package; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; /** * A utility to perform the Scale3x algorithm on a Java Image * * @author Kevin Glass */ public class ImageScale3x { /** The src data from the image */ private int[] srcData; /** The width of the image */ private int width; /** The height of the image */ private int height; /** * Create a new scaler that will scale the passed image * * @param srcImage The image to be scaled */ public ImageScale3x(BufferedImage srcImage) { width = srcImage.getWidth(); height = srcImage.getHeight(); srcData = new int[width*height]; srcImage.getRGB(0,0,width,height,srcData,0,width); } /** * Retrieve the scaled image. Note this is the method that actually * does the work so it may take some time to return * * @return The newly scaled image */ public BufferedImage getScaledImage() { RawScale3x scaler = new RawScale3x(srcData,width,height); BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width*3,height*3,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); image.setRGB(0,0,width*3,height*3,scaler.getScaledData(),0,width*3); return image; } /** * An entry point and a bit of test code * * @param argv The arguments passed in to the test code */ public static void main(String argv[]) { String srcFile = "randam_orig.png"; try { System.out.println("Reading: "+srcFile); BufferedImage src = File(srcFile)); ImageScale3x scaler = new ImageScale3x(src); BufferedImage out = scaler.getScaledImage(); String outFile = srcFile.substring(0,srcFile.length()-4); outFile += "3x"; outFile += ".png"; System.out.println("Writing: "+outFile); ImageIO.write(out,"PNG",new File(outFile)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }