package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import; import; import; import com.revolsys.collection.iterator.AbstractIterator; import; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Geometry; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.LineString; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Point; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Polygon; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.PointDoubleXY; import; import; import com.revolsys.record.Record; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.revolsys.record.schema.RecordDefinition; import com.revolsys.spring.resource.Resource; import com.revolsys.util.Property; public class OsmPbfRecordIterator extends AbstractIterator<Record> implements RecordReader { private static final int DATE_GRANULARITY = 1000; private static final int GRANULARITY = 100; public static Date toDate(final long time) { return new Date(DATE_GRANULARITY * time); } public static double toDegrees(final double offset, final double granularity, final long value) { return 0.000000001 * (offset + granularity * value); } public static double toDegrees(final long value) { return 0.000000001 * GRANULARITY * value; } private final ProtocolBufferInputStream blobHeaderIn = new ProtocolBufferInputStream(); private final ProtocolBufferInputStream blobIn = new ProtocolBufferInputStream(); private String blobType = null; private final ProtocolBufferInputStream blockIn = new ProtocolBufferInputStream(); private final LinkedList<Record> currentRecords = new LinkedList<>(); private boolean eof; private DataInputStream in; private final LongHashMap<Point> nodePoints = new LongHashMap<>(); private final LongHashMap<Geometry> relationGeometries = new LongHashMap<>(); private final LinkedList<List<Long>> relationMemberIds = new LinkedList<>(); private final LinkedList<List<String>> relationMemberRoles = new LinkedList<>(); private final LinkedList<List<Integer>> relationMemberTypes = new LinkedList<>(); private final LinkedList<OsmRelation> relations = new LinkedList<>(); private List<String> strings = Collections.emptyList(); private final LongHashMap<Geometry> wayGeometries = new LongHashMap<>(); private final LinkedList<List<Long>> wayNodeIds = new LinkedList<>(); private final LinkedList<OsmWay> ways = new LinkedList<>(); public OsmPbfRecordIterator(final DataInputStream in) { = in; } public OsmPbfRecordIterator(final Resource resource) { this(new DataInputStream(resource.getInputStream())); } protected void addNode(final List<Record> currentRecords, final OsmNode node) { final long id = node.getId(); final Point point = (Point)node.getGeometry(); this.nodePoints.put(id, point); if (node.hasTags()) { currentRecords.add(node); } } private void addTags(final OsmElement element, final List<String> keys, final List<String> values) { if (keys.size() != values.size()) { throw new RuntimeException("Number of tag keys (" + keys.size() + ") and tag values (" + values.size() + ") don't match"); } final Iterator<String> valueIterator = values.iterator(); for (final String key : keys) { final String value =; element.addTag(key, value); } } @Override public void closeDo() { FileUtil.closeSilent(; = null; } @Override protected Record getNext() throws NoSuchElementException { try { while (this.currentRecords.isEmpty() && !this.eof) { try { parseBlob(); } catch (final EOFException e) { this.eof = true; } } if (!this.currentRecords.isEmpty()) { return this.currentRecords.removeFirst(); } else { final Record record = processWaysWithMissingNodes(); if (record == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } else { return record; } } } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get next blob from PBF stream.", e); } } @Override public RecordDefinition getRecordDefinition() { return OsmElement.RECORD_DEFINITION; } private String getString(final int stringId) { return this.strings.get(stringId); } public boolean isPolygon(final OsmWay way, final Geometry geometry) { if (geometry instanceof LineString) { final LineString line = (LineString)geometry; if (line.isClosed()) { boolean isPolygon = true; if (!"yes".equals(way.getTag("area"))) { if (way.containsKey("barrier")) { isPolygon = false; } else if (way.containsKey("highway")) { isPolygon = false; } } if (isPolygon) { final Polygon polygon = line.getGeometryFactory().polygon(line); way.setGeometryValue(polygon); } return isPolygon; } } return false; } private void parseBlob() throws IOException { final byte[] blobContent = readBlobContent(); try { if ("OSMHeader".equals(this.blobType)) { processOsmHeader(blobContent); } else if ("OSMData".equals(this.blobType)) { this.blockIn.setBuffer(blobContent); parseBlock(this.blockIn); } else { } } catch (final InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void parseBlock(final ProtocolBufferInputStream in) throws IOException { boolean running = true; this.strings = new ArrayList<>(); double lonOffset = 0; double latOffset = 0; int granularity = GRANULARITY; int dateGranularity = DATE_GRANULARITY; while (running) { final int tag = in.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: running = false; break; case 10: readStrings(in, this.strings); break; case 18: parseOsmElement(in); break; case 136: granularity = in.readInt32(); break; case 144: dateGranularity = in.readInt32(); break; case 152: latOffset = in.readInt64(); break; case 160: lonOffset = in.readInt64(); break; default: this.blobIn.skipField(tag); running = false; break; } } } private DenseInfo parseDenseInfo(final ProtocolBufferInputStream input) throws IOException { final DenseInfo info = new DenseInfo(); final int inLength = input.startLengthDelimited(); boolean running = true; while (running) { final int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: running = false; break; case 8: input.readInt(info.versions); break; case 10: input.readInts(info.versions); break; case 16: input.readLong(info.timestamps); break; case 18: input.readLongs(info.timestamps); break; case 24: input.readLong(info.changesets); case 26: input.readLongs(info.changesets); case 32: input.readInt(info.uids); break; case 34: input.readInts(info.uids); break; case 40: readStringById(input, info.userNames); break; case 42: readStringsByIds(input, info.userNames); break; case 48: input.readBool(info.visibles); break; case 50: input.readBools(info.visibles); break; default: input.skipField(tag); break; } } input.endLengthDelimited(inLength); return info; } private void parseDenseNodes(final ProtocolBufferInputStream in) throws IOException { final List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Double> latitudes = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Double> longitudes = new ArrayList<>(); final List<String> keysAndValues = new ArrayList<>(); DenseInfo denseInfo = null; final int inLength = in.startLengthDelimited(); boolean running = true; while (running) { final int tag = in.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: running = false; break; case 8: in.readLong(ids); break; case 10: in.readLongs(ids); break; case 42: denseInfo = parseDenseInfo(in); break; case 64: readDegreesById(in, latitudes); break; case 66: readDegreesByIds(in, latitudes); break; case 72: readDegreesById(in, longitudes); break; case 74: readDegreesByIds(in, longitudes); break; case 80: readStringById(in, keysAndValues); break; case 82: readStringsByIds(in, keysAndValues); break; default: in.skipField(tag); break; } } in.endLengthDelimited(inLength); if (ids.size() != latitudes.size() || ids.size() != longitudes.size()) { throw new RuntimeException("Number of ids (" + ids.size() + "), latitudes (" + latitudes.size() + "), and longitudes (" + longitudes.size() + ") don't match"); } if (denseInfo == null && keysAndValues.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) { final long id = ids.get(i); final double latitude = latitudes.get(i); final double longitude = longitudes.get(i); final Point point = new PointDoubleXY(longitude, latitude); this.nodePoints.put(id, point); } } else { final Iterator<String> keysAndValuesIterator = keysAndValues.iterator(); long id = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) { final long idOffset = ids.get(i); id += idOffset; final double latitude = latitudes.get(i); final double longitude = longitudes.get(i); final Point point = OsmConstants.WGS84_2D.point(longitude, latitude); this.nodePoints.put(id, point); OsmNode node = null; while (keysAndValuesIterator.hasNext()) { final String key =; if (key.length() == 0) { break; } if (!keysAndValuesIterator.hasNext()) { throw new RuntimeException( "The PBF DenseInfo keys/values list contains a key with no corresponding value."); } if (node == null) { node = new OsmNode(); node.setId(id); node.setGeometryValue(point); this.currentRecords.add(node); } final String value =; node.addTag(key, value); } if (denseInfo != null && node != null) { node.setVersion(denseInfo.versions.get(i)); node.setChangeset(denseInfo.changesets.get(i)); node.setTimestamp(denseInfo.timestamps.get(i)); node.setUid(denseInfo.uids.get(i)); node.setUser(denseInfo.userNames.get(i)); node.setVisible(denseInfo.visibles.get(i)); } } } } private void parseInfo(final ProtocolBufferInputStream input, final OsmElement element) throws IOException { final int inLength = input.startLengthDelimited(); boolean running = true; while (running) { final int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: running = false; break; case 8: final int version = input.readInt32(); element.setVersion(version); break; case 16: final long time = input.readInt64(); final Date timestamp = toDate(time); element.setTimestamp(timestamp); break; case 24: final long changeset = input.readInt64(); element.setChangeset(changeset); break; case 32: final int uid = input.readInt32(); element.setUid(uid); break; case 40: final int userSid = input.readUInt32(); final String userName = getString(userSid); element.setUser(userName); break; case 48: final boolean visible = input.readBool(); element.setVisible(visible); break; default: input.skipField(tag); break; } } input.endLengthDelimited(inLength); } private void parseNode(final ProtocolBufferInputStream input) throws IOException { final OsmNode node = new OsmNode(); final List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(); final List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); double lat = 0; double lon = 0; final int inLength = input.startLengthDelimited(); boolean running = true; while (running) { final int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: running = false; break; case 8: final long id = input.readInt64(); node.setId(id); break; case 16: readStringById(input, keys); break; case 18: readStringsByIds(input, keys); break; case 24: readStringById(input, values); break; case 26: readStringsByIds(input, values); break; case 34: parseInfo(input, node); break; case 64: lat = toDegrees(input.readSInt64()); break; case 72: lon = toDegrees(input.readSInt64()); break; } } input.endLengthDelimited(inLength); final Point point = OsmConstants.WGS84_2D.point(lat, lon); node.setGeometryValue(point); addTags(node, keys, values); this.currentRecords.add(node); } private void parseOsmElement(final ProtocolBufferInputStream in) throws IOException { final int inLength = in.startLengthDelimited(); boolean running = true; while (running) { final int tag = in.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: running = false; break; case 10: parseNode(in); break; case 18: parseDenseNodes(in); break; case 26: parseWay(in); break; case 34: { parseRelation(in); break; } case 42: { // org.openstreetmap.osmosis.osmbinary.Osmformat.ChangeSet.Builder // subBuilder = // org.openstreetmap.osmosis.osmbinary.Osmformat.ChangeSet.newBuilder(); // input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); // addChangesets(subBuilder.buildPartial()); in.skipField(tag); break; } default: in.skipField(tag); break; } } in.endLengthDelimited(inLength); } private void parseRelation(final ProtocolBufferInputStream input) throws IOException { final OsmRelation relation = new OsmRelation(); final List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(); final List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Long> memberIds = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Integer> memberTypes = new ArrayList<>(); final List<String> memberRoles = new ArrayList<>(); final int inLength = input.startLengthDelimited(); boolean running = true; while (running) { final int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: running = false; break; case 8: final long id = input.readInt64(); relation.setId(id); break; case 16: readStringById(input, keys); break; case 18: readStringsByIds(input, keys); break; case 24: readStringById(input, values); break; case 26: readStringsByIds(input, values); break; case 34: parseInfo(input, relation); break; case 64: readStrings(input, memberRoles); break; case 66: readStringsByIds(input, memberRoles); break; case 72: input.readLong(memberIds); break; case 74: input.readLongs(memberIds); break; case 80: input.readEnum(memberTypes); break; case 82: input.readEnums(memberTypes); break; } } input.endLengthDelimited(inLength); addTags(relation, keys, values); final List<Geometry> parts = new ArrayList<>(); long memberId = 0; for (int i = 0; i < memberIds.size(); i++) { final long memberIdOffset = memberIds.get(i); memberId += memberIdOffset; Geometry geometry = null; final int memberType = memberTypes.get(i); switch (memberType) { case 0: geometry = this.nodePoints.get(memberId); break; case 1: geometry = this.wayGeometries.get(memberId); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown member type " + memberType); } if (geometry != null) { parts.add(geometry); } } if (memberIds.size() == parts.size()) { final Geometry geometry = OsmConstants.WGS84_2D.geometry(parts); if (memberTypes.get(0) == 1 && !Property.hasValue(memberRoles.get(0))) { } relation.setGeometryValue(geometry); this.currentRecords.add(relation); final long relationId = relation.getId(); this.relationGeometries.put(relationId, geometry); } else { this.relations.add(relation); this.relationMemberIds.add(memberIds); this.relationMemberRoles.add(memberRoles); this.relationMemberTypes.add(memberTypes); } } private void parseWay(final ProtocolBufferInputStream input) throws IOException { final OsmWay way = new OsmWay(); final List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(); final List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Long> nodeIds = new ArrayList<>(); final int inLength = input.startLengthDelimited(); boolean running = true; long wayId = 0; while (running) { final int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: running = false; break; case 8: wayId = input.readInt64(); way.setId(wayId); break; case 16: readStringById(input, keys); break; case 18: readStringsByIds(input, keys); break; case 24: readStringById(input, values); break; case 26: readStringsByIds(input, values); break; case 34: parseInfo(input, way); break; case 64: input.readLong(nodeIds); break; case 66: input.readLongs(nodeIds); break; } } input.endLengthDelimited(inLength); addTags(way, keys, values); final List<Point> points = new ArrayList<>(); long nodeId = 0; for (final long nodeIdOffset : nodeIds) { nodeId += nodeIdOffset; final Point point = this.nodePoints.get(nodeId); if (point != null) { points.add(point); } } if (nodeIds.size() == points.size()) { Geometry geometry; if (points.size() == 1) { geometry = points.get(0); } else { geometry = OsmConstants.WGS84_2D.lineString(points); } way.setGeometryValue(geometry); isPolygon(way, geometry); if (way.hasTags()) { this.currentRecords.add(way); } geometry = way.getGeometry(); this.wayGeometries.put(wayId, geometry); } else { this.ways.add(way); this.wayNodeIds.add(nodeIds); } } private void processOsmHeader(final byte[] data) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { // Osmformat.HeaderBlock header = Osmformat.HeaderBlock.parseFrom(data); // // // Build the list of active and unsupported features in the file. // List<String> supportedFeatures = Arrays.asList("OsmSchema-V0.6", // "DenseNodes"); // List<String> activeFeatures = new ArrayList<String>(); // List<String> unsupportedFeatures = new ArrayList<String>(); // for (String feature : header.getRequiredFeaturesList()) { // if (supportedFeatures.contains(feature)) { // activeFeatures.add(feature); // } else { // unsupportedFeatures.add(feature); // } // } // // // We can't continue if there are any unsupported features. We wait // // until now so that we can display all unsupported features instead of // // just the first one we encounter. // if (unsupportedFeatures.size() > 0) { // throw new RuntimeException("PBF file contains unsupported features " + // unsupportedFeatures); // } // // // Build a new bound object which corresponds to the header. // BoundingBox bound; // if (header.hasBbox()) { // HeaderBBox bbox = header.getBbox(); // bound = new BoundingBox(bbox.getRight() * COORDINATE_SCALING_FACTOR, // bbox.getLeft() * COORDINATE_SCALING_FACTOR, // bbox.getTop() * COORDINATE_SCALING_FACTOR, bbox.getBottom() * // COORDINATE_SCALING_FACTOR, // header.getSource()); // } else { // bound = new Bound(header.getSource()); // } // // // Add the bound object to the results. // decodedEntities.add(new BoundContainer(bound)); } public Record processWaysWithMissingNodes() { while (!this.ways.isEmpty()) { final OsmWay way = this.ways.removeFirst(); final List<Long> nodeIds = this.wayNodeIds.removeFirst(); final List<LineString> lines = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Point> points = new ArrayList<>(); long nodeId = 0; for (final Long nodeIdRef : nodeIds) { nodeId += nodeIdRef; final Point point = this.nodePoints.get(nodeId); if (point == null) { if (points.size() > 1) { final LineString line = OsmConstants.WGS84_2D.lineString(points); lines.add(line); } points.clear(); } else { points.add(point); } } if (points.size() > 1) { final LineString line = OsmConstants.WGS84_2D.lineString(points); lines.add(line); } if (!lines.isEmpty()) { final Geometry geometry = OsmConstants.WGS84_2D.geometry(lines); way.setGeometryValue(geometry); final long wayId = way.getId(); this.wayGeometries.put(wayId, geometry); return way; } } throw new NoSuchElementException(); } private byte[] readBlobContent() throws IOException { try { final int blobSize = readBlobHeader(); final byte[] data = new byte[blobSize];; this.blobIn.setBuffer(data); byte[] raw = null; int rawSize = 0; byte[] zlibData = null; boolean running = true; while (running) { final int tag = this.blobIn.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: running = false; break; case 10: raw = this.blobIn.readBytes(); break; case 16: rawSize = this.blobIn.readInt32(); break; case 26: zlibData = this.blobIn.readBytes(); break; case 34: throw new RuntimeException("LZMA not supported"); case 42: throw new RuntimeException("ZIP2 not supported"); default: this.blobIn.skipField(tag); running = false; break; } } if (raw != null) { return raw; } else if (zlibData != null) { final Inflater inflater = new Inflater(); inflater.setInput(zlibData); final byte[] blobData = new byte[rawSize]; try { inflater.inflate(blobData); } catch (final DataFormatException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to decompress PBF blob.", e); } if (!inflater.finished()) { throw new RuntimeException("PBF blob contains incomplete compressed data."); } return blobData; } else { throw new RuntimeException( "PBF blob uses unsupported compression, only raw or zlib may be used."); } } finally { this.blobIn.setInputStream(null); } } private int readBlobHeader() throws IOException { try { final int headerLength =; final byte[] headerBuffer = new byte[headerLength];; this.blobHeaderIn.setBuffer(headerBuffer); this.blobType = null; int blobSize = 0; while (true) { final int tag = this.blobHeaderIn.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: return blobSize; case 10: { this.blobType = this.blobHeaderIn.readString(); break; } case 18: { this.blobHeaderIn.readBytes(); break; } case 24: { blobSize = this.blobHeaderIn.readInt32(); break; } default: this.blobHeaderIn.skipField(tag); break; } } } finally { this.blobHeaderIn.setInputStream(null); } } private void readDegreesById(final ProtocolBufferInputStream in, final List<Double> numbers) throws IOException { final long number = in.readSInt64(); final double degrees = toDegrees(number); numbers.add(degrees); } private void readDegreesByIds(final ProtocolBufferInputStream in, final List<Double> numbers) throws IOException { final int length = in.readRawVarint32(); final int oldLength = in.pushLimit(length); int number = 0; while (in.getBytesUntilLimit() > 0) { final long numberOffset = in.readSInt64(); number += numberOffset; final double degrees = toDegrees(number); numbers.add(degrees); } in.popLimit(oldLength); } private void readStringById(final ProtocolBufferInputStream in, final List<String> strings) throws IOException { final int stringId = in.readUInt32(); final String string = getString(stringId); strings.add(string); } protected void readStrings(final ProtocolBufferInputStream in, final List<String> strings) throws IOException { final int inLength = in.startLengthDelimited(); while (true) { final int tag = in.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: in.endLengthDelimited(inLength); return; case 10: final String string = in.readString(); strings.add(string); break; default: this.blobIn.skipField(tag); break; } } } private void readStringsByIds(final ProtocolBufferInputStream in, final List<String> strings) throws IOException { final int length = in.readRawVarint32(); final int oldLength = in.pushLimit(length); while (in.getBytesUntilLimit() > 0) { final int stringId = in.readUInt32(); final String string = getString(stringId); strings.add(string); } in.popLimit(oldLength); } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }