package org.newdawn.slick.opengl; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import; import; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; /** * The PNG imge data source that is pure java reading PNGs * * @author Matthias Mann (original code) */ public class PNGImageData implements LoadableImageData { /** The valid signature of a PNG */ private static final byte[] SIGNATURE = {(byte)137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10}; /** The header chunk identifer */ private static final int IHDR = 0x49484452; /** The palette chunk identifer */ private static final int PLTE = 0x504C5445; /** The transparency chunk identifier */ private static final int tRNS = 0x74524E53; /** The data chunk identifier */ private static final int IDAT = 0x49444154; /** The end chunk identifier */ private static final int IEND = 0x49454E44; /** Color type for greyscale images */ private static final byte COLOR_GREYSCALE = 0; /** Color type for true colour images */ private static final byte COLOR_TRUECOLOR = 2; /** Color type for indexed palette images */ private static final byte COLOR_INDEXED = 3; /** Color type for greyscale images with alpha */ private static final byte COLOR_GREYALPHA = 4; /** Color type for true colour images with alpha */ private static final byte COLOR_TRUEALPHA = 6; /** The stream we're going to read from */ private InputStream input; /** The CRC for the current chunk */ private final CRC32 crc; /** The buffer we'll use as temporary storage */ private final byte[] buffer; /** The length of the current chunk in bytes */ private int chunkLength; /** The ID of the current chunk */ private int chunkType; /** The number of bytes remaining in the current chunk */ private int chunkRemaining; /** The width of the image read */ private int width; /** The height of the image read */ private int height; /** The type of colours in the PNG data */ private int colorType; /** The number of bytes per pixel */ private int bytesPerPixel; /** The palette data that has been read - RGB only */ private byte[] palette; /** The palette data thats be read from alpha channel */ private byte[] paletteA; /** The transparent pixel description */ private byte[] transPixel; /** The bit depth of the image */ private int bitDepth; /** The width of the texture to be generated */ private int texWidth; /** The height of the texture to be generated */ private int texHeight; /** The scratch buffer used to store the image data */ private ByteBuffer scratch; /** * Create a new PNG image data that can read image data from PNG formated files */ public PNGImageData() { this.crc = new CRC32(); this.buffer = new byte[4096]; } /** * Initialise the PNG data header fields from the input stream * * @param input The input stream to read from * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to read appropriate data from the stream */ private void init(InputStream input) throws IOException { this.input = input; int read =, 0, SIGNATURE.length); if(read != SIGNATURE.length || !checkSignatur(buffer)) { throw new IOException("Not a valid PNG file"); } openChunk(IHDR); readIHDR(); closeChunk(); searchIDAT: for(;;) { openChunk(); switch (chunkType) { case IDAT: break searchIDAT; case PLTE: readPLTE(); break; case tRNS: readtRNS(); break; } closeChunk(); } } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.opengl.ImageData#getHeight() */ public int getHeight() { return height; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.opengl.ImageData#getWidth() */ public int getWidth() { return width; } /** * Check if this PNG has a an alpha channel * * @return True if the PNG has an alpha channel */ public boolean hasAlpha() { return colorType == COLOR_TRUEALPHA || paletteA != null || transPixel != null; } /** * Check if the PNG is RGB formatted * * @return True if the PNG is RGB formatted */ public boolean isRGB() { return colorType == COLOR_TRUEALPHA || colorType == COLOR_TRUECOLOR || colorType == COLOR_INDEXED; } /** * Decode a PNG into a data buffer * * @param buffer The buffer to read the data into * @param stride The image stride to read (i.e. the number of bytes to skip each line) * @param flip True if the PNG should be flipped * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to read the PNG either invalid data or * not enough room in the buffer */ private void decode(ByteBuffer buffer, int stride, boolean flip) throws IOException { final int offset = buffer.position(); byte[] curLine = new byte[width*bytesPerPixel+1]; byte[] prevLine = new byte[width*bytesPerPixel+1]; final Inflater inflater = new Inflater(); try { for(int yIndex=0 ; yIndex<height ; yIndex++) { int y = yIndex; if (flip) { y = height - 1 - yIndex; } readChunkUnzip(inflater, curLine, 0, curLine.length); unfilter(curLine, prevLine); buffer.position(offset + y*stride); switch (colorType) { case COLOR_TRUECOLOR: case COLOR_TRUEALPHA: copy(buffer, curLine); break; case COLOR_INDEXED: copyExpand(buffer, curLine); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented"); } byte[] tmp = curLine; curLine = prevLine; prevLine = tmp; } } finally { inflater.end(); } bitDepth = hasAlpha() ? 32 : 24; } /** * Copy some data into the given byte buffer expanding the * data based on indexing the palette * * @param buffer The buffer to write into * @param curLine The current line of data to copy */ private void copyExpand(ByteBuffer buffer, byte[] curLine) { for (int i=1;i<curLine.length;i++) { int v = curLine[i] & 255; int index = v * 3; for (int j=0;j<3;j++) { buffer.put(palette[index+j]); } if (hasAlpha()) { if (paletteA != null) { buffer.put(paletteA[v]); } else { buffer.put((byte) 255); } } } } /** * Copy the data given directly into the byte buffer (skipping * the filter byte); * * @param buffer The buffer to write into * @param curLine The current line to copy into the buffer */ private void copy(ByteBuffer buffer, byte[] curLine) { buffer.put(curLine, 1, curLine.length-1); } /** * Unfilter the data, i.e. convert it back to it's original form * * @param curLine The line of data just read * @param prevLine The line before * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to unfilter the data due to an unknown * filter type */ private void unfilter(byte[] curLine, byte[] prevLine) throws IOException { switch (curLine[0]) { case 0: // none break; case 1: unfilterSub(curLine); break; case 2: unfilterUp(curLine, prevLine); break; case 3: unfilterAverage(curLine, prevLine); break; case 4: unfilterPaeth(curLine, prevLine); break; default: throw new IOException("invalide filter type in scanline: " + curLine[0]); } } /** * Sub unfilter * {@url} * * @param curLine The line of data to be unfiltered */ private void unfilterSub(byte[] curLine) { final int bpp = this.bytesPerPixel; final int lineSize = width*bpp; for(int i=bpp+1 ; i<=lineSize ; ++i) { curLine[i] += curLine[i-bpp]; } } /** * Up unfilter * {@url} * * @param prevLine The line of data read before the current * @param curLine The line of data to be unfiltered */ private void unfilterUp(byte[] curLine, byte[] prevLine) { final int bpp = this.bytesPerPixel; final int lineSize = width*bpp; for(int i=1 ; i<=lineSize ; ++i) { curLine[i] += prevLine[i]; } } /** * Average unfilter * {@url} * * @param prevLine The line of data read before the current * @param curLine The line of data to be unfiltered */ private void unfilterAverage(byte[] curLine, byte[] prevLine) { final int bpp = this.bytesPerPixel; final int lineSize = width*bpp; int i; for(i=1 ; i<=bpp ; ++i) { curLine[i] += (byte)((prevLine[i] & 0xFF) >>> 1); } for(; i<=lineSize ; ++i) { curLine[i] += (byte)(((prevLine[i] & 0xFF) + (curLine[i - bpp] & 0xFF)) >>> 1); } } /** * Paeth unfilter * {@url} * * @param prevLine The line of data read before the current * @param curLine The line of data to be unfiltered */ private void unfilterPaeth(byte[] curLine, byte[] prevLine) { final int bpp = this.bytesPerPixel; final int lineSize = width*bpp; int i; for(i=1 ; i<=bpp ; ++i) { curLine[i] += prevLine[i]; } for(; i<=lineSize ; ++i) { int a = curLine[i - bpp] & 255; int b = prevLine[i] & 255; int c = prevLine[i - bpp] & 255; int p = a + b - c; int pa = p - a; if(pa < 0) pa = -pa; int pb = p - b; if(pb < 0) pb = -pb; int pc = p - c; if(pc < 0) pc = -pc; if(pa<=pb && pa<=pc) c = a; else if(pb<=pc) c = b; curLine[i] += (byte)c; } } /** * Read the header of the PNG * * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to read the header */ private void readIHDR() throws IOException { checkChunkLength(13); readChunk(buffer, 0, 13); width = readInt(buffer, 0); height = readInt(buffer, 4); if(buffer[8] != 8) { throw new IOException("Unsupported bit depth"); } colorType = buffer[9] & 255; switch (colorType) { case COLOR_GREYSCALE: bytesPerPixel = 1; break; case COLOR_TRUECOLOR: bytesPerPixel = 3; break; case COLOR_TRUEALPHA: bytesPerPixel = 4; break; case COLOR_INDEXED: bytesPerPixel = 1; break; default: throw new IOException("unsupported color format"); } if(buffer[10] != 0) { throw new IOException("unsupported compression method"); } if(buffer[11] != 0) { throw new IOException("unsupported filtering method"); } if(buffer[12] != 0) { throw new IOException("unsupported interlace method"); } } /** * Read the palette chunk * * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to fully read the chunk */ private void readPLTE() throws IOException { int paletteEntries = chunkLength / 3; if(paletteEntries < 1 || paletteEntries > 256 || (chunkLength % 3) != 0) { throw new IOException("PLTE chunk has wrong length"); } palette = new byte[paletteEntries*3]; readChunk(palette, 0, palette.length); } /** * Read the transparency chunk * * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to fully read the chunk */ private void readtRNS() throws IOException { switch (colorType) { case COLOR_GREYSCALE: checkChunkLength(2); transPixel = new byte[2]; readChunk(transPixel, 0, 2); break; case COLOR_TRUECOLOR: checkChunkLength(6); transPixel = new byte[6]; readChunk(transPixel, 0, 6); break; case COLOR_INDEXED: if(palette == null) { throw new IOException("tRNS chunk without PLTE chunk"); } paletteA = new byte[palette.length/3]; // initialise default palette values for (int i=0;i<paletteA.length;i++) { paletteA[i] = (byte) 255; } readChunk(paletteA, 0, paletteA.length); break; default: // just ignore it } } /** * Close the current chunk, skip the remaining data * * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to read off redundant data */ private void closeChunk() throws IOException { if(chunkRemaining > 0) { // just skip the rest and the CRC input.skip(chunkRemaining+4); } else { readFully(buffer, 0, 4); int expectedCrc = readInt(buffer, 0); int computedCrc = (int)crc.getValue(); if(computedCrc != expectedCrc) { throw new IOException("Invalid CRC"); } } chunkRemaining = 0; chunkLength = 0; chunkType = 0; } /** * Open the next chunk, determine the type and setup the internal state * * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to determine chunk information from the stream */ private void openChunk() throws IOException { readFully(buffer, 0, 8); chunkLength = readInt(buffer, 0); chunkType = readInt(buffer, 4); chunkRemaining = chunkLength; crc.reset(); crc.update(buffer, 4, 4); // only chunkType } /** * Open a chunk of an expected type * * @param expected The expected type of the next chunk * @throws IOException Indicate a failure to read data or a different chunk on the stream */ private void openChunk(int expected) throws IOException { openChunk(); if(chunkType != expected) { throw new IOException("Expected chunk: " + Integer.toHexString(expected)); } } /** * Check the current chunk has the correct size * * @param expected The expected size of the chunk * @throws IOException Indicate an invalid size */ private void checkChunkLength(int expected) throws IOException { if(chunkLength != expected) { throw new IOException("Chunk has wrong size"); } } /** * Read some data from the current chunk * * @param buffer The buffer to read into * @param offset The offset into the buffer to read into * @param length The amount of data to read * @return The number of bytes read from the chunk * @throws IOException Indicate a failure to read the appropriate data from the chunk */ private int readChunk(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { if(length > chunkRemaining) { length = chunkRemaining; } readFully(buffer, offset, length); crc.update(buffer, offset, length); chunkRemaining -= length; return length; } /** * Refill the inflating stream with data from the stream * * @param inflater The inflater to fill * @throws IOException Indicates there is no more data left or invalid data has been found on * the stream. */ private void refillInflater(Inflater inflater) throws IOException { while(chunkRemaining == 0) { closeChunk(); openChunk(IDAT); } int read = readChunk(buffer, 0, buffer.length); inflater.setInput(buffer, 0, read); } /** * Read a chunk from the inflater * * @param inflater The inflater to read the data from * @param buffer The buffer to write into * @param offset The offset into the buffer at which to start writing * @param length The number of bytes to read * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to read the complete chunk */ private void readChunkUnzip(Inflater inflater, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { try { do { int read = inflater.inflate(buffer, offset, length); if(read <= 0) { if(inflater.finished()) { throw new EOFException(); } if(inflater.needsInput()) { refillInflater(inflater); } else { throw new IOException("Can't inflate " + length + " bytes"); } } else { offset += read; length -= read; } } while(length > 0); } catch (DataFormatException ex) { IOException io = new IOException("inflate error"); io.initCause(ex); throw io; } } /** * Read a complete buffer of data from the input stream * * @param buffer The buffer to read into * @param offset The offset to start copying into * @param length The length of bytes to read * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to access the data */ private void readFully(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { do { int read =, offset, length); if(read < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } offset += read; length -= read; } while(length > 0); } /** * Read an int from a buffer * * @param buffer The buffer to read from * @param offset The offset into the buffer to read from * @return The int read interpreted in big endian */ private int readInt(byte[] buffer, int offset) { return ((buffer[offset ] ) << 24) | ((buffer[offset+1] & 255) << 16) | ((buffer[offset+2] & 255) << 8) | ((buffer[offset+3] & 255) ); } /** * Check the signature of the PNG to confirm it's a PNG * * @param buffer The buffer to read from * @return True if the PNG signature is correct */ private boolean checkSignatur(byte[] buffer) { for(int i=0 ; i<SIGNATURE.length ; i++) { if(buffer[i] != SIGNATURE[i]) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.opengl.ImageData#getDepth() */ public int getDepth() { return bitDepth; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.opengl.ImageData#getImageBufferData() */ public ByteBuffer getImageBufferData() { return scratch; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.opengl.ImageData#getTexHeight() */ public int getTexHeight() { return texHeight; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.opengl.ImageData#getTexWidth() */ public int getTexWidth() { return texWidth; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.opengl.LoadableImageData#loadImage( */ public ByteBuffer loadImage(InputStream fis) throws IOException { return loadImage(fis, false, null); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.opengl.LoadableImageData#loadImage(, boolean, int[]) */ public ByteBuffer loadImage(InputStream fis, boolean flipped, int[] transparent) throws IOException { return loadImage(fis, flipped, false, transparent); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.opengl.LoadableImageData#loadImage(, boolean, boolean, int[]) */ public ByteBuffer loadImage(InputStream fis, boolean flipped, boolean forceAlpha, int[] transparent) throws IOException { if (transparent != null) { forceAlpha = true; } init(fis); if (!isRGB()) { throw new IOException("Only RGB formatted images are supported by the PNGLoader"); } texWidth = get2Fold(width); texHeight = get2Fold(height); int perPixel = hasAlpha() ? 4 : 3; // Get a pointer to the image memory scratch = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(texWidth * texHeight * perPixel); decode(scratch, texWidth * perPixel, flipped); if (height < texHeight-1) { int topOffset = (texHeight-1) * (texWidth*perPixel); int bottomOffset = (height-1) * (texWidth*perPixel); for (int x=0;x<texWidth;x++) { for (int i=0;i<perPixel;i++) { scratch.put(topOffset+x+i, scratch.get(x+i)); scratch.put(bottomOffset+(texWidth*perPixel)+x+i, scratch.get(bottomOffset+x+i)); } } } if (width < texWidth-1) { for (int y=0;y<texHeight;y++) { for (int i=0;i<perPixel;i++) { scratch.put(((y+1)*(texWidth*perPixel))-perPixel+i, scratch.get(y*(texWidth*perPixel)+i)); scratch.put((y*(texWidth*perPixel))+(width*perPixel)+i, scratch.get((y*(texWidth*perPixel))+((width-1)*perPixel)+i)); } } } if (!hasAlpha() && forceAlpha) { ByteBuffer temp = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(texWidth * texHeight * 4); for (int x=0;x<texWidth;x++) { for (int y=0;y<texHeight;y++) { int srcOffset = (y*3)+(x*texHeight*3); int dstOffset = (y*4)+(x*texHeight*4); temp.put(dstOffset, scratch.get(srcOffset)); temp.put(dstOffset+1, scratch.get(srcOffset+1)); temp.put(dstOffset+2, scratch.get(srcOffset+2)); temp.put(dstOffset+3, (byte) 255); } } colorType = COLOR_TRUEALPHA; bitDepth = 32; scratch = temp; } if (transparent != null) { for (int i=0;i<texWidth*texHeight*4;i+=4) { boolean match = true; for (int c=0;c<3;c++) { if (toInt(scratch.get(i+c)) != transparent[c]) { match = false; } } if (match) { scratch.put(i+3, (byte) 0); } } } scratch.position(0); return scratch; } /** * Safe convert byte to int * * @param b The byte to convert * @return The converted byte */ private int toInt(byte b) { if (b < 0) { return 256+b; } return b; } /** * Get the closest greater power of 2 to the fold number * * @param fold The target number * @return The power of 2 */ private int get2Fold(int fold) { int ret = 2; while (ret < fold) { ret *= 2; } return ret; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.opengl.LoadableImageData#configureEdging(boolean) */ public void configureEdging(boolean edging) { } }