package com.revolsys.swing.field; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; import java.awt.event.FocusListener; import java.math.BigDecimal; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; import org.jdesktop.swingx.JXTextField; import com.revolsys.awt.WebColors; import com.revolsys.datatype.DataType; import com.revolsys.datatype.DataTypes; import com.revolsys.swing.SwingUtil; import com.revolsys.swing.listener.WeakFocusListener; import; import com.revolsys.swing.parallel.Invoke; import com.revolsys.util.Exceptions; import com.revolsys.util.Property; import com.revolsys.util.number.BigDecimals; import com.revolsys.util.number.Numbers; public class NumberTextField extends JXTextField implements Field, DocumentListener, FocusListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static int getLength(final DataType dataType, int length, final int scale, final BigDecimal minimumValue) { if (length == 0) { final Class<?> javaClass = dataType.getJavaClass(); if (javaClass == Byte.class) { length = 3; } else if (javaClass == Short.class) { length = 5; } else if (javaClass == Integer.class) { length = 10; } else if (javaClass == Long.class) { length = 19; } else if (javaClass == Float.class) { length = 10; } else if (javaClass == Double.class) { length = 20; } else { length = 20; } } if (minimumValue == null || new BigDecimal("0").compareTo(minimumValue) > 0) { length++; } if (scale > 0) { length++; } return length; } public static Number newMaximumValue(final DataType dataType, final int length, final int scale) { final Class<?> javaClass = dataType.getJavaClass(); final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(length); for (int i = length - scale + 1; i > 1; i--) { text.append('9'); } if (scale > 0) { text.append("."); for (int i = 0; i < scale; i++) { text.append('9'); } } if (javaClass == Byte.class) { try { if (length == 0) { return Byte.MAX_VALUE; } else { return new BigDecimal(text.toString()).byteValueExact(); } } catch (final ArithmeticException e) { return Byte.MAX_VALUE; } } else if (javaClass == Short.class) { try { if (length == 0) { return Short.MAX_VALUE; } else { return new BigDecimal(text.toString()).shortValueExact(); } } catch (final ArithmeticException e) { return Short.MAX_VALUE; } } else if (javaClass == Integer.class) { try { if (length == 0) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { return new BigDecimal(text.toString()).intValueExact(); } } catch (final ArithmeticException e) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } else if (javaClass == Long.class) { try { if (length == 0) { return Long.MAX_VALUE; } else { return new BigDecimal(text.toString()).longValueExact(); } } catch (final ArithmeticException e) { return Long.MAX_VALUE; } } else if (javaClass == Float.class) { if (length == 0) { return Float.MAX_VALUE; } else { return new BigDecimal(text.toString()).floatValue(); } } else if (javaClass == Double.class) { if (length == 0) { return Double.MAX_VALUE; } else { return new BigDecimal(text.toString()).doubleValue(); } } else { return (Number)dataType.toObject(text); } } private final DataType dataType; private final int length; private BigDecimal maximumValue; private BigDecimal minimumValue; private final int scale; private final FieldSupport fieldSupport; public NumberTextField(final DataType dataType, final int length) { this(dataType, length, 0); } public NumberTextField(final DataType dataType, final int length, final int scale) { this(dataType, length, scale, null, newMaximumValue(dataType, length, scale)); } public NumberTextField(final DataType dataType, final int length, final int scale, final Number minimumValue, final Number maximumValue) { this(null, dataType, length, scale, minimumValue, maximumValue); } public NumberTextField(final String fieldName, final DataType dataType, final int length, final int scale) { this(fieldName, dataType, length, scale, null, newMaximumValue(dataType, length, scale)); } public NumberTextField(final String fieldName, final DataType dataType, final int length, final int scale, final Number minimumValue, final Number maximumValue) { this.fieldSupport = new FieldSupport(this, fieldName, null, true); this.dataType = dataType; this.length = length; this.scale = scale; setMinimumValue(minimumValue); setMaximumValue(maximumValue); setColumns(getLength(dataType, length, scale, this.minimumValue) + 1); setHorizontalAlignment(RIGHT); getDocument().addDocumentListener(this); addFocusListener(new WeakFocusListener(this)); MenuFactory.getPopupMenuFactory(this); setFont(SwingUtil.FONT); } @Override public void changedUpdate(final DocumentEvent e) { validateField(); } @Override public Field clone() { try { return (Field)super.clone(); } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) { return Exceptions.throwUncheckedException(e); } } @Override public void firePropertyChange(final String propertyName, final Object oldValue, final Object newValue) { super.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue); } @Override public void focusGained(final FocusEvent e) { this.fieldSupport.discardAllEdits(); } @Override public void focusLost(final FocusEvent e) { updateFieldValue(); this.fieldSupport.discardAllEdits(); } @Override public Color getFieldSelectedTextColor() { return getSelectedTextColor(); } @Override public FieldSupport getFieldSupport() { return this.fieldSupport; } public int getLength() { return this.length; } public Number getMaximumValue() { return this.maximumValue; } public Number getMinimumValue() { return this.minimumValue; } public int getScale() { return this.scale; } private Object getTypedValue(final Object value) { if (Property.isEmpty(value)) { return null; } else { if ("NaN".equalsIgnoreCase(value.toString())) { return Double.NaN; } else if ("-Infinity".equalsIgnoreCase(value.toString())) { return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else if ("Infinity".equalsIgnoreCase(value.toString())) { return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } try { final BigDecimal bigNumber = new BigDecimal(value.toString()); return this.dataType.toObject(bigNumber); } catch (final Throwable t) { return value.toString(); } } } @Override public void insertUpdate(final DocumentEvent e) { validateField(); } @Override public void removeUpdate(final DocumentEvent e) { validateField(); } @Override public void setFieldSelectedTextColor(Color color) { if (color == null) { color = Field.DEFAULT_SELECTED_FOREGROUND; } setSelectedTextColor(color); } @Override public boolean setFieldValue(final Object value) { Invoke.later(() -> { final Object newValue = getTypedValue(value); final Object oldValue = getFieldValue(); String newText; if (newValue == null) { newText = ""; } else if (newValue instanceof Number) { newText = Numbers.toString((Number)newValue); if ("NAN".equalsIgnoreCase(newText)) { newText = "NaN"; } else if ("Infinity".equalsIgnoreCase(newText)) { newText = "Infinity"; } else if ("-Infinity".equalsIgnoreCase(newText)) { newText = "-Infinity"; } else { final BigDecimal decimal = new BigDecimal(newText); newText = decimal.toPlainString(); } } else { newText = DataTypes.toString(newValue); } if (!DataType.equal(newText, getText())) { setText(newText); } if (!DataType.equal(oldValue, newValue)) { validateField(); this.fieldSupport.setValue(newValue); } }); return false; } public void setMaximumValue(final Number maximumValue) { if (maximumValue == null) { this.maximumValue = null; } else { this.maximumValue = new BigDecimal(Numbers.toString(maximumValue)); } } public void setMinimumValue(final Number minimumValue) { if (minimumValue == null) { this.minimumValue = null; } else { this.minimumValue = new BigDecimal(Numbers.toString(minimumValue)); } } @Override public void setToolTipText(final String text) { final FieldSupport fieldSupport = getFieldSupport(); if (fieldSupport == null || fieldSupport.setOriginalTooltipText(text)) { super.setToolTipText(text); } } @Override public String toString() { return getFieldName() + "=" + getFieldValue(); } @Override public void updateFieldValue() { final String text = getText(); setFieldValue(text); } private void validateField() { final String text = getText(); String message = null; if (Property.hasValue(text)) { if ("NaN".equalsIgnoreCase(text)) { if (this.dataType.equals(DataTypes.DOUBLE)) { } else if (this.dataType.equals(DataTypes.FLOAT)) { } else { message = "'" + text + "' is not a valid " + this.dataType.getValidationName() + "."; } } else if ("Infinity".equalsIgnoreCase(text)) { if (this.dataType.equals(DataTypes.DOUBLE)) { } else if (this.dataType.equals(DataTypes.FLOAT)) { } else { message = "'" + text + "' is not a valid " + this.dataType.getValidationName() + "."; } } else if ("-Infinity".equalsIgnoreCase(text)) { if (this.dataType.equals(DataTypes.DOUBLE)) { } else if (this.dataType.equals(DataTypes.FLOAT)) { } else { message = "'" + text + "' is not a valid " + this.dataType.getValidationName() + "."; } } else { try { BigDecimal number = new BigDecimal(text.trim()); if (number.scale() < 0) { number = number.setScale(this.scale); } if (number.scale() > this.scale) { message = "Number of decimal places must be < " + this.scale; } else if (this.minimumValue != null && this.minimumValue.compareTo(number) > 0) { message = BigDecimals.toString(number) + " < " + BigDecimals.toString(this.minimumValue) + " (minimum)"; } else if (this.maximumValue != null && this.maximumValue.compareTo(number) < 0) { message = BigDecimals.toString(number) + " > " + BigDecimals.toString(this.maximumValue) + " (maximum)"; } else { // number = number.setScale(scale); // final String newText = number.toPlainString(); // if (!newText.equals(text)) { // setText(newText); // } message = null; } } catch (final Throwable t) { message = "'" + text + "' is not a valid " + this.dataType.getValidationName() + "."; } } } final boolean valid = Property.isEmpty(message); if (valid) { this.fieldSupport.setFieldValid(); } else { this.fieldSupport.setFieldInvalid(message, WebColors.Red, WebColors.Pink); } } }