package com.revolsys.ui.html.fields; import; import com.revolsys.util.HtmlAttr; import com.revolsys.util.HtmlElem; import com.revolsys.util.Property; public abstract class NumberField extends TextField { private Number maximumValue; private Number minimumValue; private String units; public NumberField(final String name, final int size, final boolean required) { this(name, size, -1, null, required, null, null); } public NumberField(final String name, final int size, final int maxLength, final Object defaultValue, final boolean required) { this(name, size, maxLength, defaultValue, required, null, null); } public NumberField(final String name, final int size, final int maxLength, final Object defaultValue, final boolean required, final Number minimumValue, final Number maximumValue) { super(name, size, maxLength, defaultValue, required); setValue(defaultValue); setMinimumValue(minimumValue); setMaximumValue(maximumValue); setCssClass("number"); setType("number"); } /** * @return Returns the maximumValue. */ public Number getMaximumValue() { return this.maximumValue; } /** * @return Returns the minimumValue. */ public Number getMinimumValue() { return this.minimumValue; } public abstract Number getNumber(final String value); public String getUnits() { return this.units; } @Override protected void serializeAttributes(final XmlWriter out) { if (this.minimumValue != null) { out.attribute("min", this.minimumValue); } if (this.maximumValue != null) { out.attribute("max", this.maximumValue); } } @Override public void serializeElement(final XmlWriter out) { super.serializeElement(out); if (Property.hasValue(this.units)) { out.startTag(HtmlElem.SPAN); out.attribute(HtmlAttr.CLASS, "units"); out.text(" "); out.text(this.units); out.endTag(HtmlElem.SPAN); } if (this.minimumValue != null || this.maximumValue != null) { out.startTag(HtmlElem.SCRIPT); out.attribute(HtmlAttr.TYPE, "text/javascript"); out.text("$(document).ready(function() {"); out.text("$('#"); out.text(getForm().getName()); out.text(" input[name="); out.text(getName()); out.text("]').rules('add', {"); if (this.minimumValue != null) { out.text("min:"); out.text(this.minimumValue); } if (this.maximumValue != null) { if (this.minimumValue != null) { out.text(","); } out.text("max:"); out.text(this.maximumValue); } out.text("});});"); out.endTag(HtmlElem.SCRIPT); } } /** * @param maximumValue The maximumValue to set. */ public void setMaximumValue(final Number maximumValue) { this.maximumValue = maximumValue; } /** * @param minimumValue The minimumValue to set. */ public void setMinimumValue(final Number minimumValue) { this.minimumValue = minimumValue; } @Override public void setTextValue(final String value) { super.setTextValue(value); if (Property.hasValue(value)) { try { final Number number = getNumber(value); if (this.minimumValue != null && ((Comparable<Number>)this.minimumValue).compareTo(number) > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be >= " + this.minimumValue); } else if (this.maximumValue != null && ((Comparable<Number>)this.maximumValue).compareTo(number) < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be <= " + this.maximumValue); } else { setValue(number); } } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be a valid number"); } } else { super.setValue(null); } } public void setUnits(final String units) { this.units = units; } }