package; import java.util.HashMap; import org.newdawn.slick.particles.ConfigurableEmitter; import org.newdawn.slick.particles.ConfigurableEmitter.RandomValue; import org.newdawn.slick.particles.ConfigurableEmitter.Range; import org.newdawn.slick.particles.ConfigurableEmitter.SimpleValue; import org.newdawn.slick.particles.ConfigurableEmitter.Value; /** * The common bits between all the different control panels. This gives a way to link controls * to data elements within the emitter. Plumbing it this way saves the effort of writing * bespoke code for each editor type/ * * @author kevin */ public abstract class ControlPanel extends DefaultPanel implements InputPanelListener { /** A map from visual control to data element */ protected HashMap controlToData = new HashMap(); /** A map from name to visual control */ protected HashMap named = new HashMap(); /** The emitter being configured */ protected ConfigurableEmitter emitter; /** The offset on the y axis for components */ protected int yPos; /** * Create a new panel for controls */ public ControlPanel() { setLayout(null); } /** * Add a configurable value to the mapping table * * @param name The name of the control * @param valuePanel The panel used to set the value in the emitter */ protected void addValue(String name, ValuePanel valuePanel) { named.put(name, valuePanel); valuePanel.setBounds(0,10+yPos,280,63); valuePanel.addListener(this); add(valuePanel); yPos+=63; } /** * Add a configurable range panel to the mapping table * * @param name The name of the control * @param minMax The panel used to set the range in the emitter */ protected void addMinMax(String name, MinMaxPanel minMax) { named.put(name, minMax); minMax.setBounds(0,10+yPos,280,minMax.getOffset()); minMax.addListener(this); add(minMax); yPos+=minMax.getOffset(); } /** * Set the emitter to be configured * * @param emitter The emitter to be configured */ public final void setTarget(ConfigurableEmitter emitter) { this.emitter = emitter; linkEmitterToFields(emitter); } /** * Link the fields in the emitter to the panels on this control panel * * @param emitter The emitter to be configured */ protected abstract void linkEmitterToFields(ConfigurableEmitter emitter); /** * Link a emitter configurable range to a named component * * @param range The configurable range from the emitter * @param name The name of the component to link to */ protected void link(Range range, String name) { link(range, (MinMaxPanel) named.get(name)); } /** * Link a emitter configurable value to a named component * * @param value The configurable value from the emitter * @param name The name of the component to link to */ protected void link(Value value, String name) { link(value, (ValuePanel) named.get(name)); } /** * Link a emitter configurable value to a value panel * * @param value The configurable value from the emitter * @param panel The component to link against */ private void link(Value value, ValuePanel panel) { controlToData.put(panel, value); if( value instanceof SimpleValue ) panel.setValue((int) ((SimpleValue)value).getValue( 0 )); else if( value instanceof RandomValue ) panel.setValue((int) ((RandomValue)value).getValue()); } /** * Link a emitter configurable range to a value panel * * @param range The configurable range from the emitter * @param panel The component to link against */ private void link(Range range, MinMaxPanel panel) { controlToData.put(panel, range); panel.setMax((int) range.getMax()); panel.setMin((int) range.getMin()); panel.setEnabledValue(range.isEnabled()); } /** * @see */ public void minMaxUpdated(MinMaxPanel source) { if (emitter == null) { return; } Range range = (Range) controlToData.get(source); if (range != null) { range.setMax(source.getMax()); range.setMin(source.getMin()); range.setEnabled(source.getEnabled()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("No data set specified for the GUI source"); } } /** * @see */ public void valueUpdated(ValuePanel source) { if (emitter == null) { return; } Value value = (Value) controlToData.get(source); if (value != null) { if( value instanceof SimpleValue) ((SimpleValue)value).setValue( source.getValue()); else if( value instanceof RandomValue ) ((RandomValue)value).setValue( source.getValue()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("No data set specified for the GUI source"); } } }