package org.newdawn.slick.openal; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; import org.lwjgl.Sys; import org.lwjgl.openal.AL; import org.lwjgl.openal.AL10; import org.lwjgl.openal.OpenALException; import org.newdawn.slick.util.Log; import org.newdawn.slick.util.ResourceLoader; /** * Responsible for holding and playing the sounds used in the game. * * @author Kevin Glass * @author Rockstar setVolume cleanup */ public class SoundStore { /** The single instance of this class */ private static SoundStore store = new SoundStore(); /** True if sound effects are turned on */ private boolean sounds; /** True if music is turned on */ private boolean music; /** True if sound initialisation succeeded */ private boolean soundWorks; /** The number of sound sources enabled - default 8 */ private int sourceCount; /** The map of references to IDs of previously loaded sounds */ private HashMap loaded = new HashMap(); /** The ID of the buffer containing the music currently being played */ private int currentMusic = -1; /** The OpenGL AL sound sources in use */ private IntBuffer sources; /** The next source to be used for sound effects */ private int nextSource; /** True if the sound system has been initialise */ private boolean inited = false; /** The MODSound to be updated */ private MODSound mod; /** The stream to be updated */ private OpenALStreamPlayer stream; /** The global music volume setting */ private float musicVolume = 1.0f; /** The global sound fx volume setting */ private float soundVolume = 1.0f; /** The volume given for the last current music */ private float lastCurrentMusicVolume = 1.0f; /** True if the music is paused */ private boolean paused; /** True if we're returning deferred versions of resources */ private boolean deferred; /** The buffer used to set the velocity of a source */ private FloatBuffer sourceVel = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(3).put(new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }); /** The buffer used to set the position of a source */ private FloatBuffer sourcePos = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(3); /** The maximum number of sources */ private int maxSources = 64; /** * Create a new sound store */ private SoundStore() { } /** * Clear out the sound store contents */ public void clear() { store = new SoundStore(); } /** * Disable use of the Sound Store */ public void disable() { inited = true; } /** * True if we should only record the request to load in the intention * of loading the sound later * * @param deferred True if the we should load a token */ public void setDeferredLoading(boolean deferred) { this.deferred = deferred; } /** * Check if we're using deferred loading * * @return True if we're loading deferred sounds */ public boolean isDeferredLoading() { return deferred; } /** * Inidicate whether music should be playing * * @param music True if music should be played */ public void setMusicOn(boolean music) { if (soundWorks) { = music; if (music) { restartLoop(); setMusicVolume(musicVolume); } else { pauseLoop(); } } } /** * Check if music should currently be playing * * @return True if music is currently playing */ public boolean isMusicOn() { return music; } /** * Set the music volume * * @param volume The volume for music */ public void setMusicVolume(float volume) { if (volume < 0) { volume = 0; } if (volume > 1) { volume = 1; } musicVolume = volume; if (soundWorks) { AL10.alSourcef(sources.get(0), AL10.AL_GAIN, lastCurrentMusicVolume * musicVolume); } } /** * Get the volume scalar of the music that is currently playing. * * @return The volume of the music currently playing */ public float getCurrentMusicVolume() { return lastCurrentMusicVolume; } /** * Set the music volume of the current playing music. Does NOT affect the global volume * * @param volume The volume for the current playing music */ public void setCurrentMusicVolume(float volume) { if (volume < 0) { volume = 0; } if (volume > 1) { volume = 1; } if (soundWorks) { lastCurrentMusicVolume = volume; AL10.alSourcef(sources.get(0), AL10.AL_GAIN, lastCurrentMusicVolume * musicVolume); } } /** * Set the sound volume * * @param volume The volume for sound fx */ public void setSoundVolume(float volume) { if (volume < 0) { volume = 0; } soundVolume = volume; } /** * Check if sound works at all * * @return True if sound works at all */ public boolean soundWorks() { return soundWorks; } /** * Check if music is currently enabled * * @return True if music is currently enabled */ public boolean musicOn() { return music; } /** * Get the volume for sounds * * @return The volume for sounds */ public float getSoundVolume() { return soundVolume; } /** * Get the volume for music * * @return The volume for music */ public float getMusicVolume() { return musicVolume; } /** * Get the ID of a given source * * @param index The ID of a given source * @return The ID of the given source */ public int getSource(int index) { if (!soundWorks) { return -1; } if (index < 0) { return -1; } return sources.get(index); } /** * Indicate whether sound effects should be played * * @param sounds True if sound effects should be played */ public void setSoundsOn(boolean sounds) { if (soundWorks) { this.sounds = sounds; } } /** * Check if sound effects are currently enabled * * @return True if sound effects are currently enabled */ public boolean soundsOn() { return sounds; } /** * Set the maximum number of concurrent sound effects that will be * attempted * * @param max The maximum number of sound effects/music to mix */ public void setMaxSources(int max) { this.maxSources = max; } /** * Initialise the sound effects stored. This must be called * before anything else will work */ public void init() { if (inited) { return; }"Initialising sounds.."); inited = true; AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { try { AL.create(); soundWorks = true; sounds = true; music = true;"- Sound works"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Sound initialisation failure."); Log.error(e); soundWorks = false; sounds = false; music = false; } return null; }}); if (soundWorks) { sourceCount = 0; sources = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(maxSources); while (AL10.alGetError() == AL10.AL_NO_ERROR) { IntBuffer temp = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); try { AL10.alGenSources(temp); if (AL10.alGetError() == AL10.AL_NO_ERROR) { sourceCount++; sources.put(temp.get(0)); if (sourceCount > maxSources-1) { break; } } } catch (OpenALException e) { // expected at the end break; } }"- "+sourceCount+" OpenAL source available"); if (AL10.alGetError() != AL10.AL_NO_ERROR) { sounds = false; music = false; soundWorks = false; Log.error("- AL init failed"); } else { FloatBuffer listenerOri = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(6).put( new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }); FloatBuffer listenerVel = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(3).put( new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }); FloatBuffer listenerPos = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(3).put( new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }); listenerPos.flip(); listenerVel.flip(); listenerOri.flip(); AL10.alListener(AL10.AL_POSITION, listenerPos); AL10.alListener(AL10.AL_VELOCITY, listenerVel); AL10.alListener(AL10.AL_ORIENTATION, listenerOri);"- Sounds source generated"); } } } /** * Stop a particular sound source * * @param index The index of the source to stop */ void stopSource(int index) { AL10.alSourceStop(sources.get(index)); } /** * Play the specified buffer as a sound effect with the specified * pitch and gain. * * @param buffer The ID of the buffer to play * @param pitch The pitch to play at * @param gain The gain to play at * @param loop True if the sound should loop * @return source The source that will be used */ int playAsSound(int buffer,float pitch,float gain,boolean loop) { return playAsSoundAt(buffer, pitch, gain, loop, 0, 0, 0); } /** * Play the specified buffer as a sound effect with the specified * pitch and gain. * * @param buffer The ID of the buffer to play * @param pitch The pitch to play at * @param gain The gain to play at * @param loop True if the sound should loop * @param x The x position to play the sound from * @param y The y position to play the sound from * @param z The z position to play the sound from * @return source The source that will be used */ int playAsSoundAt(int buffer,float pitch,float gain,boolean loop,float x, float y, float z) { gain *= soundVolume; if (gain == 0) { gain = 0.001f; } if (soundWorks) { if (sounds) { int nextSource = findFreeSource(); if (nextSource == -1) { return -1; } AL10.alSourceStop(sources.get(nextSource)); AL10.alSourcei(sources.get(nextSource), AL10.AL_BUFFER, buffer); AL10.alSourcef(sources.get(nextSource), AL10.AL_PITCH, pitch); AL10.alSourcef(sources.get(nextSource), AL10.AL_GAIN, gain); AL10.alSourcei(sources.get(nextSource), AL10.AL_LOOPING, loop ? AL10.AL_TRUE : AL10.AL_FALSE); sourcePos.clear(); sourceVel.clear(); sourceVel.put(new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }); sourcePos.put(new float[] { x, y, z }); sourcePos.flip(); sourceVel.flip(); AL10.alSource(sources.get(nextSource), AL10.AL_POSITION, sourcePos); AL10.alSource(sources.get(nextSource), AL10.AL_VELOCITY, sourceVel); AL10.alSourcePlay(sources.get(nextSource)); return nextSource; } } return -1; } /** * Check if a particular source is playing * * @param index The index of the source to check * @return True if the source is playing */ boolean isPlaying(int index) { int state = AL10.alGetSourcei(sources.get(index), AL10.AL_SOURCE_STATE); return (state == AL10.AL_PLAYING); } /** * Find a free sound source * * @return The index of the free sound source */ private int findFreeSource() { for (int i=1;i<sourceCount-1;i++) { int state = AL10.alGetSourcei(sources.get(i), AL10.AL_SOURCE_STATE); if ((state != AL10.AL_PLAYING) && (state != AL10.AL_PAUSED)) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * Play the specified buffer as music (i.e. use the music channel) * * @param buffer The buffer to be played * @param pitch The pitch to play the music at * @param gain The gaing to play the music at * @param loop True if we should loop the music */ void playAsMusic(int buffer,float pitch,float gain, boolean loop) { paused = false; setMOD(null); if (soundWorks) { if (currentMusic != -1) { AL10.alSourceStop(sources.get(0)); } getMusicSource(); AL10.alSourcei(sources.get(0), AL10.AL_BUFFER, buffer); AL10.alSourcef(sources.get(0), AL10.AL_PITCH, pitch); AL10.alSourcei(sources.get(0), AL10.AL_LOOPING, loop ? AL10.AL_TRUE : AL10.AL_FALSE); currentMusic = sources.get(0); if (!music) { pauseLoop(); } else { AL10.alSourcePlay(sources.get(0)); } } } /** * Get the OpenAL source used for music * * @return The open al source used for music */ private int getMusicSource() { return sources.get(0); } /** * Set the pitch at which the current music is being played * * @param pitch The pitch at which the current music is being played */ public void setMusicPitch(float pitch) { if (soundWorks) { AL10.alSourcef(sources.get(0), AL10.AL_PITCH, pitch); } } /** * Pause the music loop that is currently playing */ public void pauseLoop() { if ((soundWorks) && (currentMusic != -1)){ paused = true; AL10.alSourcePause(currentMusic); } } /** * Restart the music loop that is currently paused */ public void restartLoop() { if ((music) && (soundWorks) && (currentMusic != -1)){ paused = false; AL10.alSourcePlay(currentMusic); } } /** * Check if the supplied player is currently being polled by this * sound store. * * @param player The player to check * @return True if this player is currently in use by this sound store */ boolean isPlaying(OpenALStreamPlayer player) { return stream == player; } /** * Get a MOD sound (mod/xm etc) * * @param ref The refernece to the mod to load * @return The sound for play back * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to read the data */ public Audio getMOD(String ref) throws IOException { return getMOD(ref, ResourceLoader.getResourceAsStream(ref)); } /** * Get a MOD sound (mod/xm etc) * * @param in The stream to the MOD to load * @return The sound for play back * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to read the data */ public Audio getMOD(InputStream in) throws IOException { return getMOD(in.toString(), in); } /** * Get a MOD sound (mod/xm etc) * * @param ref The stream to the MOD to load * @param in The stream to the MOD to load * @return The sound for play back * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to read the data */ public Audio getMOD(String ref, InputStream in) throws IOException { if (!soundWorks) { return new NullAudio(); } if (!inited) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't load sounds until SoundStore is init(). Use the container init() method."); } if (deferred) { return new DeferredSound(ref, in, DeferredSound.MOD); } return new MODSound(this, in); } /** * Get the Sound based on a specified AIF file * * @param ref The reference to the AIF file in the classpath * @return The Sound read from the AIF file * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to load the AIF */ public Audio getAIF(String ref) throws IOException { return getAIF(ref, ResourceLoader.getResourceAsStream(ref)); } /** * Get the Sound based on a specified AIF file * * @param in The stream to the MOD to load * @return The Sound read from the AIF file * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to load the AIF */ public Audio getAIF(InputStream in) throws IOException { return getAIF(in.toString(), in); } /** * Get the Sound based on a specified AIF file * * @param ref The reference to the AIF file in the classpath * @param in The stream to the AIF to load * @return The Sound read from the AIF file * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to load the AIF */ public Audio getAIF(String ref, InputStream in) throws IOException { in = new BufferedInputStream(in); if (!soundWorks) { return new NullAudio(); } if (!inited) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't load sounds until SoundStore is init(). Use the container init() method."); } if (deferred) { return new DeferredSound(ref, in, DeferredSound.AIF); } int buffer = -1; if (loaded.get(ref) != null) { buffer = ((Integer) loaded.get(ref)).intValue(); } else { try { IntBuffer buf = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); AiffData data = AiffData.create(in); AL10.alGenBuffers(buf); AL10.alBufferData(buf.get(0), data.format,, data.samplerate); loaded.put(ref,new Integer(buf.get(0))); buffer = buf.get(0); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); IOException x = new IOException("Failed to load: "+ref); x.initCause(e); throw x; } } if (buffer == -1) { throw new IOException("Unable to load: "+ref); } return new AudioImpl(this, buffer); } /** * Get the Sound based on a specified WAV file * * @param ref The reference to the WAV file in the classpath * @return The Sound read from the WAV file * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to load the WAV */ public Audio getWAV(String ref) throws IOException { return getWAV(ref, ResourceLoader.getResourceAsStream(ref)); } /** * Get the Sound based on a specified WAV file * * @param in The stream to the WAV to load * @return The Sound read from the WAV file * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to load the WAV */ public Audio getWAV(InputStream in) throws IOException { return getWAV(in.toString(), in); } /** * Get the Sound based on a specified WAV file * * @param ref The reference to the WAV file in the classpath * @param in The stream to the WAV to load * @return The Sound read from the WAV file * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to load the WAV */ public Audio getWAV(String ref, InputStream in) throws IOException { if (!soundWorks) { return new NullAudio(); } if (!inited) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't load sounds until SoundStore is init(). Use the container init() method."); } if (deferred) { return new DeferredSound(ref, in, DeferredSound.WAV); } int buffer = -1; if (loaded.get(ref) != null) { buffer = ((Integer) loaded.get(ref)).intValue(); } else { try { IntBuffer buf = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); WaveData data = WaveData.create(in); AL10.alGenBuffers(buf); AL10.alBufferData(buf.get(0), data.format,, data.samplerate); loaded.put(ref,new Integer(buf.get(0))); buffer = buf.get(0); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); IOException x = new IOException("Failed to load: "+ref); x.initCause(e); throw x; } } if (buffer == -1) { throw new IOException("Unable to load: "+ref); } return new AudioImpl(this, buffer); } /** * Get the Sound based on a specified OGG file * * @param ref The reference to the OGG file in the classpath * @return The Sound read from the OGG file * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to load the OGG */ public Audio getOggStream(String ref) throws IOException { if (!soundWorks) { return new NullAudio(); } setMOD(null); setStream(null); if (currentMusic != -1) { AL10.alSourceStop(sources.get(0)); } getMusicSource(); currentMusic = sources.get(0); return new StreamSound(new OpenALStreamPlayer(currentMusic, ref)); } /** * Get the Sound based on a specified OGG file * * @param ref The reference to the OGG file in the classpath * @return The Sound read from the OGG file * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to load the OGG */ public Audio getOggStream(URL ref) throws IOException { if (!soundWorks) { return new NullAudio(); } setMOD(null); setStream(null); if (currentMusic != -1) { AL10.alSourceStop(sources.get(0)); } getMusicSource(); currentMusic = sources.get(0); return new StreamSound(new OpenALStreamPlayer(currentMusic, ref)); } /** * Get the Sound based on a specified OGG file * * @param ref The reference to the OGG file in the classpath * @return The Sound read from the OGG file * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to load the OGG */ public Audio getOgg(String ref) throws IOException { return getOgg(ref, ResourceLoader.getResourceAsStream(ref)); } /** * Get the Sound based on a specified OGG file * * @param in The stream to the OGG to load * @return The Sound read from the OGG file * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to load the OGG */ public Audio getOgg(InputStream in) throws IOException { return getOgg(in.toString(), in); } /** * Get the Sound based on a specified OGG file * * @param ref The reference to the OGG file in the classpath * @param in The stream to the OGG to load * @return The Sound read from the OGG file * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to load the OGG */ public Audio getOgg(String ref, InputStream in) throws IOException { if (!soundWorks) { return new NullAudio(); } if (!inited) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't load sounds until SoundStore is init(). Use the container init() method."); } if (deferred) { return new DeferredSound(ref, in, DeferredSound.OGG); } int buffer = -1; if (loaded.get(ref) != null) { buffer = ((Integer) loaded.get(ref)).intValue(); } else { try { IntBuffer buf = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); OggDecoder decoder = new OggDecoder(); OggData ogg = decoder.getData(in); AL10.alGenBuffers(buf); AL10.alBufferData(buf.get(0), ogg.channels > 1 ? AL10.AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 : AL10.AL_FORMAT_MONO16,, ogg.rate); loaded.put(ref,new Integer(buf.get(0))); buffer = buf.get(0); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); Sys.alert("Error","Failed to load: "+ref+" - "+e.getMessage()); throw new IOException("Unable to load: "+ref); } } if (buffer == -1) { throw new IOException("Unable to load: "+ref); } return new AudioImpl(this, buffer); } /** * Set the mod thats being streamed if any * * @param sound The mod being streamed */ void setMOD(MODSound sound) { if (!soundWorks) { return; } currentMusic = sources.get(0); stopSource(0); this.mod = sound; if (sound != null) { = null; } paused = false; } /** * Set the stream being played * * @param stream The stream being streamed */ void setStream(OpenALStreamPlayer stream) { if (!soundWorks) { return; } currentMusic = sources.get(0); = stream; if (stream != null) { this.mod = null; } paused = false; } /** * Poll the streaming system * * @param delta The amount of time passed since last poll (in milliseconds) */ public void poll(int delta) { if (!soundWorks) { return; } if (paused) { return; } if (music) { if (mod != null) { try { mod.poll(); } catch (OpenALException e) { Log.error("Error with OpenGL MOD Player on this this platform"); Log.error(e); mod = null; } } if (stream != null) { try { stream.update(); } catch (OpenALException e) { Log.error("Error with OpenGL Streaming Player on this this platform"); Log.error(e); mod = null; } } } } /** * Check if the music is currently playing * * @return True if the music is playing */ public boolean isMusicPlaying() { if (!soundWorks) { return false; } int state = AL10.alGetSourcei(sources.get(0), AL10.AL_SOURCE_STATE); return ((state == AL10.AL_PLAYING) || (state == AL10.AL_PAUSED)); } /** * Get the single instance of this class * * @return The single instnace of this class */ public static SoundStore get() { return store; } /** * Stop a playing sound identified by the ID returned from playing. This utility method * should only be used when needing to stop sound effects that may have been played * more than once and need to be explicitly stopped. * * @param id The ID of the underlying OpenAL source as returned from playAsSoundEffect */ public void stopSoundEffect(int id) { AL10.alSourceStop(id); } /** * Retrieve the number of OpenAL sound sources that have been * determined at initialisation. * * @return The number of sources available */ public int getSourceCount() { return sourceCount; } }