package; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import com.revolsys.datatype.DataType; import com.revolsys.datatype.DataTypes; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.BoundingBox; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Geometry; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.GeometryFactory; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.LineString; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Lineal; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.LinearRing; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Point; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Polygon; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Punctual; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.LineStringDouble; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.vertex.Vertex; import; import com.revolsys.util.function.Function3; public final class ShapefileGeometryHandler { public static final ShapefileGeometryHandler SHP_INSTANCE = new ShapefileGeometryHandler(true); public final Map<String, Function3<GeometryFactory, ByteBuffer, Integer, Geometry>> readFunctionByGeometryType = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public final Map<String, BiConsumer<EndianOutput, Geometry>> writeFunctionByGeometryType = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final boolean shpFile; private final boolean writeLength; public ShapefileGeometryHandler(final boolean shpFile) { this.shpFile = shpFile; this.writeLength = shpFile; { final String typeName = "POINT"; this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "FALSE", this::readPoint); this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "FALSE", this::readPointZ); this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "TRUE", this::readPointM); this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "TRUE", this::readPointZM); } { final String typeName = "MULTIPOINT"; this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "FALSE", this::readMultipoint); this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "FALSE", this::readMultipointZ); this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "TRUE", this::readMultipointM); this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "TRUE", this::readMultipointZM); } for (final String typeName : Arrays.asList("LINESTRING", "MULTILINESTRING")) { this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "FALSE", this::readPolyline); this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "FALSE", this::readPolylineZ); this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "TRUE", this::readPolylineM); this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "TRUE", this::readPolylineZM); } for (final String typeName : Arrays.asList("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) { this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "FALSE", this::readPolygon); this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "FALSE", this::readPolygonZ); this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "TRUE", this::readPolygonM); this.readFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "TRUE", this::readPolygonZM); } { final String typeName = "POINT"; this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "FALSE", this::writePoint); this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "FALSE", this::writePointZ); this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "TRUE", this::writePointM); this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "TRUE", this::writePointZM); } { final String typeName = "MULTIPOINT"; this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "FALSE", this::writeMultipoint); this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "FALSE", this::writeMultipointZ); this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "TRUE", this::writeMultipointM); this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "TRUE", this::writeMultipointZM); } for (final String typeName : Arrays.asList("LINESTRING", "MULTILINESTRING")) { this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "FALSE", this::writePolyline); this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "FALSE", this::writePolylineZ); this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "TRUE", this::writePolylineM); this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "TRUE", this::writePolylineZM); } for (final String typeName : Arrays.asList("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) { this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "FALSE", this::writePolygon); this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "FALSE", this::writePolygonZ); this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "FALSE" + "TRUE", this::writePolygonM); this.writeFunctionByGeometryType.put(typeName + "TRUE" + "TRUE", this::writePolygonZM); } } public Function3<GeometryFactory, ByteBuffer, Integer, Geometry> getReadFunction( String geometryTypeKey) { geometryTypeKey = geometryTypeKey.toUpperCase(); final Function3<GeometryFactory, ByteBuffer, Integer, Geometry> function = this.readFunctionByGeometryType .get(geometryTypeKey); if (function == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot get Shape Reader for: " + geometryTypeKey); } return function; } public int getShapeType(final Geometry geometry) { if (geometry != null) { final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = geometry.getGeometryFactory(); final DataType dataType = geometry.getDataType(); return getShapeType(geometryFactory, dataType); } return ShapefileConstants.NULL_SHAPE; } public int getShapeType(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final DataType dataType) { final int axisCount = geometryFactory.getAxisCount(); final boolean hasZ = axisCount > 2; final boolean hasM = axisCount > 3; if (DataTypes.POINT.equals(dataType)) { if (hasM) { return ShapefileConstants.POINT_ZM_SHAPE; } else if (hasZ) { if (this.shpFile) { return ShapefileConstants.POINT_ZM_SHAPE; } else { return ShapefileConstants.POINT_Z_SHAPE; } } else { return ShapefileConstants.POINT_SHAPE; } } else if (DataTypes.MULTI_POINT.equals(dataType)) { if (hasM) { return ShapefileConstants.MULTI_POINT_ZM_SHAPE; } else if (hasZ) { if (this.shpFile) { return ShapefileConstants.MULTI_POINT_ZM_SHAPE; } else { return ShapefileConstants.MULTI_POINT_Z_SHAPE; } } else { return ShapefileConstants.MULTI_POINT_SHAPE; } } else if (DataTypes.LINEAR_RING.equals(dataType) || DataTypes.LINE_STRING.equals(dataType) || DataTypes.MULTI_LINE_STRING.equals(dataType)) { if (hasM) { return ShapefileConstants.POLYLINE_ZM_SHAPE; } else if (hasZ) { if (this.shpFile) { return ShapefileConstants.POLYLINE_ZM_SHAPE; } else { return ShapefileConstants.POLYLINE_Z_SHAPE; } } else { return ShapefileConstants.POLYLINE_SHAPE; } } else if (DataTypes.POLYGON.equals(dataType) || DataTypes.MULTI_POLYGON.equals(dataType)) { if (hasM) { return ShapefileConstants.POLYGON_ZM_SHAPE; } else if (hasZ) { if (this.shpFile) { return ShapefileConstants.POLYGON_ZM_SHAPE; } else { return ShapefileConstants.POLYGON_Z_SHAPE; } } else { return ShapefileConstants.POLYGON_SHAPE; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported geometry type: " + dataType); } } public BiConsumer<EndianOutput, Geometry> getWriteFunction(String geometryTypeKey) { geometryTypeKey = geometryTypeKey.toUpperCase(); final BiConsumer<EndianOutput, Geometry> function = this.writeFunctionByGeometryType .get(geometryTypeKey); if (function == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot get Shape Reader for: " + geometryTypeKey); } return function; } public boolean isShpFile() { return this.shpFile; } public List<double[]> newCoordinatesLists(final int[] partIndex, final int axisCount) { final List<double[]> parts = new ArrayList<>(partIndex.length); for (final int partNumPoints : partIndex) { final double[] coordinates = new double[partNumPoints * axisCount]; parts.add(coordinates); } return parts; } public Geometry newPolygonGeometryFromParts(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final List<double[]> parts, final int axisCount) { final List<Polygon> polygons = new ArrayList<>(); final List<LinearRing> currentParts = new ArrayList<>(); for (final double[] coordinates : parts) { final LinearRing ring = geometryFactory.linearRing(axisCount, coordinates); final boolean ringClockwise = ring.isClockwise(); if (ringClockwise) { if (!currentParts.isEmpty()) { final Polygon polygon = geometryFactory.polygon(currentParts); polygons.add(polygon); currentParts.clear(); } } currentParts.add(ring); } if (!currentParts.isEmpty()) { final Polygon polygon = geometryFactory.polygon(currentParts); polygons.add(polygon); } if (polygons.size() == 1) { return polygons.get(0); } else { return geometryFactory.polygonal(polygons); } } public void readCoordinates(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int vertexCount, final int axisCount, final double[] coordinates, final int axisIndex) { for (int j = 0; j < vertexCount; j++) { double value = buffer.getDouble(); ; if (value == -Double.MAX_VALUE) { value = Double.NaN; } coordinates[j * axisCount + axisIndex] = value; } } public void readCoordinates(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int[] partIndex, final List<double[]> coordinateLists, final int axisIndex, final int axisCount) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); ; for (int i = 0; i < partIndex.length; i++) { final double[] coordinates = coordinateLists.get(i); final int vertexCount = coordinates.length / axisCount; readCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, axisCount, coordinates, axisIndex); } } public int[] readIntArray(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int count) { final int[] values = new int[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final int value = buffer.getInt(); values[i] = value; } return values; } public Punctual readMultipoint(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); final int vertexCount = buffer.getInt(); final double[] coordinates = readXYCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, 2); return geometryFactory.punctual(new LineStringDouble(2, coordinates)); } public Punctual readMultipointM(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); final int vertexCount = buffer.getInt(); final int axisCount = 4; final double[] coordinates = readXYCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, axisCount); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); setCoordinatesNaN(coordinates, vertexCount, axisCount, 2); readCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, axisCount, coordinates, 3); return geometryFactory.punctual(new LineStringDouble(axisCount, coordinates)); } public Punctual readMultipointZ(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); final int vertexCount = buffer.getInt(); final double[] coordinates = readXYCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, 3); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); readCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, 3, coordinates, 2); return geometryFactory.punctual(new LineStringDouble(3, coordinates)); } public Punctual readMultipointZM(GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); final int vertexCount = buffer.getInt(); int axisCount; if (recordLength == 20 + 12 * vertexCount) { geometryFactory = geometryFactory.convertAxisCount(3); axisCount = 3; } else { axisCount = 4; } final double[] coordinates = readXYCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, axisCount); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); ; readCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, axisCount, coordinates, 2); if (axisCount == 4) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); ; readCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, axisCount, coordinates, 3); } return geometryFactory.punctual(axisCount, coordinates); } public int[] readPartIndex(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int numParts, final int vertexCount) { final int[] partIndex = new int[numParts]; if (numParts > 0) { int startIndex = buffer.getInt(); for (int i = 1; i < partIndex.length; i++) { final int index = buffer.getInt(); partIndex[i - 1] = index - startIndex; startIndex = index; } partIndex[partIndex.length - 1] = vertexCount - startIndex; } return partIndex; } public Point readPoint(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { final double[] coordinates = readXYCoordinates(buffer, 1, 2); return geometryFactory.point(coordinates); } public Point readPointM(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { final double x = buffer.getDouble(); final double y = buffer.getDouble(); final double z = 0; final double m = buffer.getDouble(); return geometryFactory.point(x, y, z, m); } public void readPoints(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int[] partIndex, final List<double[]> coordinateLists, final int axisCount) { for (int i = 0; i < partIndex.length; i++) { final int count = partIndex[i]; final double[] coordinates = coordinateLists.get(i); readXYCoordinates(buffer, axisCount, count, coordinates); } } public Point readPointZ(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { final double x = buffer.getDouble(); final double y = buffer.getDouble(); final double z = buffer.getDouble(); return geometryFactory.point(x, y, z); } public Point readPointZM(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { final double x = buffer.getDouble(); final double y = buffer.getDouble(); final double z = buffer.getDouble(); if (recordLength == 14) { return geometryFactory.convertAxisCount(3).point(x, y, z); } else { final double m = buffer.getDouble(); return geometryFactory.point(x, y, z, m); } } public Geometry readPolygon(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); final int numParts = buffer.getInt(); final int vertexCount = buffer.getInt(); final int[] partIndex = readPartIndex(buffer, numParts, vertexCount); final List<double[]> parts = newCoordinatesLists(partIndex, 2); readPoints(buffer, partIndex, parts, 2); return newPolygonGeometryFromParts(geometryFactory, parts, 2); } public Geometry readPolygonM(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); final int partCount = buffer.getInt(); final int vertexCount = buffer.getInt(); final int axisCount = 4; final int[] partIndex = readPartIndex(buffer, partCount, vertexCount); final List<double[]> parts = newCoordinatesLists(partIndex, axisCount); readPoints(buffer, partIndex, parts, axisCount); readCoordinates(buffer, partIndex, parts, 3, axisCount); return newPolygonGeometryFromParts(geometryFactory, parts, axisCount); } public Geometry readPolygonZ(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); final int numParts = buffer.getInt(); final int vertexCount = buffer.getInt(); final int axisCount = 3; final int[] partIndex = readPartIndex(buffer, numParts, vertexCount); final List<double[]> parts = newCoordinatesLists(partIndex, axisCount); readPoints(buffer, partIndex, parts, axisCount); readCoordinates(buffer, partIndex, parts, 2, axisCount); return newPolygonGeometryFromParts(geometryFactory, parts, axisCount); } public Geometry readPolygonZM(GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); final int numParts = buffer.getInt(); final int vertexCount = buffer.getInt(); final int[] partIndex = readPartIndex(buffer, numParts, vertexCount); final int axisCount; if (recordLength == 22 + 8 + 2 * numParts + 12 * vertexCount) { axisCount = 3; geometryFactory = geometryFactory.convertAxisCount(3); } else { axisCount = 4; } final List<double[]> parts = newCoordinatesLists(partIndex, axisCount); readPoints(buffer, partIndex, parts, axisCount); readCoordinates(buffer, partIndex, parts, 2, axisCount); if (axisCount == 4) { readCoordinates(buffer, partIndex, parts, 3, axisCount); } return newPolygonGeometryFromParts(geometryFactory, parts, axisCount); } public Geometry readPolyline(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); final int numParts = buffer.getInt(); final int vertexCount = buffer.getInt(); final int axisCount = 2; if (numParts == 1) { buffer.getInt(); final double[] coordinates = readXYCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, axisCount); return geometryFactory.lineString(2, coordinates); } else { final int[] partIndex = new int[numParts + 1]; partIndex[numParts] = vertexCount; for (int i = 0; i < partIndex.length - 1; i++) { partIndex[i] = buffer.getInt(); } final List<LineString> lines = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < partIndex.length - 1; i++) { final int startIndex = partIndex[i]; final int endIndex = partIndex[i + 1]; final int numCoords = endIndex - startIndex; final double[] coordinates = readXYCoordinates(buffer, numCoords, axisCount); lines.add(geometryFactory.lineString(2, coordinates)); } return geometryFactory.lineal(lines); } } public Geometry readPolylineM(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); final int partCount = buffer.getInt(); final int allVertexCount = buffer.getInt(); final int axisCount = 4; if (partCount == 1) { buffer.getInt(); final double[] coordinates = readXYCoordinates(buffer, allVertexCount, axisCount); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); setCoordinatesNaN(coordinates, allVertexCount, axisCount, 2); readCoordinates(buffer, allVertexCount, axisCount, coordinates, 3); return geometryFactory.lineString(axisCount, coordinates); } else { final int[] partIndex = new int[partCount + 1]; partIndex[partCount] = allVertexCount; for (int i = 0; i < partIndex.length - 1; i++) { partIndex[i] = buffer.getInt(); } final List<double[]> coordinatesList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < partIndex.length - 1; i++) { final int startIndex = partIndex[i]; final int endIndex = partIndex[i + 1]; final int vertexCount = endIndex - startIndex; final double[] coordinates = readXYCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, axisCount); coordinatesList.add(coordinates); } buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); for (int i = 0; i < partIndex.length - 1; i++) { final double[] coordinates = coordinatesList.get(i); final int vertexCount = coordinates.length / axisCount; readCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, axisCount, coordinates, 3); } return geometryFactory.lineal(axisCount, coordinatesList.toArray(new double[coordinatesList.size()][])); } } public Geometry readPolylineZ(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); final int numParts = buffer.getInt(); final int vertexCount = buffer.getInt(); return readPolylineZ(geometryFactory, buffer, numParts, vertexCount); } public Geometry readPolylineZ(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int partCount, final int allVertexCount) { final int axisCount = 3; if (partCount == 1) { buffer.getInt(); final double[] coordinates = readXYCoordinates(buffer, allVertexCount, axisCount); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); readCoordinates(buffer, allVertexCount, axisCount, coordinates, 2); return geometryFactory.lineString(axisCount, coordinates); } else { final int[] partIndex = new int[partCount + 1]; partIndex[partCount] = allVertexCount; for (int i = 0; i < partCount; i++) { partIndex[i] = buffer.getInt(); } final double[][] linesCoordinates = new double[partCount][]; for (int i = 0; i < partCount; i++) { final int startIndex = partIndex[i]; final int endIndex = partIndex[i + 1]; final int vertexCount = endIndex - startIndex; linesCoordinates[i] = readXYCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, axisCount); } buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); for (int i = 0; i < partCount; i++) { final double[] coordinates = linesCoordinates[i]; final int vertexCount = coordinates.length / axisCount; readCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, axisCount, coordinates, 2); } return geometryFactory.lineal(axisCount, linesCoordinates); } } public Geometry readPolylineZM(GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final ByteBuffer buffer, final int recordLength) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); final int geometryCount = buffer.getInt(); final int vertexCount = buffer.getInt(); if (22 + geometryCount * 2 + vertexCount * 12 == recordLength) { geometryFactory = geometryFactory.convertAxisCount(3); return readPolylineZ(geometryFactory, buffer, geometryCount, vertexCount); } else { final int axisCount = 4; if (geometryCount == 1) { buffer.getInt(); final double[] coordinates = readXYCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, axisCount); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); readCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, axisCount, coordinates, 2); buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); readCoordinates(buffer, vertexCount, axisCount, coordinates, 3); return geometryFactory.lineString(axisCount, coordinates); } else { final int[] partIndex = new int[geometryCount + 1]; partIndex[geometryCount] = vertexCount; for (int i = 0; i < partIndex.length - 1; i++) { partIndex[i] = buffer.getInt(); } final List<double[]> coordinatesList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < partIndex.length - 1; i++) { final int startIndex = partIndex[i]; final int endIndex = partIndex[i + 1]; final int numCoords = endIndex - startIndex; final double[] coordinates = readXYCoordinates(buffer, numCoords, axisCount); coordinatesList.add(coordinates); } buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); for (int i = 0; i < partIndex.length - 1; i++) { final double[] coordinates = coordinatesList.get(i); readCoordinates(buffer, coordinates.length / 4, axisCount, coordinates, 2); } buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); for (int i = 0; i < partIndex.length - 1; i++) { final double[] coordinates = coordinatesList.get(i); readCoordinates(buffer, coordinates.length / 4, axisCount, coordinates, 3); } final List<LineString> lines = new ArrayList<>(); for (final double[] coordinates : coordinatesList) { lines.add(geometryFactory.lineString(axisCount, coordinates)); } return geometryFactory.lineal(lines); } } } public double[] readXYCoordinates(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int vertexCount, final int axisCount) { final double[] coordinates = new double[vertexCount * axisCount]; readXYCoordinates(buffer, axisCount, vertexCount, coordinates); return coordinates; } public void readXYCoordinates(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int axisCount, final int vertexCount, final double[] coordinates) { for (int j = 0; j < vertexCount; j++) { final double x = buffer.getDouble(); final double y = buffer.getDouble(); coordinates[j * axisCount] = x; coordinates[j * axisCount + 1] = y; } } public void setCoordinatesNaN(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int[] partIndex, final List<double[]> coordinateLists, final int axisIndex, final int axisCount) { buffer.getDouble(); buffer.getDouble(); for (int i = 0; i < partIndex.length; i++) { final double[] coordinates = coordinateLists.get(i); final int vertexCount = coordinates.length / axisCount; setCoordinatesNaN(coordinates, vertexCount, axisCount, axisIndex); } } public void setCoordinatesNaN(final double[] coordinates, final int vertexCount, final int axisCount, final int axisIndex) { for (int j = 0; j < vertexCount; j++) { coordinates[j * axisCount + axisIndex] = Double.NaN; } } public void writeEnvelope(final EndianOutput out, final BoundingBox envelope) { out.writeLEDouble(envelope.getMinX()); out.writeLEDouble(envelope.getMinY()); out.writeLEDouble(envelope.getMaxX()); out.writeLEDouble(envelope.getMaxY()); } public void writeMCoordinates(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { writeMCoordinatesRange(out, geometry); if (geometry.getAxisCount() >= 4) { for (final Vertex vertex : geometry.vertices()) { final double m = vertex.getM(); if (Double.isNaN(m)) { out.writeLEDouble(0); } else { out.writeLEDouble(m); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < geometry.getVertexCount(); i++) { out.writeLEDouble(0); } } } public void writeMCoordinates(final EndianOutput out, final LineString coordinates) { if (coordinates.getAxisCount() >= 4) { for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.getVertexCount(); i++) { final double m = coordinates.getM(i); if (!Double.isNaN(m)) { out.writeLEDouble(m); } else { out.writeLEDouble(0); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.getVertexCount(); i++) { out.writeLEDouble(0); } } } public void writeMCoordinates(final EndianOutput out, final List<LineString> coordinatesList) { writeMCoordinatesRange(out, coordinatesList); for (final LineString coordinates : coordinatesList) { writeMCoordinates(out, coordinates); } } public void writeMCoordinatesRange(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { final BoundingBox boundingBox = geometry.getBoundingBox(); final double minM = boundingBox.getMin(3); final double maxM = boundingBox.getMax(3); if (Double.isNaN(minM) || Double.isNaN(maxM)) { out.writeLEDouble(0); out.writeLEDouble(0); } else { out.writeLEDouble(minM); out.writeLEDouble(maxM); } } public void writeMCoordinatesRange(final EndianOutput out, final List<LineString> coordinatesList) { double minM = Double.MAX_VALUE; double maxM = -Double.MAX_VALUE; for (final LineString ring : coordinatesList) { for (int i = 0; i < ring.getVertexCount(); i++) { double m = ring.getCoordinate(i, 2); if (Double.isNaN(m)) { m = 0; } minM = Math.min(m, minM); maxM = Math.max(m, maxM); } } if (minM == Double.MAX_VALUE && maxM == -Double.MAX_VALUE) { out.writeLEDouble(0); out.writeLEDouble(0); } else { out.writeLEDouble(minM); out.writeLEDouble(maxM); } } public void writeMultipoint(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { writeMultipoint(out, geometry, ShapefileConstants.MULTI_POINT_SHAPE, 8); } private void writeMultipoint(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry, final int shapeType, final int wordsPerPoint) { if (geometry instanceof Punctual) { final int vertexCount = geometry.getVertexCount(); if (this.writeLength) { final int recordLength = 20 + wordsPerPoint * vertexCount; // (BYTES_IN_INT + 4 * BYTES_IN_DOUBLE + BYTES_IN_INT + // (vertexCount * 2 * BYTES_IN_DOUBLE)) / BYTES_IN_SHORT; out.writeInt(recordLength); } out.writeLEInt(shapeType); final BoundingBox envelope = geometry.getBoundingBox(); writeEnvelope(out, envelope); out.writeLEInt(vertexCount); writeXYCoordinates(out, geometry); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expecting Punctual geometry got " + geometry.getGeometryType()); } } public void writeMultipointM(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { writeMultipoint(out, geometry, ShapefileConstants.MULTI_POINT_M_SHAPE, 12); writeMCoordinates(out, geometry); } public void writeMultipointZ(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { int shapeType; if (this.shpFile) { shapeType = ShapefileConstants.MULTI_POINT_ZM_SHAPE; } else { shapeType = ShapefileConstants.MULTI_POINT_Z_SHAPE; } writeMultipoint(out, geometry, shapeType, 12); writeZCoordinates(out, geometry); } public void writeMultipointZM(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { writeMultipoint(out, geometry, ShapefileConstants.MULTI_POINT_ZM_SHAPE, 16); writeZCoordinates(out, geometry); writeMCoordinates(out, geometry); } public void writePoint(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { if (geometry instanceof Point) { final Point point = (Point)geometry; if (this.writeLength) { final int recordLength = 10; // (BYTES_IN_INT + 2 * BYTES_IN_DOUBLE) / BYTES_IN_SHORT; out.writeInt(recordLength); } out.writeLEInt(ShapefileConstants.POINT_SHAPE); writeXy(out, point); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expecting " + Point.class + " geometry got " + geometry.getClass()); } } public void writePointM(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { if (geometry instanceof Point) { final Point point = (Point)geometry; if (this.writeLength) { final int recordLength = 14; // (BYTES_IN_INT + 3 * BYTES_IN_DOUBLE) / BYTES_IN_SHORT; out.writeInt(recordLength); } out.writeLEInt(ShapefileConstants.POINT_M_SHAPE); writeXy(out, point); final double m = point.getM(); if (Double.isNaN(m)) { out.writeLEDouble(0); } else { out.writeLEDouble(m); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expecting " + Point.class + " geometry got " + geometry.getClass()); } } public void writePointZ(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { if (geometry instanceof Point) { final Point point = (Point)geometry; if (this.writeLength) { final int recordLength = 14; // (BYTES_IN_INT + 3 * BYTES_IN_DOUBLE) / BYTES_IN_SHORT; out.writeInt(recordLength); } if (this.shpFile) { out.writeLEInt(ShapefileConstants.POINT_ZM_SHAPE); } else { out.writeLEInt(ShapefileConstants.POINT_Z_SHAPE); } writeXy(out, point); final double z = point.getZ(); if (Double.isNaN(z)) { out.writeLEDouble(0); } else { out.writeLEDouble(z); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expecting " + Point.class + " geometry got " + geometry.getClass()); } } public void writePointZM(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { if (geometry instanceof Point) { final Point point = (Point)geometry; if (this.writeLength) { final int recordLength = 18; // (BYTES_IN_INT + 4 * BYTES_IN_DOUBLE) / BYTES_IN_SHORT; out.writeInt(recordLength); } out.writeLEInt(ShapefileConstants.POINT_ZM_SHAPE); writeXy(out, point); final double z = point.getZ(); if (Double.isNaN(z)) { out.writeLEDouble(0); } else { out.writeLEDouble(z); } final double m = point.getM(); if (Double.isNaN(m)) { out.writeLEDouble(0); } else { out.writeLEDouble(m); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expecting " + Point.class + " geometry got " + geometry.getClass()); } } public void writePolygon(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { writePolygon(out, geometry, ShapefileConstants.POLYGON_SHAPE, 0, 8); } private List<LineString> writePolygon(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry, final int shapeType, final int headerOverhead, final int wordsPerPoint) { int vertexCount = 0; final List<LineString> rings = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < geometry.getGeometryCount(); i++) { final Geometry part = geometry.getGeometry(i); if (part instanceof Polygon) { final Polygon polygon = (Polygon)part; LineString shell = polygon.getShell(); shell = shell.toClockwise(); rings.add(shell); vertexCount += shell.getVertexCount(); final int numHoles = polygon.getHoleCount(); for (int j = 0; j < numHoles; j++) { LineString hole = polygon.getHole(j); hole = hole.toCounterClockwise(); rings.add(hole); vertexCount += hole.getVertexCount(); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expecting " + Polygon.class + " geometry got " + part.getClass()); } } final int numParts = rings.size(); if (this.writeLength) { final int recordLength = 22 + headerOverhead + 2 * numParts + wordsPerPoint * vertexCount; out.writeInt(recordLength); } out.writeLEInt(shapeType); final BoundingBox envelope = geometry.getBoundingBox(); writeEnvelope(out, envelope); out.writeLEInt(numParts); out.writeLEInt(vertexCount); int partIndex = 0; for (final LineString ring : rings) { out.writeLEInt(partIndex); partIndex += ring.getVertexCount(); } for (final LineString ring : rings) { writeXYCoordinates(out, ring); } return rings; } public void writePolygonM(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { final List<LineString> rings = writePolygon(out, geometry, ShapefileConstants.POLYGON_M_SHAPE, 8, 12); writeMCoordinates(out, rings); } public void writePolygonZ(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { int shapeType; if (this.shpFile) { shapeType = ShapefileConstants.POLYGON_ZM_SHAPE; } else { shapeType = ShapefileConstants.POLYGON_Z_SHAPE; } final List<LineString> rings = writePolygon(out, geometry, shapeType, 8, 12); writeZCoordinates(out, rings); } public void writePolygonZM(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { final List<LineString> rings = writePolygon(out, geometry, ShapefileConstants.POLYGON_ZM_SHAPE, 16, 16); writeZCoordinates(out, rings); writeMCoordinates(out, rings); } public void writePolyline(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { writePolyline(out, geometry, ShapefileConstants.POLYLINE_SHAPE, 8); } private void writePolyline(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry, final int shapeType, final int wordsPerPoint) { if (geometry instanceof Lineal) { final int numCoordinates = geometry.getVertexCount(); final int numGeometries = geometry.getGeometryCount(); final BoundingBox envelope = geometry.getBoundingBox(); if (this.writeLength) { // final int recordLength = ((3 + numGeometries) * BYTES_IN_INT + (4 + 2 // * numCoordinates) // * BYTES_IN_DOUBLE) / 2; final int recordLength = 22 + numGeometries * 2 + numCoordinates * wordsPerPoint; out.writeInt(recordLength); } out.writeLEInt(shapeType); writeEnvelope(out, envelope); out.writeLEInt(numGeometries); out.writeLEInt(numCoordinates); writePolylinePartIndexes(out, geometry); writeXYCoordinates(out, geometry); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expecting Lineal geometry got " + geometry.getGeometryType() + "\n" + geometry); } } public void writePolylineM(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { writePolyline(out, geometry, ShapefileConstants.POLYLINE_M_SHAPE, 12); writeMCoordinates(out, geometry); } public void writePolylinePartIndexes(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { int partIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < geometry.getGeometryCount(); i++) { final LineString line = (LineString)geometry.getGeometry(i); out.writeLEInt(partIndex); partIndex += line.getVertexCount(); } } public void writePolylineZ(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { int shapeType; if (this.shpFile) { shapeType = ShapefileConstants.POLYLINE_ZM_SHAPE; } else { shapeType = ShapefileConstants.POLYLINE_Z_SHAPE; } writePolyline(out, geometry, shapeType, 12); writeZCoordinates(out, geometry); } public void writePolylineZM(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { writePolyline(out, geometry, ShapefileConstants.POLYLINE_ZM_SHAPE, 16); writeZCoordinates(out, geometry); writeMCoordinates(out, geometry); } public void writeXy(final EndianOutput out, final double value, final char axisName) { if (Double.isNaN(value)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(axisName + " coordinate value cannot be NaN"); } else if (Double.isInfinite(value)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(axisName + " coordinate cannot be infinite"); } else { out.writeLEDouble(value); } } private void writeXy(final EndianOutput out, final LineString coordinates, final int index) { writeXy(out, coordinates.getX(index), 'X'); writeXy(out, coordinates.getY(index), 'Y'); } private void writeXy(final EndianOutput out, final Point point) { final double x = point.getX(); final double y = point.getY(); writeXy(out, x, 'X'); writeXy(out, y, 'Y'); } public void writeXYCoordinates(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { for (final Vertex vertex : geometry.vertices()) { writeXy(out, vertex); } } public void writeXYCoordinates(final EndianOutput out, final LineString coordinates) { for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.getVertexCount(); i++) { writeXy(out, coordinates, i); } } public void writeZCoordinates(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { writeZCoordinatesRange(out, geometry); if (geometry.getAxisCount() >= 3) { for (final Vertex vertex : geometry.vertices()) { final double z = vertex.getZ(); if (Double.isNaN(z)) { out.writeLEDouble(0); } else { out.writeLEDouble(z); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < geometry.getVertexCount(); i++) { out.writeLEDouble(0); } } } public void writeZCoordinates(final EndianOutput out, final LineString coordinates) { if (coordinates.getAxisCount() >= 3) { for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.getVertexCount(); i++) { final double z = coordinates.getZ(i); if (Double.isNaN(z)) { out.writeLEDouble(0); } else { out.writeLEDouble(z); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.getVertexCount(); i++) { out.writeLEDouble(0); } } } public void writeZCoordinates(final EndianOutput out, final List<LineString> coordinatesList) { writeZCoordinatesRange(out, coordinatesList); for (final LineString coordinates : coordinatesList) { writeZCoordinates(out, coordinates); } } public void writeZCoordinatesRange(final EndianOutput out, final Geometry geometry) { final BoundingBox boundingBox = geometry.getBoundingBox(); final double min = boundingBox.getMin(2); final double max = boundingBox.getMax(2); if (Double.isNaN(min) || Double.isNaN(max)) { out.writeLEDouble(0); out.writeLEDouble(0); } else { out.writeLEDouble(min); out.writeLEDouble(max); } } public void writeZCoordinatesRange(final EndianOutput out, final List<LineString> coordinatesList) { double minZ = Double.MAX_VALUE; double maxZ = -Double.MAX_VALUE; for (final LineString ring : coordinatesList) { for (int i = 0; i < ring.getVertexCount(); i++) { double z = ring.getCoordinate(i, 2); if (Double.isNaN(z)) { z = 0; } minZ = Math.min(z, minZ); maxZ = Math.max(z, maxZ); } } if (minZ == Double.MAX_VALUE || maxZ == -Double.MAX_VALUE) { out.writeLEDouble(0); out.writeLEDouble(0); } else { out.writeLEDouble(minZ); out.writeLEDouble(maxZ); } } }