package com.revolsys.gdal.record; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import org.gdal.ogr.DataSource; import org.gdal.ogr.Driver; import org.gdal.ogr.Feature; import org.gdal.ogr.FeatureDefn; import org.gdal.ogr.FieldDefn; import org.gdal.ogr.GeomFieldDefn; import org.gdal.ogr.Layer; import org.gdal.ogr.ogr; import org.gdal.ogr.ogrConstants; import org.gdal.osr.SpatialReference; import com.revolsys.collection.iterator.AbstractIterator; import com.revolsys.datatype.DataType; import com.revolsys.datatype.DataTypes; import com.revolsys.gdal.Gdal; import com.revolsys.geometry.cs.CoordinateSystem; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.BoundingBox; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.GeometryFactory; import; import; import com.revolsys.logging.Logs; import com.revolsys.record.Record; import; import; import com.revolsys.record.query.AbstractMultiCondition; import com.revolsys.record.query.BinaryCondition; import com.revolsys.record.query.CollectionValue; import com.revolsys.record.query.Column; import com.revolsys.record.query.Condition; import com.revolsys.record.query.ILike; import com.revolsys.record.query.LeftUnaryCondition; import com.revolsys.record.query.Like; import com.revolsys.record.query.Query; import com.revolsys.record.query.QueryValue; import com.revolsys.record.query.RightUnaryCondition; import com.revolsys.record.query.SqlCondition; import com.revolsys.record.query.Value; import com.revolsys.record.query.functions.EnvelopeIntersects; import com.revolsys.record.query.functions.WithinDistance; import com.revolsys.record.schema.AbstractRecordStore; import com.revolsys.record.schema.FieldDefinition; import com.revolsys.record.schema.RecordDefinition; import com.revolsys.record.schema.RecordDefinitionImpl; import com.revolsys.record.schema.RecordStoreSchema; import com.revolsys.record.schema.RecordStoreSchemaElement; import com.revolsys.util.Dates; import com.revolsys.util.Property; import com.revolsys.util.StringBuilders; public class OgrRecordStore extends AbstractRecordStore { public static final String GEO_PAKCAGE = "GPKG"; private static final Pattern PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\?"); public static final String ROWID = "ROWID"; public static final String SQLITE = "SQLite"; private boolean createMissingTables = true; private DataSource dataSource; private String driverName; private final File file; private final Map<String, String> idFieldNames = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, PathName> layerNameToPathMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Set<Layer> layersToClose = new HashSet<>(); private final Map<PathName, String> pathToLayerNameMap = new HashMap<>(); protected OgrRecordStore(final String driverName, final File file) { this.driverName = driverName; this.file = file; } synchronized void addLayerToClose(final Layer layer) { this.layersToClose.add(layer); } @Override public void appendQueryValue(final Query query, final StringBuilder sql, final QueryValue condition) { if (condition instanceof Like || condition instanceof ILike) { final BinaryCondition like = (BinaryCondition)condition; final QueryValue left = like.getLeft(); final QueryValue right = like.getRight(); sql.append("UPPER("); appendQueryValue(query, sql, left); sql.append(") LIKE "); if (right instanceof Value) { final Value valueCondition = (Value)right; final Object value = valueCondition.getValue(); sql.append("'"); if (value != null) { final String string = DataTypes.toString(value); sql.append(string.toUpperCase()); } sql.append("'"); } else { appendQueryValue(query, sql, right); } } else if (condition instanceof LeftUnaryCondition) { final LeftUnaryCondition unaryCondition = (LeftUnaryCondition)condition; final String operator = unaryCondition.getOperator(); final QueryValue right = unaryCondition.getValue(); sql.append(operator); sql.append(" "); appendQueryValue(query, sql, right); } else if (condition instanceof RightUnaryCondition) { final RightUnaryCondition unaryCondition = (RightUnaryCondition)condition; final QueryValue left = unaryCondition.getValue(); final String operator = unaryCondition.getOperator(); appendQueryValue(query, sql, left); sql.append(" "); sql.append(operator); } else if (condition instanceof BinaryCondition) { final BinaryCondition binaryCondition = (BinaryCondition)condition; final QueryValue left = binaryCondition.getLeft(); final String operator = binaryCondition.getOperator(); final QueryValue right = binaryCondition.getRight(); appendQueryValue(query, sql, left); sql.append(" "); sql.append(operator); sql.append(" "); appendQueryValue(query, sql, right); } else if (condition instanceof AbstractMultiCondition) { final AbstractMultiCondition multipleCondition = (AbstractMultiCondition)condition; sql.append("("); boolean first = true; final String operator = multipleCondition.getOperator(); for (final QueryValue subCondition : multipleCondition.getQueryValues()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sql.append(" "); sql.append(operator); sql.append(" "); } appendQueryValue(query, sql, subCondition); } sql.append(")"); } else if (condition instanceof Value) { final Value valueCondition = (Value)condition; final Object value = valueCondition.getValue(); appendValue(sql, value); } else if (condition instanceof CollectionValue) { final CollectionValue collectionValue = (CollectionValue)condition; final List<Object> values = collectionValue.getValues(); boolean first = true; for (final Object value : values) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sql.append(", "); } appendValue(sql, value); } } else if (condition instanceof Column) { final Column column = (Column)condition; final Object name = column.getName(); sql.append(name); } else if (condition instanceof SqlCondition) { final SqlCondition sqlCondition = (SqlCondition)condition; final String where = sqlCondition.getSql(); final List<Object> parameters = sqlCondition.getParameterValues(); if (parameters.isEmpty()) { if (where.indexOf('?') > -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No arguments specified for a where clause with placeholders: " + where); } else { sql.append(where); } } else { final Matcher matcher = PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN.matcher(where); int i = 0; while (matcher.find()) { if (i >= parameters.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not enough arguments for where clause with placeholders: " + where); } final Object argument = parameters.get(i); final StringBuffer replacement = new StringBuffer(); matcher.appendReplacement(replacement, DataTypes.toString(argument)); sql.append(replacement); appendValue(sql, argument); i++; } final StringBuffer tail = new StringBuffer(); matcher.appendTail(tail); sql.append(tail); } } else if (condition instanceof EnvelopeIntersects) { final EnvelopeIntersects envelopeIntersects = (EnvelopeIntersects)condition; final QueryValue boundingBox1Value = envelopeIntersects.getBoundingBox1Value(); final QueryValue boundingBox2Value = envelopeIntersects.getBoundingBox2Value(); if (boundingBox1Value == null || boundingBox2Value == null) { sql.append("1 = 0"); } else { sql.append("Intersects("); boundingBox1Value.appendSql(query, this, sql); sql.append(","); boundingBox2Value.appendSql(query, this, sql); sql.append(")"); } } else if (condition instanceof WithinDistance) { final WithinDistance withinDistance = (WithinDistance)condition; final QueryValue geometry1Value = withinDistance.getGeometry1Value(); final QueryValue geometry2Value = withinDistance.getGeometry2Value(); final QueryValue distanceValue = withinDistance.getDistanceValue(); if (geometry1Value == null || geometry2Value == null || distanceValue == null) { sql.append("1 = 0"); } else { sql.append("Distance("); geometry1Value.appendSql(query, this, sql); sql.append(", "); geometry2Value.appendSql(query, this, sql); sql.append(") <= "); distanceValue.appendSql(query, this, sql); sql.append(")"); } } else { condition.appendDefaultSql(query, this, sql); } } public void appendValue(final StringBuilder sql, final Object value) { if (value == null) { sql.append("''"); } else if (value instanceof Number) { sql.append(value); } else if (value instanceof java.sql.Date) { final String stringValue = Dates.format("yyyy-MM-dd", (java.util.Date)value); sql.append("CAST('" + stringValue + "' AS DATE)"); } else if (value instanceof java.util.Date) { final String stringValue = Dates.format("yyyy-MM-dd", (java.util.Date)value); sql.append("CAST('" + stringValue + "' AS TIMESTAMP)"); } else if (value instanceof BoundingBox) { final BoundingBox boundingBox = (BoundingBox)value; sql.append("BuildMbr("); sql.append(boundingBox.getMinX()); sql.append(","); sql.append(boundingBox.getMinY()); sql.append(","); sql.append(boundingBox.getMaxX()); sql.append(","); sql.append(boundingBox.getMaxY()); sql.append(")"); } else { final String stringValue = DataTypes.toString(value); sql.append("'"); sql.append(stringValue.replaceAll("'", "''")); sql.append("'"); } } @Override @PreDestroy public void close() { if (!OgrRecordStoreFactory.release(this.file)) { closeDo(); } } public void closeDo() { synchronized (this) { if (!isClosed()) { if (this.dataSource != null) { try { for (final Layer layer : this.layersToClose) { this.dataSource.ReleaseResultSet(layer); } this.layersToClose.clear(); this.dataSource.delete(); } finally { this.dataSource = null; super.close(); } } } } } protected DataSource getDataSource() { if (isClosed()) { return null; } else { if (this.dataSource == null) { this.dataSource = newDataSource(false); this.driverName = this.dataSource.GetDriver().getName(); } return this.dataSource; } } public String getDriverName() { return this.driverName; } private int getGeometryFieldType(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final FieldDefinition field) { int type; final DataType dataType = field.getDataType(); if (DataTypes.POINT.equals(dataType)) { type = 1; } else if (DataTypes.LINE_STRING.equals(dataType)) { type = 2; } else if (DataTypes.POLYGON.equals(dataType)) { type = 3; } else if (DataTypes.MULTI_POINT.equals(dataType)) { type = 4; } else if (DataTypes.MULTI_LINE_STRING.equals(dataType)) { type = 5; } else if (DataTypes.MULTI_POINT.equals(dataType)) { type = 6; } else if (DataTypes.GEOMETRY_COLLECTION.equals(dataType)) { type = 7; } else if (DataTypes.LINEAR_RING.equals(dataType)) { type = 101; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported geometry type " + dataType + " for " + field); } if (geometryFactory.getAxisCount() > 2) { type += 0x80000000; } return type; } public String getIdFieldName(final RecordDefinition recordDefinition) { String path; if (recordDefinition == null) { path = null; } else { path = recordDefinition.getPath(); } return getIdFieldName(path); } public String getIdFieldName(final String typePath) { if (typePath != null) { final String idFieldName = this.idFieldNames.get(typePath.toUpperCase()); if (idFieldName != null) { return idFieldName; } } return ROWID; } protected Layer getLayer(final String typePath) { final DataSource dataSource = getDataSource(); if (dataSource == null) { return null; } else { final String layerName = getLayerName(typePath); if (layerName == null) { return null; } else { return dataSource.GetLayer(layerName); } } } protected String getLayerName(final String typePath) { if (typePath == null) { return null; } else { final String layerName = this.pathToLayerNameMap.get(typePath.toUpperCase()); if (layerName == null) { return typePath; } else { return layerName; } } } @Override public int getRecordCount(final Query query) { if (query == null) { return 0; } else { String typePath = query.getTypeName(); RecordDefinition recordDefinition = query.getRecordDefinition(); if (recordDefinition == null) { typePath = query.getTypeName(); recordDefinition = getRecordDefinition(typePath); if (recordDefinition == null) { return 0; } } else { typePath = recordDefinition.getPath(); } final StringBuilder whereClause = getWhereClause(query); final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "); final String layerName = getLayerName(typePath); sql.append(layerName); if (whereClause.length() > 0) { sql.append(" WHERE "); sql.append(whereClause); } final DataSource dataSource = getDataSource(); if (dataSource != null) { final Layer result = dataSource.ExecuteSQL(sql.toString()); if (result != null) { addLayerToClose(result); try { final Feature feature = result.GetNextFeature(); if (feature != null) { try { return feature.GetFieldAsInteger(0); } finally { feature.delete(); } } } finally { releaseLayerToClose(result); } } } } return 0; } @Override public RecordDefinition getRecordDefinition(final RecordDefinition sourceRecordDefinition) { final DataSource dataSource = getDataSource(); synchronized (dataSource) { if (getGeometryFactory() == null) { setGeometryFactory(sourceRecordDefinition.getGeometryFactory()); } RecordDefinition recordDefinition = super.getRecordDefinition(sourceRecordDefinition); if (this.createMissingTables && recordDefinition == null) { recordDefinition = newLayerRecordDefinition(dataSource, sourceRecordDefinition); } return recordDefinition; } } @Override public String getRecordStoreType() { return this.driverName; } protected String getSql(final Query query) { final RecordDefinition recordDefinition = query.getRecordDefinition(); final String typePath = recordDefinition.getPath(); final Map<String, Boolean> orderBy = query.getOrderBy(); final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT "); List<String> fieldNames = query.getFieldNames(); if (fieldNames.isEmpty()) { fieldNames = recordDefinition.getFieldNames(); } fieldNames.remove("ROWID"); StringBuilders.append(sql, fieldNames); sql.append(" FROM "); final String layerName = getLayerName(typePath); sql.append(layerName); final StringBuilder whereClause = getWhereClause(query); if (whereClause.length() > 0) { sql.append(" WHERE "); sql.append(whereClause); } boolean first = true; for (final Entry<String, Boolean> entry : orderBy.entrySet()) { final String column = entry.getKey(); if (first) { sql.append(" ORDER BY "); first = false; } else { sql.append(", "); } sql.append(column); final Boolean ascending = entry.getValue(); if (!ascending) { sql.append(" DESC"); } } return sql.toString(); } protected StringBuilder getWhereClause(final Query query) { final StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder(); final Condition whereCondition = query.getWhereCondition(); if (!whereCondition.isEmpty()) { appendQueryValue(query, whereClause, whereCondition); } return whereClause; } public boolean isCreateMissingTables() { return this.createMissingTables; } protected DataSource newDataSource(final boolean update) { final String path = FileUtil.getCanonicalPath(this.file); DataSource dataSource; if (this.file.exists()) { dataSource = ogr.Open(path, update); } else { final Driver driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(this.driverName); dataSource = driver.CreateDataSource(path); } return dataSource; } @Override public AbstractIterator<Record> newIterator(final Query query, final Map<String, Object> properties) { String typePath = query.getTypeName(); RecordDefinition recordDefinition = query.getRecordDefinition(); if (recordDefinition == null) { typePath = query.getTypeName(); recordDefinition = getRecordDefinition(typePath); if (recordDefinition == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type name does not exist " + typePath); } else { query.setRecordDefinition(recordDefinition); } } else { typePath = recordDefinition.getPath(); } final OgrQueryIterator iterator = new OgrQueryIterator(this, query); return iterator; } private RecordDefinition newLayerRecordDefinition(final DataSource dataSource, final RecordDefinition sourceRecordDefinition) { final PathName typePath = sourceRecordDefinition.getPathName(); final String name = typePath.getName(); final PathName parentPath = typePath.getParent(); final RecordStoreSchema schema = getSchema(parentPath); Layer layer; if (sourceRecordDefinition.hasGeometryField()) { final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = sourceRecordDefinition.getGeometryFactory(); final FieldDefinition geometryField = sourceRecordDefinition.getGeometryField(); final int geometryFieldType = getGeometryFieldType(geometryFactory, geometryField); final SpatialReference spatialReference = Gdal.getSpatialReference(geometryFactory); layer = dataSource.CreateLayer(typePath.getPath(), spatialReference, geometryFieldType); } else { layer = dataSource.CreateLayer(name); } if (dataSource.TestCapability(ogrConstants.ODsCCreateLayer) == false) { System.err.println("CreateLayer not supported by driver."); } return newLayerRecordDefinition(schema, layer); } protected RecordDefinitionImpl newLayerRecordDefinition(final RecordStoreSchema schema, final Layer layer) { final String layerName = layer.GetName(); final PathName typePath = PathName.newPathName(layerName); /** This primes the layer so that the fidColumn is loaded correctly. */ layer.GetNextFeature(); final RecordDefinitionImpl recordDefinition = new RecordDefinitionImpl(schema, typePath); String idFieldName = layer.GetFIDColumn(); if (!Property.hasValue(idFieldName)) { idFieldName = "rowid"; } this.idFieldNames.put(typePath.getUpperPath(), idFieldName); final FeatureDefn layerDefinition = layer.GetLayerDefn(); if (SQLITE.equals(this.driverName) || GEO_PAKCAGE.equals(this.driverName)) { recordDefinition.addField(idFieldName, DataTypes.LONG, true); recordDefinition.setIdFieldName(idFieldName); } for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < layerDefinition.GetFieldCount(); fieldIndex++) { final FieldDefn fieldDefinition = layerDefinition.GetFieldDefn(fieldIndex); final String fieldName = fieldDefinition.GetName(); final int fieldType = fieldDefinition.GetFieldType(); final int fieldWidth = fieldDefinition.GetWidth(); final int fieldPrecision = fieldDefinition.GetPrecision(); DataType fieldDataType; switch (fieldType) { case 0: fieldDataType = DataTypes.INT; break; case 2: fieldDataType = DataTypes.DOUBLE; break; case 4: case 6: fieldDataType = DataTypes.STRING; break; case 9: fieldDataType = DataTypes.DATE; break; case 11: fieldDataType = DataTypes.DATE_TIME; break; default: fieldDataType = DataTypes.STRING; final String fieldTypeName = fieldDefinition.GetFieldTypeName(fieldType); Logs.error(this, "Unsupported field type " + this.file + " " + fieldName + ": " + fieldTypeName); break; } final FieldDefinition field = new FieldDefinition(fieldName, fieldDataType, fieldWidth, fieldPrecision, false); recordDefinition.addField(field); } for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < layerDefinition.GetGeomFieldCount(); fieldIndex++) { final GeomFieldDefn fieldDefinition = layerDefinition.GetGeomFieldDefn(fieldIndex); final String fieldName = fieldDefinition.GetName(); final int geometryFieldType = fieldDefinition.GetFieldType(); DataType geometryFieldDataType; int axisCount = 2; switch (geometryFieldType) { case 1: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.POINT; break; case 2: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.LINE_STRING; break; case 3: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.POLYGON; break; case 4: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.MULTI_POINT; break; case 5: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.MULTI_LINE_STRING; break; case 6: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.MULTI_POLYGON; break; case 7: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.GEOMETRY_COLLECTION; break; case 101: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.LINEAR_RING; break; case 0x80000000 + 1: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.POINT; axisCount = 3; break; case 0x80000000 + 2: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.LINE_STRING; axisCount = 3; break; case 0x80000000 + 3: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.POLYGON; axisCount = 3; break; case 0x80000000 + 4: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.MULTI_POINT; axisCount = 3; break; case 0x80000000 + 5: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.MULTI_LINE_STRING; axisCount = 3; break; case 0x80000000 + 6: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.MULTI_POLYGON; axisCount = 3; break; case 0x80000000 + 7: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.GEOMETRY_COLLECTION; axisCount = 3; break; default: geometryFieldDataType = DataTypes.GEOMETRY; break; } final SpatialReference spatialReference = fieldDefinition.GetSpatialRef(); final CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem = Gdal.getCoordinateSystem(spatialReference); final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = GeometryFactory.floating(coordinateSystem, axisCount); final FieldDefinition field = new FieldDefinition(fieldName, geometryFieldDataType, false); field.setProperty(FieldProperties.GEOMETRY_FACTORY, geometryFactory); recordDefinition.addField(field); } return recordDefinition; } @Override public RecordWriter newRecordWriter() { return new OgrRecordWriter(this); } @Override protected synchronized Map<PathName, ? extends RecordStoreSchemaElement> refreshSchemaElements( final RecordStoreSchema schema) { final Map<PathName, RecordStoreSchemaElement> elementsByPath = new TreeMap<>(); if (!isClosed()) { final DataSource dataSource = getDataSource(); if (dataSource != null) { for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < dataSource.GetLayerCount(); layerIndex++) { final Layer layer = dataSource.GetLayer(layerIndex); if (layer != null) { try { final RecordDefinitionImpl recordDefinition = newLayerRecordDefinition(schema, layer); final PathName typePath = recordDefinition.getPathName(); final String layerName = layer.GetName(); this.layerNameToPathMap.put(layerName.toUpperCase(), typePath); this.pathToLayerNameMap.put(typePath, layerName); elementsByPath.put(typePath, recordDefinition); } finally { layer.delete(); } } } } } return elementsByPath; } synchronized void releaseLayerToClose(final Layer layer) { if (layer != null) { try { if (this.dataSource != null) { this.dataSource.ReleaseResultSet(layer); } } catch (final Throwable e) { Logs.error(this, "Cannot close Table " + layer.GetName(), e); } finally { this.layersToClose.remove(layer); layer.delete(); } } } public void setCreateMissingTables(final boolean createMissingTables) { this.createMissingTables = createMissingTables; } @Override public String toString() { return this.file.toString(); } }