PAYLOAD_SIZE) { throw new BadPacketException("invalid payload length"); } int port = ByteUtils.ushort2int(ByteUtils.leb2short(payload, 0)); if (!NetworkUtils.isValidPort(port)) { throw new BadPacketException("invalid port: " + port); } // this address may get updated if we have the UDPHC extention // therefore it is checked after checking for that extention. String ipString = NetworkUtils.ip2string(payload, 2); InetAddress ip = null; GGEP ggep = parseGGEP(payload); if (ggep != null) { if (ggep.hasKey(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_CLIENT_LOCALE)) { try { ggep.getBytes(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_CLIENT_LOCALE); } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException e) { throw new BadPacketException("GGEP error : creating from" + " network : client locale"); } } if (ggep.hasKey(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_IPPORTS)) { byte[] data = null; try { data = ggep.getBytes(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_IPPORTS); } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException bad) { throw new BadPacketException(bad.getMessage()); } if (data == null || data.length % 6 != 0) throw new BadPacketException("invalid data"); } if (ggep.hasKey(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_HOSTCACHES)) { try { ggep.getBytes(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_HOSTCACHES); } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException bad) { throw new BadPacketException(bad.getMessage()); } } if (ggep.hasKey(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_UDP_HOST_CACHE)) { try { String dns = ggep .getString(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_UDP_HOST_CACHE); ip = InetAddress.getByName(dns); ipString = ip.getHostAddress(); } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException ignored) { } catch (UnknownHostException bad) { throw new BadPacketException(bad.getMessage()); } } } if (!NetworkUtils.isValidAddress(ipString)) { throw new BadPacketException("invalid address: " + ipString); } if (ip == null) { try { ip = InetAddress.getByName(NetworkUtils.ip2string(payload, 2)); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new BadPacketException("bad IP:" + ipString + " " + e.getMessage()); } } return new PingReplyImpl(guid, ttl, hops, payload, ggep, ip, network, macCalculatorRepositoryManager, networkInstanceUtils); } public PingReply mutateGUID(PingReply pingReply, byte[] guid) { if (guid.length != 16) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad guid size: " + guid.length); // i can't just call a new constructor, i have to recreate stuff try { return createFromNetwork(guid, pingReply.getTTL(), pingReply .getHops(), pingReply.getPayload(), pingReply.getNetwork()); } catch (BadPacketException ioe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input pong was bad!"); } } /** Returns the GGEP payload bytes to encode the given uptime */ private GGEP newGGEP(int dailyUptime, boolean isUltrapeer, boolean isGUESSCapable) { GGEP ggep = new GGEP(); if (dailyUptime >= 0) ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_DAILY_AVERAGE_UPTIME, dailyUptime); if (isGUESSCapable && isUltrapeer) { ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_UNICAST_SUPPORT); } // indicate UP support if (isUltrapeer) addUltrapeerExtension(ggep); // add DHT support addDHTExtension(ggep); // add our support of TLS if (networkManager.isIncomingTLSEnabled()) ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_TLS_CAPABLE); return ggep; } /** Returns the GGEP payload bytes to encode the given AddressSecurityToken */ private GGEP qkGGEP(AddressSecurityToken addressSecurityToken) { try { GGEP ggep = new GGEP(); // get qk bytes.... ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); addressSecurityToken.write(baos); // populate GGEP.... ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_QUERY_KEY_SUPPORT, baos.toByteArray()); return ggep; } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Couldn't encode AddressSecurityToken" + addressSecurityToken, e); } } /** * Adds the locale GGEP. */ private GGEP addLocale(GGEP ggep, String locale, int slots) { byte[] payload = new byte[3]; byte[] s = StringUtils.toAsciiBytes(locale); payload[0] = s[0]; payload[1] = s[1]; payload[2] = (byte) slots; ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_CLIENT_LOCALE, payload); return ggep; } /** * Adds the address GGEP. */ private GGEP addAddress(GGEP ggep, IpPort address) { byte[] payload = new byte[6]; System.arraycopy(address.getInetAddress().getAddress(), 0, payload, 0, 4); ByteUtils.short2leb((short) address.getPort(), payload, 4); ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_IPPORT, payload); return ggep; } /** * Adds the packed hosts into this GGEP. */ private GGEP addPackedHosts(GGEP ggep, Collection<? extends IpPort> gnutHosts, Collection<? extends IpPort> dhtHosts) { if (gnutHosts != null && !gnutHosts.isEmpty()) { ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_IPPORTS, NetworkUtils .packIpPorts(gnutHosts)); byte[] data = getTLSData(gnutHosts); if (data.length != 0) ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_IPPORTS_TLS, data); } if (dhtHosts != null && !dhtHosts.isEmpty()) { ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_DHT_IPPORTS, NetworkUtils .packIpPorts(dhtHosts)); } return ggep; } /** * Returns a byte[] of data that indicates if the hosts are TLS capable. * If no hosts are capable, this returns an empty array. * Otherwise, it returns a byte[] where each bit in the array * corresponds to the element (in order) of the hosts. If the bit * is on, that host supports TLS. * * For example, if this is supplied the hosts: *,, and * and the first and third hosts are TLS capable, * then this will return a single byte of: * 10100000 * */ private byte[] getTLSData(Collection<? extends IpPort> hosts) { BitNumbers bn = new BitNumbers(hosts.size()); int i = 0; for (IpPort ipp : hosts) { if (hostCatcher.get().isHostTLSCapable(ipp)) bn.set(i); i++; } return bn.toByteArray(); } /** * Adds the ultrapeer GGEP extension to the pong. This has the version of * the Ultrapeer protocol that we support as well as the number of free * leaf and Ultrapeer slots available. * * @param ggep the <tt>GGEP</tt> instance to add the extension to */ private void addUltrapeerExtension(GGEP ggep) { byte[] payload = new byte[3]; // historically, payload[0] contained the major/minor version of ultrapeer support. // the data was never used, the format used to send it didn't scale well, and // the version never went beyond the first revision. so, for now we just // put a blank number there, and in the future if we decide to use the info // or increment the version, we can include it somewhere else in a more scalable // form. payload[0] = 0; payload[1] = localPongInfo.getNumFreeLimeWireLeafSlots(); payload[2] = localPongInfo.getNumFreeLimeWireNonLeafSlots(); ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_UP_SUPPORT, payload); } /** * Adds the DHT GGEP extension to the pong. This has the version of * the DHT that we support as well as the mode of this node (active/passive). * A node only advertises itself as an active node if it is already bootstrapped * to the network! * * @param ggep the <tt>GGEP</tt> instance to add the extension to */ private void addDHTExtension(GGEP ggep) { byte[] payload = new byte[3]; // put version int version = dhtManager.get().getVersion().shortValue(); ByteUtils.short2beb((short) version, payload, 0); if (dhtManager.get().isMemberOfDHT()) { DHTMode mode = dhtManager.get().getDHTMode(); assert (mode != null); payload[2] = mode.byteValue(); } else { payload[2] = DHTMode.INACTIVE.byteValue(); } // add it ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_DHT_SUPPORT, payload); } // TODO : change this to look for multiple GGEP block in the payload.... /** Ensure GGEP data parsed...if possible. */ private GGEP parseGGEP(final byte[] PAYLOAD) { //Return if this is a plain pong without space for GGEP. If //this has bad GGEP data, multiple calls to //parseGGEP will result in multiple parse attempts. While this is //inefficient, it is sufficiently rare to not justify a parsedGGEP //variable. if (PAYLOAD.length <= PingReply.STANDARD_PAYLOAD_SIZE) return null; try { return new GGEP(PAYLOAD, PingReply.STANDARD_PAYLOAD_SIZE, null); } catch (BadGGEPBlockException e) { return null; } } /** Marks the given kbytes field */ private long mark(long kbytes) { int x = ByteUtils.long2int(kbytes); //Returns the power of two nearest to x. TODO3: faster algorithms are //possible. At the least, you can do binary search. I imagine some bit //operations can be done as well. This brute-force approach was //generated with the help of the the following Python program: // // for i in xrange(0, 32): // low=1<<i // high=1<<(i+1) // split=(low+high)/2 // print "else if (x<%d)" % split // print " return %d; //1<<%d" % (low, i) if (x < 12) return 8; //1<<3 else if (x < 24) return 16; //1<<4 else if (x < 48) return 32; //1<<5 else if (x < 96) return 64; //1<<6 else if (x < 192) return 128; //1<<7 else if (x < 384) return 256; //1<<8 else if (x < 768) return 512; //1<<9 else if (x < 1536) return 1024; //1<<10 else if (x < 3072) return 2048; //1<<11 else if (x < 6144) return 4096; //1<<12 else if (x < 12288) return 8192; //1<<13 else if (x < 24576) return 16384; //1<<14 else if (x < 49152) return 32768; //1<<15 else if (x < 98304) return 65536; //1<<16 else if (x < 196608) return 131072; //1<<17 else if (x < 393216) return 262144; //1<<18 else if (x < 786432) return 524288; //1<<19 else if (x < 1572864) return 1048576; //1<<20 else if (x < 3145728) return 2097152; //1<<21 else if (x < 6291456) return 4194304; //1<<22 else if (x < 12582912) return 8388608; //1<<23 else if (x < 25165824) return 16777216; //1<<24 else if (x < 50331648) return 33554432; //1<<25 else if (x < 100663296) return 67108864; //1<<26 else if (x < 201326592) return 134217728; //1<<27 else if (x < 402653184) return 268435456; //1<<28 else if (x < 805306368) return 536870912; //1<<29 else return 1073741824; //1<<30 } }