package org.newdawn.slick.geom; /** * Implemenation of a bunch of maths functions to do with lines. Note * that lines can't be used as dynamic shapes right now - also collision * with the end of a line is undefined. * * @author Kevin Glass */ public class Line extends Shape { /** The start point of the line */ private Vector2f start; /** The end point of the line */ private Vector2f end; /** The vector between the two points */ private Vector2f vec; /** The length of the line squared */ private float lenSquared; /** Temporary storage - declared globally to reduce GC */ private Vector2f loc = new Vector2f(0,0); /** Temporary storage - declared globally to reduce GC */ private Vector2f v = new Vector2f(0,0); /** Temporary storage - declared globally to reduce GC */ private Vector2f v2 = new Vector2f(0,0); /** Temporary storage - declared globally to reduce GC */ private Vector2f proj = new Vector2f(0,0); /** Temporary storage - declared globally to reduce GC */ private Vector2f closest = new Vector2f(0,0); /** Temporary storage - declared globally to reduce GC */ private Vector2f other = new Vector2f(0,0); /** True if this line blocks on the outer edge */ private boolean outerEdge = true; /** True if this line blocks on the inner edge */ private boolean innerEdge = true; /** * Create a new line based on the origin and a single point * * @param x The end point of the line * @param y The end point of the line * @param inner True if this line blocks on it's inner edge * @param outer True if this line blocks on it's outer edge */ public Line(float x, float y, boolean inner, boolean outer) { this(0,0,x,y); } /** * Create a new line based on the origin and a single point * * @param x The end point of the line * @param y The end point of the line */ public Line(float x, float y) { this(x,y,true,true); } /** * Create a new line based on two points * * @param x1 The x coordinate of the start point * @param y1 The y coordinate of the start point * @param x2 The x coordinate of the end point * @param y2 The y coordinate of the end point */ public Line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { this(new Vector2f(x1,y1), new Vector2f(x2,y2)); } /** * Create a line with relative second point * * @param x1 The x coordinate of the start point * @param y1 The y coordinate of the start point * @param dx The x change to get to the second point * @param dy The y change to get to the second point * @param dummy A dummy value */ public Line(float x1, float y1, float dx, float dy, boolean dummy) { this(new Vector2f(x1,y1), new Vector2f(x1+dx,y1+dy)); } /** * Create a new line based on two points * * @param start The start point * @param end The end point */ public Line(Vector2f start, Vector2f end) { super(); set(start,end); } /** * Get the start point of the line * * @return The start point of the line */ public Vector2f getStart() { return start; } /** * Get the end point of the line * * @return The end point of the line */ public Vector2f getEnd() { return end; } /** * Find the length of the line * * @return The the length of the line */ public float length() { return vec.length(); } /** * Find the length of the line squared (cheaper and good for comparisons) * * @return The length of the line squared */ public float lengthSquared() { return vec.lengthSquared(); } /** * Configure the line * * @param start The start point of the line * @param end The end point of the line */ public void set(Vector2f start, Vector2f end) { super.pointsDirty = true; if (this.start == null) { this.start = new Vector2f(); } this.start.set(start); if (this.end == null) { this.end = new Vector2f(); } this.end.set(end);; vec = new Vector2f(end); vec.sub(start); lenSquared = vec.lengthSquared(); } /** * Configure the line without garbage * * @param sx The x coordinate of the start * @param sy The y coordinate of the start * @param ex The x coordiante of the end * @param ey The y coordinate of the end */ public void set(float sx, float sy, float ex, float ey) { super.pointsDirty = true; start.set(sx, sy); end.set(ex,ey); float dx = (ex-sx); float dy = (ey-sy); lenSquared = (dx*dx)+(dy*dy); } /** * Get the x direction of this line * * @return The x direction of this line */ public float getDX() { return end.getX() - start.getX(); } /** * Get the y direction of this line * * @return The y direction of this line */ public float getDY() { return end.getY() - start.getY(); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.geom.Shape#getX() */ public float getX() { return getX1(); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.geom.Shape#getY() */ public float getY() { return getY1(); } /** * Get the x coordinate of the start point * * @return The x coordinate of the start point */ public float getX1() { return start.getX(); } /** * Get the y coordinate of the start point * * @return The y coordinate of the start point */ public float getY1() { return start.getY(); } /** * Get the x coordinate of the end point * * @return The x coordinate of the end point */ public float getX2() { return end.getX(); } /** * Get the y coordinate of the end point * * @return The y coordinate of the end point */ public float getY2() { return end.getY(); } /** * Get the shortest distance from a point to this line * * @param point The point from which we want the distance * @return The distance from the line to the point */ public float distance(Vector2f point) { return (float) Math.sqrt(distanceSquared(point)); } /** * Check if the given point is on the line * * @param point The point to check * @return True if the point is on this line */ public boolean on(Vector2f point) { getClosestPoint(point, closest); return point.equals(closest); } /** * Get the shortest distance squared from a point to this line * * @param point The point from which we want the distance * @return The distance squared from the line to the point */ public float distanceSquared(Vector2f point) { getClosestPoint(point, closest); closest.sub(point); float result = closest.lengthSquared(); return result; } /** * Get the closest point on the line to a given point * * @param point The point which we want to project * @param result The point on the line closest to the given point */ public void getClosestPoint(Vector2f point, Vector2f result) { loc.set(point); loc.sub(start); float projDistance =; projDistance /= vec.lengthSquared(); if (projDistance < 0) { result.set(start); return; } if (projDistance > 1) { result.set(end); return; } result.x = start.getX() + projDistance * vec.getX(); result.y = start.getY() + projDistance * vec.getY(); } /** * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { return "[Line "+start+","+end+"]"; } /** * Intersect this line with another * * @param other The other line we should intersect with * @return The intersection point or null if the lines are parallel */ public Vector2f intersect(Line other) { return intersect(other, false); } /** * Intersect this line with another * * @param other The other line we should intersect with * @param limit True if the collision is limited to the extent of the lines * @return The intersection point or null if the lines don't intersect */ public Vector2f intersect(Line other, boolean limit) { Vector2f temp = new Vector2f(); if (!intersect(other, limit, temp)) { return null; } return temp; } /** * Intersect this line with another * * @param other The other line we should intersect with * @param limit True if the collision is limited to the extent of the lines * @param result The resulting intersection point if any * @return True if the lines intersect */ public boolean intersect(Line other, boolean limit, Vector2f result) { float dx1 = end.getX() - start.getX(); float dx2 = other.end.getX() - other.start.getX(); float dy1 = end.getY() - start.getY(); float dy2 = other.end.getY() - other.start.getY(); float denom = (dy2 * dx1) - (dx2 * dy1); if (denom == 0) { return false; } float ua = (dx2 * (start.getY() - other.start.getY())) - (dy2 * (start.getX() - other.start.getX())); ua /= denom; float ub = (dx1 * (start.getY() - other.start.getY())) - (dy1 * (start.getX() - other.start.getX())); ub /= denom; if ((limit) && ((ua < 0) || (ua > 1) || (ub < 0) || (ub > 1))) { return false; } float u = ua; float ix = start.getX() + (u * (end.getX() - start.getX())); float iy = start.getY() + (u * (end.getY() - start.getY())); result.set(ix,iy); return true; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.geom.Shape#createPoints() */ protected void createPoints() { points = new float[4]; points[0] = getX1(); points[1] = getY1(); points[2] = getX2(); points[3] = getY2(); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.geom.Shape#transform(org.newdawn.slick.geom.Transform) */ public Shape transform(Transform transform) { float[] temp = new float[4]; createPoints(); transform.transform(points, 0, temp, 0, 2); return new Line(temp[0],temp[1],temp[2],temp[3]); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.geom.Shape#closed() */ public boolean closed() { return false; } }