package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import org.limewire.friend.api.Friend; import org.limewire.friend.api.FriendPresence; import org.limewire.friend.api.FriendPresenceEvent; import org.limewire.friend.api.IncomingChatListener; import org.limewire.friend.api.MessageReader; import org.limewire.friend.api.MessageWriter; import org.limewire.inject.LazySingleton; import org.limewire.listener.EventListener; import org.limewire.listener.ListenerSupport; import org.limewire.listener.SwingEDTEvent; import org.limewire.listener.EventBroadcaster; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.SwingUtils; import ca.odell.glazedlists.BasicEventList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.EventList; import; /** * Keeps a list of friends and their presences. As friends sign on and off, * this list is automatically updated. This also listens for incoming chat * messages from a given presence. */ @LazySingleton class ChatModel { /** List of friends to chat with */ private final EventList<ChatFriend> chatFriends; /** Mapping of friendId to ChatFriend */ private final Map<String, ChatFriend> idToFriendMap; private final ListenerSupport<FriendPresenceEvent> presenceSupport; private PresenceListener presenceEvent; /** * Listener for incoming chat events. */ private final List<IncomingListener> incomingListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<IncomingListener>(); private final EventBroadcaster<ChatMessageEvent> chatMessageList; private final EventBroadcaster<ChatStateEvent> chatStateList; @Inject public ChatModel(ListenerSupport<FriendPresenceEvent> presenceSupport, EventBroadcaster<ChatMessageEvent> chatMessageList, EventBroadcaster<ChatStateEvent> chatStateList) { this.presenceSupport = presenceSupport; this.chatFriends = new BasicEventList<ChatFriend>(); this.idToFriendMap = new HashMap<String, ChatFriend>(); this.chatStateList = chatStateList; this.chatMessageList = chatMessageList; } /** * Returns an EventList of chatFriends. */ public EventList<ChatFriend> getChatFriendList() { return chatFriends; } /** * Returns the ChatFriend associated with this friendId. * Returns null if no ChatFriend exists for this friendId. */ public ChatFriend getChatFriend(String friendId) { return idToFriendMap.get(friendId); } public void addIncomingListener(IncomingListener listener) { incomingListeners.add(listener); } public void removeIncomingListener(IncomingListener listener) { incomingListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Registers presence listeners. */ public void registerListeners() { // listen for presence sign on/off changes if(presenceEvent == null) presenceEvent = new PresenceListener(); presenceSupport.addListener(presenceEvent); } /** * Removes presence listeners and clears the list of friends. */ public void unregisterListeners() { if(presenceEvent != null) presenceSupport.removeListener(presenceEvent); idToFriendMap.clear(); chatFriends.clear(); } /** * Updates the list of ChatFriends as presences sign on and off. */ void handlePresenceEvent(FriendPresenceEvent event) { final FriendPresence presence = event.getData(); final Friend friend = presence.getFriend(); ChatFriend chatFriend = idToFriendMap.get(friend.getId()); switch(event.getType()) { case ADDED: addFriend(chatFriend, presence); break; case UPDATE: if (chatFriend != null) { chatFriend.update(); } break; case REMOVED: if (chatFriend != null) { removeFriendIfNecessary(chatFriend); chatFriend.update(); } break; } } /** * Remove friend from the friends list if necessary (not chatting, and no presences * are signed in anymore). * * @param chatFriend friend to remove from friends list. */ public void removeFriendIfNecessary(ChatFriend chatFriend) { if (shouldRemoveFromFriendsList(chatFriend)) { Friend friend = chatFriend.getFriend(); chatFriends.remove(idToFriendMap.remove(friend.getId())); friend.removeChatListener(); } } /** * Remove from the friends list only when: * <pre> * 1. The user (buddy) associated with the chatfriend is no longer signed in, AND * 2. The chat has been closed (by clicking on the "x" on the friend in the friend's list) * </pre> * @param chatFriend the ChatFriend to decide whether to remove (no null check) * @return true if chatFriend should be removed. */ private boolean shouldRemoveFromFriendsList(ChatFriend chatFriend) { return (!chatFriend.isChatting()) && (!chatFriend.isSignedIn()); } /** * Adds a friend to the list of friends that can be chatted with. Also * adds a listener to this friend presence that listens for incoming messages * from this presence. * <p> * This listener ensures that the ChatPanel has been created prior to * firing a ConversationEvent. */ private void addFriend(ChatFriend chatFriend, final FriendPresence presence) { if(chatFriend == null) { chatFriend = new ChatFriendImpl(presence); chatFriends.add(chatFriend); idToFriendMap.put(presence.getFriend().getId(), chatFriend); } final ChatFriend friend = chatFriend; IncomingChatListener incomingChatListener = new IncomingChatListener() { public MessageReader incomingChat(final MessageWriter writer) { SwingUtils.invokeNowOrWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessageWriter writerWrapper = new MessageWriterImpl(friend, writer, chatMessageList); fireIncomingEvent(friend, writerWrapper); } }); return new MessageReaderImpl(friend, chatMessageList, chatStateList); } }; presence.getFriend().setChatListenerIfNecessary(incomingChatListener); chatFriend.update(); } private void fireIncomingEvent(ChatFriend chatFriend, MessageWriter messageWriter) { for(IncomingListener listener : incomingListeners) { listener.incomingChat(chatFriend, messageWriter); } } /** * Listens for changes in friend presences. */ private class PresenceListener implements EventListener<FriendPresenceEvent> { @Override @SwingEDTEvent public void handleEvent(FriendPresenceEvent event) { handlePresenceEvent(event); } } }