package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Predicate; import javax.swing.SwingWorker; import com.revolsys.collection.iterator.Iterators; import; import; import com.revolsys.geometry.cs.CoordinateSystem; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.BoundingBox; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Geometry; import com.revolsys.identifier.Identifier; import; import; import; import com.revolsys.logging.Logs; import com.revolsys.predicate.Predicates; import com.revolsys.record.Record; import com.revolsys.record.RecordFactory; import com.revolsys.record.RecordState; import com.revolsys.record.Records; import com.revolsys.record.code.CodeTable; import; import; import com.revolsys.record.query.Condition; import com.revolsys.record.query.In; import com.revolsys.record.query.Q; import com.revolsys.record.query.Query; import com.revolsys.record.query.functions.F; import com.revolsys.record.query.functions.WithinDistance; import com.revolsys.record.schema.FieldDefinition; import com.revolsys.record.schema.RecordDefinition; import com.revolsys.record.schema.RecordStore; import com.revolsys.swing.SwingUtil; import com.revolsys.swing.component.BasePanel; import com.revolsys.swing.component.ValueField; import com.revolsys.swing.layout.GroupLayouts; import; import com.revolsys.swing.parallel.Invoke; import com.revolsys.transaction.Propagation; import com.revolsys.transaction.Transaction; import com.revolsys.util.Label; import com.revolsys.util.Property; import com.revolsys.util.count.LabelCountMap; public class RecordStoreLayer extends AbstractRecordLayer { private BoundingBox loadedBoundingBox = BoundingBox.empty(); private BoundingBox loadingBoundingBox = BoundingBox.empty(); private SwingWorker<List<LayerRecord>, Void> loadingWorker; /** * Caches of sets of {@link Record#getIdentifier()} for different purposes (e.g. selected records, deleted records). * Each cache has a separate cacheId. The cache id is recommended to be a private variable to prevent modification * of that cache. */ private Map<Label, Set<Identifier>> recordIdentifiersByCacheId = new WeakHashMap<>(); /** Cache of records from {@link Record#getIdentifier()} to {@link Record}. */ private Map<Identifier, RecordStoreLayerRecord> recordsByIdentifier = new WeakHashMap<>(); private RecordStore recordStore; private PathName typePath; public RecordStoreLayer() { this("recordStoreLayer"); } public RecordStoreLayer(final Map<String, ? extends Object> properties) { this(); setProperties(properties); } public RecordStoreLayer(final RecordStore recordStore, final PathName typePath, final boolean exists) { this(); this.recordStore = recordStore; setExists(exists); setTypePath(typePath); } protected RecordStoreLayer(final String type) { super(type); } protected void addCachedRecord(final Identifier identifier, final LayerRecord record) { synchronized (getSync()) { this.recordsByIdentifier.put(identifier, (RecordStoreLayerRecord)record); } } @Override protected boolean addRecordToCache(final Label cacheId, final LayerRecord record) { if (isLayerRecord(record)) { if (record.getState() == RecordState.DELETED && !isDeleted(record)) { } else { final Identifier identifier = record.getIdentifier(); if (identifier == null) { return super.addRecordToCache(cacheId, record); } else { synchronized (getSync()) { if (!(record instanceof AbstractProxyLayerRecord)) { getCachedRecord(identifier, record, false); } return Maps.addToSet(this.recordIdentifiersByCacheId, cacheId, identifier); } } } } return false; } protected void cancelLoading(final BoundingBox loadedBoundingBox) { synchronized (getSync()) { if (loadedBoundingBox == this.loadingBoundingBox) { firePropertyChange("loaded", false, true); this.loadedBoundingBox = BoundingBox.empty(); this.loadingBoundingBox = BoundingBox.empty(); this.loadingWorker = null; } } } protected Set<Identifier> cleanCachedRecordIds() { final Set<Identifier> identifiers = new HashSet<>(); for (final Set<Identifier> recordIds : this.recordIdentifiersByCacheId.values()) { if (recordIds != null) { identifiers.addAll(recordIds); } } addProxiedRecordIdsToCollection(identifiers); return identifiers; } /** * Remove any cached records that are currently not used. */ @Override protected void cleanCachedRecords() { synchronized (getSync()) { super.cleanCachedRecords(); final Set<Identifier> identifiers = cleanCachedRecordIds(); synchronized (getSync()) { this.recordsByIdentifier.keySet().retainAll(identifiers); } } } @Override public void clearCachedRecords(final Label cacheId) { synchronized (getSync()) { super.clearCachedRecords(cacheId); this.recordIdentifiersByCacheId.remove(cacheId); } } @Override public RecordStoreLayer clone() { final RecordStoreLayer clone = (RecordStoreLayer)super.clone(); clone.recordIdentifiersByCacheId = new WeakHashMap<>(); clone.loadedBoundingBox = BoundingBox.empty(); clone.loadingBoundingBox = BoundingBox.empty(); clone.loadingWorker = null; clone.recordsByIdentifier = new WeakHashMap<>(); return clone; } @Override public void delete() { super.delete(); if (this.recordStore != null) { final Map<String, String> connectionProperties = getProperty("connection"); if (connectionProperties != null) { final Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>(); config.put("connection", connectionProperties); RecordStoreConnectionManager.releaseRecordStore(config); } this.recordStore = null; } final SwingWorker<List<LayerRecord>, Void> loadingWorker = this.loadingWorker; this.recordIdentifiersByCacheId.clear(); this.loadedBoundingBox = BoundingBox.empty(); this.loadingBoundingBox = BoundingBox.empty(); this.loadingWorker = null; this.recordsByIdentifier.clear(); if (loadingWorker != null) { loadingWorker.cancel(true); } } @Override protected boolean deleteRecordDo(final LayerRecord record) { final Identifier identifier = record.getIdentifier(); final boolean result = super.deleteRecordDo(record); removeFromRecordIdToRecordMap(identifier); return result; } @Override protected void forEachRecordInternal(Query query, final Consumer<? super LayerRecord> consumer) { if (isExists()) { try { final RecordStore recordStore = getRecordStore(); if (recordStore != null && query != null) { final Predicate<Record> filter = query.getWhereCondition(); final Map<String, Boolean> orderBy = query.getOrderBy(); final List<LayerRecord> changedRecords = new ArrayList<>(); changedRecords.addAll(getRecordsNew()); changedRecords.addAll(getRecordsModified()); Records.filterAndSort(changedRecords, filter, orderBy); final Iterator<LayerRecord> changedIterator = changedRecords.iterator(); LayerRecord currentChangedRecord =; final RecordDefinition internalRecordDefinition = getInternalRecordDefinition(); query = query.newQuery(internalRecordDefinition); final Comparator<Record> comparator = Records.newComparatorOrderBy(orderBy); try ( final BaseCloseable booleanValueCloseable = eventsDisabled(); Transaction transaction = recordStore.newTransaction(Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW); final RecordReader reader = newRecordStoreRecordReader(query);) { for (LayerRecord record : reader.<LayerRecord> i()) { boolean write = true; final Identifier identifier = getId(record); if (identifier != null) { final LayerRecord cachedRecord = this.recordsByIdentifier.get(identifier); if (cachedRecord != null) { record = cachedRecord; if (record.isChanged() || isDeleted(record)) { write = false; } } } if (!isDeleted(record) && write) { while (currentChangedRecord != null &&, record) < 0) { consumer.accept(currentChangedRecord); currentChangedRecord =; } consumer.accept(record); } } while (currentChangedRecord != null) { consumer.accept(currentChangedRecord); currentChangedRecord =; } } } } catch (final CancellationException e) { } catch (final RuntimeException e) { Logs.error(this, "Error executing query: " + query, e); throw e; } } } public <R extends LayerRecord> void forEachRecordsPersisted(final Query query, final Consumer<? super R> consumer) { if (query != null && isExists()) { final RecordStore recordStore = getRecordStore(); if (recordStore != null) { try ( final BaseCloseable booleanValueCloseable = eventsDisabled(); Transaction transaction = recordStore.newTransaction(Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW); final RecordReader reader = newRecordStoreRecordReader(query);) { final LabelCountMap labelCountMap = query.getProperty("statistics"); for (final LayerRecord record : reader.<LayerRecord> i()) { final Identifier identifier = getId(record); R proxyRecord = null; if (identifier == null) { proxyRecord = newProxyLayerRecord(record); } else { synchronized (getSync()) { final LayerRecord cachedRecord = getCachedRecord(identifier, record, true); if (!cachedRecord.isDeleted()) { proxyRecord = newProxyLayerRecord(identifier); } } } if (proxyRecord != null) { consumer.accept(proxyRecord); if (labelCountMap != null) { labelCountMap.addCount(record); } } } } } } } @Override public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() { if (hasGeometryField()) { final CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem = getCoordinateSystem(); if (coordinateSystem != null) { return coordinateSystem.getAreaBoundingBox(); } } return BoundingBox.empty(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected <R extends LayerRecord> R getCachedRecord(final Identifier identifier) { final RecordDefinition recordDefinition = getInternalRecordDefinition(); final List<String> idFieldNames = recordDefinition.getIdFieldNames(); if (idFieldNames.isEmpty()) { Logs.error(this, this.typePath + " does not have a primary key"); return null; } else { synchronized (getSync()) { LayerRecord record = this.recordsByIdentifier.get(identifier); if (record == null) { final Condition where = getCachedRecordQuery(idFieldNames, identifier); final Query query = new Query(recordDefinition, where); final RecordStore recordStore = this.recordStore; if (recordStore != null) { try ( Transaction transaction = recordStore.newTransaction(Propagation.REQUIRED); RecordReader reader = newRecordStoreRecordReader(query)) { record = reader.getFirst(); if (record != null) { addCachedRecord(identifier, record); } } } } return (R)record; } } } /** * Get the record from the cache if it exists, otherwise add this record to the cache * * @param identifier * @param record */ private LayerRecord getCachedRecord(final Identifier identifier, final LayerRecord record, final boolean updateRecord) { assert !(record instanceof AbstractProxyLayerRecord); synchronized (getSync()) { final RecordStoreLayerRecord cachedRecord = this.recordsByIdentifier.get(identifier); if (cachedRecord == null) { addCachedRecord(identifier, record); return record; } else { if (updateRecord) { cachedRecord.refreshFromRecordStore(record); } return cachedRecord; } } } protected Condition getCachedRecordQuery(final List<String> idFieldNames, final Identifier identifier) { return Q.equalId(idFieldNames, identifier); } @Override protected Set<Label> getCacheIdsDo(final LayerRecord record) { final Set<Label> cacheIds = super.getCacheIdsDo(record); final Identifier identifier = record.getIdentifier(); if (identifier != null) { for (final Entry<Label, Set<Identifier>> entry : this.recordIdentifiersByCacheId.entrySet()) { final Label cacheId = entry.getKey(); if (!cacheIds.contains(cacheId)) { final Collection<Identifier> identifiers = entry.getValue(); if (identifiers.contains(identifier)) { cacheIds.add(cacheId); } } } } return cacheIds; } public FieldDefinition getGeometryField() { final RecordDefinition recordDefinition = getRecordDefinition(); if (recordDefinition == null) { return null; } else { return recordDefinition.getGeometryField(); } } protected Identifier getId(final LayerRecord record) { if (isLayerRecord(record)) { return record.getIdentifier(); } else { return null; } } protected RecordDefinition getInternalRecordDefinition() { return getRecordDefinition(); } public BoundingBox getLoadingBoundingBox() { return this.loadingBoundingBox; } @Override public PathName getPathName() { return this.typePath; } @Override public LayerRecord getRecordById(final Identifier identifier) { final LayerRecord record = getCachedRecord(identifier); if (record == null) { return record; } else { return newProxyLayerRecord(identifier); } } @Override public int getRecordCount(final Query query) { int count = 0; count += Predicates.count(getRecordsNew(), query.getWhereCondition()); count += getRecordCountChangeModified(query); count += getRecordCountPersisted(query); count -= Predicates.count(getRecordsDeleted(), query.getWhereCondition()); return count; } @Override protected int getRecordCountCached(final Label cacheId) { int count = super.getRecordCountCached(cacheId); final Set<Identifier> identifiers = this.recordIdentifiersByCacheId.get(cacheId); if (identifiers != null) { count += identifiers.size(); } return count; } /** * Get the count of the modified records where the original record did not match the filter but * the modified record does. * @param query * @return */ protected int getRecordCountChangeModified(final Query query) { final Condition filter = query.getWhereCondition(); if (filter.isEmpty()) { return 0; } else { int count = 0; for (final LayerRecord record : getRecordsModified()) { final Record originalRecord = record.getOriginalRecord(); final boolean modifiedMatches = filter.test(record); final boolean originalMatches = filter.test(originalRecord); if (modifiedMatches) { if (!originalMatches) { count++; } } else { if (originalMatches) { count--; } } } return count; } } @Override public int getRecordCountPersisted() { if (isExists()) { final RecordDefinition recordDefinition = getRecordDefinition(); final Query query = new Query(recordDefinition); return getRecordCountPersisted(query); } return 0; } @Override public int getRecordCountPersisted(final Query query) { if (isExists()) { final RecordStore recordStore = getRecordStore(); if (recordStore != null) { try ( Transaction transaction = recordStore.newTransaction(Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)) { return recordStore.getRecordCount(query); } } } return 0; } protected RecordDefinition getRecordDefinition(final PathName typePath) { if (typePath != null) { final RecordStore recordStore = getRecordStore(); if (recordStore != null) { return recordStore.getRecordDefinition(typePath); } } return null; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) @Override public <R extends LayerRecord> List<R> getRecords(BoundingBox boundingBox) { if (hasGeometryField()) { boundingBox = convertBoundingBox(boundingBox); if (Property.hasValue(boundingBox)) { try ( final BaseCloseable booleanValueCloseable = eventsDisabled()) { final BoundingBox queryBoundingBox = convertBoundingBox(boundingBox); boolean covers; synchronized (getSync()) { covers = this.loadedBoundingBox.covers(queryBoundingBox); } if (covers) { return getRecordsIndex(queryBoundingBox); } else { final List<R> records = (List)getRecordsPersisted(queryBoundingBox); return records; } } } } return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public <R extends LayerRecord> List<R> getRecords(final Geometry geometry, final double distance) { if (Property.isEmpty(geometry) || !hasGeometryField()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } else { final RecordDefinition recordDefinition = getRecordDefinition(); final FieldDefinition geometryField = getGeometryField(); final WithinDistance where = F.dWithin(geometryField, geometry, distance); final Query query = new Query(recordDefinition, where); return getRecords(query); } } @Override public List<LayerRecord> getRecordsBackground(BoundingBox boundingBox) { if (hasGeometryField()) { boundingBox = convertBoundingBox(boundingBox); if (Property.hasValue(boundingBox)) { synchronized (getSync()) { final BoundingBox loadBoundingBox = boundingBox.expandPercent(0.2); if (!this.loadedBoundingBox.covers(boundingBox) && !this.loadingBoundingBox.covers(boundingBox)) { if (this.loadingWorker != null) { this.loadingWorker.cancel(true); } this.loadingBoundingBox = loadBoundingBox; this.loadingWorker = newLoadingWorker(loadBoundingBox); Invoke.worker(this.loadingWorker); } } final List<LayerRecord> records = getRecordsIndex(boundingBox); return records; } } return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public List<LayerRecord> getRecordsCached(final Label cacheId) { synchronized (getSync()) { final List<LayerRecord> records = super.getRecordsCached(cacheId); final Set<Identifier> recordIds = this.recordIdentifiersByCacheId.get(cacheId); if (recordIds != null) { for (final Identifier recordId : recordIds) { final LayerRecord record = getRecordById(recordId); if (record != null) { records.add(record); } } } return records; } } protected List<LayerRecord> getRecordsPersisted(final BoundingBox boundingBox) { final RecordDefinition recordDefinition = getInternalRecordDefinition(); final Query query = Query.intersects(recordDefinition, boundingBox); return getRecords(query); } @Override public <R extends LayerRecord> List<R> getRecordsPersisted(final Query query) { final List<R> records = new ArrayList<>(); final Consumer<R> consumer = records::add; forEachRecordsPersisted(query, consumer); return records; } @Override public RecordStore getRecordStore() { return this.recordStore; } @Override protected boolean initializeDo() { RecordStore recordStore = this.recordStore; if (recordStore == null) { final Map<String, String> connectionProperties = getProperty("connection"); if (connectionProperties == null) { Logs.error(this, "A record store layer requires a connection entry with a name or url, username, and password: " + getPath()); return false; } else { final Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>(); config.put("connection", connectionProperties); recordStore = RecordStoreConnectionManager.getRecordStore(config); if (recordStore == null) { Logs.error(this, "Unable to create record store for layer: " + getPath()); return false; } else { try { recordStore.initialize(); } catch (final Throwable e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to iniaitlize record store for layer " + getPath(), e); } setRecordStore(recordStore); } } } final PathName typePath = getPathName(); RecordDefinition recordDefinition = getRecordDefinition(); if (recordDefinition == null) { recordDefinition = getRecordDefinition(typePath); if (recordDefinition == null) { Logs.error(this, "Cannot find table " + typePath + " for layer " + getPath()); return false; } else { setRecordDefinition(recordDefinition); } } initRecordMenu(); return true; } @Override public boolean isLayerRecord(final Record record) { if (record instanceof LayerRecord) { final LayerRecord layerRecord = (LayerRecord)record; if (layerRecord.getLayer() == this) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean isRecordCached(final Label cacheId, final LayerRecord record) { if (isLayerRecord(record)) { synchronized (getSync()) { final Identifier identifier = record.getIdentifier(); if (identifier != null) { if (Maps.collectionContains(this.recordIdentifiersByCacheId, cacheId, identifier)) { return true; } } return super.isRecordCached(cacheId, record); } } return false; } protected Query newBoundingBoxQuery(BoundingBox boundingBox) { final RecordDefinition recordDefinition = getInternalRecordDefinition(); final FieldDefinition geometryField = recordDefinition.getGeometryField(); boundingBox = convertBoundingBox(boundingBox); if (geometryField == null || Property.isEmpty(boundingBox)) { return null; } else { Query query = getQuery(); query = query.newQuery(recordDefinition); query.and(F.envelopeIntersects(geometryField, boundingBox)); return query; } } @Override public LayerRecord newLayerRecord(final Map<String, ? extends Object> values) { if (!isReadOnly() && isEditable() && isCanAddRecords()) { final RecordDefinition recordDefinition = getRecordDefinition(); final ArrayLayerRecord newRecord = new RecordStoreLayerRecord(this); if (values != null) { newRecord.setState(RecordState.INITIALIZING); final List<FieldDefinition> idFields = recordDefinition.getIdFields(); for (final FieldDefinition fieldDefinition : recordDefinition.getFields()) { if (!idFields.contains(fieldDefinition)) { final String fieldName = fieldDefinition.getName(); final Object value = values.get(fieldName); fieldDefinition.setValue(newRecord, value); } } newRecord.setState(RecordState.NEW); } addRecordToCache(getCacheIdNew(), newRecord); if (isEventsEnabled()) { cleanCachedRecords(); } final LayerRecord proxyRecord = new NewProxyLayerRecord(this, newRecord); fireRecordInserted(proxyRecord); return proxyRecord; } else { return null; } } @Override protected LayerRecord newLayerRecord(final RecordDefinition recordDefinition) { final PathName layerTypePath = getPathName(); if (recordDefinition.getPathName().equals(layerTypePath)) { return new RecordStoreLayerRecord(this); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create records for " + recordDefinition); } } protected LoadingWorker newLoadingWorker(final BoundingBox boundingBox) { return new LoadingWorker(this, boundingBox); } @Override protected ValueField newPropertiesTabGeneralPanelSource(final BasePanel parent) { final ValueField panel = super.newPropertiesTabGeneralPanelSource(parent); final Map<String, String> connectionProperties = getProperty("connection"); String connectionName = null; String url = null; String user = null; if (isExists()) { final RecordStore recordStore = getRecordStore(); url = recordStore.getUrl(); user = recordStore.getUsername(); } if (connectionProperties != null) { connectionName = connectionProperties.get("name"); if (!isExists()) { url = connectionProperties.get("url"); user = connectionProperties.get("user"); } } if (connectionName != null) { SwingUtil.addLabelledReadOnlyTextField(panel, "Record Store Name", connectionName); } if (url != null) { SwingUtil.addLabelledReadOnlyTextField(panel, "Record Store URL", url); } if (user != null) { SwingUtil.addLabelledReadOnlyTextField(panel, "Record Store Username", user); } SwingUtil.addLabelledReadOnlyTextField(panel, "Type Path", this.typePath); GroupLayouts.makeColumns(panel, 2, true); return panel; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <V extends LayerRecord> V newProxyLayerRecord(final Identifier identifier) { return (V)new IdentifierProxyLayerRecord(this, identifier); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <R extends LayerRecord> R newProxyLayerRecord(LayerRecord record) { if (record instanceof AbstractProxyLayerRecord) { // Already a proxy } else if (RecordState.NEW.equals(record.getState())) { record = new NewProxyLayerRecord(this, record); } else { final Identifier identifier = record.getIdentifier(); addCachedRecord(identifier, record); record = newProxyLayerRecord(identifier); } return (R)record; } protected RecordReader newRecordStoreRecordReader(final Query query) { final RecordStore recordStore = getRecordStore(); if (recordStore == null) { return RecordReader.empty(); } else { final RecordFactory<LayerRecord> recordFactory = getRecordFactory(); query.setRecordFactory(recordFactory); return recordStore.getRecords(query); } } @Override protected boolean postSaveDeletedRecord(final LayerRecord record) { final boolean deleted = super.postSaveDeletedRecord(record); if (deleted) { removeRecordFromCache(this.getCacheIdDeleted(), record); } return deleted; } protected void preDeleteRecord(final LayerRecord record) { } @Override protected void refreshDo() { synchronized (getSync()) { if (this.loadingWorker != null) { this.loadingWorker.cancel(true); } this.loadedBoundingBox = BoundingBox.empty(); this.loadingBoundingBox = this.loadedBoundingBox; super.refreshDo(); } final RecordStore recordStore = getRecordStore(); final PathName pathName = getPathName(); final CodeTable codeTable = recordStore.getCodeTable(pathName); if (codeTable != null) { codeTable.refresh(); } final List<Identifier> identifiers = new ArrayList<>(); synchronized (getSync()) { identifiers.addAll(this.recordsByIdentifier.keySet()); } if (!identifiers.isEmpty()) { identifiers.sort(Identifier.comparator()); final RecordDefinition recordDefinition = recordStore.getRecordDefinition(pathName); final String idFieldName = recordDefinition.getIdFieldName(); final int pageSize = 999; final int identifierCount = identifiers.size(); for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.size(); i += pageSize) { final List<Identifier> queryIdentifiers = identifiers.subList(i, Math.min(identifierCount, i + pageSize)); final In in =, queryIdentifiers); final Query query = new Query(recordDefinition, in); try ( Transaction transaction = recordStore.newTransaction(Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW); RecordReader reader = recordStore.getRecords(query)) { for (final Record record : reader) { final Identifier identifier = record.getIdentifier(); final RecordStoreLayerRecord cachedRecord = this.recordsByIdentifier.get(identifier); if (cachedRecord != null) { cachedRecord.refreshFromRecordStore(record); } } } } } } private void removeFromRecordIdToRecordMap(final Identifier identifier) { synchronized (getSync()) { this.recordsByIdentifier.remove(identifier); } } @Override protected boolean removeRecordFromCache(final Label cacheId, final LayerRecord record) { boolean removed = false; if (isLayerRecord(record)) { final Identifier identifier = record.getIdentifier(); if (identifier != null) { synchronized (getSync()) { removed = Maps.removeFromSet(this.recordIdentifiersByCacheId, cacheId, identifier); } } } removed |= super.removeRecordFromCache(cacheId, record); return removed; } @Override protected boolean removeRecordFromCache(final LayerRecord record) { boolean removed = false; if (isLayerRecord(record)) { synchronized (getSync()) { final Identifier identifier = record.getIdentifier(); if (identifier != null) { for (final Iterator<Set<Identifier>> iterator = this.recordIdentifiersByCacheId.values() .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { final Set<Identifier> identifiers =; identifiers.remove(identifier); if (identifiers.isEmpty()) { iterator.remove(); } } } removed |= super.removeRecordFromCache(record); } } return removed; } @Override public void revertChanges(final LayerRecord record) { removeRecordFromCache(this.getCacheIdDeleted(), record); super.revertChanges(record); } @Override protected boolean saveChangesDo(final RecordLayerErrors errors, final LayerRecord record) { boolean deleted = super.isDeleted(record); if (isExists()) { final RecordStore recordStore = getRecordStore(); if (recordStore == null) { return true; } else { try ( Transaction transaction = recordStore.newTransaction(Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)) { try { Identifier identifier = record.getIdentifier(); try ( final Writer<Record> writer = recordStore.newRecordWriter()) { if (isRecordCached(getCacheIdDeleted(), record) || super.isDeleted(record)) { preDeleteRecord(record); record.setState(RecordState.DELETED); writeDelete(writer, record); deleted = true; } else { final RecordDefinition recordDefinition = getRecordDefinition(); if (super.isNew(record)) { final List<String> idFieldNames = recordDefinition.getIdFieldNames(); if (identifier == null && !idFieldNames.isEmpty()) { identifier = recordStore.newPrimaryIdentifier(this.typePath); if (identifier != null) { identifier.setIdentifier(record, idFieldNames); } } } final int fieldCount = recordDefinition.getFieldCount(); for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fieldCount; fieldIndex++) { record.validateField(fieldIndex); } if (super.isModified(record)) { writeUpdate(writer, record); } else if (super.isNew(record)) { writer.write(record); } } } if (!deleted) { record.setState(RecordState.PERSISTED); } removeFromRecordIdToRecordMap(identifier); return true; } catch (final Throwable e) { throw transaction.setRollbackOnly(e); } } } } else { return true; } } protected void setIndexRecords(final BoundingBox loadedBoundingBox, final List<LayerRecord> records) { synchronized (getSync()) { if (loadedBoundingBox == this.loadingBoundingBox) { setIndexRecords(records); firePropertyChange("loaded", false, true); this.loadedBoundingBox = this.loadingBoundingBox; this.loadingBoundingBox = BoundingBox.empty(); this.loadingWorker = null; } } firePropertyChange("refresh", false, true); } @Override public void setProperty(final String name, final Object value) { if ("typePath".equals(name)) { super.setProperty(name, PathName.newPathName(value)); } else { super.setProperty(name, value); } } public void setRecordsToCache(final Label cacheId, final Iterable<? extends LayerRecord> records) { synchronized (getSync()) { this.recordIdentifiersByCacheId.put(cacheId, new HashSet<>()); addRecordsToCache(cacheId, records); } } protected void setRecordStore(final RecordStore recordStore) { this.recordStore = recordStore; } public void setTypePath(final PathName typePath) { this.typePath = typePath; if (this.typePath != null) { if (!Property.hasValue(getName())) { setName(this.typePath.getName()); } } if (isExists()) { final RecordDefinition recordDefinition = getRecordDefinition(typePath); setRecordDefinition(recordDefinition); } } @Override public void showForm(final LayerRecord record, final String fieldName) { if (record != null) { final Identifier identifier = getId(record); if (identifier != null) { addRecordToCache(getCacheIdForm(), record); } final LayerRecord proxyRecord = record.newRecordProxy(); super.showForm(proxyRecord, fieldName); } } @Override public MapEx toMap() { final MapEx map = super.toMap(); addToMap(map, "typePath", this.typePath); return map; } protected void writeDelete(final Writer<Record> writer, final LayerRecord record) { writer.write(record); } protected void writeUpdate(final Writer<Record> writer, final LayerRecord record) { writer.write(record); } }