package org.newdawn.slick; /** * Description of any class capable of recieving and controlling it's own * reception of input * * You'll shouldn't really need to implement this one for your self, use one of the sub-interfaces: * * {@link InputListener} * {@link MouseListener} * {@link KeyListener} * {@link ControllerListener} * * @author kevin */ public interface ControlledInputReciever { /** * Set the input that events are being sent from * * @param input The input instance sending events */ public abstract void setInput(Input input); /** * Check if this input listener is accepting input * * @return True if the input listener should recieve events */ public abstract boolean isAcceptingInput(); /** * Notification that all input events have been sent for this frame */ public abstract void inputEnded(); /** * Notification that input is about to be processed */ public abstract void inputStarted(); }