package; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Supplier; import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel; import com.revolsys.collection.list.ListByIndexIterator; import com.revolsys.collection.list.Lists; import com.revolsys.record.query.Condition; import com.revolsys.record.query.Query; import; import; import com.revolsys.swing.parallel.Invoke; import com.revolsys.util.Property; public abstract class ModeAbstractCached implements TableRecordsMode { private final String key; private final AtomicLong refreshIndex = new AtomicLong(Long.MIN_VALUE + 1); private List<LayerRecord> records = new ArrayList<>(); private int recordCount; private final RecordLayerTableModel model; private final List<PropertyChangeListener> listeners = new ArrayList<>(); private long lastRefreshIndex = Long.MIN_VALUE; private LayerRecord currentRecord; private int currentRowIndex; private ListSelectionModel selectionModel; public ModeAbstractCached(final String key, final RecordLayerTableModel model) { this.key = key; this.model = model; } @Override public void activate() { this.selectionModel = newSelectionModel(this.model); final AbstractRecordLayer layer = getLayer(); final PropertyChangeListener recordFieldListener = this::recordFieldChanged; layer.addPropertyChangeListener(recordFieldListener); addListeners( // Property.addListenerNewValueSource(layer, AbstractRecordLayer.RECORD_UPDATED, this::recordUpdated), // recordFieldListener); } protected void addCachedRecord(final LayerRecord record) { if (record != null) { addCachedRecords(Collections.singletonList(record)); } } protected void addCachedRecords(final Iterable<? extends LayerRecord> records) { if (records != null) { Invoke.later(() -> { final int fromIndex = this.records.size(); int addCount = 0; for (final LayerRecord record : records) { if (canAddCachedRecord(record)) { final int index = record.addTo(this.records); if (index != -1) { addCount++; } } } if (addCount > 0) { clearCurrentRecord(); setRecordCount(this.recordCount + addCount); this.model.fireTableRowsInserted(fromIndex, fromIndex + addCount - 1); } }); } } protected void addListeners(final PropertyChangeListener... listeners) { Lists.addAll(this.listeners, listeners); } protected boolean canAddCachedRecord(final LayerRecord record) { return true; } protected boolean canRefreshFinish(final long index) { if (index >= this.lastRefreshIndex) { this.lastRefreshIndex = index; return true; } else { return false; } } protected void clearCurrentRecord() { this.currentRecord = null; this.currentRowIndex = -1; } @Override public void deactivate() { for (final Object source : Arrays.asList(this.model, getLayer())) { for (final PropertyChangeListener listener : this.listeners) { Property.removeListener(source, listener); } } clearCurrentRecord(); this.listeners.clear(); this.recordCount = 0; this.records = new ArrayList<>(); this.selectionModel = null; } @Override public void exportRecords(final Query query, final Object target) { final Condition filter = query.getWhereCondition(); final Map<String, Boolean> orderBy = query.getOrderBy(); final AbstractRecordLayer layer = getLayer(); final Iterable<LayerRecord> records = new ListByIndexIterator<>(this.records); layer.exportRecords(records, filter, orderBy, target); } protected void fireRecordUpdated(final int index) { clearCurrentRecord(); this.model.fireTableRowsUpdated(index, index); } protected void fireTableDataChanged() { clearCurrentRecord(); this.model.fireTableDataChanged(); } @Override public void forEachRecord(final Query query, final Consumer<? super LayerRecord> action) { final Condition filter = query.getWhereCondition(); final Map<String, Boolean> orderBy = query.getOrderBy(); final AbstractRecordLayer layer = getLayer(); final Iterable<LayerRecord> records = new ListByIndexIterator<>(this.records); layer.forEachRecord(records, filter, orderBy, action); } protected Condition getFilter() { return this.model.getFilter(); } protected Query getFilterQuery() { return this.model.getFilterQuery(); } @Override public String getKey() { return this.key; } public AbstractRecordLayer getLayer() { return this.model.getLayer(); } @Override public final LayerRecord getRecord(final int rowIndex) { LayerRecord record = null; if (rowIndex >= 0) { if (rowIndex == this.currentRowIndex && this.currentRecord != null) { record = this.currentRecord; } else { record = getRecordDo(rowIndex); this.currentRecord = record; this.currentRowIndex = rowIndex; } } return record; } @Override public int getRecordCount() { return this.recordCount; } protected LayerRecord getRecordDo(final int index) { final List<LayerRecord> records = this.records; synchronized (records) { if (index >= 0 && index < records.size()) { try { return records.get(index); } catch (final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return null; } } else { return null; } } } protected List<LayerRecord> getRecordsForCache() { return Collections.emptyList(); } protected long getRefreshIndex() { return this.refreshIndex.get(); } protected long getRefreshIndexNext() { return this.refreshIndex.incrementAndGet(); } @Override public final ListSelectionModel getSelectionModel() { return this.selectionModel; } protected RecordLayerTableModel getTableModel() { return this.model; } private int indexOf(final LayerRecord record) { if (record == null) { return -1; } else { return record.indexOf(this.records); } } protected PropertyChangeListener newRecordsDeletedListener(final AbstractRecordLayer layer) { return Property.<List<LayerRecord>> addListenerNewValueSource(layer, AbstractRecordLayer.RECORDS_DELETED, this::recordsDeleted); } protected ListSelectionModel newSelectionModel(final RecordLayerTableModel tableModel) { return new RecordLayerListSelectionModel(tableModel); } private void recordFieldChanged(final LayerRecord record, final String fieldName, final Object value) { final int rowIndex = indexOf(record); if (rowIndex != -1) { final RecordLayerTableModel model = getTableModel(); final int fieldIndex = model.getColumnFieldIndex(fieldName); if (fieldIndex == -1) { repaint(); } else { model.fireTableCellUpdated(rowIndex, fieldIndex); } } } private void recordFieldChanged(final PropertyChangeEvent event) { final Object source = event.getSource(); if (source instanceof LayerRecord) { final String propertyName = event.getPropertyName(); final Object newValue = event.getNewValue(); recordFieldChanged((LayerRecord)source, propertyName, newValue); } } protected void recordsDeleted(final List<LayerRecord> records) { Invoke.later(() -> { for (final LayerRecord record : records) { if (record.getLayer().isDeleted(record)) { removeCachedRecord(record); } } repaint(); }); } protected void recordUpdated(final LayerRecord record) { repaint(); } @Override public void refresh() { Invoke.later(() -> { final long refreshIndex = getRefreshIndexNext(); clearCurrentRecord(); refresh(refreshIndex); }); } public void refresh(final long refreshIndex) { final Supplier<List<LayerRecord>> backgroundTask = this::getRecordsForCache; final Consumer<List<LayerRecord>> doneTask = (records) -> { if (canRefreshFinish(refreshIndex)) { this.recordCount = 0; // Set to 0 to avoid array index exceptions this.records = records; this.recordCount = records.size(); fireTableDataChanged(); } }; Invoke.background("Refresh table records", backgroundTask, doneTask); } protected void removeCachedRecord(final LayerRecord record) { Invoke.later(() -> { final int index = record.removeFrom(this.records); if (index != -1) { clearCurrentRecord(); setRecordCount(this.recordCount - 1); this.model.fireTableRowsDeleted(index, index); } }); } protected void removeCachedRecords(final Iterable<? extends LayerRecord> records) { for (final LayerRecord record : records) { removeCachedRecord(record); } } public void repaint() { this.model.repaint(); } protected void setRecordCount(final int recordCount) { final int oldValue = getRecordCount(); this.recordCount = recordCount; this.model.firePropertyChange("rowCount", oldValue, getRecordCount()); } }