package; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Shape; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.measure.Measure; import javax.measure.quantity.Length; import javax.measure.unit.NonSI; import javax.measure.unit.Unit; import javax.swing.Icon; import com.revolsys.awt.WebColors; import; import; import com.revolsys.datatype.DataType; import; import com.revolsys.logging.Logs; import; import com.revolsys.spring.resource.Resource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.revolsys.util.Property; import com.revolsys.util.Strings; public class MarkerStyle extends BaseObjectWithPropertiesAndChange implements Cloneable, MapSerializer { private static final Map<String, Object> DEFAULT_VALUES = new TreeMap<>(); public static final AbstractMarker ELLIPSE = new ShapeMarker("ellipse"); public static final Measure<Length> ONE_PIXEL = Measure.valueOf(1, NonSI.PIXEL); private static final Set<String> PROPERTY_NAMES = new HashSet<>(); public static final Measure<Length> TEN_PIXELS = Measure.valueOf(10, NonSI.PIXEL); public static final Measure<Length> ZERO_PIXEL = Measure.valueOf(0, NonSI.PIXEL); static { addStyleProperty("marker", null); addStyleProperty("markerAllowOverlap", false); addStyleProperty("markerClip", true); addStyleProperty("markerCompOp", null); addStyleProperty("markerDx", ZERO_PIXEL); addStyleProperty("markerDy", ZERO_PIXEL); addStyleProperty("markerFile", null); addStyleProperty("markerFill", new Color(0, 0, 255)); addStyleProperty("markerFillOpacity", 255); addStyleProperty("markerHeight", TEN_PIXELS); addStyleProperty("markerHorizontalAlignment", "center"); addStyleProperty("markerIgnorePlacement", null); addStyleProperty("markerLineColor", new Color(255, 255, 255)); addStyleProperty("markerLineOpacity", 255); addStyleProperty("markerLineWidth", ONE_PIXEL); addStyleProperty("markerOpacity", 255); addStyleProperty("markerOrientation", 0.0); addStyleProperty("markerOrientationType", "auto"); addStyleProperty("markerPlacementType", "auto"); addStyleProperty("markerSmooth", 0.0); addStyleProperty("markerTransform", null); addStyleProperty("markerType", "ellipse"); addStyleProperty("markerVerticalAlignment", "middle"); addStyleProperty("markerWidth", TEN_PIXELS); } protected static final void addStyleProperty(final String name, final Object defaultValue) { PROPERTY_NAMES.add(name); if (defaultValue != null) { DEFAULT_VALUES.put(name, defaultValue); } } public static <T> T getWithDefault(final T value, final T defaultValue) { if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } else { return value; } } public static MarkerStyle marker(final AbstractMarker marker, final double markerSize, final Color lineColor, final Color fillColor) { final MarkerStyle style = new MarkerStyle(); style.setMarker(marker, markerSize, lineColor, fillColor); return style; } public static MarkerStyle marker(final Shape shape, final double markerSize, final Color lineColor, final double lineWidth, final Color fillColor) { final AbstractMarker marker = new ShapeMarker(shape); return marker(marker, markerSize, lineColor, fillColor); } public static MarkerStyle marker(final String markerName, final double markerSize, final Color lineColor, final double lineWidth, final Color fillColor) { final AbstractMarker marker = new ShapeMarker(markerName); final MarkerStyle style = marker(marker, markerSize, lineColor, fillColor); style.setMarkerLineWidth(Measure.valueOf(lineWidth, NonSI.PIXEL)); return style; } private Marker marker = ELLIPSE; private boolean markerAllowOverlap; private boolean markerClip = true; private String markerCompOp; private Measure<Length> markerDx = ZERO_PIXEL; private Measure<Length> markerDy = ZERO_PIXEL; private String markerFile; private Resource markerFileResource; private Color markerFill = new Color(0, 0, 255, 255); private int markerFillOpacity = 255; private Measure<Length> markerHeight = TEN_PIXELS; private String markerHorizontalAlignment = "center"; private String markerIgnorePlacement; private Color markerLineColor = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255); private int markerLineOpacity = 255; private Measure<Length> markerLineWidth = ONE_PIXEL; private int markerOpacity = 255; /** The orientation of the text in a clockwise direction from the east axis. */ private double markerOrientation = 0; private String markerOrientationType = "auto"; private String markerPlacementType = "auto"; private double markerSmooth = 0; private String markerTransform; private String markerType = "ellipse"; private String markerVerticalAlignment = "middle"; private Measure<Length> markerWidth = TEN_PIXELS; public MarkerStyle() { } public MarkerStyle(final Map<String, Object> style) { setProperties(style); } @Override public MarkerStyle clone() { return (MarkerStyle)super.clone(); } public Marker getMarker() { return this.marker; } public String getMarkerCompOp() { return this.markerCompOp; } public Measure<Length> getMarkerDx() { return this.markerDx; } public Measure<Length> getMarkerDy() { return this.markerDy; } public String getMarkerFile() { return this.markerFile; } public Color getMarkerFill() { return this.markerFill; } public int getMarkerFillOpacity() { return this.markerFillOpacity; } public Measure<Length> getMarkerHeight() { return this.markerHeight; } public String getMarkerHorizontalAlignment() { return this.markerHorizontalAlignment; } public String getMarkerIgnorePlacement() { return this.markerIgnorePlacement; } public Color getMarkerLineColor() { return this.markerLineColor; } public int getMarkerLineOpacity() { return this.markerLineOpacity; } public Measure<Length> getMarkerLineWidth() { return this.markerLineWidth; } public int getMarkerOpacity() { return this.markerOpacity; } public double getMarkerOrientation() { return this.markerOrientation; } public String getMarkerOrientationType() { return this.markerOrientationType; } public String getMarkerPlacementType() { return this.markerPlacementType; } public double getMarkerSmooth() { return this.markerSmooth; } public String getMarkerTransform() { return this.markerTransform; } public String getMarkerType() { return this.markerType; } public String getMarkerVerticalAlignment() { return this.markerVerticalAlignment; } public Measure<Length> getMarkerWidth() { return this.markerWidth; } public boolean isMarkerAllowOverlap() { return this.markerAllowOverlap; } public boolean isMarkerClip() { return this.markerClip; } public Icon newIcon() { return this.marker.newIcon(this); } public void setMarker(final AbstractMarker marker, final double markerSize, final Color lineColor, final Color fillColor) { setMarker(marker); setMarkerWidth(Measure.valueOf(markerSize, NonSI.PIXEL)); setMarkerHeight(Measure.valueOf(markerSize, NonSI.PIXEL)); setMarkerLineColor(lineColor); setMarkerHorizontalAlignment("center"); setMarkerVerticalAlignment("middle"); setMarkerFill(fillColor); } public void setMarker(final Marker marker) { final Marker oldMarker = this.marker; final String oldMarkerType = this.markerType; this.marker = getWithDefault(marker, ELLIPSE); if (marker != null && marker.isUseMarkerType()) { this.markerType = marker.getMarkerType(); } else { this.markerType = "ellipse"; } firePropertyChange("marker", oldMarker, this.marker); firePropertyChange("markerType", oldMarkerType, this.markerType); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <V extends MarkerStyle> V setMarker(final String markerName, final double markerSize, final Color lineColor, final double lineWidth, final Color fillColor) { final AbstractMarker marker = new ShapeMarker(markerName); setMarker(marker, markerSize, lineColor, fillColor); setMarkerLineWidth(Measure.valueOf(lineWidth, NonSI.PIXEL)); return (V)this; } public void setMarkerAllowOverlap(final boolean markerAllowOverlap) { final Object oldValue = this.markerAllowOverlap; this.markerAllowOverlap = markerAllowOverlap; firePropertyChange("markerAllowOverlap", oldValue, this.markerAllowOverlap); } public void setMarkerClip(final boolean markerClip) { final Object oldValue = this.markerClip; this.markerClip = markerClip; firePropertyChange("markerClip", oldValue, this.markerClip); } public void setMarkerCompOp(final String markerCompOp) { final Object oldValue = this.markerCompOp; this.markerCompOp = markerCompOp; firePropertyChange("markerCompOp", oldValue, this.markerCompOp); } public void setMarkerDx(final double markerDx) { setMarkerDx(Measure.valueOf(markerDx, NonSI.PIXEL)); } public void setMarkerDx(final Measure<Length> markerDx) { final Object oldValue = this.markerDy; if (markerDx == null) { this.markerDx = this.markerDy; } else { this.markerDx = markerDx; } firePropertyChange("markerDx", oldValue, this.markerDx); updateMarkerDeltaUnits(this.markerDx.getUnit()); } public void setMarkerDy(final double markerDy) { setMarkerDy(Measure.valueOf(markerDy, NonSI.PIXEL)); } public void setMarkerDy(final Measure<Length> markerDy) { final Object oldValue = this.markerDy; if (markerDy == null) { this.markerDy = this.markerDx; } else { this.markerDy = markerDy; } firePropertyChange("markerDy", oldValue, this.markerDy); updateMarkerDeltaUnits(this.markerDy.getUnit()); } public void setMarkerFile(final String markerFile) { final Object oldMarkerFile = this.markerFile; // TODO property change this.markerFile = markerFile; final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("url\\('?([^']+)'?\\)"); String url; final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(markerFile); if (matcher.find()) { url =; } else { url = markerFile; } if (url.toUpperCase().matches("[A-Z][A-Z0-9\\+\\.\\-]*:")) { this.markerFileResource = Resource.getResource(url); } else { this.markerFileResource = Resource.getBaseResource(url); } firePropertyChange("markerFile", oldMarkerFile, markerFile); setMarker(new ImageMarker(this.markerFileResource)); } public void setMarkerFill(final Color markerFill) { final Object oldMarkerFill = this.markerFill; final Object oldMarkerFillOpacity = this.markerFillOpacity; if (markerFill == null) { this.markerFill = new Color(128, 128, 128, this.markerFillOpacity); } else { this.markerFill = markerFill; this.markerFillOpacity = markerFill.getAlpha(); } firePropertyChange("markerFill", oldMarkerFill, this.markerFill); firePropertyChange("markerFillOpacity", oldMarkerFillOpacity, this.markerFillOpacity); } public void setMarkerFillOpacity(final double markerFillOpacity) { if (markerFillOpacity < 0 || markerFillOpacity > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The opacity must be between 0.0 - 1.0"); } else { setMarkerFillOpacity((int)(255 * markerFillOpacity)); } } public void setMarkerFillOpacity(final int markerFillOpacity) { if (markerFillOpacity < 0 || markerFillOpacity > 255) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The opacity must be between 0 - 255"); } else { final Object oldMarkerFill = this.markerFill; final Object oldMarkerFillOpacity = this.markerFillOpacity; this.markerFillOpacity = markerFillOpacity; this.markerFill = WebColors.newAlpha(this.markerFill, this.markerFillOpacity); firePropertyChange("markerFill", oldMarkerFill, this.markerFill); firePropertyChange("markerFillOpacity", oldMarkerFillOpacity, this.markerFillOpacity); } } public boolean setMarkerFillStyle(final Viewport2D viewport, final Graphics2D graphics) { if (this.markerFill.getAlpha() == 0) { return false; } else { graphics.setPaint(this.markerFill); return true; } } public void setMarkerHeight(final Measure<Length> markerHeight) { final Object oldValue = this.markerHeight; if (markerHeight == null) { this.markerHeight = this.markerWidth; } else { this.markerHeight = markerHeight; } firePropertyChange("markerHeight", oldValue, this.markerHeight); updateMarkerUnits(this.markerHeight.getUnit()); } public void setMarkerHorizontalAlignment(final String markerHorizontalAlignment) { final Object oldValue = this.markerHorizontalAlignment; this.markerHorizontalAlignment = getWithDefault(markerHorizontalAlignment, "center"); firePropertyChange("markerHorizontalAlignment", oldValue, this.markerHorizontalAlignment); } public void setMarkerIgnorePlacement(final String markerIgnorePlacement) { final Object oldValue = this.markerIgnorePlacement; this.markerIgnorePlacement = markerIgnorePlacement; firePropertyChange("markerIgnorePlacement", oldValue, this.markerIgnorePlacement); } public void setMarkerLineColor(final Color markerLineColor) { final Object oldMarkerLineColor = this.markerLineColor; final Object oldMarkerLineOpacity = this.markerLineOpacity; if (markerLineColor == null) { this.markerLineColor = new Color(128, 128, 128, this.markerLineOpacity); } else { this.markerLineColor = markerLineColor; this.markerLineOpacity = markerLineColor.getAlpha(); } firePropertyChange("markerLineColor", oldMarkerLineColor, this.markerLineColor); firePropertyChange("markerLineOpacity", oldMarkerLineOpacity, this.markerLineOpacity); } public void setMarkerLineOpacity(final double markerLineOpacity) { if (markerLineOpacity < 0 || markerLineOpacity > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The opacity must be between 0.0 - 1.0"); } else { setMarkerLineOpacity((int)(255 * markerLineOpacity)); } } public void setMarkerLineOpacity(final int markerLineOpacity) { if (markerLineOpacity < 0 || markerLineOpacity > 255) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The opacity must be between 0 - 255"); } else { final Object oldMarkerLineColor = this.markerLineColor; final Object oldMarkerLineOpacity = this.markerLineOpacity; this.markerLineOpacity = markerLineOpacity; this.markerLineColor = WebColors.newAlpha(this.markerLineColor, this.markerLineOpacity); firePropertyChange("markerLineColor", oldMarkerLineColor, this.markerLineColor); firePropertyChange("markerLineOpacity", oldMarkerLineOpacity, this.markerLineOpacity); } } public boolean setMarkerLineStyle(final Viewport2D viewport, final Graphics2D graphics) { final Color color = getMarkerLineColor(); if (color.getAlpha() == 0) { return false; } else { graphics.setColor(color); final float width = (float)Viewport2D.toDisplayValue(viewport, this.markerLineWidth); final BasicStroke basicStroke = new BasicStroke(width); graphics.setStroke(basicStroke); return true; } } public void setMarkerLineWidth(final Measure<Length> markerLineWidth) { final Object oldValue = this.markerLineWidth; if (markerLineWidth == null) { this.markerLineWidth = Measure.valueOf(1, this.markerWidth.getUnit()); } else { this.markerLineWidth = markerLineWidth; } firePropertyChange("markerLineWidth", oldValue, this.markerLineWidth); updateMarkerUnits(this.markerLineWidth.getUnit()); } public void setMarkerOpacity(final double markerOpacity) { if (markerOpacity < 0 || markerOpacity > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The opacity must be between 0.0 - 1.0"); } else { setMarkerOpacity((int)(255 * markerOpacity)); } } public void setMarkerOpacity(final int markerOpacity) { if (markerOpacity < 0 || markerOpacity > 255) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The opacity must be between 0 - 255"); } else { final Object oldValue = this.markerOpacity; this.markerOpacity = markerOpacity; firePropertyChange("markerOpacity", oldValue, this.markerOpacity); setMarkerLineOpacity(markerOpacity); setMarkerFillOpacity(markerOpacity); } } public void setMarkerOrientation(final double markerOrientation) { final Object oldValue = this.markerOrientation; this.markerOrientation = markerOrientation; firePropertyChange("markerOrientation", oldValue, this.markerOrientation); } public void setMarkerOrientationType(final String markerOrientationType) { final Object oldValue = this.markerOrientationType; this.markerOrientationType = getWithDefault(markerOrientationType, "auto"); firePropertyChange("markerOrientationType", oldValue, this.markerOrientationType); } public void setMarkerPlacement(final String markerPlacementType) { setMarkerPlacementType(markerPlacementType); } public void setMarkerPlacementType(String markerPlacementType) { final Object oldValue = this.markerPlacementType; markerPlacementType = Strings.replaceAll(markerPlacementType, "^point\\(", "vertex\\("); this.markerPlacementType = getWithDefault(markerPlacementType, "auto"); firePropertyChange("markerPlacementType", oldValue, this.markerPlacementType); } public void setMarkerSmooth(final double markerSmooth) { final Object oldValue = this.markerSmooth; this.markerSmooth = markerSmooth; firePropertyChange("markerSmooth", oldValue, this.markerSmooth); } public void setMarkerTransform(final String markerTransform) { final Object oldValue = this.markerTransform; this.markerTransform = markerTransform; firePropertyChange("markerTransform", oldValue, this.markerTransform); } public void setMarkerType(final String markerType) { final Object oldValue = this.markerType; this.markerType = getWithDefault(markerType, "ellipse"); firePropertyChange("markerType", oldValue, this.markerType); final Marker marker = SymbolLibrary.newMarker(markerType); setMarker(marker); } public void setMarkerVerticalAlignment(final String markerVerticalAlignment) { final Object oldValue = this.markerVerticalAlignment; this.markerVerticalAlignment = getWithDefault(markerVerticalAlignment, "middle"); firePropertyChange("markerVerticalAlignment", oldValue, this.markerVerticalAlignment); } public void setMarkerWidth(final Measure<Length> markerWidth) { final Object oldValue = this.markerWidth; if (markerWidth == null) { this.markerWidth = this.markerHeight; } else { this.markerWidth = markerWidth; } firePropertyChange("markerWidth", oldValue, this.markerWidth); updateMarkerUnits(this.markerWidth.getUnit()); } @Override public void setPropertyError(final String name, final Object value, final Throwable e) { Logs.error(this, "Error setting " + name + '=' + value, e); } @Override public MapEx toMap() { final boolean geometryStyle = this instanceof GeometryStyle; final MapEx map = new LinkedHashMapEx(); for (final String name : PROPERTY_NAMES) { if (geometryStyle || name.startsWith("marker")) { final Object value = Property.get(this, name); boolean defaultEqual = false; if (DEFAULT_VALUES.containsKey(name)) { final Object defaultValue = DEFAULT_VALUES.get(name); defaultEqual = DataType.equal(defaultValue, value); } if (!defaultEqual) { addToMap(map, name, value); } } } return map; } @Override public String toString() { return toMap().toString(); } private void updateMarkerDeltaUnits(final Unit<Length> unit) { if (!this.markerDx.getUnit().equals(unit)) { final double oldValue = this.markerDx.getValue().doubleValue(); final Measure<Length> newValue = Measure.valueOf(oldValue, unit); setMarkerDx(newValue); } if (!this.markerDy.getUnit().equals(unit)) { final double oldValue = this.markerDy.getValue().doubleValue(); final Measure<Length> newValue = Measure.valueOf(oldValue, unit); setMarkerDy(newValue); } } private void updateMarkerUnits(final Unit<Length> unit) { if (!this.markerWidth.getUnit().equals(unit)) { final double oldValue = this.markerWidth.getValue().doubleValue(); final Measure<Length> newValue = Measure.valueOf(oldValue, unit); setMarkerWidth(newValue); } if (!this.markerHeight.getUnit().equals(unit)) { final double oldValue = this.markerHeight.getValue().doubleValue(); final Measure<Length> newValue = Measure.valueOf(oldValue, unit); setMarkerHeight(newValue); } if (!this.markerLineWidth.getUnit().equals(unit)) { final double oldValue = this.markerLineWidth.getValue().doubleValue(); final Measure<Length> newValue = Measure.valueOf(oldValue, unit); setMarkerLineWidth(newValue); } } }