package; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Predicate; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import; import; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.BoundingBox; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.GeometryFactory; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.LineString; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Point; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.PointDoubleXY; import; import; import com.revolsys.logging.Logs; import com.revolsys.raster.GeoreferencedImage; import com.revolsys.raster.GeoreferencedImageReadFactory; import com.revolsys.raster.MappedLocation; import com.revolsys.spring.resource.Resource; import com.revolsys.swing.Borders; import com.revolsys.swing.Icons; import com.revolsys.swing.SwingUtil; import com.revolsys.swing.component.BasePanel; import com.revolsys.swing.component.TabbedValuePanel; import com.revolsys.swing.component.ValueField; import com.revolsys.swing.layout.GroupLayouts; import; import; import; import; import com.revolsys.swing.parallel.Invoke; import com.revolsys.util.Property; import com.revolsys.util.number.Doubles; public class GeoreferencedImageLayer extends AbstractLayer { static { final MenuFactory menu = MenuFactory.getMenu(GeoreferencedImageLayer.class); menu.addGroup(0, "table"); menu.addGroup(2, "edit"); final Predicate<GeoreferencedImageLayer> notReadOnly = ((Predicate<GeoreferencedImageLayer>)GeoreferencedImageLayer::isReadOnly) .negate(); final Predicate<GeoreferencedImageLayer> editable = GeoreferencedImageLayer::isEditable; Menus.<GeoreferencedImageLayer> addMenuItem(menu, "table", "View Tie-Points", "table_go", GeoreferencedImageLayer::showTableView, false); Menus.<GeoreferencedImageLayer> addCheckboxMenuItem(menu, "edit", "Editable", "pencil", notReadOnly, GeoreferencedImageLayer::toggleEditable, editable, true); Menus.<GeoreferencedImageLayer> addCheckboxMenuItem(menu, "edit", "Show Original Image", (String)null, editable.and(GeoreferencedImageLayer::isHasTransform), GeoreferencedImageLayer::toggleShowOriginalImage, GeoreferencedImageLayer::isShowOriginalImage, true); Menus.<GeoreferencedImageLayer> addMenuItem(menu, "edit", "Fit to Screen", "arrow_out", editable, GeoreferencedImageLayer::fitToViewport, true); menu.deleteMenuItem("refresh", "Refresh"); } public static GeoreferencedImageLayer newLayer(final Map<String, Object> properties) { return new GeoreferencedImageLayer(properties); } private GeoreferencedImage image; private int opacity = 255; private Resource resource; private boolean showOriginalImage = false; private String url; public GeoreferencedImageLayer(final Map<String, Object> properties) { super("geoReferencedImageLayer"); setProperties(properties); setSelectSupported(false); setQuerySupported(false); setRenderer(new GeoreferencedImageLayerRenderer(this)); final int opacity = Maps.getInteger(properties, "opacity", 255); setOpacity(opacity); setIcon(Icons.getIcon("picture")); } public void cancelChanges() { if (this.image == null && this.resource != null) { GeoreferencedImage image = null; final Resource imageResource = Resource.getResource(this.url); if (imageResource.exists()) { try { image = GeoreferencedImageReadFactory.loadGeoreferencedImage(imageResource); if (image == null) { Logs.error(GeoreferencedImageLayer.class, "Cannot load image: " + this.url); } } catch (final RuntimeException e) { Logs.error(GeoreferencedImageLayer.class, "Unable to load image: " + this.url, e); } } else { Logs.error(GeoreferencedImageLayer.class, "Image does not exist: " + this.url); } setImage(image); } else { this.image.cancelChanges(); } firePropertyChange("hasChanges", true, false); } public void deleteTiePoint(final MappedLocation tiePoint) { if (isEditable()) { this.image.deleteTiePoint(tiePoint); } else { Logs.error(this, "Cannot delete tie-point. Layer " + getPath() + " is not editable"); } } public synchronized BoundingBox fitToViewport() { final Project project = getProject(); if (project == null || this.image == null || !isInitialized()) { return BoundingBox.empty(); } else { final BoundingBox oldValue = this.image.getBoundingBox(); final BoundingBox viewBoundingBox = project.getViewBoundingBox(); if (viewBoundingBox.isEmpty()) { return viewBoundingBox; } else { final double viewRatio = viewBoundingBox.getAspectRatio(); final double imageRatio = this.image.getImageAspectRatio(); BoundingBox boundingBox; if (viewRatio > imageRatio) { boundingBox = viewBoundingBox.expandPercent(-1 + imageRatio / viewRatio, 0.0); } else if (viewRatio < imageRatio) { boundingBox = viewBoundingBox.expandPercent(0.0, -1 + viewRatio / imageRatio); } else { boundingBox = viewBoundingBox; } this.image.setBoundingBox(boundingBox); firePropertyChange("boundingBox", oldValue, boundingBox); return boundingBox; } } } @Override public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() { final GeoreferencedImage image = getImage(); if (image == null) { return BoundingBox.empty(); } else { BoundingBox boundingBox = image.getBoundingBox(); if (boundingBox.isEmpty()) { final boolean hasChanges = isHasChanges(); boundingBox = fitToViewport(); if (hasChanges) { saveChanges(); } else { cancelChanges(); } } return boundingBox; } } @Override public BoundingBox getBoundingBox(final boolean visibleLayersOnly) { if (isExists() && (isVisible() || !visibleLayersOnly)) { return getBoundingBox(); } else { return getGeometryFactory().newBoundingBoxEmpty(); } } @Override public GeometryFactory getGeometryFactory() { if (this.image == null) { return getBoundingBox().getGeometryFactory(); } else { return this.image.getGeometryFactory(); } } public GeoreferencedImage getImage() { return this.image; } public int getOpacity() { return this.opacity; } @Override protected boolean initializeDo() { final String url = getProperty("url"); if (Property.hasValue(url)) { this.url = url; this.resource = Resource.getResource(url); cancelChanges(); return true; } else { Logs.error(this, "Layer definition does not contain a 'url' property"); return false; } } public boolean isHasTransform() { if (this.image == null) { return false; } else { return this.image.isHasTransform(); } } public boolean isShowOriginalImage() { return this.image.isHasTransform() && this.showOriginalImage; } @Override public boolean isVisible() { return super.isVisible() || isEditable(); } @Override public TabbedValuePanel newPropertiesPanel() { final TabbedValuePanel propertiesPanel = super.newPropertiesPanel(); final TiePointsPanel tiePointsPanel = newTableViewComponent(null); Borders.titled(tiePointsPanel, "Tie Points"); propertiesPanel.addTab("Geo-Referencing", tiePointsPanel); return propertiesPanel; } @Override protected ValueField newPropertiesTabGeneralPanelSource(final BasePanel parent) { final ValueField panel = super.newPropertiesTabGeneralPanelSource(parent); if (this.url.startsWith("file:")) { final String fileName = this.url.replaceFirst("file:(//)?", ""); SwingUtil.addLabelledReadOnlyTextField(panel, "File", fileName); } else { SwingUtil.addLabelledReadOnlyTextField(panel, "URL", this.url); } final String fileNameExtension = FileUtil.getFileNameExtension(this.url); if (Property.hasValue(fileNameExtension)) { SwingUtil.addLabelledReadOnlyTextField(panel, "File Extension", fileNameExtension); final GeoreferencedImageReadFactory factory = IoFactory .factoryByFileExtension(GeoreferencedImageReadFactory.class, fileNameExtension); if (factory != null) { SwingUtil.addLabelledReadOnlyTextField(panel, "File Type", factory.getName()); } } GroupLayouts.makeColumns(panel, 2, true); return panel; } @Override protected TiePointsPanel newTableViewComponent(final Map<String, Object> config) { return new TiePointsPanel(this); } @Override public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent event) { super.propertyChange(event); final String propertyName = event.getPropertyName(); if ("hasChanges".equals(propertyName)) { final GeoreferencedImage image = getImage(); if (event.getSource() == image) { image.saveChanges(); } } } protected void saveImageChanges() { if (this.image != null) { this.image.saveChanges(); } } @Override public void setBoundingBox(final BoundingBox boundingBox) { if (this.image != null) { this.image.setBoundingBox(boundingBox); } } @Override public void setEditable(final boolean editable) { Invoke.background("Set Editable " + this, () -> { synchronized (getSync()) { if (editable) { setShowOriginalImage(true); } else { firePropertyChange("preEditable", false, true); if (isHasChanges()) { final Integer result = Invoke.andWait(() -> { return JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(JOptionPane.getRootFrame(), "The layer has unsaved changes. Click Yes to save changes. Click No to discard changes. Click Cancel to continue editing.", "Save Changes", JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION); }); if (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { if (!saveChanges()) { setVisible(true); return; } } else if (result == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { cancelChanges(); } else { setVisible(true); // Don't allow state change if cancelled return; } } } super.setEditable(editable); if (editable == false) { setShowOriginalImage(false); } } }); } public void setImage(final GeoreferencedImage image) { final GeoreferencedImage old = this.image; Property.removeListener(this.image, this); this.image = image; if (image == null) { setExists(false); } else { setExists(true); Property.addListener(image, this); } firePropertyChange("image", old, this.image); } public void setOpacity(int opacity) { final int oldValue = this.opacity; if (opacity < 0) { opacity = 0; } else if (opacity > 255) { opacity = 255; } this.opacity = opacity; firePropertyChange("opacity", oldValue, opacity); } public void setShowOriginalImage(final boolean showOriginalImage) { final Object oldValue = this.showOriginalImage; this.showOriginalImage = showOriginalImage; firePropertyChange("showOriginalImage", oldValue, showOriginalImage); } @Override public void setVisible(final boolean visible) { super.setVisible(visible); if (!visible) { setEditable(false); } } public Point sourcePixelToTargetPoint(final BoundingBox boundingBox, final boolean useTransform, final double... coordinates) { if (useTransform) { final AffineTransform transform = this.image.getAffineTransformation(boundingBox); transform.transform(coordinates, 0, coordinates, 0, 1); } final double imageX = coordinates[0]; final double imageY = coordinates[1]; final GeoreferencedImage image = getImage(); final double xPercent = imageX / image.getImageWidth(); final double yPercent = imageY / image.getImageHeight(); final double modelWidth = boundingBox.getWidth(); final double modelHeight = boundingBox.getHeight(); final double modelX = boundingBox.getMinX() + modelWidth * xPercent; final double modelY = boundingBox.getMinY() + modelHeight * yPercent; final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = boundingBox.getGeometryFactory(); final Point imagePoint = geometryFactory.point(modelX, modelY); return imagePoint; } public Point sourcePixelToTargetPoint(final MappedLocation tiePoint) { final Point sourcePixel = tiePoint.getSourcePixel(); return sourcePixelToTargetPoint(sourcePixel); } public Point sourcePixelToTargetPoint(final Point sourcePixel) { final BoundingBox boundingBox = getBoundingBox(); final double x = sourcePixel.getX(); final double y = sourcePixel.getY(); final boolean useTransform = !isShowOriginalImage(); return sourcePixelToTargetPoint(boundingBox, useTransform, x, y); } public Point targetPointToSourcePixel(Point targetPoint) { final GeoreferencedImage image = getImage(); final BoundingBox boundingBox = getBoundingBox(); targetPoint = targetPoint.convertPoint2d(boundingBox.getGeometryFactory()); final double modelX = targetPoint.getX(); final double modelY = targetPoint.getY(); final double modelDeltaX = modelX - boundingBox.getMinX(); final double modelDeltaY = modelY - boundingBox.getMinY(); final double modelWidth = boundingBox.getWidth(); final double modelHeight = boundingBox.getHeight(); final double xRatio = modelDeltaX / modelWidth; final double yRatio = modelDeltaY / modelHeight; final double imageX = image.getImageWidth() * xRatio; final double imageY = image.getImageHeight() * yRatio; final double[] coordinates = new double[] { imageX, imageY }; if (!isShowOriginalImage()) { try { final AffineTransform transform = image.getAffineTransformation(boundingBox) .createInverse(); transform.transform(coordinates, 0, coordinates, 0, 1); } catch (final NoninvertibleTransformException e) { } } return new PointDoubleXY(Doubles.makePrecise(1, coordinates[0]), Doubles.makePrecise(1, coordinates[1])); } public void toggleShowOriginalImage() { final boolean showOriginalImage = isShowOriginalImage(); setShowOriginalImage(!showOriginalImage); } @Override public MapEx toMap() { final MapEx map = super.toMap(); map.remove("querySupported"); map.remove("selectSupported"); map.remove("editable"); map.remove("showOriginalImage"); map.remove("imageSettings"); addToMap(map, "url", this.url); addToMap(map, "opacity", this.opacity, 1); return map; } @Override public void zoomToLayer() { final Project project = getProject(); final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = project.getGeometryFactory(); final BoundingBox layerBoundingBox = getBoundingBox(); BoundingBox boundingBox = layerBoundingBox; final AffineTransform transform = this.image.getAffineTransformation(layerBoundingBox); if (!transform.isIdentity()) { final GeoreferencedImage image = getImage(); final double width = image.getImageWidth() - 1; final double height = image.getImageHeight() - 1; final double[] targetCoordinates = MappedLocation.toModelCoordinates(image, layerBoundingBox, true, 0, height, width, height, width, 0, 0, 0, 0, height); final LineString line = layerBoundingBox.getGeometryFactory().lineString(2, targetCoordinates); boundingBox = boundingBox.expandToInclude(line); } boundingBox = boundingBox.convert(geometryFactory).expandPercent(0.1).clipToCoordinateSystem(); project.setViewBoundingBox(boundingBox); } }