package; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.limewire.lifecycle.Service; import org.limewire.lifecycle.ServiceRegistry; import org.limewire.lifecycle.ServiceStage; import org.limewire.logging.Log; import org.limewire.logging.LogFactory; import org.limewire.util.Clock; import org.limewire.util.CommonUtils; import org.limewire.util.URIUtils; import; import; /** * Implements {@link TorrentUriStore} and {@link TorrentRobotsTxtStore} and does * all persistent caching of data related to web torrent searches. * <p> * Uses hsqldb database and stores everything in ~/.limewire/torrent-uris.* */ // can be lazily singleton, uses Service only to be stopped properly, but if // it's never started no need for service registration @Singleton public class TorrentUriDatabaseStore implements TorrentUriStore, TorrentRobotsTxtStore, Service { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TorrentUriDatabaseStore.class); /** * Maximum age of a torrent entry in store in milliseconds. */ private static final long MAX_TORRENT_ENTRY_AGE = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(90); /** * Maximum age of robots txt entry in milliseconds. */ private static final long MAX_ROBOTS_ENTRY_AGE = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(14); /** * Invariant: once initialized <code>dbStore</code> will not become null. */ private volatile DbStore dbStore = null; /** * Lock for construction of <code>dbStore</code>. */ private final Object lock = new Object(); /** * Used for timestamps. */ private final Clock clock; @Inject public TorrentUriDatabaseStore(Clock clock) { this.clock = clock; } @Override public String getServiceName() { return "torrent uri store"; } @Override public void initialize() { } @Override public void start() { } @Override public void stop() { if (dbStore != null) { dbStore.stop(); } } @Inject void register(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) { serviceRegistry.register(this).in(ServiceStage.VERY_LATE); } private DbStore getStore() { if (dbStore != null) { return dbStore; } synchronized (lock) { if (dbStore == null) { dbStore = new DbStore(); } return dbStore; } } @Override public void addCanonicalTorrentUri(String host, URI uri) { getStore().addCanonicalTorrentUri(host, uri); } @Override public Set<URI> getTorrentUrisForHost(String host) { return getStore().getTorrentUrisForHost(host); } @Override public boolean isNotTorrentUri(URI uri) { return getStore().isNotTorrentUri(uri); } @Override public boolean isTorrentUri(URI uri) { return getStore().isTorrentUri(uri); } @Override public void setIsTorrentUri(URI uri, boolean isTorrent) { getStore().setIsTorrentUri(uri, isTorrent); } @Override public String getRobotsTxt(String host) { return getStore().getRobotsTxt(host); } @Override public void storeRobotsTxt(String host, String robotsTxt) { getStore().storeRobotsTxt(host, robotsTxt); } private class DbStore implements TorrentUriStore, TorrentRobotsTxtStore { private final Connection connection; private final PreparedStatement selectTorrentUris; private final PreparedStatement selectTorrentUrisByHost; private final PreparedStatement insertTorrentUri; private final PreparedStatement insertTorrentUriByHost; private final PreparedStatement updateTorrentUri; private final PreparedStatement selectRobotsTxt; private final PreparedStatement insertRobotsTxt; private final PreparedStatement selectTorrentUriByHostAndUri; private final PreparedStatement updateTorrentUriByHostTimestamp; public DbStore() { try { Class.forName("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { throw new RuntimeException(e1); } try { // TODO maybe move into subfolder File dbFile = new File(CommonUtils.getUserSettingsDir(), "torrent-uris"); String connectionUrl = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:" + dbFile.getAbsolutePath(); connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl, "sa", ""); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); // set properties to make memory footprint small, will only take // effect after restart statement.execute("set property \"hsqldb.cache_scale\" 8"); statement.execute("set property \"hsqldb.cache_size_scale\" 6"); try { statement.execute("create cached table torrent_uris (hash int, uri varchar(2048), is_torrent boolean, timestamp bigint, constraint unique_hash_uri unique(hash, uri))"); statement.execute("create index torrent_uris_index on torrent_uris(hash)"); statement.execute("create cached table torrent_uris_by_host(host varchar_ignorecase(255), uri varchar(2048), timestamp bigint, constraint unique_host_uri unique (host, uri))"); statement.execute("create index torrentindex on torrent_uris_by_host(host)"); statement.execute("create cached table torrent_robots_txt (host varchar_ignorecase(255) primary key, robots_txt varchar(5120), timestamp bigint)"); } catch (SQLException se) { LOG.debug("sql exception while creating", se); } selectTorrentUris = connection.prepareStatement("select uri, is_torrent from torrent_uris where hash = ?"); insertTorrentUri = connection.prepareStatement("insert into torrent_uris values (?, ?, ?, ?)"); updateTorrentUri = connection.prepareStatement("update torrent_uris set is_torrent = ?, timestamp = ? where hash = ? and uri = ?"); selectTorrentUrisByHost = connection.prepareStatement("select uri from torrent_uris_by_host where host = ?"); insertTorrentUriByHost = connection.prepareStatement("insert into torrent_uris_by_host values (?, ?, ?)"); selectTorrentUriByHostAndUri = connection.prepareStatement("select uri from torrent_uris_by_host where host = ? and uri = ?"); updateTorrentUriByHostTimestamp = connection.prepareStatement("update torrent_uris_by_host set timestamp = ? where host = ? and uri = ?"); selectRobotsTxt = connection.prepareStatement("select robots_txt from torrent_robots_txt where host = ?"); insertRobotsTxt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into torrent_robots_txt values (?, ?, ?)"); purgeOldEntries(); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new RuntimeException(se); } } @Override public synchronized Set<URI> getTorrentUrisForHost(String host) { Set<URI> uris = new HashSet<URI>(); try { selectTorrentUrisByHost.setString(1, host); ResultSet resultSet = selectTorrentUrisByHost.executeQuery(); while ( { try { String uriString = resultSet.getString(1); boolean added = uris.add(URIUtils.toURI(uriString)); assert added; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOG.debug("", e); } } } catch (SQLException se) { throw new RuntimeException(se); } return uris; } @Override public boolean isNotTorrentUri(URI uri) { Boolean value = getTorrentUriValue(uri); return value == null ? false : !value.booleanValue(); } private synchronized Boolean getTorrentUriValue(URI uri) { try { selectTorrentUris.setInt(1, uri.hashCode()); ResultSet resultSet = selectTorrentUris.executeQuery(); while ( { String uriString = resultSet.getString(1); try { URI otherUri = URIUtils.toURI(uriString); if (uri.equals(otherUri)) { return resultSet.getBoolean(2); } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOG.debugf(e, "uri: {0}", uriString); } } } catch (SQLException se) { throw new RuntimeException(se); } return null; } @Override public boolean isTorrentUri(URI uri) { Boolean value = getTorrentUriValue(uri); return value == null ? false : value.booleanValue(); } @Override public synchronized void setIsTorrentUri(URI uri, boolean isTorrentUri) { try { Boolean value = getTorrentUriValue(uri); if (value != null) { if (value.booleanValue() != isTorrentUri) { updateTorrentUri.setBoolean(1, isTorrentUri); updateTorrentUri.setLong(2,; updateTorrentUri.setInt(3, uri.hashCode()); updateTorrentUri.setString(4, uri.toASCIIString()); updateTorrentUri.executeUpdate(); } } else { insertTorrentUri.setInt(1, uri.hashCode()); insertTorrentUri.setString(2, uri.toASCIIString()); insertTorrentUri.setBoolean(3, isTorrentUri); insertTorrentUri.setLong(4,; insertTorrentUri.execute(); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public synchronized void addCanonicalTorrentUri(String host, URI uri) { try { selectTorrentUriByHostAndUri.setString(1, host); selectTorrentUriByHostAndUri.setString(2, uri.toASCIIString()); ResultSet resultSet = selectTorrentUriByHostAndUri.executeQuery(); if ( { updateTorrentUriByHostTimestamp.setLong(1,; updateTorrentUriByHostTimestamp.setString(2, host); updateTorrentUriByHostTimestamp.setString(3, uri.toASCIIString()); updateTorrentUriByHostTimestamp.execute(); } else { insertTorrentUriByHost.setString(1, host); insertTorrentUriByHost.setString(2, uri.toASCIIString()); insertTorrentUriByHost.setLong(3,; insertTorrentUriByHost.execute(); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.debugf(e, "host {0}, uri {1}", host, uri); } } public synchronized void stop() { LOG.debug("shutting db down"); try { Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); statement.execute("SHUTDOWN"); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public synchronized String getRobotsTxt(String host) { try { selectRobotsTxt.setString(1, host); ResultSet resultSet = selectRobotsTxt.executeQuery(); if ( { return resultSet.getString(1); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return null; } @Override public synchronized void storeRobotsTxt(String host, String robotsTxt) { if (robotsTxt.length() > TorrentRobotsTxtStore.MAX_ROBOTS_TXT_SIZE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("robots txt too large: " + robotsTxt); } try { insertRobotsTxt.setString(1, host); insertRobotsTxt.setString(2, robotsTxt); insertRobotsTxt.setLong(3,; insertRobotsTxt.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void purgeOldEntries() { try { long threeMonthsAgo = - MAX_TORRENT_ENTRY_AGE; PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("delete from torrent_uris where timestamp < ?"); statement.setLong(1, threeMonthsAgo); statement.execute(); statement = connection.prepareStatement("delete from torrent_uris_by_host where timestamp < ?"); statement.setLong(1, threeMonthsAgo); statement.execute(); long twoWeeksAgo = - MAX_ROBOTS_ENTRY_AGE; statement = connection.prepareStatement("delete from torrent_robots_txt where timestamp < ?"); statement.setLong(1, twoWeeksAgo); statement.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } }