package; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; public class FileMappedPage implements Page { private final MappedByteBuffer buffer; private final int index; private final PageManager pageManager; public FileMappedPage(final PageManager pageManager, final int index, final MappedByteBuffer buffer) { this.pageManager = pageManager; this.index = index; this.buffer = buffer; buffer.position(0); } @Override public void clear() { clearBytes(0); } @Override public void clearBytes(final int startIndex) { this.buffer.mark(); try { this.buffer.position(startIndex); for (int i = startIndex; i < getSize(); i++) { writeByte((byte)0); } } finally { this.buffer.reset(); } } @Override public int compareTo(final Page page) { final int index = getIndex(); final int index2 = page.getIndex(); if (index == index2) { return 0; } else if (index < index2) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } @Override public void flush() { } @Override public byte[] getContent() { final byte[] data = new byte[getSize()]; this.buffer.mark(); try { this.buffer.position(0); this.buffer.get(data); } finally { this.buffer.reset(); } return data; } @Override public int getIndex() { return this.index; } @Override public int getOffset() { return this.buffer.position(); } @Override public PageManager getPageManager() { return this.pageManager; } @Override public int getSize() { return this.buffer.capacity(); } @Override public byte readByte() { if (getOffset() + 1 > getSize()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Unable to read past end of record"); } else { return this.buffer.get(); } } @Override public byte[] readBytes(final byte[] bytes, final int offset, final int count) { this.buffer.get(bytes, offset, count); return bytes; } @Override public byte[] readBytes(final int size) { final byte[] bytes = new byte[size]; this.buffer.get(bytes, 0, size); return bytes; } @Override public double readDouble() { if (getOffset() + 4 > getSize()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Unable to read past end of record"); } else { return this.buffer.getDouble(); } } @Override public float readFloat() { if (getOffset() + 4 > getSize()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Unable to read past end of record"); } else { return this.buffer.getFloat(); } } @Override public int readInt() { if (getOffset() + 4 > getSize()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Unable to read past end of record"); } else { return this.buffer.getInt(); } } @Override public long readLong() { if (getOffset() + 8 > getSize()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Unable to read past end of record"); } else { return this.buffer.getLong(); } } @Override public short readShort() { if (getOffset() + 2 > getSize()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Unable to read past end of record"); } else { return this.buffer.getShort(); } } @Override public void setContent(final Page page) { this.buffer.position(0); this.buffer.put(page.getContent()); } @Override public void setOffset(final int offset) { this.buffer.position(offset); } @Override public void writeByte(final byte b) { if (getOffset() + 1 > getSize()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Unable to read past end of record"); } else { this.buffer.put(b); } } @Override public void writeBytes(final byte[] bytes) { if (getOffset() + bytes.length > getSize()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Unable to read past end of record"); } else { this.buffer.put(bytes); } } @Override public void writeBytes(final byte[] bytes, final int offset, final int count) { if (getOffset() + count > getSize()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Unable to read past end of record"); } else { this.buffer.put(bytes, offset, count); } } @Override public void writeDouble(final double d) { if (getOffset() + 8 > getSize()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Unable to read past end of record"); } else { this.buffer.putDouble(d); } } @Override public void writeFloat(final float f) { if (getOffset() + 4 > getSize()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Unable to read past end of record"); } else { this.buffer.putFloat(f); } } @Override public void writeInt(final int i) { if (getOffset() + 4 > getSize()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Unable to read past end of record"); } else { this.buffer.putInt(i); } } @Override public void writeLong(final long l) { if (getOffset() + 8 > getSize()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Unable to read past end of record"); } else { this.buffer.putLong(l); } } @Override public void writeShort(final short s) { if (getOffset() + 2 > getSize()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Unable to read past end of record"); } else { this.buffer.putShort(s); } } }