package org.limewire.ui.swing.library.navigator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.limewire.core.api.FilePropertyKey; import org.limewire.core.api.library.LocalFileItem; import org.limewire.core.api.library.LocalFileList; import; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.BackgroundExecutorService; import org.limewire.util.FileUtils; class M3UList { private static final String M3U_HEADER = "#EXTM3U"; private static final String SONG_DELIM = "#EXTINF"; private static final String SEC_DELIM = ":"; private final File file; private final LocalFileList localFileList; public M3UList(File file, LocalFileList localFileList) { this.file = file; this.localFileList = localFileList; } public void load() { BackgroundExecutorService.execute(new Runnable(){ public void run() { try { List<File> m3uFileList = loadInternalList(); for(File file : m3uFileList) localFileList.addFile(file); } catch (Exception e) { //TODO: give user feedback } } }); } public void save() { final List<LocalFileItem> writeableList; localFileList.getModel().getReadWriteLock().readLock().lock(); try { writeableList = new ArrayList<LocalFileItem>(localFileList.getModel().subList(0, localFileList.getModel().size())); } finally { localFileList.getModel().getReadWriteLock().readLock().unlock(); } BackgroundExecutorService.execute(new Runnable(){ public void run() { try { saveInternalList(writeableList); } catch (Exception e) { //TODO: notify user } } }); } /** * Attempts to write the list of files to an m3u list. * Follows the standard m3u protocol. */ private void saveInternalList(List<LocalFileItem> writeableList) throws Exception { PrintWriter m3uFile = null; try { m3uFile = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(file.getCanonicalPath(), false)); m3uFile.write(M3U_HEADER); m3uFile.println(); for(LocalFileItem currFile : writeableList) { // only save files that are local to the file system if(currFile.getFile().isFile() && !currFile.isIncomplete()){ File locFile = currFile.getFile(); // first line of song description... m3uFile.write(SONG_DELIM); m3uFile.write(SEC_DELIM); // try to write out seconds info.... if(currFile.getPropertyString(FilePropertyKey.LENGTH) != null) { m3uFile.write("" + currFile.getPropertyString(FilePropertyKey.LENGTH) + ","); } else { m3uFile.write("-1,"); } m3uFile.write(currFile.getName()); m3uFile.println(); // canonical path follows... m3uFile.write(locFile.getCanonicalPath()); m3uFile.println(); } } } finally { IOUtils.close(m3uFile); } } /** * Attempts to open the current m3u list and locate and load * all the files described within that list. Returns the list * of Files that were succesfully found. */ private List<File> loadInternalList() throws Exception { List<File> m3uFileList = new ArrayList<File>(); BufferedReader m3uFile = null; try { m3uFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String currLine = null; currLine = m3uFile.readLine(); if (currLine == null || !(currLine.startsWith(M3U_HEADER) || currLine.startsWith(SONG_DELIM))) throw new IOException(); if(currLine.startsWith(M3U_HEADER)) currLine = m3uFile.readLine(); for(; currLine != null; currLine = m3uFile.readLine()) { if (currLine.startsWith(SONG_DELIM)) { currLine = m3uFile.readLine(); if(currLine == null) break; File currentFile = new File(currLine); if (currentFile.exists() && !currentFile.isDirectory()) m3uFileList.add(currentFile); else { // try relative path to the playlist currentFile = new File(file.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(), currentFile.getPath()); if (currentFile.exists() && !currentFile.isDirectory() && FileUtils.isReallyInParentPath(file.getParentFile(), currentFile)) m3uFileList.add(currentFile); } } } } finally { IOUtils.close(m3uFile); } return m3uFileList; } }