package com.revolsys.gis.grid; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Nts125000RectangularMapGrid extends Nts250000RectangularMapGrid { private static final Pattern NAME_PATTERN = Pattern .compile("^" + NtsConstants.REGEX_125000 + ".*"); public Nts125000RectangularMapGrid() { super(NtsConstants.WIDTH_125000, NtsConstants.HEIGHT_125000); setName("NTS 1:125 000"); } @Override public String getFormattedMapTileName(final String name) { final int length = name.length(); return (name.substring(0, length - 2) + "/" + name.substring(length - 2)).toUpperCase(); } @Override public double getLatitude(final String mapTileName) { final Matcher matcher = NAME_PATTERN.matcher(mapTileName); if (matcher.matches()) { final String name =; final int block = Integer.parseInt(name); double latitude = getLatitude(block); final String letter =; final int letterRow = GridUtil.getLetter16Row(letter.charAt(0)); latitude += letterRow * NtsConstants.HEIGHT_250000; final String northSouth =; if (northSouth.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) { latitude += NtsConstants.HEIGHT_125000; } return latitude; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( mapTileName + " does not start with a valid NTS 1:125,000 tile name"); } } @Override public double getLongitude(final String mapTileName) { final Matcher matcher = NAME_PATTERN.matcher(mapTileName); if (matcher.matches()) { final String name =; final int block = Integer.parseInt(name); double longitude = getLongitude(block); final String letter =; final int letterCol = GridUtil.getLetter16Col(letter.charAt(0)); longitude -= letterCol * NtsConstants.WIDTH_250000; final String eastWest =; if (eastWest.equalsIgnoreCase("W")) { longitude -= NtsConstants.WIDTH_125000; } return longitude; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( mapTileName + " does not start with a valid NTS 1:125,000 tile name"); } } @Override public String getMapTileName(final double x, final double y) { final String letterBlock = super.getMapTileName(x, y); String northSouth; final double yInSheet = Math.abs(92 + y) % NtsConstants.HEIGHT_250000; if (yInSheet < NtsConstants.HEIGHT_125000) { northSouth = "s"; } else { northSouth = "n"; } String eastWest; final double xInSheet = Math.abs(184 + x) % NtsConstants.WIDTH_250000; if (xInSheet < NtsConstants.WIDTH_125000) { eastWest = "e"; } else { eastWest = "w"; } return letterBlock + "/" + northSouth + "." + eastWest + "."; } }