package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.revolsys.collection.iterator.AbstractIterator; import; import com.revolsys.datatype.DataType; import com.revolsys.datatype.DataTypes; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Geometry; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.GeometryFactory; import; import com.revolsys.record.Record; import com.revolsys.record.RecordFactory; import; import; import com.revolsys.record.schema.FieldDefinition; import com.revolsys.record.schema.RecordDefinition; import com.revolsys.record.schema.RecordDefinitionImpl; import com.revolsys.record.schema.RecordStoreSchema; import com.revolsys.util.Property; public abstract class AbstractRecordReader extends AbstractIterator<Record> implements RecordReader { private String geometryColumnName; private GeometryFactory geometryFactory = GeometryFactory.DEFAULT_3D; private DataType geometryType = DataTypes.GEOMETRY; private boolean hasPointFields; private String pointXFieldName; private String pointYFieldName; private RecordDefinition recordDefinition; private RecordFactory<? extends Record> recordFactory; public AbstractRecordReader(final RecordFactory<? extends Record> recordFactory) { this.recordFactory = recordFactory; } @Override protected void closeDo() { this.recordFactory = null; this.geometryFactory = null; } @Override public GeometryFactory getGeometryFactory() { return this.geometryFactory; } public String getPointXFieldName() { return this.pointXFieldName; } public String getPointYFieldName() { return this.pointYFieldName; } @Override public RecordDefinition getRecordDefinition() { open(); return this.recordDefinition; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <R extends Record> RecordFactory<R> getRecordFactory() { return (RecordFactory<R>)this.recordFactory; } @Override protected void initDo() { this.pointXFieldName = getProperty("pointXFieldName"); this.pointYFieldName = getProperty("pointYFieldName"); this.geometryColumnName = getProperty("geometryColumnName", "GEOMETRY"); this.geometryFactory = GeometryFactory.get(getProperty("geometryFactory")); if (this.geometryFactory == null || this.geometryFactory == GeometryFactory.DEFAULT_3D) { final Integer geometrySrid = Property.getInteger(this, "geometrySrid"); if (geometrySrid == null) { this.geometryFactory = loadGeometryFactory(); } else { this.geometryFactory = GeometryFactory.floating3(geometrySrid); } } if (this.geometryFactory == null) { this.geometryFactory = GeometryFactory.DEFAULT_3D; } final DataType geometryType = DataTypes.getDataType((String)getProperty("geometryType")); if (Geometry.class.isAssignableFrom(geometryType.getJavaClass())) { this.geometryType = geometryType; } } public boolean isHasPointFields() { return this.hasPointFields; } protected GeometryFactory loadGeometryFactory() { return GeometryFactory.DEFAULT_3D; } protected Record newRecord() { return this.recordFactory.newRecord(this.recordDefinition); } protected RecordDefinition newRecordDefinition(final String baseName, final List<String> fieldNames) throws IOException { this.hasPointFields = Property.hasValue(this.pointXFieldName) && Property.hasValue(this.pointYFieldName); if (this.hasPointFields) { this.geometryType = DataTypes.POINT; } else { this.pointXFieldName = null; this.pointYFieldName = null; } final List<FieldDefinition> fields = new ArrayList<>(); FieldDefinition geometryField = null; for (final String fieldName : fieldNames) { if (fieldName != null) { DataType type; int length = 0; boolean isGeometryField = false; if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase(this.geometryColumnName)) { type = this.geometryType; isGeometryField = true; } else if ("GEOMETRY".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) { type = DataTypes.GEOMETRY; isGeometryField = true; } else if ("SHAPE".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) { type = DataTypes.GEOMETRY; isGeometryField = true; } else if ("GEOMETRYCOLLECTION".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "GEOMETRY_COLLECTION".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) { type = DataTypes.GEOMETRY_COLLECTION; isGeometryField = true; } else if ("POINT".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) { type = DataTypes.POINT; isGeometryField = true; } else if ("MULTI_POINT".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "MULTIPOINT".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) { type = DataTypes.MULTI_POINT; isGeometryField = true; } else if ("LINE_STRING".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "LINESTRING".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "LINE".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) { type = DataTypes.LINE_STRING; isGeometryField = true; } else if ("MULTI_LINESTRING".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "MULTILINESTRING".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "MULTILINE".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "MULTI_LINE".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) { type = DataTypes.MULTI_LINE_STRING; isGeometryField = true; } else if ("POLYGON".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) { type = DataTypes.POLYGON; isGeometryField = true; } else if ("MULTI_POLYGON".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "MULTIPOLYGON".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) { type = DataTypes.MULTI_POLYGON; isGeometryField = true; } else { type = DataTypes.STRING; length = 4000; } final FieldDefinition field = new FieldDefinition(fieldName, type, length, false); if (isGeometryField) { geometryField = field; } fields.add(field); } } if (this.hasPointFields) { if (geometryField == null) { geometryField = new FieldDefinition(this.geometryColumnName, this.geometryType, true); fields.add(geometryField); } } if (geometryField != null) { geometryField.setProperty(FieldProperties.GEOMETRY_FACTORY, this.geometryFactory); } final RecordStoreSchema schema = getProperty("schema"); String typePath = getProperty("typePath"); if (!Property.hasValue(typePath)) { typePath = "/" + baseName; String schemaPath = getProperty("schemaPath"); if (Property.hasValue(schemaPath)) { if (!schemaPath.startsWith("/")) { schemaPath = "/" + schemaPath; } typePath = schemaPath + typePath; } } final PathName pathName = PathName.newPathName(typePath); this.recordDefinition = new RecordDefinitionImpl(schema, pathName, getProperties(), fields); return this.recordDefinition; } /** * Parse a record containing an array of String values into a Record with * the strings converted to the objects based on the attribute data type. * * @param values The record. * @return The Record. */ protected Record parseRecord(final List<String> values) { final Record record = this.recordFactory.newRecord(this.recordDefinition); final int valueCount = values.size(); final int fieldCount = this.recordDefinition.getFieldCount(); final int count = Math.min(valueCount, fieldCount); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final String valueString = values.get(i); if (valueString != null) { final DataType dataType = this.recordDefinition.getFieldType(i); final Object convertedValue = dataType.toObject(valueString); record.setValue(i, convertedValue); } } if (this.hasPointFields) { final Double x = Maps.getDouble(record, this.pointXFieldName); final Double y = Maps.getDouble(record, this.pointYFieldName); if (x != null && y != null) { final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = getGeometryFactory(); final Geometry geometry = geometryFactory.point(x, y); record.setGeometryValue(geometry); } } return record; } public void setGeometryColumnName(final String geometryColumnName) { this.geometryColumnName = geometryColumnName; } public void setGeometryFactory(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory) { this.geometryFactory = geometryFactory; } public void setPointXFieldName(final String pointXFieldName) { this.pointXFieldName = pointXFieldName; } public void setPointYFieldName(final String pointYFieldName) { this.pointYFieldName = pointYFieldName; } protected void setRecordDefinition(final RecordDefinition recordDefinition) { this.recordDefinition = recordDefinition; } }