package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import com.revolsys.parallel.ThreadInterruptedException; import com.revolsys.parallel.ThreadUtil; public class NamedChannelBundle<T> { /** Flag indicating if the channel has been closed. */ private boolean closed = false; /** The monitor reads must synchronize on */ private final Object monitor = new Object(); /** The name of the channel. */ private String name; /** Number of readers connected to the channel. */ private int numReaders = 0; /** Number of writers connected to the channel. */ private int numWriters = 0; private int readerNotifyCount = 0; /** The monitor reads must synchronize on */ private final Object readMonitor = new Object(); private AtomicLong sequence = new AtomicLong(); private Map<String, Queue<Long>> sequenceQueueByName = new HashMap<>(); /** The ChannelValueStore used to store the valueQueueByName for the Channel */ protected Map<String, Queue<T>> valueQueueByName = new HashMap<>(); /** Flag indicating if the channel is closed for writing. */ private boolean writeClosed; /** The monitor writes must synchronize on */ private final Object writeMonitor = new Object(); public NamedChannelBundle() { } public NamedChannelBundle(final String name) { = name; } public void close() { this.closed = true; synchronized (this.monitor) { this.valueQueueByName = null; this.sequence = null; this.sequenceQueueByName = null; this.monitor.notifyAll(); } } public String getName() { return; } private Queue<T> getNextValueQueue(Collection<String> names) { String selectedName = null; long lowestSequence = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (names == null) { names = this.sequenceQueueByName.keySet(); } for (final String name : names) { final Queue<Long> sequenceQueue = this.sequenceQueueByName.get(name); if (sequenceQueue != null && !sequenceQueue.isEmpty()) { final long sequence = sequenceQueue.peek(); if (sequence < lowestSequence) { lowestSequence = sequence; selectedName = name; } } } if (selectedName == null) { return null; } else { final Queue<Long> sequenceQueue = this.sequenceQueueByName.get(selectedName); sequenceQueue.remove(); return getValueQueue(selectedName); } } private Queue<Long> getSequenceQueue(final String name) { Queue<Long> queue = this.sequenceQueueByName.get(name); if (queue == null) { queue = new LinkedList<>(); this.sequenceQueueByName.put(name, queue); } return queue; } private Queue<T> getValueQueue(final String name) { Queue<T> queue = this.valueQueueByName.get(name); if (queue == null) { queue = new LinkedList<>(); this.valueQueueByName.put(name, queue); } return queue; } public boolean isClosed() { if (!this.closed) { if (this.writeClosed) { boolean empty = true; synchronized (this.monitor) { for (final Queue<T> queue : this.valueQueueByName.values()) { if (!queue.isEmpty()) { empty = false; } } if (empty) { close(); } } } } return this.closed; } public void notifyReaders() { synchronized (this.monitor) { this.readerNotifyCount++; this.monitor.notifyAll(); } } /** * Reads an Object from the Channel. This method also ensures only one of the * readers can actually be reading at any time. All other readers are blocked * until it completes the read. * * @return The object returned from the Channel. */ public T read() { return read(0, Collections.<String> emptyList()); } public T read(final Collection<String> names) { return read(0, names); } /** * Reads an Object from the Channel. This method also ensures only one of the * readers can actually be reading at any time. All other readers are blocked * until it completes the read. If no data is available to be read after the * timeout the method will return null. * * @param timeout The maximum time to wait in milliseconds. * @return The object returned from the Channel. */ public T read(final long timeout) { return read(timeout, Collections.<String> emptyList()); } public T read(final long timeout, final Collection<String> names) { synchronized (this.readMonitor) { synchronized (this.monitor) { final int readerNotifyCount = this.readerNotifyCount; try { long maxTime = 0; if (timeout > 0) { maxTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; } if (isClosed()) { throw new ClosedException(); } Queue<T> queue = getNextValueQueue(names); if (timeout == 0) { while (queue == null && readerNotifyCount == this.readerNotifyCount) { ThreadUtil.pause(this.monitor); if (isClosed()) { throw new ClosedException(); } queue = getNextValueQueue(names); } } else if (timeout > 0) { long waitTime = maxTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); while (queue == null && waitTime > 0 && readerNotifyCount == this.readerNotifyCount) { ThreadUtil.pause(this.monitor, waitTime); if (isClosed()) { throw new ClosedException(); } queue = getNextValueQueue(names); waitTime = maxTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); } } else { queue = getNextValueQueue(names); } if (queue == null) { return null; } else { final T value = queue.remove(); this.monitor.notifyAll(); return value; } } catch (final ThreadInterruptedException e) { close(); this.monitor.notifyAll(); throw new ClosedException(); } } } } public T read(final long timeout, final String... names) { return read(timeout, Arrays.asList(names)); } public T read(final String... names) { return read(0, Arrays.asList(names)); } public void readConnect() { synchronized (this.monitor) { if (isClosed()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot connect to a closed channel"); } else { this.numReaders++; } } } public void readDisconnect() { synchronized (this.monitor) { if (!this.closed) { this.numReaders--; if (this.numReaders <= 0) { close(); this.monitor.notifyAll(); } } } } public Collection<T> remove(final String name) { synchronized (this.monitor) { this.sequenceQueueByName.remove(name); final Queue<T> values = this.valueQueueByName.remove(name); this.monitor.notifyAll(); return values; } } /** * Writes a named Object to the Channel. This method also ensures only one of * the writers can actually be writing at any time. All other writers are * blocked until it completes the write. The channel can never be full so it * does not block on write. * * @param value The object to write to the Channel. */ public void write(final String name, final T value) { synchronized (this.writeMonitor) { synchronized (this.monitor) { if (this.closed) { this.monitor.notifyAll(); throw new ClosedException(); } else { final Long sequence = this.sequence.getAndIncrement(); final Queue<Long> sequenceQueue = getSequenceQueue(name); sequenceQueue.add(sequence); final Queue<T> queue = getValueQueue(name); queue.add(value); this.monitor.notifyAll(); } } } } public void writeConnect() { synchronized (this.monitor) { if (this.writeClosed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot connect to a closed channel"); } else { this.numWriters++; } } } public void writeDisconnect() { synchronized (this.monitor) { if (!this.writeClosed) { this.numWriters--; if (this.numWriters <= 0) { this.writeClosed = true; this.monitor.notifyAll(); } } } } }