package com.revolsys.record.schema; import java.lang.ref.Reference; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.revolsys.beans.ObjectPropertyException; import; import; import; import com.revolsys.comparator.NumericComparator; import com.revolsys.datatype.DataType; import com.revolsys.datatype.DataTypeProxy; import com.revolsys.datatype.DataTypes; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Geometry; import com.revolsys.geometry.operation.valid.IsValidOp; import com.revolsys.identifier.Identifier; import; import; import com.revolsys.record.Record; import com.revolsys.record.code.CodeTable; import com.revolsys.record.code.CodeTableProperty; import com.revolsys.util.CaseConverter; import com.revolsys.util.JavaBeanUtil; import com.revolsys.util.MathUtil; import com.revolsys.util.Property; import com.revolsys.util.Strings; /** * The FieldDefinition class defines the name, type and other properties about each * field on a {@link Record} in the {@link RecordDefinition}. * * @see Record * @see RecordDefinition */ public class FieldDefinition extends BaseObjectWithProperties implements CharSequence, Cloneable, MapSerializer, DataTypeProxy { public static FieldDefinition newFieldDefinition(final Map<String, Object> properties) { return new FieldDefinition(properties); } private final Map<Object, Object> allowedValues = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private CodeTable codeTable; private Object defaultValue; /** The description of the field. */ private String description; private int index; /** The maximum length of an field value. */ private int length; private Object maxValue; private Object minValue; /** The name of the field. */ private String name; private Reference<RecordDefinition> recordDefinition; /** The flag indicating if a value is required for the field. */ private boolean required; /** The maximum number of decimal places. */ private int scale; private String title; /** The data type of the field value. */ private DataType type; public FieldDefinition() { } public FieldDefinition(final FieldDefinition field) { this.allowedValues.putAll(field.getAllowedValues()); this.defaultValue = field.getDefaultValue(); this.description = field.getDescription(); this.length = field.getLength(); this.maxValue = field.getMaxValue(); this.minValue = field.getMinValue(); = field.getName(); this.required = field.isRequired(); this.scale = field.getScale(); setTitle(field.getTitle()); this.type = field.getDataType(); final Map<String, Object> properties = field.getProperties(); setProperties(properties); } public FieldDefinition(final int index) { this.index = index; } public FieldDefinition(final Map<String, Object> properties) { = Maps.getString(properties, "name"); final String title = Maps.getString(properties, "title"); setTitle(title); this.description = Maps.getString(properties, "description"); this.type = DataTypes.getDataType(Maps.getString(properties, "dataType")); this.required = Maps.getBool(properties, "required"); this.length = Maps.getInteger(properties, "length", 0); this.scale = Maps.getInteger(properties, "scale", 0); this.minValue = properties.get("minValue"); if (this.minValue == null) { this.minValue = MathUtil.getMinValue(getTypeClass()); } else { final DataType dataType = this.type; final Object value = this.minValue; this.minValue = dataType.toString(value); } if (this.maxValue == null) { this.maxValue = MathUtil.getMaxValue(getTypeClass()); } else { final DataType dataType = this.type; final Object value = this.maxValue; this.maxValue = dataType.toString(value); } } /** * Construct a new field. * * @param name The name of the field. * @param type The data type of the field value. * @param required The flag indicating if a value is required for the * field. */ public FieldDefinition(final String name, final DataType type, final boolean required) { this(name, type, 0, 0, required, null, null); } /** * Construct a new field. * * @param name The name of the field. * @param type The data type of the field value. * @param length The maximum length of an field value, 0 for no maximum. * @param required The flag indicating if a value is required for the * field. * @param properties The meta data properties about the field. */ public FieldDefinition(final String name, final DataType type, final boolean required, final Map<String, Object> properties) { this(name, type, 0, 0, required, properties); } public FieldDefinition(final String name, final DataType dataType, final boolean required, final String description) { this(name, dataType, 0, 0, required, description, null); } /** * Construct a new field. * * @param name The name of the field. * @param type The data type of the field value. * @param length The maximum length of an field value, 0 for no maximum. * @param required The flag indicating if a value is required for the * field. */ public FieldDefinition(final String name, final DataType type, final int length, final boolean required) { this(name, type, length, 0, required, null, null); } /** * Construct a new field. * * @param name The name of the field. * @param type The data type of the field value. * @param length The maximum length of an field value, 0 for no maximum. * @param scale The maximum number of decimal places. * @param required The flag indicating if a value is required for the * field. * @param properties The meta data properties about the field. */ public FieldDefinition(final String name, final DataType type, final int length, final boolean required, final Map<String, Object> properties) { this(name, type, length, 0, required, properties); } public FieldDefinition(final String name, final DataType type, final int length, final boolean required, final String description) { this(name, type, length, 0, required, description, null); } /** * Construct a new field. * * @param name The name of the field. * @param type The data type of the field value. * @param required The flag indicating if a value is required for the * field. * @param properties The meta data properties about the field. */ public FieldDefinition(final String name, final DataType type, final Integer length, final Integer scale, final Boolean required) { this(name, type, length, scale, required, ""); } /** * Construct a new field. * * @param name The name of the field. * @param type The data type of the field value. * @param length The maximum length of an field value, 0 for no maximum. * @param scale The maximum number of decimal places. * @param required The flag indicating if a value is required for the * field. * @param properties The meta data properties about the field. */ public FieldDefinition(final String name, final DataType type, final Integer length, final Integer scale, final Boolean required, final Map<String, Object> properties) { this(name, type, length, scale, required, null, properties); } /** * Construct a new field. * * @param name The name of the field. * @param type The data type of the field value. * @param length The maximum length of an field value, 0 for no maximum. * @param scale The maximum number of decimal places. * @param required The flag indicating if a value is required for the * field. * @param properties The meta data properties about the field. */ public FieldDefinition(final String name, final DataType type, final Integer length, final Integer scale, final Boolean required, final String description) { setName(name); this.description = description; this.type = type; if (required != null) { this.required = required; } if (length != null) { this.length = length; } if (scale != null) { this.scale = scale; } this.description = description; this.minValue = MathUtil.getMinValue(getTypeClass()); this.maxValue = MathUtil.getMaxValue(getTypeClass()); } /** * Construct a new field. * * @param name The name of the field. * @param type The data type of the field value. * @param length The maximum length of an field value, 0 for no maximum. * @param scale The maximum number of decimal places. * @param required The flag indicating if a value is required for the * field. * @param properties The meta data properties about the field. */ public FieldDefinition(final String name, final DataType type, final Integer length, final Integer scale, final Boolean required, final String description, final Map<String, Object> properties) { setName(name); this.type = type; if (required != null) { this.required = required; } if (length != null) { this.length = length; } if (scale != null) { this.scale = scale; } this.description = description; final Class<?> typeClass = getTypeClass(); this.minValue = MathUtil.getMinValue(typeClass); this.maxValue = MathUtil.getMaxValue(typeClass); setProperties(properties); } public void addAllowedValue(final Object value, final Object text) { this.allowedValues.put(value, text); } public void appendType(final StringBuilder string) { string.append(this.type); if (this.length > 0) { string.append('('); string.append(this.length); if (this.scale > 0) { string.append(','); string.append(this.scale); } string.append(')'); } } @Override public char charAt(final int index) { return; } @Override public FieldDefinition clone() { return new FieldDefinition(this); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object object) { if (object instanceof FieldDefinition) { final FieldDefinition fieldDefinition = (FieldDefinition)object; final String name2 = fieldDefinition.getName(); return; } else if (object instanceof String) { final String name2 = (String)object; return; } else { return false; } } public Map<Object, Object> getAllowedValues() { return this.allowedValues; } public CodeTable getCodeTable() { return this.codeTable; } /** * Get the data type of the field value. * * @return The data type of the field value. */ @Override public DataType getDataType() { return this.type; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T getDefaultValue() { return (T)this.defaultValue; } public String getDescription() { return this.description; } public int getIndex() { return this.index; } /** * Get the maximum length of the field value. The length 0 should be used * if there is no maximum. * * @return The maximum length of an field value. */ public int getLength() { return this.length; } public int getMaxStringLength() { int length = this.length; if (this.scale > 0) { length += 1; length += this.scale; } if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(this.type.getJavaClass())) { length += 1; } else if (DataTypes.DATE.equals(this.type)) { return 10; } return length; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <V> V getMaxValue() { return (V)this.maxValue; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <V> V getMinValue() { return (V)this.minValue; } /** * Get the name of the field. * * @return The name of the field. */ public String getName() { return; } public RecordDefinition getRecordDefinition() { if (this.recordDefinition == null) { return null; } else { return this.recordDefinition.get(); } } /** * Get the maximum number of decimal places of the field value. * * @return The maximum number of decimal places. */ public int getScale() { return this.scale; } public String getSimpleType() { final StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder(); String typeName; if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(getTypeClass())) { typeName = "NUMBER"; } else if (CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(getTypeClass())) { typeName = "CHARACTER"; } else { typeName = this.type.getName().toUpperCase(); } string.append(typeName); if (this.length > 0) { string.append('('); string.append(this.length); if (this.scale > 0) { string.append(','); string.append(this.scale); } string.append(')'); } return string.toString(); } public String getTitle() { return this.title; } /** * Get the data type class of the field value. * * @return The data type of the field value. */ public Class<?> getTypeClass() { if (this.type == null) { return Object.class; } else { return this.type.getJavaClass(); } } /** * Get the data type of the field value. * * @return The data type of the field value. */ public String getTypeDescription() { final StringBuilder typeDescription = new StringBuilder(); appendType(typeDescription); return typeDescription.toString(); } public boolean hasCodeTable() { return this.codeTable != null; } /** * Return the hash code of the field. * * @return The hash code. */ @Override public int hashCode() { return; } /** * Get the flag indicating if a value is required for the field. * * @return True if a value is required, false otherwise. */ public boolean isRequired() { return this.required; } public boolean isValid(final Object value) { try { validate(value); return true; } catch (final Throwable e) { return false; } } @Override public int length() { return; } public FieldDefinition setAllowedValues(final Collection<?> allowedValues) { for (final Object allowedValue : allowedValues) { this.allowedValues.put(allowedValue, allowedValue); } return this; } public FieldDefinition setAllowedValues(final Map<?, ?> allowedValues) { this.allowedValues.putAll(allowedValues); return this; } public FieldDefinition setCodeTable(final CodeTable codeTable) { this.codeTable = codeTable; return this; } public FieldDefinition setDefaultValue(final Object defaultValue) { this.defaultValue = defaultValue; return this; } public FieldDefinition setDescription(final String description) { this.description = description; return this; } void setIndex(final int index) { this.index = index; } public FieldDefinition setLength(final int length) { this.length = length; return this; } public FieldDefinition setMaxValue(final Object maxValue) { this.maxValue = maxValue; return this; } public FieldDefinition setMinValue(final Object minValue) { this.minValue = minValue; return this; } public FieldDefinition setName(final String name) { = name; String title = getTitle(); if (!Property.hasValue(title)) { title = CaseConverter.toCapitalizedWords(name); setTitle(title); } return this; } protected void setRecordDefinition(final RecordDefinition recordDefinition) { this.recordDefinition = new WeakReference<>(recordDefinition); } public FieldDefinition setRequired(final boolean required) { this.required = required; return this; } public FieldDefinition setScale(final int scale) { this.scale = scale; return this; } public FieldDefinition setTitle(final String title) { if (Property.hasValue(title)) { this.title = title; } else { final String name = getName(); this.title = CaseConverter.toCapitalizedWords(name); } return this; } public FieldDefinition setType(final DataType type) { this.type = type; return this; } public void setValue(final Record record, Object value) { if (record != null) { final int index = getIndex(); value = toFieldValue(value); record.setValue(index, value); } } public void setValueClone(final Record record, Object value) { if (record != null) { final int index = getIndex(); value = toFieldValue(value); value = JavaBeanUtil.clone(value); record.setValue(index, value); } } @Override public CharSequence subSequence(final int beginIndex, final int endIndex) { return, endIndex); } public String toCodeString(final Object value) { if (value == null) { return null; } else if (this.codeTable == null) { if (value instanceof String) { final String string = (String)value; if (!Property.hasValue(string)) { return null; } } final String string = this.type.toString(value); return string; } else { final Object codeValue = this.codeTable.getValue(value); if (codeValue == null) { if (value instanceof String) { final String string = (String)value; if (!Property.hasValue(string)) { return null; } } final String string = this.type.toString(value); return string; } else { return codeValue.toString(); } } } /** * Convert the object to a value that is valid for the field. If the value can't be converted then * the original value will be returned. This can result in invalid values in the record but those can be picked up * with validation. Otherwise invalid values would silently be removed. * * @param value * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <V> V toFieldValue(final Object value) { try { return toFieldValueException(value); } catch (final Throwable e) { return (V)value; } } public <V> V toFieldValueException(final Object value) { if (value == null) { return null; } else { try { if (value instanceof String) { final String string = (String)value; if (!Property.hasValue(string)) { return null; } } if (this.codeTable != null) { final Identifier identifier = this.codeTable.getIdentifier(value); if (identifier == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(getName() + "='" + value + "' cannot be found in code table " + this.codeTable.getName()); } else { return identifier.toSingleValue(); } } final V fieldValue = this.type.toObject(value); return fieldValue; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { throw e; } catch (final Throwable e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( getName() + "='" + value + "' is not a valid " + getDataType().getValidationName(), e); } } } @Override public MapEx toMap() { final MapEx map = new LinkedHashMapEx(); addTypeToMap(map, "field"); map.put("name", getName()); map.put("title", getTitle()); addToMap(map, "description", getDescription(), ""); map.put("dataType", getDataType().getName()); map.put("length", getLength()); map.put("scale", getScale()); map.put("required", isRequired()); addToMap(map, "minValue", getMinValue(), null); addToMap(map, "maxValue", getMaxValue(), null); addToMap(map, "defaultValue", getDefaultValue(), null); addToMap(map, "allowedValues", getAllowedValues(), Collections.emptyMap()); return map; } @Override public String toString() { return; } public String toString(final Object value) { if (value == null) { return null; } else { if (value instanceof String) { final String string = (String)value; if (!Property.hasValue(string)) { return null; } } final String string = this.type.toString(value); return string; } } public Object validate(Object value) { final String fieldName = getName(); value = toFieldValueException(value); if (value == null) { if (isRequired()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(fieldName + " is required"); } } else { final RecordDefinition recordDefinition = getRecordDefinition(); final CodeTable codeTable = recordDefinition.getCodeTableByFieldName(fieldName); if (codeTable == null) { final int maxLength = getLength(); if (value instanceof Number) { final Number number = (Number)value; final BigDecimal bigNumber = new BigDecimal(number.toString()); final int length = bigNumber.precision(); if (maxLength > 0) { if (length > maxLength) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( fieldName + "=" + value + " length " + length + " > " + maxLength); } } final int scale = bigNumber.scale(); final int maxScale = getScale(); if (maxScale > 0) { if (scale > maxScale) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( fieldName + "=" + value + " scale " + scale + " > " + maxScale); } } final Number minValue = getMinValue(); if (minValue != null) { if (NumericComparator.numericCompare(number, minValue) < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(fieldName + "=" + value + " > " + minValue); } } final Number maxValue = getMaxValue(); if (maxValue != null) { if (NumericComparator.numericCompare(number, maxValue) > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(fieldName + "=" + value + " < " + maxValue); } } } else if (value instanceof String) { final String string = (String)value; final int length = string.length(); if (maxLength > 0) { if (length > maxLength) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( fieldName + "=" + value + " length " + length + " > " + maxLength); } } } else if (value instanceof Geometry) { final Geometry geometry = (Geometry)value; final IsValidOp validOp = new IsValidOp(geometry, false); if (!validOp.isValid()) { final String errors = Strings.toString(validOp.getErrors()); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Geometry not valid: " + errors); } } if (!this.allowedValues.isEmpty()) { if (!this.allowedValues.containsKey(value)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(fieldName + "=" + value + " not in (" + Strings.toString(",", this.allowedValues) + ")"); } } } else { final Identifier id = codeTable.getIdentifier(value); if (id == null) { String codeTableName; if (codeTable instanceof CodeTableProperty) { @SuppressWarnings("resource") final CodeTableProperty property = (CodeTableProperty)codeTable; codeTableName = property.getTypeName(); } else { codeTableName = codeTable.toString(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to find code for '" + value + "' in " + codeTableName); } } } return value; } public Object validate(final Record record, final Object value) { final String fieldName = getName(); try { return validate(value); } catch (final Throwable e) { throw new ObjectPropertyException(record, fieldName, e.getMessage(), e); } } }