package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Struct; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.revolsys.datatype.DataType; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.BoundingBox; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.ClockDirection; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Geometry; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.GeometryFactory; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.LineString; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Lineal; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.LinearRing; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Point; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Polygon; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Polygonal; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Punctual; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.vertex.Vertex; import com.revolsys.geometry.operation.valid.CoordinateInfiniteError; import com.revolsys.geometry.operation.valid.CoordinateNaNError; import com.revolsys.jdbc.JdbcUtils; import com.revolsys.jdbc.field.JdbcFieldDefinition; import com.revolsys.record.Record; import; import com.revolsys.util.Property; import com.revolsys.util.number.Numbers; public class OracleSdoGeometryJdbcFieldDefinition extends JdbcFieldDefinition { private static final int[] LINESTRING_ELEM_INFO = new int[] { 1, 2, 1 }; private static final String MDSYS_SDO_GEOMETRY = "MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY"; private static final String MDSYS_SDO_POINT_TYPE = "MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE"; private static final int[] RECTANGLE_ELEM_INFO = new int[] { 1, 1003, 3 }; private static final double NAN_VALUE = 0; private final int axisCount; private final GeometryFactory geometryFactory; private final int oracleSrid; public OracleSdoGeometryJdbcFieldDefinition(final String dbName, final String name, final DataType type, final int sqlType, final boolean required, final String description, final Map<String, Object> properties, final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final int axisCount, final int oracleSrid) { super(dbName, name, type, sqlType, 0, 0, required, description, properties); this.geometryFactory = geometryFactory; this.axisCount = axisCount; this.oracleSrid = oracleSrid; setProperty(FieldProperties.GEOMETRY_FACTORY, geometryFactory); } @Override public void addColumnName(final StringBuilder sql, final String tablePrefix) { sql.append(tablePrefix); sql.append(".GEOMETRY.SDO_GTYPE, "); sql.append(tablePrefix); sql.append(".GEOMETRY.SDO_POINT.X, "); sql.append(tablePrefix); sql.append(".GEOMETRY.SDO_POINT.Y, "); sql.append(tablePrefix); sql.append(".GEOMETRY.SDO_POINT.Z, "); sql.append(tablePrefix); sql.append(".GEOMETRY.SDO_ELEM_INFO, "); sql.append(tablePrefix); sql.append(".GEOMETRY.SDO_ORDINATES"); } @Override public OracleSdoGeometryJdbcFieldDefinition clone() { return new OracleSdoGeometryJdbcFieldDefinition(getDbName(), getName(), getDataType(), getSqlType(), isRequired(), getDescription(), getProperties(), this.geometryFactory, this.axisCount, this.oracleSrid); } @Override public int setFieldValueFromResultSet(final ResultSet resultSet, final int columnIndex, final Record record) throws SQLException { Geometry value; final int geometryType = resultSet.getInt(columnIndex); if (!resultSet.wasNull()) { final int axisCount = geometryType / 1000; switch (geometryType % 1000) { case 1: value = toPoint(resultSet, columnIndex, axisCount); break; case 2: value = toLineString(resultSet, columnIndex, axisCount); break; case 3: value = toPolygon(resultSet, columnIndex, axisCount); break; case 5: value = toPunctual(resultSet, columnIndex, axisCount); break; case 6: value = toLineal(resultSet, columnIndex, axisCount); break; case 7: value = toPolygonal(resultSet, columnIndex, axisCount); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported geometry type " + geometryType); } record.setValue(getIndex(), value); } return columnIndex + 6; } @Override public int setInsertPreparedStatementValue(final PreparedStatement statement, final int parameterIndex, final Record record) throws SQLException { final String name = getName(); final Object value = record.getValue(name); if (Property.isEmpty(value)) { statement.setNull(parameterIndex, Types.STRUCT, "SDO_GEOMETRY"); } else { final Connection connection = statement.getConnection(); final Struct oracleValue = toSdoGeometry(connection, value, this.axisCount); statement.setObject(parameterIndex, oracleValue); } return parameterIndex + 1; } @Override public int setPreparedStatementValue(final PreparedStatement statement, final int parameterIndex, final Object value) throws SQLException { if (Property.isEmpty(value)) { statement.setNull(parameterIndex, Types.STRUCT, "SDO_GEOMETRY"); } else { final Connection connection = statement.getConnection(); final Struct oracleValue = toSdoGeometry(connection, value, 2); statement.setObject(parameterIndex, oracleValue); } return parameterIndex + 1; } private Lineal toLineal(final ResultSet resultSet, final int columnIndex, final int axisCount) throws SQLException { final List<LineString> lines = new ArrayList<>(); final BigDecimal[] elemInfo = JdbcUtils.getBigDecimalArray(resultSet, columnIndex + 4); final BigDecimal[] coordinatesArray = JdbcUtils.getBigDecimalArray(resultSet, columnIndex + 5); for (int i = 0; i < elemInfo.length; i += 3) { final int offset = elemInfo[i].intValue(); final int type = elemInfo[i + 1].intValue(); final int interpretation = elemInfo[i + 2].intValue(); int length; if (i + 3 < elemInfo.length) { final long nextOffset = elemInfo[i + 3].intValue(); length = (int)(nextOffset - offset); } else { length = coordinatesArray.length - offset + 1; } if (interpretation == 1) { final double[] coordinates = Numbers.toDoubleArray(coordinatesArray, offset - 1, length); final LineString points = this.geometryFactory.lineString(axisCount, coordinates); lines.add(points); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported geometry type " + type + " interpretation " + interpretation); } } if (lines.size() == 1) { return lines.get(0); } else { return this.geometryFactory.lineal(lines); } } private LineString toLineString(final ResultSet resultSet, final int columnIndex, final int axisCount) throws SQLException { final int index = columnIndex + 5; final BigDecimal[] coordinates = JdbcUtils.getBigDecimalArray(resultSet, index); return this.geometryFactory.lineString(axisCount, coordinates); } private Point toPoint(final ResultSet resultSet, final int columnIndex, final int axisCount) throws SQLException { final double x = resultSet.getDouble(columnIndex + 1); final double y = resultSet.getDouble(columnIndex + 2); if (axisCount == 2) { return this.geometryFactory.point(x, y); } else { final double z = resultSet.getDouble(columnIndex + 3); return this.geometryFactory.point(x, y, z); } } private Polygon toPolygon(final ResultSet resultSet, final int columnIndex, final int axisCount) throws SQLException { final BigDecimal[] elemInfo = JdbcUtils.getBigDecimalArray(resultSet, columnIndex + 4); final BigDecimal[] coordinatesArray = JdbcUtils.getBigDecimalArray(resultSet, columnIndex + 5); final List<LinearRing> rings = new ArrayList<>(); int numInteriorRings = 0; for (int i = 0; i < elemInfo.length; i += 3) { final int offset = elemInfo[i].intValue(); final long type = elemInfo[i + 1].longValue(); final long interpretation = elemInfo[i + 2].longValue(); int length; if (i + 3 < elemInfo.length) { final long nextOffset = elemInfo[i + 3].longValue(); length = (int)(nextOffset - offset); } else { length = coordinatesArray.length - offset + 1; } if (interpretation == 1) { final double[] coordinates = Numbers.toDoubleArray(coordinatesArray, offset - 1, length); final LinearRing ring = this.geometryFactory.linearRing(axisCount, coordinates); switch ((int)type) { case 1003: if (rings.isEmpty()) { rings.add(ring); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have two exterior rings on a geometry"); } break; case 2003: if (numInteriorRings == rings.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many interior rings"); } else { numInteriorRings++; rings.add(ring); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported geometry type " + type); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported geometry type " + type + " interpretation " + interpretation); } } final Polygon polygon = this.geometryFactory.polygon(rings); return polygon; } private Polygonal toPolygonal(final ResultSet resultSet, final int columnIndex, final int axisCount) throws SQLException { final List<Polygon> polygons = new ArrayList<>(); final BigDecimal[] elemInfo = JdbcUtils.getBigDecimalArray(resultSet, columnIndex + 4); final BigDecimal[] coordinatesArray = JdbcUtils.getBigDecimalArray(resultSet, columnIndex + 5); final int coordinateCount = coordinatesArray.length; List<LinearRing> rings = Collections.emptyList(); for (int i = 0; i < elemInfo.length; i += 3) { final int offset = elemInfo[i].intValue(); final long type = elemInfo[i + 1].longValue(); final long interpretation = elemInfo[i + 2].longValue(); int length; if (i + 3 < elemInfo.length) { final long nextOffset = elemInfo[i + 3].longValue(); length = (int)(nextOffset - offset); } else { length = coordinateCount + 1 - offset; } if (interpretation == 1) { final double[] coordinates = Numbers.toDoubleArray(coordinatesArray, offset - 1, length); final LinearRing ring = this.geometryFactory.linearRing(axisCount, coordinates); switch ((int)type) { case 1003: if (!rings.isEmpty()) { final Polygon polygon = this.geometryFactory.polygon(rings); polygons.add(polygon); } rings = new ArrayList<>(); rings.add(ring); break; case 2003: rings.add(ring); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported geometry type " + type); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported geometry type " + type + " interpretation " + interpretation); } } if (!rings.isEmpty()) { final Polygon polygon = this.geometryFactory.polygon(rings); polygons.add(polygon); } if (polygons.size() == 1) { return polygons.get(0); } else { return this.geometryFactory.polygonal(polygons); } } private Punctual toPunctual(final ResultSet resultSet, final int columnIndex, final int axisCount) throws SQLException { final BigDecimal[] coordinatesArray = JdbcUtils.getBigDecimalArray(resultSet, columnIndex + 5); final int vertexCount = coordinatesArray.length / axisCount; if (vertexCount == 1) { final double[] coordinates = new double[axisCount]; for (int i = 0; i < axisCount; i++) { coordinates[i] = coordinatesArray[i].doubleValue(); } final Point point = this.geometryFactory.point(coordinates); return point; } else { final Point[] points = new Point[vertexCount]; int coordinateIndex = 0; for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < vertexCount; vertexIndex++) { final double[] coordinates = new double[axisCount]; for (int i = 0; i < axisCount; i++) { coordinates[i] = coordinatesArray[coordinateIndex++].doubleValue(); } final Point point = this.geometryFactory.point(coordinates); points[vertexIndex] = point; } return this.geometryFactory.punctual(points); } } private int toSdoAddPolygon(int offset, final int[] elemInfo, int elemIndex, final int axisCount, final double[] coordinates, final Polygon polygon) { final LinearRing shell = polygon.getShell(); offset = toSodAddPolygonRing(offset, elemInfo, elemIndex, 1003, axisCount, coordinates, ClockDirection.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, shell); for (final LinearRing hole : polygon.holes()) { elemIndex += 3; offset = toSodAddPolygonRing(offset, elemInfo, elemIndex, 2003, axisCount, coordinates, ClockDirection.CLOCKWISE, hole); } return offset; } private Struct toSdoGeometry(final Connection connection, final int geometryType, final Struct pointStruct, final int[] elemInfo, final double... coordinates) throws SQLException { return JdbcUtils.struct(connection, MDSYS_SDO_GEOMETRY, geometryType, this.oracleSrid, pointStruct, elemInfo, coordinates); } private Struct toSdoGeometry(final Connection connection, final Object object, final int axisCount) throws SQLException { if (object instanceof Geometry) { Geometry geometry = (Geometry)object; geometry = geometry.newGeometry(this.geometryFactory); if (object instanceof Polygon) { final Polygon polygon = (Polygon)geometry; return toSdoPolygon(connection, polygon, axisCount); } else if (object instanceof LineString) { final LineString lineString = (LineString)geometry; return toSdoLineString(connection, lineString, axisCount); } else if (object instanceof Point) { final Point point = (Point)geometry; return toSdoPoint(connection, point, axisCount); } else if (object instanceof Punctual) { final Punctual punctual = (Punctual)geometry; return toSdoMultiPoint(connection, punctual, axisCount); } else if (object instanceof Lineal) { final Lineal lineal = (Lineal)geometry; return toSdoMultiLineString(connection, lineal, axisCount); } else if (object instanceof Polygonal) { final Polygonal polygonal = (Polygonal)geometry; return toSdoMultiPolygon(connection, polygonal, axisCount); } } else if (object instanceof BoundingBox) { BoundingBox boundingBox = (BoundingBox)object; boundingBox = boundingBox.convert(this.geometryFactory, 2); final double minX = boundingBox.getMinX(); final double minY = boundingBox.getMinY(); final double maxX = boundingBox.getMaxX(); final double maxY = boundingBox.getMaxY(); return toSdoGeometry(connection, 3, null, RECTANGLE_ELEM_INFO, minX, minY, maxX, maxY); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to convert to SDO_GEOMETRY " + object.getClass()); } private Struct toSdoLineString(final Connection connection, final LineString line, final int axisCount) throws SQLException { final int geometryType = axisCount * 1000 + 2; final int vertexCount = line.getVertexCount(); final double[] coordinates = new double[vertexCount * axisCount]; line.copyCoordinates(axisCount, NAN_VALUE, coordinates, 0); return toSdoGeometry(connection, geometryType, null, LINESTRING_ELEM_INFO, coordinates); } private Struct toSdoMultiLineString(final Connection connection, final Lineal lineal, final int axisCount) throws SQLException { final int geometryType = axisCount * 1000 + 6; final int geometryCount = lineal.getGeometryCount(); final int[] elemInfo = new int[geometryCount * 3]; final int vertexCount = lineal.getVertexCount(); final int coordinateCount = vertexCount * axisCount; final double[] coordinates = new double[coordinateCount]; int offset = 0; int elemIndex = 0; for (final LineString line : lineal.lineStrings()) { elemInfo[elemIndex++] = offset + 1; elemInfo[elemIndex++] = 2; elemInfo[elemIndex++] = 1; offset = line.copyCoordinates(axisCount, NAN_VALUE, coordinates, offset); } return toSdoGeometry(connection, geometryType, null, elemInfo, coordinates); } private Struct toSdoMultiPoint(final Connection connection, final Punctual punctual, final int axisCount) throws SQLException { final int geometryType = axisCount * 1000 + 5; final int geometryCount = punctual.getGeometryCount(); final int[] elemInfo = new int[] { 1, 1, geometryCount }; final double[] coordinates = new double[geometryCount * axisCount]; int i = 0; for (final Point point : punctual.points()) { for (int axisIndex = 0; axisIndex < axisCount; axisIndex++) { final double value = point.getCoordinate(axisIndex); if (Double.isNaN(value)) { coordinates[i] = NAN_VALUE; } else { coordinates[i] = value; } i++; } } return toSdoGeometry(connection, geometryType, null, elemInfo, coordinates); } private Struct toSdoMultiPolygon(final Connection connection, final Polygonal polygonal, final int axisCount) throws SQLException { final int geometryType = axisCount * 1000 + 7; final int vertexCount = polygonal.getVertexCount(); final int coordinateCount = vertexCount * axisCount; final double[] coordinates = new double[coordinateCount]; int ringCount = 0; for (final Polygon polygon : polygonal.polygons()) { ringCount += polygon.getRingCount(); } final int[] elemInfo = new int[ringCount * 3]; int offset = 0; int elemIndex = 0; for (final Polygon polygon : polygonal.polygons()) { offset = toSdoAddPolygon(offset, elemInfo, elemIndex, axisCount, coordinates, polygon); elemIndex += 3 * polygon.getRingCount(); } return toSdoGeometry(connection, geometryType, null, elemInfo, coordinates); } private Struct toSdoPoint(final Connection connection, final Point point, final int axisCount) throws SQLException { final double x = point.getX(); final double y = point.getY(); validateCoordinate(point, 0, x); validateCoordinate(point, 1, y); Double z = null; int geometryType = 1; if (axisCount > 2) { geometryType = 3001; z = point.getZ(); if (Double.isNaN(z)) { z = null; } } final Struct pointStruct = JdbcUtils.struct(connection, MDSYS_SDO_POINT_TYPE, x, y, z); return toSdoGeometry(connection, geometryType, pointStruct, null, null); } private Struct toSdoPolygon(final Connection connection, final Polygon polygon, final int axisCount) throws SQLException { final int geometryType = axisCount * 1000 + 3; final int ringCount = polygon.getRingCount(); final int[] elemInfo = new int[ringCount * 3]; final int vertexCount = polygon.getVertexCount(); final int coordinateCount = vertexCount * axisCount; final double[] coordinates = new double[coordinateCount]; toSdoAddPolygon(0, elemInfo, 0, axisCount, coordinates, polygon); return toSdoGeometry(connection, geometryType, null, elemInfo, coordinates); } private int toSodAddPolygonRing(int offset, final int[] elemInfo, final int elemIndex, final int elemType, final int axisCount, final double[] coordinates, final ClockDirection expectedRingOrientation, final LinearRing ring) { elemInfo[elemIndex] = offset + 1; elemInfo[elemIndex + 1] = elemType; // Exterior counter clockwise elemInfo[elemIndex + 2] = 1; final ClockDirection ringOrientation = ring.getClockDirection(); if (ringOrientation == expectedRingOrientation) { offset = ring.copyCoordinates(axisCount, NAN_VALUE, coordinates, offset); } else { offset = ring.copyCoordinatesReverse(axisCount, NAN_VALUE, coordinates, offset); } return offset; } protected void validateCoordinate(final Point point, final int axisIndex, final double coordinate) { if (!Double.isFinite(coordinate)) { final Vertex vertex = point.getVertex(axisIndex); if (Double.isNaN(coordinate)) { throw new CoordinateNaNError(vertex, axisIndex); } else { throw new CoordinateInfiniteError(vertex, axisIndex); } } } }