package com.revolsys.geometry.test.old.algorithm.distance; import com.revolsys.geometry.algorithm.distance.DiscreteHausdorffDistance; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Geometry; import com.revolsys.geometry.test.old.junit.GeometryUtils; import com.revolsys.geometry.wkb.ParseException; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.textui.TestRunner; public class DiscreteHausdorffDistanceTest extends TestCase { private static final double TOLERANCE = 0.00001; public static void main(final String args[]) {; } public DiscreteHausdorffDistanceTest(final String name) { super(name); } private void runTest(final String wkt1, final String wkt2, final double expectedDistance) throws ParseException { final Geometry g1 = GeometryUtils.readWKT(wkt1); final Geometry g2 = GeometryUtils.readWKT(wkt2); final double distance = DiscreteHausdorffDistance.distance(g1, g2); assertEquals(distance, expectedDistance, TOLERANCE); } private void runTest(final String wkt1, final String wkt2, final double densifyFrac, final double expectedDistance) throws ParseException { final Geometry g1 = GeometryUtils.readWKT(wkt1); final Geometry g2 = GeometryUtils.readWKT(wkt2); final double distance = DiscreteHausdorffDistance.distance(g1, g2, densifyFrac); assertEquals(distance, expectedDistance, TOLERANCE); } public void testLinePoints() throws Exception { runTest("LINESTRING (0 0, 2 0)", "MULTIPOINT (0 1, 1 0, 2 1)", 1.0); } public void testLineSegments() throws Exception { runTest("LINESTRING (0 0, 2 1)", "LINESTRING (0 0, 2 0)", 1.0); } public void testLineSegments2() throws Exception { runTest("LINESTRING (0 0, 2 0)", "LINESTRING (0 1, 1 2, 2 1)", 2.0); } /** * Shows effects of limiting HD to vertices * Answer is not true Hausdorff distance. * * @throws Exception */ public void testLinesShowingDiscretenessEffect() throws Exception { runTest("LINESTRING (130 0, 0 0, 0 150)", "LINESTRING (10 10, 10 150, 130 10)", 14.142135623730951); // densifying provides accurate HD runTest("LINESTRING (130 0, 0 0, 0 150)", "LINESTRING (10 10, 10 150, 130 10)", 0.5, 70.0); } }