package fr.ens.biologie.genomique.eoulsan.modules.mapping.hadoop; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext; import; import fr.ens.biologie.genomique.eoulsan.util.hadoop.PathUtils; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMSequenceDictionary; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMSequenceRecord; /** * This class contains methods and classes related to save and load SAM file * header in Hadoop mappers and reducers. * @author Laurent Jourdren * @since 2.0 */ public class SAMHeaderHadoopUtils { static final String SAM_HEADER_FILE_PREFIX = "_samheader_"; /** * This class allow to save the SAM header read by a mapper. */ public static class SAMHeaderWriter { private List<String> headers; private final String attemptId; /** * Write the line to the SAM header file if the line is a SAM header. * @param context the Hadoop context * @param line the line read * @return if the line is an header or an empty line * @throws IOException if an error occurs while writing the SAM file header */ public boolean writeIfHeaderLine(final JobContext context, final String line) throws IOException { checkNotNull(line, "line argument cannot be null"); // Test empty line if (line.length() == 0) { return true; } // Test if the line is a SAM header if (line.charAt(0) == '@') { if (this.headers == null) { this.headers = new ArrayList<>(); } this.headers.add(line); return true; } close(context); return false; } /** * Close the SAM file header. * @param context the Hadoop context * @throws IOException if an error occurs while writing the SAM file header */ public void close(final JobContext context) throws IOException { // If headers previously found write it in a file if (this.headers != null) { // Save headers checkNotNull(context, "context argument cannot be null"); final Path outputPath = new Path(context.getConfiguration() .get("mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.outputdir")); final Path headerPath = new Path(outputPath, SAM_HEADER_FILE_PREFIX + attemptId); final Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(PathUtils.createOutputStream(headerPath, context.getConfiguration()), SAM_CHARSET); for (String l : this.headers) { writer.write(l + "\n"); } writer.close(); this.headers = null; } } /** * Constructor. * @param attemptId Hadoop task attempt Id */ public SAMHeaderWriter(final String attemptId) { checkNotNull(attemptId, "attemptId argument cannot be null"); this.attemptId = attemptId; } } /** * Load SAM headers. * @param context the Hadoop context * @return a list of String with the SAM headers * @throws IOException if an error occurs while loading the headers */ public static List<String> loadSAMHeaders(final JobContext context) throws IOException { checkNotNull(context, "context argument cannot be null"); final List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Get the output path of the reducer final Path outputPath = new Path(context.getConfiguration() .get("mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.outputdir")); // Get the file system object final FileSystem fs = context.getWorkingDirectory().getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration()); // Found the complete SAM header file Path bestFile = null; long maxLen = -1; for (FileStatus status : fs.listStatus(outputPath)) { if (status.getPath().getName().startsWith(SAM_HEADER_FILE_PREFIX) && status.getLen() > maxLen) { maxLen = status.getLen(); bestFile = status.getPath(); } } // Check if the SAM header file has been found if (bestFile == null) { throw new IOException( "No SAM header file found in reducer output directory: " + outputPath); } try (final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(, SAM_CHARSET))) { String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { result.add(line); } reader.close(); } return result; } /** * Create a SAMSequenceDictionary from the SAM header in a list of String. * @param headers the list of String * @return a new SAMSequenceDictionary object with the SAM headers */ public static SAMSequenceDictionary createSAMSequenceDictionaryFromSAMHeader( final List<String> headers) { checkNotNull(headers, "headers argument cannot be null"); final Splitter spliter = Splitter.on('\t'); // Dictionary for sequences final SAMSequenceDictionary result = new SAMSequenceDictionary(); for (String line : headers) { if (line.startsWith("@SQ\t")) { // Parse sequence name and length String sequenceName = null; int sequenceLength = -1; for (String f : spliter.split(line)) { if (f.startsWith("SN:")) { sequenceName = f.substring(3); } else if (f.startsWith("LN:")) { try { sequenceLength = Integer.parseInt(f.substring(3)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } } // Add sequence to SAM header if (sequenceName != null && sequenceLength != -1) { result .addSequence(new SAMSequenceRecord(sequenceName, sequenceLength)); } } } return result; } }