package; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.print.PageFormat; import javax.measure.quantity.Length; import javax.measure.unit.NonSI; import javax.measure.unit.Unit; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.BoundingBox; import; import; public class PrintViewport2D extends Viewport2D { private final Rectangle2D contentRect; private final int dpi; public PrintViewport2D(final Project map, final Graphics2D graphics, final PageFormat pageFormat, final BoundingBox boundingBox, final Rectangle2D contentRect, final int dpi) { super(map); this.contentRect = contentRect; this.dpi = dpi; BoundingBox newBoundingBox = boundingBox; final double viewAspectRatio = getViewAspectRatio(); final double modelAspectRatio = newBoundingBox.getAspectRatio(); if (viewAspectRatio != modelAspectRatio) { final double width = newBoundingBox.getWidth(); final double height = newBoundingBox.getHeight(); if (viewAspectRatio > modelAspectRatio) { final double newWidth = height * viewAspectRatio; final double deltaX = (newWidth - width) / 2; newBoundingBox = newBoundingBox.expand(deltaX, 0); } else if (viewAspectRatio < modelAspectRatio) { final double newHeight = width / viewAspectRatio; final double deltaY = (newHeight - height) / 2; newBoundingBox = newBoundingBox.expand(0, deltaY); } } setGeometryFactory(newBoundingBox.getGeometryFactory()); setBoundingBox(newBoundingBox); } /** * Get the unit of measure for the printable page. All measurements are in * 1/72 inch. */ @Override public Unit<Length> getScreenUnit() { return NonSI.INCH.divide(this.dpi); } @Override public int getViewHeightPixels() { return (int)this.contentRect.getHeight(); } @Override public int getViewWidthPixels() { return (int)this.contentRect.getWidth(); } }