package; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import java.lang.ref.Reference; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.measure.Measurable; import javax.measure.Measure; import javax.measure.quantity.Length; import javax.measure.quantity.Quantity; import javax.measure.unit.NonSI; import javax.measure.unit.SI; import javax.measure.unit.Unit; import com.revolsys.awt.CloseableAffineTransform; import com.revolsys.beans.PropertyChangeSupportProxy; import com.revolsys.datatype.DataType; import com.revolsys.geometry.cs.CoordinateSystem; import com.revolsys.geometry.cs.GeographicCoordinateSystem; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.BoundingBox; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Geometry; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.GeometryFactory; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.GeometryFactoryProxy; import com.revolsys.geometry.model.Point; import; import com.revolsys.record.Record; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.revolsys.util.Property; public class Viewport2D implements GeometryFactoryProxy, PropertyChangeSupportProxy { public static final Geometry EMPTY_GEOMETRY = GeometryFactory.DEFAULT_3D.geometry(); private static final int HOTSPOT_PIXELS = 10; public static double getScale(final Measurable<Length> viewWidth, final Measurable<Length> modelWidth) { final double width1 = viewWidth.doubleValue(SI.METRE); final double width2 = modelWidth.doubleValue(SI.METRE); if (width1 == 0 || width2 == 0) { return Double.NaN; } else { final double scale = width2 / width1; return scale; } } public static AffineTransform newScreenToModelTransform(final BoundingBox boundingBox, final double viewWidth, final double viewHeight) { final AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform(); final double mapWidth = boundingBox.getWidth(); final double mapHeight = boundingBox.getHeight(); final double xUnitsPerPixel = mapWidth / viewWidth; final double yUnitsPerPixel = mapHeight / viewHeight; final double originX = boundingBox.getMinX(); final double originY = boundingBox.getMaxY(); transform.concatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(originX, originY)); transform.concatenate(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(xUnitsPerPixel, -yUnitsPerPixel)); return transform; } public static BaseCloseable setUseModelCoordinates(final Viewport2D viewport, final Graphics2D graphics, final boolean useModelCoordinates) { if (viewport != null) { return viewport.setUseModelCoordinates(graphics, useModelCoordinates); } return null; } public static double toDisplayValue(final Viewport2D viewport, final Measure<Length> measure) { if (viewport == null) { return measure.getValue().doubleValue(); } else { return viewport.toDisplayValue(measure); } } public static double toModelValue(final Viewport2D viewport, final Measure<Length> measure) { if (viewport == null) { return measure.getValue().doubleValue(); } else { return viewport.toModelValue(measure); } } public static void translateModelToViewCoordinates(final Viewport2D viewport, final Graphics2D graphics, final double modelX, final double modelY) { if (viewport != null) { final double[] viewCoordinates = viewport.toViewCoordinates(modelX, modelY); final double viewX = viewCoordinates[0]; final double viewY = viewCoordinates[1]; graphics.translate(viewX, viewY); } } /** The current bounding box of the project. */ private BoundingBox boundingBox = BoundingBox.empty(); private GeometryFactory geometryFactory = GeometryFactory.floating3(3857); private GeometryFactory geometryFactory2d = GeometryFactory.floating(3857, 2); private boolean initialized = false; private AffineTransform modelToScreenTransform; private double originX; private double originY; private double pixelsPerXUnit; private double pixelsPerYUnit; private Reference<Project> project; /** The property change listener support. */ private final PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); private double scale; private List<Long> scales = new ArrayList<>(); private AffineTransform screenToModelTransform; private double unitsPerPixel; private int viewHeight; private int viewWidth; private double hotspotMapUnits = 6; public Viewport2D() { } public Viewport2D(final Project project) { this(project, 0, 0, project.getViewBoundingBox()); } public Viewport2D(final Project project, final int width, final int height, BoundingBox boundingBox) { this.project = new WeakReference<>(project); this.viewWidth = width; this.viewHeight = height; GeometryFactory geometryFactory; if (boundingBox == null) { geometryFactory = GeometryFactory.worldMercator(); final CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem = geometryFactory.getCoordinateSystem(); boundingBox = coordinateSystem.getAreaBoundingBox(); } else { geometryFactory = boundingBox.getGeometryFactory(); if (!geometryFactory.isHasCoordinateSystem()) { geometryFactory = GeometryFactory.worldMercator(); } if (boundingBox.isEmpty()) { final CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem = geometryFactory.getCoordinateSystem(); if (coordinateSystem != null) { boundingBox = coordinateSystem.getAreaBoundingBox(); } } } setGeometryFactory(geometryFactory); setBoundingBox(boundingBox); } public void drawGeometry(final Geometry geometry, final GeometryStyle style) { final Graphics2D graphics = getGraphics(); graphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); GeometryStyleRenderer.renderGeometry(this, graphics, geometry, style); } public void drawGeometryOutline(final Geometry geometry, final GeometryStyle style) { final Graphics2D graphics = getGraphics(); graphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); GeometryStyleRenderer.renderGeometryOutline(this, graphics, geometry, style); } public void drawText(final Record record, final Geometry geometry, final TextStyle style) { final Graphics2D graphics = getGraphics(); if (graphics != null) { TextStyleRenderer.renderText(this, graphics, record, geometry, style); } } public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() { return this.boundingBox; } public BoundingBox getBoundingBox(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final int pixels) { final int x = MouseOverlay.getEventX(); final int y = MouseOverlay.getEventY(); return getBoundingBox(geometryFactory, x, y, pixels); } public BoundingBox getBoundingBox(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final int x, final int y, final int pixels) { final Point p1 = toModelPoint(geometryFactory, x - pixels, y - pixels); final Point p2 = toModelPoint(geometryFactory, x + pixels, y + pixels); final BoundingBox boundingBox = geometryFactory.newBoundingBox(p1.getX(), p1.getY(), p2.getX(), p2.getY()); return boundingBox; } public BoundingBox getBoundingBox(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final MouseEvent event, final int pixels) { final int x = event.getX(); final int y = event.getY(); return getBoundingBox(geometryFactory, x, y, pixels); } public Geometry getGeometry(final Geometry geometry) { final BoundingBox viewExtent = getBoundingBox(); if (Property.hasValue(geometry)) { if (!viewExtent.isEmpty()) { final BoundingBox geometryExtent = geometry.getBoundingBox(); if (geometryExtent.intersects(viewExtent)) { final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = getGeometryFactory2dFloating(); return geometryFactory.geometry(geometry); } } } return EMPTY_GEOMETRY; } /** * Get the coordinate system the project is displayed in. * * @return The coordinate system the project is displayed in. */ @Override public GeometryFactory getGeometryFactory() { return this.geometryFactory; } public GeometryFactory getGeometryFactory2dFloating() { return this.geometryFactory2d; } @Deprecated public Graphics2D getGraphics() { return null; } public double getHotspotMapUnits() { return this.hotspotMapUnits; } public double getModelHeight() { final double height = getBoundingBox().getHeight(); return height; } public Measurable<Length> getModelHeightLength() { return getBoundingBox().getHeightLength(); } public AffineTransform getModelToScreenTransform() { return this.modelToScreenTransform; } public double getModelUnitsPerViewUnit() { return getModelHeight() / getViewHeightPixels(); } public double getModelWidth() { final double width = getBoundingBox().getWidth(); return width; } public Measurable<Length> getModelWidthLength() { return getBoundingBox().getWidthLength(); } public double getOriginX() { return this.originX; } public double getOriginY() { return this.originY; } public double getPixelsPerXUnit() { return this.pixelsPerXUnit; } public double getPixelsPerYUnit() { return this.pixelsPerYUnit; } protected double getPixelsPerYUnit(final double viewHeight, final double mapHeight) { return -viewHeight / mapHeight; } public Project getProject() { if (this.project == null) { return null; } else { return this.project.get(); } } /** * Get the property change support, used to fire property change * notifications. Returns null if no listeners are registered. * * @return The property change support. */ @Override public PropertyChangeSupport getPropertyChangeSupport() { return this.propertyChangeSupport; } public <V extends Geometry> V getRoundedGeometry(final V geometry) { if (geometry == null) { return null; } else { final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = geometry.getGeometryFactory(); final GeometryFactory roundedGeometryFactory = getRoundedGeometryFactory(geometryFactory); if (geometryFactory == roundedGeometryFactory) { return geometry; } else { return (V)geometry.newGeometry(geometryFactory); } } } public GeometryFactory getRoundedGeometryFactory(GeometryFactory geometryFactory) { if (geometryFactory.isProjected()) { final double resolution = getUnitsPerPixel(); if (resolution > 2) { geometryFactory = geometryFactory.convertScales(1.0, 1.0); } else { geometryFactory = geometryFactory.convertScales(1000.0, 1000.0); } } return geometryFactory; } public double getScale() { return this.scale; } public double getScaleForUnitsPerPixel(final double unitsPerPixel) { return unitsPerPixel * getScreenResolution() / 0.0254; } /** * Get the scale which dictates if a layer or renderer is visible. This is used when printing * to ensure the same layers and renderers are used for printing as is shown on the screen. * * @return */ public double getScaleForVisible() { return getScale(); } public List<Long> getScales() { return this.scales; } public int getScreenResolution() { final Toolkit defaultToolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); final int screenResolution = defaultToolkit.getScreenResolution(); return 96; } public AffineTransform getScreenToModelTransform() { return this.screenToModelTransform; } public Unit<Length> getScreenUnit() { final int screenResolution = getScreenResolution(); return NonSI.INCH.divide(screenResolution); } public double getUnitsPerPixel() { return this.unitsPerPixel; } public double getUnitsPerPixel(final double scale) { return scale * 0.0254 / getScreenResolution(); } public double getViewAspectRatio() { final int viewWidthPixels = getViewWidthPixels(); final int viewHeightPixels = getViewHeightPixels(); if (viewHeightPixels == 0) { return 0; } else { return (double)viewWidthPixels / viewHeightPixels; } } public Measurable<Length> getViewHeightLength() { double width = getViewHeightPixels(); if (width < 0) { width = 0; } return Measure.valueOf(width, getScreenUnit()); } public int getViewHeightPixels() { return this.viewHeight; } public <Q extends Quantity> Unit<Q> getViewToModelUnit(final Unit<Q> modelUnit) { final double viewWidth = getViewWidthPixels(); final double modelWidth = getModelWidth(); return modelUnit.times(modelWidth).divide(viewWidth); } public Measurable<Length> getViewWidthLength() { double width = getViewWidthPixels(); if (width < 0) { width = 0; } return Measure.valueOf(width, getScreenUnit()); } public int getViewWidthPixels() { return this.viewWidth; } public double getZoomOutScale(final double scale) { final long scaleCeil = (long)Math.floor(scale); final List<Long> scales = new ArrayList<>(this.scales); Collections.reverse(scales); for (final double nextScale : scales) { final long newScale = (long)Math.floor(nextScale); if (newScale >= scaleCeil) { return nextScale; } } return scales.get(0); } public boolean isHidden(final AbstractRecordLayer layer, final LayerRecord record) { return layer.isHidden(record); } public boolean isInitialized() { return this.initialized; } public AffineTransform newModelToScreenTransform(final BoundingBox boundingBox, final double viewWidth, final double viewHeight) { final AffineTransform modelToScreenTransform = new AffineTransform(); final double mapWidth = boundingBox.getWidth(); this.pixelsPerXUnit = viewWidth / mapWidth; this.hotspotMapUnits = HOTSPOT_PIXELS / this.pixelsPerXUnit; final double mapHeight = boundingBox.getHeight(); this.pixelsPerYUnit = getPixelsPerYUnit(viewHeight, mapHeight); this.originX = boundingBox.getMinX(); this.originY = boundingBox.getMaxY(); modelToScreenTransform .concatenate(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(this.pixelsPerXUnit, this.pixelsPerYUnit)); modelToScreenTransform .concatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(-this.originX, -this.originY)); return modelToScreenTransform; } public void render(final Layer layer) { if (layer != null && layer.isExists() && layer.isVisible()) { final LayerRenderer<Layer> renderer = layer.getRenderer(); if (renderer != null) { renderer.render(this); } } } public BoundingBox setBoundingBox(BoundingBox boundingBox) { if (boundingBox != null && !boundingBox.isEmpty()) { double unitsPerPixel = 0; final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = getGeometryFactory2dFloating(); boundingBox = boundingBox.convert(geometryFactory); if (!boundingBox.isEmpty()) { BoundingBox newBoundingBox = boundingBox; final int viewWidthPixels = getViewWidthPixels(); final int viewHeightPixels = getViewHeightPixels(); if (viewWidthPixels > 0) { final double viewAspectRatio = getViewAspectRatio(); final double aspectRatio = newBoundingBox.getAspectRatio(); if (viewAspectRatio != aspectRatio) { if (aspectRatio < viewAspectRatio) { final double width = newBoundingBox.getWidth(); final double height = newBoundingBox.getHeight(); final double newWidth = height * viewAspectRatio; final double expandX = (newWidth - width) / 2; newBoundingBox = newBoundingBox.expand(expandX, 0); } else if (aspectRatio > viewAspectRatio) { final double width = newBoundingBox.getWidth(); final double height = newBoundingBox.getHeight(); final double newHeight = width / viewAspectRatio; final double expandY = (newHeight - height) / 2; newBoundingBox = newBoundingBox.expand(0, expandY); } } final Measurable<Length> viewWidthLength = getViewWidthLength(); final Measurable<Length> modelWidthLength = newBoundingBox.getWidthLength(); unitsPerPixel = modelWidthLength.doubleValue(SI.METRE) / viewWidthPixels; double scale = getScale(viewWidthLength, modelWidthLength); if (!this.scales.isEmpty() && viewWidthPixels > 0 && viewHeightPixels > 0) { final double minScale = this.scales.get(this.scales.size() - 1); final double maxScale = this.scales.get(0); if (scale < minScale) { scale = minScale; return setBoundingBox(newBoundingBox, scale); } else if (scale > maxScale) { scale = maxScale; return setBoundingBox(newBoundingBox, scale); } else { // scale = getZoomOutScale(scale); } } } setBoundingBoxDo(newBoundingBox, unitsPerPixel); } } return getBoundingBox(); } private BoundingBox setBoundingBox(final BoundingBox boundingBox, final double scale) { final Point centre = boundingBox.getCentre(); return setCentre(centre, scale); } public void setBoundingBoxAndGeometryFactory(final BoundingBox boundingBox) { final GeometryFactory oldGeometryFactory = this.geometryFactory; final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = boundingBox.getGeometryFactory(); setBoundingBox(boundingBox); if (setGeometryFactoryDo(geometryFactory)) { this.propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("geometryFactory", oldGeometryFactory, this.geometryFactory); } } private void setBoundingBoxDo(final BoundingBox boundingBox, final double unitsPerPixel) { final double oldScale = getScale(); final BoundingBox oldBoundingBox = this.boundingBox; synchronized (this) { final int viewWidthPixels = getViewWidthPixels(); final int viewHeightPixels = getViewHeightPixels(); final Measurable<Length> viewWidthLength = getViewWidthLength(); final Measurable<Length> modelWidthLength = boundingBox.getWidthLength(); if (Double.isInfinite(unitsPerPixel) || Double.isNaN(unitsPerPixel)) { this.unitsPerPixel = 0; setModelToScreenTransform(null); this.screenToModelTransform = null; this.scale = 0; } else { this.unitsPerPixel = unitsPerPixel; setModelToScreenTransform( newModelToScreenTransform(boundingBox, viewWidthPixels, viewHeightPixels)); this.screenToModelTransform = newScreenToModelTransform(boundingBox, viewWidthPixels, viewHeightPixels); this.scale = getScale(viewWidthLength, modelWidthLength); } setBoundingBoxInternal(boundingBox); } this.propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("boundingBox", oldBoundingBox, boundingBox); if (this.scale > 0) { this.propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("scale", oldScale, this.scale); } } protected void setBoundingBoxInternal(final BoundingBox boundingBox) { this.boundingBox = boundingBox; } public void setCentre(Point centre) { if (centre != null) { final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = getGeometryFactory(); centre = centre.convertGeometry(geometryFactory, 2); if (!centre.isEmpty()) { final double scale = getScale(); setCentre(centre, scale); } } } private BoundingBox setCentre(final Point centre, final double scale) { final double unitsPerPixel = getUnitsPerPixel(scale); final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = getGeometryFactory(); final int viewWidthPixels = getViewWidthPixels(); final double viewWidth = viewWidthPixels * unitsPerPixel; final int viewHeightPixels = getViewHeightPixels(); final double viewHeight = viewHeightPixels * unitsPerPixel; final GeometryFactory precisionModel = GeometryFactory.fixedNoSrid(1 / unitsPerPixel, 1 / unitsPerPixel); final double centreX = precisionModel.makeXyPrecise(centre.getX()); final double centreY = precisionModel.makeXyPrecise(centre.getY()); double leftOffset = precisionModel.makeXyPrecise(viewWidth / 2); if (viewWidthPixels % 2 == 1) { leftOffset -= unitsPerPixel; } final double rightOffset = precisionModel.makeXyPrecise(viewWidth / 2); final double topOffset = precisionModel.makeXyPrecise(viewHeight / 2); double bottomOffset = precisionModel.makeXyPrecise(viewHeight / 2); if (viewHeightPixels % 2 == 1) { bottomOffset -= unitsPerPixel; } final double x1 = centreX - leftOffset; final double y1 = centreY - bottomOffset; final double x2 = centreX + rightOffset; final double y2 = centreY + topOffset; final BoundingBox newBoundingBox = geometryFactory.newBoundingBox(x1, y1, x2, y2); setBoundingBoxDo(newBoundingBox, unitsPerPixel); return newBoundingBox; } /** * Set the coordinate system the project is displayed in. * * @param coordinateSystem The coordinate system the project is displayed in. */ public void setGeometryFactory(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory) { final GeometryFactory oldGeometryFactory = this.geometryFactory; if (setGeometryFactoryDo(geometryFactory)) { this.propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("geometryFactory", oldGeometryFactory, geometryFactory); } } protected boolean setGeometryFactoryDo(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory) { final GeometryFactory oldGeometryFactory = this.geometryFactory; if (DataType.equal(oldGeometryFactory, geometryFactory)) { return false; } else { if (geometryFactory == null) { this.geometryFactory = GeometryFactory.DEFAULT_3D; this.geometryFactory2d = null; } else { this.geometryFactory = geometryFactory; } this.geometryFactory2d = this.geometryFactory.to2dFloating(); return true; } } public void setInitialized(final boolean initialized) { this.initialized = initialized; } protected void setModelToScreenTransform(final AffineTransform modelToScreenTransform) { this.modelToScreenTransform = modelToScreenTransform; } public void setScale(final double scale) { final double oldValue = getScale(); if (scale > 0 && Math.abs(oldValue - scale) > 0.0001) { setBoundingBox(getBoundingBox(), scale); this.propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("scale", oldValue, scale); } } public void setScales(final List<Long> scales) { this.scales = scales; } public BaseCloseable setUseModelCoordinates(final boolean useModelCoordinates) { return null; } public BaseCloseable setUseModelCoordinates(final Graphics2D graphics, final boolean useModelCoordinates) { if (useModelCoordinates) { final CloseableAffineTransform transform = new CloseableAffineTransform(graphics); final AffineTransform modelToScreenTransform = getModelToScreenTransform(); transform.concatenate(modelToScreenTransform); return transform; } return null; } protected void setViewHeight(final int height) { this.viewHeight = height; } protected void setViewWidth(final int width) { this.viewWidth = width; } public double toDisplayValue(final Measure<Length> value) { double convertedValue; final Unit<Length> unit = value.getUnit(); if (unit.equals(NonSI.PIXEL)) { convertedValue = value.doubleValue(NonSI.PIXEL); } else { convertedValue = value.doubleValue(SI.METRE); final CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem = this.geometryFactory2d.getCoordinateSystem(); if (coordinateSystem instanceof GeographicCoordinateSystem) { final GeographicCoordinateSystem geoCs = (GeographicCoordinateSystem)coordinateSystem; final double radius = geoCs.getDatum().getSpheroid().getSemiMajorAxis(); convertedValue = Math.toDegrees(convertedValue / radius); } final double modelUnitsPerViewUnit = getModelUnitsPerViewUnit(); convertedValue = convertedValue / modelUnitsPerViewUnit; } return convertedValue; } public double[] toModelCoordinates(final double... viewCoordinates) { final AffineTransform transform = getScreenToModelTransform(); if (transform == null) { return viewCoordinates; } else { final double[] coordinates = new double[2]; transform.transform(viewCoordinates, 0, coordinates, 0, 1); return coordinates; } } public Point toModelPoint(final double... viewCoordinates) { if (this.geometryFactory2d == null) { return GeometryFactory.DEFAULT_2D.point(); } else { final double[] coordinates = toModelCoordinates(viewCoordinates); return this.geometryFactory2d.point(coordinates[0], coordinates[1]); } } public Point toModelPoint(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final double... viewCoordinates) { final double[] coordinates = toModelCoordinates(viewCoordinates); if (Double.isInfinite(coordinates[0]) || Double.isInfinite(coordinates[1]) || Double.isNaN(coordinates[0]) || Double.isNaN(coordinates[1])) { return geometryFactory.point(); } else { final Point point = this.geometryFactory2d.point(coordinates[0], coordinates[1]); return point.newGeometry(geometryFactory); } } public Point toModelPoint(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final java.awt.Point point) { final double x = point.getX(); final double y = point.getY(); return toModelPoint(geometryFactory, x, y); } public Point toModelPoint(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final MouseEvent event) { final java.awt.Point eventPoint = event.getPoint(); return toModelPoint(geometryFactory, eventPoint); } public Point toModelPoint(final int x, final int y) { final AffineTransform transform = getScreenToModelTransform(); if (transform == null) { return this.geometryFactory2d.point(x, y); } else { final double[] coordinates = new double[] { x, y }; transform.transform(coordinates, 0, coordinates, 0, 1); return this.geometryFactory2d.point(coordinates); } } public Point toModelPoint(final java.awt.Point point) { final double x = point.getX(); final double y = point.getY(); return toModelPoint(x, y); } public Point toModelPointRounded(GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final int x, final int y) { geometryFactory = getRoundedGeometryFactory(geometryFactory); return toModelPoint(geometryFactory, x, y); } public double toModelValue(final Measure<Length> value) { double convertedValue; final Unit<Length> unit = value.getUnit(); if (unit.equals(NonSI.PIXEL)) { convertedValue = value.doubleValue(NonSI.PIXEL); final double modelUnitsPerViewUnit = getModelUnitsPerViewUnit(); convertedValue *= modelUnitsPerViewUnit; } else { convertedValue = value.doubleValue(SI.METRE); final CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem = this.geometryFactory2d.getCoordinateSystem(); if (coordinateSystem instanceof GeographicCoordinateSystem) { final GeographicCoordinateSystem geoCs = (GeographicCoordinateSystem)coordinateSystem; final double radius = geoCs.getDatum().getSpheroid().getSemiMajorAxis(); convertedValue = Math.toDegrees(convertedValue / radius); } } return convertedValue; } public double[] toViewCoordinates(final double... modelCoordinates) { final double[] ordinates = new double[2]; final AffineTransform transform = getModelToScreenTransform(); if (transform == null) { return modelCoordinates; } else { transform.transform(modelCoordinates, 0, ordinates, 0, 1); return ordinates; } } public Point2D toViewPoint(final double x, final double y) { final double[] coordinates = toViewCoordinates(x, y); final double viewX = coordinates[0]; final double viewY = coordinates[1]; return new Point2D.Double(viewX, viewY); } public Point2D toViewPoint(Point point) { point = this.geometryFactory2d.project(point); final double x = point.getX(); final double y = point.getY(); return toViewPoint(x, y); } public void update() { } }