package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import; import; import com.revolsys.logging.Logs; import; import; import; import; import com.revolsys.record.query.Query; import com.revolsys.spring.resource.UrlResource; import com.revolsys.util.PasswordUtil; import com.revolsys.util.Property; import com.revolsys.util.function.SupplierWithProperties; import com.revolsys.webservice.WebServiceResource; public class ArcGisRestCatalog extends ArcGisResponse<CatalogElement> { public static final String J_TYPE = "arcGisRestServer"; private static final Map<String, Function<ArcGisRestServiceContainer, ArcGisRestService>> SERVICE_FACTORY_BY_TYPE = Maps .<String, Function<ArcGisRestServiceContainer, ArcGisRestService>> buildHash()// .add("MapServer", MapService::new) // .add("FeatureServer", FeatureService::new) // .getMap(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void mapObjectFactoryInit() { MapObjectFactoryRegistry.newFactory(J_TYPE, "Arc GIS REST Server", ArcGisRestCatalog::newArcGisRestCatalog); MapObjectFactoryRegistry.newFactory("arcGisRestServerLayerRecordReaderFactory", "Factory to create a RecordReader from a ArcGis Server later", (properties) -> { final String serverUrl = (String)properties.get("serverUrl"); final String layerPath = (String)properties.get("layerPath"); final Supplier<RecordReader> factory = () -> { final FeatureLayer layer = FeatureLayer.getRecordLayerDescription(serverUrl, layerPath); if (layer == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find layer: " + layerPath + " on " + serverUrl); } else { final RecordReader reader = layer.newRecordReader((Query)null, true); final Map<String, Object> readerProperties = (Map<String, Object>)properties .get("readerProperties"); reader.setProperties(readerProperties); return reader; } }; return new SupplierWithProperties<>(factory, properties); }); } public static ArcGisRestCatalog newArcGisRestCatalog( final Map<String, ? extends Object> properties) { final String serviceUrl = (String)properties.get("serviceUrl"); if (Property.hasValue(serviceUrl)) { final ArcGisRestCatalog service = newArcGisRestCatalog(serviceUrl); service.setProperties(properties); return service; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing serviceUrl"); } } public static ArcGisRestCatalog newArcGisRestCatalog(String rootUrl) { rootUrl = rootUrl.replaceAll("/+$", ""); if (rootUrl.endsWith("/services") || rootUrl.endsWith("%2fservices")) { return new ArcGisRestCatalog(rootUrl); } else if (rootUrl.endsWith("/rest")) { return new ArcGisRestCatalog(rootUrl + "/services"); } else { final int index = rootUrl.indexOf("/rest/services"); if (index == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ArgGIS rest services must include the path /rest/services"); } else { final String url = rootUrl.substring(0, index + 14); return new ArcGisRestCatalog(url); } } } private Map<String, CatalogElement> childByName = new HashMap<>(); private List<CatalogElement> children = Collections.emptyList(); private String username; private String password; private ArcGisRestCatalog(final ArcGisRestCatalog parent, final String path) { super(parent, path); } public ArcGisRestCatalog(final String rootUrl) { setServiceUrl(new UrlResource(rootUrl)); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <C extends WebServiceResource> C getChild(final String name) { refreshIfNeeded(); if (name == null) { return null; } else { final String childKey = name.toLowerCase(); final CatalogElement child = this.childByName.get(childKey); if (child == null) { final ArcGisRestCatalog folder = new ArcGisRestCatalog(this, name); folder.refresh(); return (C)folder; } return (C)child; } } @Override public List<CatalogElement> getChildren() { refreshIfNeeded(); return this.children; } @Override public String getIconName() { return "folder:world"; } @Override public String getName() { String name = super.getName(); if (name == null) { final PathName pathName = getPathName(); if (pathName == null || pathName.equals("/")) { final UrlResource resourceUrl = getServiceUrl(); try { final URI uri = resourceUrl.getUri(); return uri.getHost(); } catch (final Throwable e) { return "???"; } } else { name = pathName.getName(); setName(name); } } return name; } @Override public String getPassword() { return this.password; } @Override public String getPathElement() { return super.getName(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends ArcGisRestService> T getService(final String name, final Class<T> serviceClass) { final CatalogElement child = getChild(name); if (child != null) { if (serviceClass.isAssignableFrom(child.getClass())) { return (T)child; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ArcGIS REST service is not a " + serviceClass.getName() + ": " + name); } } return null; } @Override public String getUsername() { return this.username; } @Override public String getWebServiceTypeName() { return J_TYPE; } @Override protected void initialize(final MapEx properties) { final List<CatalogElement> children = new ArrayList<>(); final Map<String, CatalogElement> childByName = new HashMap<>(); final List<String> folderNames = properties.getValue("folders", Collections.emptyList()); for (final String folderPath : folderNames) { final String folderName = PathName.newPathName(folderPath).getName(); final ArcGisRestCatalog folder = new ArcGisRestCatalog(this, folderName); children.add(folder); final String childKey = folderName.toLowerCase(); childByName.put(childKey, folder); } final List<MapEx> serviceDescriptions = properties.getValue("services", Collections.emptyList()); for (final MapEx serviceDescription : serviceDescriptions) { final String serviceContainerPath = serviceDescription.getString("name"); final String serviceType = serviceDescription.getString("type"); final String serviceContainerName = PathName.newPathName(serviceContainerPath).getName(); try { final String childKey = serviceContainerName.toLowerCase(); ArcGisRestServiceContainer container = (ArcGisRestServiceContainer)childByName .get(childKey); if (container == null) { container = new ArcGisRestServiceContainer(this, serviceContainerName); childByName.put(childKey, container); children.add(container); } ArcGisRestService service; final Function<ArcGisRestServiceContainer, ArcGisRestService> serviceFactory = SERVICE_FACTORY_BY_TYPE .get(serviceType); if (serviceFactory == null) { service = new ArcGisRestService(container, serviceType); } else { service = serviceFactory.apply(container); } container.addService(service); } catch (final Throwable e) { Logs.error(this, "Unable to get service: " + getServiceUrl() + "/" + serviceContainerPath, e); } } this.childByName = Collections.unmodifiableMap(childByName); this.children = Collections.unmodifiableList(children); } @Override protected UrlResource newServiceUrlResource(final Map<String, Object> parameters) { return getServiceUrl().newUrlResource(parameters); } @Override public void setPassword(final String password) { this.password = password; final UrlResource serviceUrl = getServiceUrl(); if (serviceUrl != null) { setServiceUrl(serviceUrl.newUrlResourceAuthorization(this.username, this.password)); } } @Override public void setServiceUrl(final UrlResource serviceUrl) { super.setServiceUrl(serviceUrl.newUrlResourceAuthorization(this.username, this.password)); } @Override public void setUsername(final String username) { this.username = username; final UrlResource serviceUrl = getServiceUrl(); if (serviceUrl != null) { setServiceUrl(serviceUrl.newUrlResourceAuthorization(this.username, this.password)); } } @Override public MapEx toMap() { final MapEx map = newTypeMap(J_TYPE); final String name = getName(); addToMap(map, "name", name); map.put("serviceUrl", getServiceUrl()); addToMap(map, "username", this.username, ""); addToMap(map, "password", PasswordUtil.encrypt(this.password), ""); return map; } @Override public String toString() { return getName() + " " + getServiceUrl(); } }