package; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout; import org.jdesktop.application.Resource; import org.jdesktop.swingx.JXPanel; import org.limewire.setting.evt.SettingEvent; import org.limewire.setting.evt.SettingListener; import org.limewire.ui.swing.components.ColoredBusyLabel; import org.limewire.ui.swing.components.IconButton; import org.limewire.ui.swing.settings.SwingUiSettings; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.GuiUtils; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.I18n; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.ResizeUtils; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.SwingUtils; /** * A message panel that appears (sometimes) above the search results. * If the user tries to start a search before the application * has finished loading or before it has fully connected, the messages * "LimeWire will start your search right after it finishes loading." and * "You might not receive many results until LimeWire is fully connected." * will be shown here. It also may show a hint to the user regarding how to * switch to the classic search results view. */ class SearchResultsMessagePanel extends JXPanel implements SettingListener { /** * This enumeration indicates which type of message should be shown. * NONE shows no message at all. * CONNECTING_TO_ULTRAPEERS shows the message "You might not receive many results until LimeWire is fully connected" * CLASSIC_SEARCH_RESULTS_HINT shows an arrow pointing to the button that switches to the classic table view of search results. */ public enum MessageType { NONE, CONNECTING_TO_ULTRAPEERS, CLASSIC_SEARCH_RESULTS_HINT } // We will only show the classic search results hint panel if the user hasn't closed it in the past. // So, let's defer creating it until we're sure we need it. private ClassicSearchResultsHintPanel classicSearchResultsHintPanel; // We will only show the message panel if the user tries to search for something before LimeWire // has connected to all of its ultra peers. So, let's defer creating it until we're sure we need it. private MessagePanel messagePanel; private JPanel currentPanel = null; @Resource private int height; @Resource private Color background; @Resource private Font switchFont; @Resource private Color switchColor; @Resource private Font closeFont; @Resource private Icon switchArrowIcon; @Resource private Icon closeIcon; @Resource private Icon closeDownIcon; @Resource private Icon closeHoverIcon; public SearchResultsMessagePanel() { GuiUtils.assignResources(this); SwingUiSettings.SHOW_CLASSIC_REMINDER.addSettingListener(this); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); } /** * This method updates the display of the message panel. The message panel can show * a connecting message, a hint for finding the classic search results * view, or nothing at all. * * @param messageType - the type of message that should be shown */ public void setMessageType(MessageType messageType) { switch (messageType) { case CONNECTING_TO_ULTRAPEERS: getMessagePanel().setMessage("You might not receive many results until LimeWire is fully connected")); installPanel(getMessagePanel()); break; case CLASSIC_SEARCH_RESULTS_HINT: installPanel(getClassicSearchResultsHintPanel()); break; case NONE: installPanel(null); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("invalid type: " + messageType); } } /* * Remove the existing panel and use the given panel for the user interface */ private void installPanel(JPanel panel) { if (currentPanel != panel) { removeAll(); if (panel != null) { add(panel); } currentPanel = panel; } setVisible(currentPanel != null); } void dispose() { SwingUiSettings.SHOW_CLASSIC_REMINDER.removeSettingListener(this); } public boolean isShowClassicSearchResultsHint() { return SwingUiSettings.SHOW_CLASSIC_REMINDER.getValue(); } @Override public void settingChanged(SettingEvent evt) { SwingUtils.invokeNowOrLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (SwingUiSettings.SHOW_CLASSIC_REMINDER.getValue()) { installPanel( getClassicSearchResultsHintPanel() ); } setVisible(SwingUiSettings.SHOW_CLASSIC_REMINDER.getValue()); } }); } private ClassicSearchResultsHintPanel getClassicSearchResultsHintPanel() { if (classicSearchResultsHintPanel == null) { classicSearchResultsHintPanel = new ClassicSearchResultsHintPanel(); } return classicSearchResultsHintPanel; } private MessagePanel getMessagePanel() { if (messagePanel == null) { messagePanel = new MessagePanel(); } return messagePanel; } private class ClassicSearchResultsHintPanel extends JPanel { public ClassicSearchResultsHintPanel() { super(new MigLayout("insets 0, gap 0, fill, aligny center")); ResizeUtils.forceHeight(this, height); setBackground(background); // button to close the classic search results hint IconButton close = new IconButton(new AbstractAction("close"), closeIcon) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { SwingUiSettings.SHOW_CLASSIC_REMINDER.setValue(false); SearchResultsMessagePanel.this.setVisible(false); } }); close.setPressedIcon(closeDownIcon); close.setRolloverIcon(closeHoverIcon); close.setFont(closeFont); add(close, "gapleft 8, push"); JLabel hintLabel = new JLabel("Switch to Classic View")); hintLabel.setFont(switchFont); hintLabel.setForeground(switchColor); add(hintLabel, "gapbefore 4, alignx right"); // arrow icon that points at the classic search results button add(new JLabel(switchArrowIcon), "gapbefore 4, gapright 25, alignx right"); } } private class MessagePanel extends JPanel { private JLabel messageLabel; public MessagePanel() { super(new MigLayout("insets 0, gap 0, fill, aligny center")); ResizeUtils.forceHeight(this, height); setBackground(background); // the message should be right aligned. so, let's add a glue component to push the message // over as far right as possible. add(Box.createHorizontalGlue(), "gapbefore 4, alignx center, push"); // the message text should be set via the setMessage method messageLabel = new JLabel(""); messageLabel.setFont(switchFont); messageLabel.setForeground(switchColor); add(messageLabel, "gapbefore 4, aligny center, alignx right"); // a busy label showing that the application is still loading or connecting ColoredBusyLabel busyLabel = new ColoredBusyLabel(new Dimension(20, 20)); busyLabel.setBusy(true); add(busyLabel, "gapbefore 25, gapright 25, alignx right"); } void setMessage(String message) { messageLabel.setText(message); } } }