package; import; import; /** * A central configuration managed * * @author kevin */ public class HieroConfig { /** The default scan size for distance fields */ public static int DFIELD_SCAN_SIZE = 20; /** The scale of the image used as source for distance fields */ public static int DFIELD_SCALE_UP = 8; /** The user's home directory */ private static File home = new File(System.getProperty("user.home")); /** Hiero's configuration directory */ private static File config = new File(home,".hiero"); /** * Initialise the configuration * */ public static void init() { if (!config.exists()) { config.mkdirs(); } } /** * Get a file from the configuration * * @param name The name of the configuration file to retrieve * @return A handle to the requested file */ public static File getConfigFile(String name) { init(); return new File(config, name); } /** * List the files with a given extension in the configuration directory * * @param ext The extension to search for * @return The list of files from the configuration directory */ public static File[] listFiles(final String ext) { init(); return config.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith(ext); } }); } }