package org.limewire.ui.swing.components; import static; import static org.limewire.ui.swing.util.I18n.trn; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent; import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener; import org.limewire.collection.MultiIterable; import org.limewire.core.api.endpoint.RemoteHost; import org.limewire.friend.api.Friend; import org.limewire.friend.api.FriendPresence; import org.limewire.friend.api.Network; import org.limewire.friend.api.feature.ReferrerFeature; import org.limewire.ui.swing.action.UrlAction; import org.limewire.ui.swing.components.decorators.ComboBoxDecorator; import; import; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.I18n; import; import; import; /** * A Widget for displaying RemoteHosts associated with a piece of data. * A drop down menu is displayed that may be actions associated with a * single RemoteHost, or a list of RemoteHosts each with an action * associated with each Host. */ public class RemoteHostWidget extends JPanel { public static enum RemoteWidgetType { SEARCH_LIST, TABLE, UPLOAD } private final LimeComboBox comboBox; private final JPopupMenu comboBoxMenu; private final Provider<FriendPresenceActions> fromActions; private final Provider<BlockUserMenuFactory> blockUserMenuFactory; private List<RemoteHost> people = new ArrayList<RemoteHost>(); private List<RemoteHost> poppedUpPeople = Collections.emptyList(); private final RemoteWidgetType type; private FriendPresenceActions remoteHostActions; @Inject RemoteHostWidget(ComboBoxDecorator comboBoxDecorator, Provider<FriendPresenceActions> fromActions, Provider<BlockUserMenuFactory> blockUserMenuFactory, @Assisted RemoteWidgetType type) { this.fromActions = fromActions; this.blockUserMenuFactory = blockUserMenuFactory; this.type = type; comboBox = new LimeComboBox(); comboBoxDecorator.decorateMiniComboBox(comboBox); this.comboBoxMenu = new JPopupMenu(); this.comboBox.overrideMenu(this.comboBoxMenu); comboBoxMenu.addPopupMenuListener(new PopupMenuListener() { @Override public void popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent e) { if(!poppedUpPeople.equals(people)) { comboBox.setClickForcesVisible(true); } } @Override public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent e) { if(!poppedUpPeople.equals(people)) { comboBox.setClickForcesVisible(true); } } @Override public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent e) { comboBox.setClickForcesVisible(false); poppedUpPeople = people; updateMenus(); } }); this.layoutComponents(); this.setOpaque(false); } /** A name for actions when they're the only action available on a host. */ private static final String SINGULAR_ACTION_NAME = "singularActionName"; private Action getChatAction(final RemoteHost person) { return new AbstractAction(tr("Chat")) { { putValue(SINGULAR_ACTION_NAME, tr("Chat with {0}", person.getFriendPresence().getFriend().getRenderName())); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { getRemoteHostAction().chatWith(person.getFriendPresence().getFriend()); } }; } private Action getLibraryAction(final RemoteHost person) { return new AbstractAction(tr("Browse Files")) { { putValue(SINGULAR_ACTION_NAME, tr("Browse Files of {0}", person.getFriendPresence().getFriend().getRenderName())); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { getRemoteHostAction().viewLibrariesOf(Collections.singleton(person.getFriendPresence())); } }; } /** * Returns an Action to block the specified remote host. */ private Action getBlockUserAction(RemoteHost person) { Action blockAction = blockUserMenuFactory.get().createBlockUserAction( tr("Block User"), person.getFriendPresence().getFriend()); blockAction.putValue(SINGULAR_ACTION_NAME, tr("Block User {0}", person.getFriendPresence().getFriend().getRenderName())); return blockAction; } private FriendPresenceActions getRemoteHostAction() { if(remoteHostActions == null) remoteHostActions = fromActions.get(); return remoteHostActions; } private void layoutComponents() { this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0,0,0,0)); add(this.comboBox, BorderLayout.WEST); } public void setPerson(RemoteHost remoteHost) { this.people.clear(); this.people.add(remoteHost); this.comboBox.setText(getFromText()); } public void setPeople(Collection<RemoteHost> people) { this.people.clear(); this.people.addAll(people); this.comboBox.setText(getFromText()); } private String getFromText() { if(people.size() == 0) { return tr("nobody"); } else if(people.size() == 1 && type == RemoteWidgetType.UPLOAD) { return people.get(0).getFriendPresence().getFriend().getRenderName(); } else { boolean foundFriend = false; boolean foundAnon = false; for(RemoteHost host : people) { if(host.getFriendPresence().getFriend().isAnonymous()) { foundAnon = true; } else { foundFriend = true; } if(foundAnon && foundFriend) { // no need to search anymore. break; } } if(foundFriend && foundAnon) { if(type == RemoteWidgetType.TABLE) { return trn("{0} Person", "{0} People", people.size()); } else { return trn("Person", "People", people.size()); } } else if(foundFriend) { if(type == RemoteWidgetType.TABLE) { return (people.size() == 1) ? people.get(0).getFriendPresence().getFriend().getRenderName() : tr("{0} Friends", people.size()); } else { return (people.size() == 1) ? people.get(0).getFriendPresence().getFriend().getRenderName() : tr("Friends"); } } else { // foundAnon if (isTorrentWebSearch(people)) { return tr("Web Search"); } else if(type == RemoteWidgetType.TABLE) { return trn("{0} P2P User", "{0} P2P Users", people.size()); } else { return trn("P2P User", "P2P Users", people.size()); } } } } private static boolean isTorrentWebSearch(List<RemoteHost> people) { if (people.size() == 0) { return false; } RemoteHost host = people.get(0); if (host == null) { return false; } FriendPresence presence = host.getFriendPresence(); if (presence == null) { return false; } Friend friend = presence.getFriend(); if (friend == null) { return false; } Network network = friend.getNetwork(); if (network == null) { return false; } return network.getType() == Network.Type.WEBSEARCH; } private JMenuItem createItem(Action a) { JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(a); comboBox.decorateMenuComponent(item); return item; } private void updateMenus() { comboBoxMenu.removeAll(); if (people.size() == 0) { return; // menu has no items } if(people.size() == 1 && type == RemoteWidgetType.UPLOAD) { RemoteHost person = people.get(0); if (person.isChatEnabled()) { comboBoxMenu.add(createItem(getChatAction(person))); } // always show the browse host, disable if this action isn't available JMenuItem item = createItem(getLibraryAction(person)); item.setEnabled(person.isBrowseHostEnabled()); comboBoxMenu.add(item); } else { List<JMenuItem> friends = new ArrayList<JMenuItem>(); List<JMenuItem> friendsDisabled = new ArrayList<JMenuItem>(); List<JMenuItem> p2pUsers = new ArrayList<JMenuItem>(); List<JMenuItem> p2pUsersDisabled = new ArrayList<JMenuItem>(); List<RemoteHost> browsableHosts = new ArrayList<RemoteHost>(); if (isTorrentWebSearch(people)) { URI referrerURI = (URI) people.get(0).getFriendPresence().getFeature(ReferrerFeature.ID).getFeature(); comboBoxMenu.add(createItem(new UrlAction("Locate"), referrerURI.toASCIIString()))); } else { for (RemoteHost person : people) { JMenu submenu = new JMenu(person.getFriendPresence().getFriend().getRenderName()); comboBox.decorateMenuComponent(submenu); if (person.isChatEnabled()) { submenu.add(createItem(getChatAction(person))); } if (person.isBrowseHostEnabled()) { submenu.add(createItem(getLibraryAction(person))); } // Add Block User action for P2P users. if (person.getFriendPresence().getFriend().isAnonymous()) { submenu.add(createItem(getBlockUserAction(person))); } JMenuItem itemToAdd = submenu; // If we only added one item, remove the parent menu and make this it. if (submenu.getMenuComponentCount() == 1) { itemToAdd = (JMenuItem) submenu.getMenuComponent(0); Action action = itemToAdd.getAction(); // Replace the name with the singular name. action.putValue(Action.NAME, action.getValue(SINGULAR_ACTION_NAME)); } else if (submenu.getMenuComponentCount() == 0) { itemToAdd = new JMenuItem(submenu.getText()); comboBox.decorateMenuComponent(itemToAdd); itemToAdd.setEnabled(false); } if(itemToAdd.isEnabled()){ browsableHosts.add(person); } if (person.getFriendPresence().getFriend().isAnonymous()) { if (itemToAdd.isEnabled()) { p2pUsers.add(itemToAdd); } else { p2pUsersDisabled.add(itemToAdd); } } else { if (itemToAdd.isEnabled()) { friends.add(itemToAdd); } else { friendsDisabled.add(itemToAdd); } } } // Now go back through our submenus & add them in. if (friends.size() + friendsDisabled.size() > 0 && p2pUsers.size() + p2pUsersDisabled.size() > 0) { // Add friends to menu. for (JMenuItem friend : new MultiIterable<JMenuItem>(friends, friendsDisabled)) { comboBoxMenu.add(friend); } // Add P2P users to menu. for (JMenuItem p2pUser : new MultiIterable<JMenuItem>(p2pUsers, p2pUsersDisabled)) { comboBoxMenu.add(p2pUser); } } else if (friends.size() + friendsDisabled.size() == 1) { // Only one friend so add sub-menu items directly to menu. for (JMenuItem friend : new MultiIterable<JMenuItem>(friends, friendsDisabled)) { if (friend instanceof JMenu) { Component[] components = ((JMenu) friend).getMenuComponents(); for (Component component : components) { comboBoxMenu.add(component); } } else { comboBoxMenu.add(friend); } } } else if (friends.size() + friendsDisabled.size() > 1) { for (JMenuItem friend : new MultiIterable<JMenuItem>(friends, friendsDisabled)) { comboBoxMenu.add(friend); } } else if (p2pUsers.size() + p2pUsersDisabled.size() > 0) { for (JMenuItem p2pUser : new MultiIterable<JMenuItem>(p2pUsers, p2pUsersDisabled)) { comboBoxMenu.add(p2pUser); } } } } } @Override public String getToolTipText(){ return comboBox.getText(); } }