package org.newdawn.slick.gui; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics; import org.newdawn.slick.Input; import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException; import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Rectangle; import org.newdawn.slick.util.InputAdapter; /** * The utility class to handle all the input related gubbins for basic GUI * components * * @author kevin */ public abstract class AbstractComponent extends InputAdapter { /** The component that currently has focus */ private static AbstractComponent currentFocus = null; /** The game container */ protected GUIContext container; /** Listeners for the component to notify */ protected Set listeners; /** True if this component currently has focus */ private boolean focus = false; /** The input we're responding to */ protected Input input; /** * Create a new component * * @param container * The container displaying this component */ public AbstractComponent(GUIContext container) { this.container = container; listeners = new HashSet(); input = container.getInput(); input.addPrimaryListener(this); setLocation(0, 0); } /** * Add a component listener to be informed when the component sees fit. * * It will ignore listeners already added. * * @param listener * listener */ public void addListener(ComponentListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } /** * Remove a component listener. * * It will ignore if the listener wasn't added. * * @param listener * listener */ public void removeListener(ComponentListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } /** * Notify all the listeners. */ protected void notifyListeners() { Iterator it = listeners.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ((ComponentListener); } } /** * Render this component to the screen * * @param container * The container displaying this component * @param g * The graphics context used to render to the display * @throws SlickException * If there has been an error rendering the component */ public abstract void render(GUIContext container, Graphics g) throws SlickException; /** * Moves the component. * * @param x * X coordinate * @param y * Y coordinate */ public abstract void setLocation(int x, int y); /** * Returns the position in the X coordinate * * @return x */ public abstract int getX(); /** * Returns the position in the Y coordinate * * @return y */ public abstract int getY(); /** * Get the width of the component * * @return The width of the component */ public abstract int getWidth(); /** * Get the height of the component * * @return The height of the component */ public abstract int getHeight(); /** * Indicate whether this component should be focused or not * * @param focus * if the component should be focused */ public void setFocus(boolean focus) { if (focus) { if (currentFocus != null) { currentFocus.setFocus(false); } currentFocus = this; } else { if (currentFocus == this) { currentFocus = null; } } this.focus = focus; } /** * Check if this component currently has focus * * @return if this field currently has focus */ public boolean hasFocus() { return focus; } /** * Consume the event currently being processed */ protected void consumeEvent() { input.consumeEvent(); } /** * Gives the focus to this component with a click of the mouse. * * @see org.newdawn.slick.gui.AbstractComponent#mouseReleased(int, int, int) */ public void mouseReleased(int button, int x, int y) { setFocus(Rectangle.contains(x, y, getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight())); } }